Archive for July 10th, 2020

Myth Paper


Your paper should have three general sections:  1. Retelling of the Story and Culture; 2. Analysis; and 3. Conclusions.

In the first section, you should retell the story, summarizing major characters and plot points.  This should take no more than one page.  If you are referencing a written work, you may include citations or quotes from that work.

Next, describe the culture that produced this work.  Where do these people live? What language do they speak? What is their recent history? What are the cultures values, norms and taboos?  Take a page to make us familiar with the assumed authors and audience of your myth.  Again this will take about a page.

In the Analysis section, you must choose a method to break down the story.  The approach you take is completely up to you, although you may find that following the lead of writers you find in your research to be helpful.  You may want to try Structuralism, as in Propps examination of episodes, function and sequence, or Levi-Strausss functional oppositions. Post-Structuralism may also be useful to you–analyze the connections between history and knowledge in the culture and the content of the story.  Finally, you may find a narrativist approach useful.  Is there a master narrative present?  How does the audience interact with the story and what does the story do or provide for them? (THE OTHER WRITER ALREADY USED THE LEVI-STRAUSS APPROACH IN THE OUTLINE SO PLEASE STICK TO THAT, READ THE OUTLINE SO YOU UNDERSTAND IT).

Depending on your approach, the analysis section could take between 1 and 3 pages.

Finally, based on your analysis, what conclusions can you draw? What new understandings do you have about the story or culture?  Again, this may vary, but will probably take 1-2 pages.

In your paper, you should also include description of the research decisions you make along the way (examples: why you chose the questions you did, how you decided the expert opinions you chose were expert-qualifications)

Chicano history

Writing Assignment Please note that this assignment draws on readings from weeks Twelve, Thirteen, and Fourteen. Write a self-reflection to recognize how ones class, social, gender, cultural, and personal identity can be a product of historical forces. Illustrate how history can help one understand where one stands in the power relationships that determine much cultural interaction. Can history help one break free from these power relationships. Or does history blind one to the possibilities of achieving social justice? Or can one stand apart from historical forces and is thus free to chart ones own course? Or does a constant reference to history encourage grievances and does nothing to improve social tensions? Write at least a two-page response. Please cite at least THREE reading from the previous three weeksAT LEAST ONE READING FROM EACH OF THE PREVIOUS THREE WEEKSto craft an answer. (third reading)

comparing Audi advertisement from 40 years ago to now

research should explore the relationship between specific theories and the contemporary design that puts these theories into practice. Whether you begin with particular writing or idea that you found compelling, or with an innovative, resonant design project, the objective is to draw connections between the two.
you must cite at least 10 sources, including proper citation information and bibliography in MLA format.

Culture + Nutrition

Imagine that you are a clinical nutrition assistant working at a local hospital under the supervision of a Registered Dietitian (RD). Overnight, a 74-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital and needs to be fully assessed for any nutritional risks (in accordance with hospital/medical nutrition care laws). The hospitals initial nutritional screening protocol identified that the patient may be at nutrition risk, due to a high risk admitting diagnosis. The admitting physician suspects that the patient has suffered a heart attack; however the full cardiac consult results are not yet showing in the computer. Furthermore, the patient has recently moved here to the U.S. from a foreign country within the past year so that his daughter can help care for him due to his declining health. The entire family speaks very little English. The patients cultural background is significant because the culture may not place much influence on western-style healthcare practices. The patients expression of his culture needs to be examined further. The nurses notes reveal that the daughter does not know how much her father weighs, but she suspects that he has gained weight since her mother passed away a year ago.

Your assignment from the supervising RD is to examine the patients complete cultural, social, medical, and nutritional background so that the next steps of the Nutrition Care Process can be instituted. Upon your initial investigation within the hospitals electronic medical records system, you notice that there is no height or weight listed for the patient. The diet order reads: NPO (nothing by mouth) and they are awaiting more lab results for various tests related to hydration and kidney function. His cardiac enzyme lab work indicates that he suffered a Myocardial Infarction (MI). The MD notes confirm a heart attack diagnosis and the MD also noted that the patient appears to be morbidly obese. His medications include: a blood pressure medication, a diuretic, and a cholesterol-lowering drug.

1.    The patient and daughter are unaware of the patients current height and weight. His hospital bed unfortunately does not have a built-in weight scale. The patient is unable to stand upright due to his medical condition. Therefore, list and describe one alternative way to estimate height (stature) and one alternative way to estimate a persons weight. You may use the e-books, key terms, and internet resources provided or you may research this further to find additional ways to measure height and weight.  .. (look up one way to estimate height + one way to estimate weight.describe how the measurement is taken or any other associated facts with the method- like accuracy, where is came from, when it is most often used etc)

2.    Based on your nutritional assessment and evaluation Do you feel that the patient will comply with the MD suggesting a strict very low calorie (10001200 calories), low fat, low cholesterol and low salt diet? How would you address the nutritional needs of the patient while honoring any personal preferences?      (why would the patient comply? OR  Why wouldnt he.back up your response.  How can the nutritional needs be addressed while honoring the patients cultural background/personal preferences? )

3.    Choose a specific ethnic/cultural background (Asian, Middle-Eastern, Hispanic etc). How can you use your knowledge of the patients background to instill motivation and the desire to improve his health by eating a healthy diet? Do you think that he should be placed on the exact 10001200 calorie Cardiac restrictions diet that the Physician is recommending? Justify your answer.  ..    (how can you use what you know about the patients culture/religion etc to increase the chances of the patient following your advice for his diet?)

Compare and Contrast 2 Texts

The 2 texts “In tonight I can write” and “Sonnet 17” by Pablo Neruda you can compare and contrast, show how the texts are diametrically opposed, or show how one text stems from the other. In a 5 paragraph, comprehensive essay, discuss both texts and their relation to each other.

Create a program in C showing the time difference between accessing data in a sequential file and accessing data in a random-access file

Create a program in C showing the time difference between accessing data in a sequential file and accessing data in a random-access file.
1) Use the information of minutiae (with random data) (source code and explanation in the details file).
2) Create millions of records.
3) Compute execution time using the proper instructions in C.
Create a report showing the time difference of writing millions of records, reading all the records, and accessing to 10,000 random records.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Michelle is happy with how the plan is being put into place. The date and time for the final board meeting has been set when she calls you.

How will we know if the new product launch is a success? she asks. How will we know if what you have suggested really worked? Since I started this company as an entrepreneur years ago, I feel like everything that happens here is my fault or my responsibility. Does that make sense?

Youve been so supportive to me during this whole process, you say. Leave it to me. Ill think about what youve said over the long weekend and Ill be ready to sit down and discuss the details as I prepare the final draft of the plan.

Based on your original goals and the plan you are putting into place, what will you tell Michelle?

What will you measure to determine whether or not your new product plan for MM is a success?
What about a contingency plan?
Do you need to make recommendations for MM if things do not go the way you hope and expect them to?

(Full topic in instructions, too long) Has to do with CH.2 of Moral Nexus and what Wallace means as well as defending position

Wallace claims in Chapter 2 of The Moral Nexus that moral obligations appear as presumptive constraintson an agents deliberation. He also claims that the relational approach to morality captures that deonticaspect of moral obligation.What does Wallace mean by such claims? What support does he provide for them? On you view, doesWallaces relational approach provide a more illuminating picture of the deontic structure of moral obligation than the divine command theory does? Why / Why not? Defend your answer.

Edit/rewrite: Index of Learning Styles Test by Soloman and Felder

Work is missing an abstract.

What is the Index of Learning Styles Test by Soloman and Felder?
What does it measure?
What is the Index used for?
What can you learn about it?
Go to the website and take the Index of Learning Styles test by Soloman and Felder. Then write a paper describing your results and if you think they are accurate. Include a figure in your paper with your results.


In this assignment you will be writing an actual Intervention.  There are two scenarios to choose from.  You will pick ONE of the scenarios and write a paper on it.  Keep in mind, much of the time, those addicted to drugs or alcohol are the last ones to acknowledge it.  This means that often times, Interventions are not successful the first time as the addict / alcoholic typically will reject help that first time.

The paper should be written as a Word Document and NO LESS THAN 3 pages.  You do not have to cite work because it is an opinion paper.  I can tell you that I will be looking for you to talk about things we have learned in class.

If this helps, there are several ways to write this.  The first is that you simply explain to me in detail how you will set this up, plan it, carry it out, and what is your contingency plan if the person says no.  Remember, if they refuse help they can take you down with them.  You may need to cut ties with the person.  “You are not saying you do not love them, you are just not willing to love them to death”.

The second way is to write the paper as a letter addressed to the person in the scenario, meaning once you get them to come over, sit down with you, or whatever your plan is, you give them the letter and explain everything.

Really this assignment is up to you, so be creative.

In this paper, how would YOU design an Intervention to offer help to one of the person’s in the two scenarios?  Make sure to keep in mind all of the things we have talked about during the semester.  Life and attitudes matter very much in rehabilitation.  One of the cornerstones of sober living is being able to honestly get rid of ones deficiencies.  They call this “taking a moral inventory”. 

The closest thing I ever came to it was when I was hired onto the police department.  I thought I was a pretty good person, then they had me sit down and write every single little bad thing I had ever done in my life.  With all of those little things on the paper, I realized, I did have flaws, there were things I could do better.  This is what a recovering addict must do on a daily basis.  They will always be an addict / alcoholic, some are just in recovery.

ODDS ARE THAT MOST OF YOU WILL HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN SOMETHING LIKE THIS GOING FORWARD IN YOUR LIVES.  So just write this assignment from the heart with a sense of the reality of the World around us.