Archive for July 10th, 2020

Statistical Quality Control

Statistical Quality Control
Assignment: Please read the material (Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement) and lectures, use the book to answers all questions as followed.
Acceptance SamplingQuestion 1 (Chapter 10, 10-2):
Distinguish between producers risk and consumers risk. In this context, explain the terms acceptable quality level and limiting quality level. Discuss instances for which one type of risk might be more important than the other.
Question 2 (Chapter 10, 10-4):
Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of single, double, and multiple sampling plans.
Question 3 (Chapter 10, 10-15):
Consider a single sampling plan with a lot size of 1500, sample size of 150, and acceptance number of 3. Construct the OC curve. If the acceptable quality level is 0.05% nonconforming and the limiting quality level is 6% nonconforming, describe the protection offered by the plan at these quality levels.
ReliabilityQuestion 4 (Chapter 11, 11-3):
Explain procedures that might improve the reliability of a system. How would you increase the availability of a system? Distinguish between a system with components in parallel and another with standby components.
Question 5 (Chapter 11, 11-4):
Distinguish between failure-, time-terminated, and sequential tests for reliability and life testing.
Question 6 (Chapter 11, 11-5):
A transistor has an exponential time-to-failure distribution with a constant failure rate of 0.00006/hour. Find the reliability of the transistor after 4000 hours of operation. What is the mean time to failure? If the repair rate is 0.004/hour, find the availability.
Question 7 (Chapter 11, 11-12):
Consider the seven-component system shown in the figure below. The reliabilities of the components are as follows: RA=0.96, RB=0.92, RC=0.94, RD=0.89, RE=0.95, RF=0.88, RG=0.90. Find the reliability of the system. If you had a choice of improving system reliability by modifying any two components, how would you proceed?

History- Ed Koch and on.

Starting with the election of Ed Koch in 1977, how has the FIRE sector*dominated the city’s political and economic agenda?

Paper length: 4-6 pp. (1400-2100 words).

Sources: Fear City, Chap. 18 and Epilogue; readings posted in Discussions; and Discussion. Please stick with these sources only.

In the file- I added information from discussion

Middle Ages

The final two-fold question is on the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. Answer the following questions in the context of an extended essay on this topic: 1) How did the Church acquire its leading position after it acquired and consolidated power during the chaotic years of the post-Roman Empire? 2) Cite at least three major reasons why the Church faltered in its position as a power in Europe during the period of 1200-1350. (Note: the reasons may have arisen prior to those years.) Please number each part of your answer.


Let’s now turn to another example representing the internal diversity within Hinduism.  Please read the following two articles on the epic Ramayana.  The first is an overview of the epic from Professor Vinay Lal from UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles.)  The second is a 2011 news story from the Sunday Guardian about how an influential essay entitled 300 Ramayanas from the renowned scholar A.K. Ramanujan was removed from the B.A. syllabus of Delhi University.

Keeping in mind your reactions to both the readings above, please share your reflections in the discussion board.  What surprised you in these depictions?  What did you find compelling or challenging? Please post your response and respond to the posts of at least two other people.  The sources are below

End Stage Kidney Disease

Instructions and case study are uploaded. NO ABSTRACT.

With In-Text citations. I just need the 10 questions answered. It could be questions bolded and then the answer below. It doesn’t have to be complete long paragraphs for each question and more than 1 question can be combined.

You must reference a minimum of three (3) scholarly sources in your paper, which includes one non-Internet source.

Your paper/total responses must be 34 pages in length not including the title page, and reference pages.

marketing strategies

Please select a marketing topic you learned this week that you really liked or enjoyed, and then search in the Wall Street Journal (either online or hardcopy, both are available through the NU library) and select an article about that topic within the last 12 months. To do this, you can visit the online library at National University ( and search the ProQuest Central database (on NU’s library website, go to “A to Z databases, go to “Q” and pres “ProQuest Central”. Once there you will click the “publications tab” and enter “Wall Street Journal” into the search bar. Select the edition and search articles of interest. If you have difficulty finding Wall Street Journal articles,

Read and analyze the article and write a report 1-2 pages long specifying the things you learned in the article and why do you think it is relevant in today’s business world.
Make sure you cite the article properly (APA style) and submit your report by Saturday before midnight. For more information on APA go to

DBA Seminar

Participant Introductions
Current DBA Course
In 10 words Describe the business topic you are considering

Final Project
Option A: Develop a strong business or information technology problem statement
             that contains the required four elements:
supports the statement with a current citation from the literature
a wow statement
 supports and grounds the hook with a statistic or number and a current citation from the literature
General business problem 
a general statement about the phenomenon as it relates to the business
Specific business problem
the focus of the study

Option B: Develop a plan that includes 3-5 strategies to become an independent scholar
Post this project in the Class Caf on Day 3

Please answer questions on Slide 17,34,35,68,69,100 & 105

I want a summary for two articles.

I want a summary of the most important ideas in the first article.

And then, I want a summary of the most important ideas in the second article.

In the third step, I want you to find how those two reading is contacted together like I want to know what ideas do they have in common. In which ways those two readings are contacted together. What do they similar and also how they are different

Any topic (writer’s choice)


The purpose of this project is to help students: 1) understand nutrition and metabolism of nutrient/food/ingredient, 2) research and locate appropriate peer-reviewed nutrition and health-related articles on a topic of interest, 3) review the literature on a topic of interest and prepare a formal paper and professional presentation, and 4) submit the research paper and presentation.

Research Article Analysis: students will select recently published articles from professional journals/periodicals (related to your nutrition research topic). The purpose of this analysis is to help students understand 1) the Evidence Analysis process and 2) how to interpret an original research article and then apply that article to your research paper.

Firstly, you will determine which nutrition and health topic your literature review will focus on. You will select a specific nutrient or food and write a literature review paper on the impact of this nutrient/food/diet on any diet-related human disease. It could be either a good or bad effect, for example, the beneficial effect of omega-3 fatty acids on heart disease, or the detrimental effect of processed meat on colon cancer. An important second step is skim reading, which is useful for identifying the relevant research articles for your literature review paper. For an article, read the abstract, introduction and conclusion and then skim over the headings and subheadings to get an impression of the articles focus. You should select 5-15 high-quality research articles preferably including epidemiological, clinical and pre-clinical animal studies.

Here is the outline you can use as a reference.

Is Phytoestrogens beneficial for Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by an imbalance between osteoblast activity and osteoclast restoration activity for bone building. The deficiency of Estrogen increases fractures due to a reduction in bone mass. Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that mimic estrogen in the human body. They have been found to help fight conditions and symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency. This is particularly beneficial for osteoporosis.
Role of phytoestrogens
The role of phytoestrogens in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in ovarian hormone deficiency by Arjmandi BH in J Am Coll Nutr.
Role of phytoestrogens in prevention of osteoporosis by Tefka Pankova, Dobrina Tsvetkova in Int J Curr Pharm Res
Do Phytoestrogens Work?
Dietary phytoestrogens and their effect on bone: evidence from in vitro and in vivo, human observational, and dietary intervention studies by Kenneth DR Setchell, Eva Lydeking-Olsen in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Should Take Phytoestrogens?
Assessment of soy phytoestrogens’ effects on bone turnover indicators in menopausal women with osteopenia in Iran: a before and after clinical trial by Arezoo Haghighian Roudsari, Farideh Tahbaz, Arash Hossein-Nezhad, Bahram Arjmandi, Bagher Larijani and Seyed Masoud Kimiagar in Nutrition Journal
Phytoestrogens play a role in maintaining or improving bone health. The main plant sources of edible phytoestrogens are isoflavones and lignans in soybean and flaxseed, respectively. The phytoestrogens or its isoflavones have great influential effect on bones, and the role of flax seeds and dried plums have a greater impact on the strength of bones.


Course Project Proposal
The table of contents for the Course Project proposal:

Subject of Course Project
Business problem statement
Name of the company or organization
Brief description of proposed solution
General benefits it will provide the organization
Audience to whom you are presenting the recommendations