Final Project

Research Paper –  the research paper will be no less than 8 pages in length,  not including the cover page, table of contents,  well-documented references/bibliography, or any appendices.  This research paper MUST follow the APA format.
Select two businesses: (Amazon & eBay). These are my select companies
1. Are closely aligned in business practices and/or products or are direct competitors, 
2. Have publicly accessible company information (web-based) related to the key factors you will analyze, and
3. Are frequently reviewed/written about in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and/or New York Times
Research the following key factors:
1. Management theory in practice
2. Strategic Planning method utilized and outcomes
3. Organization Structure – Leadership and Management effectiveness/styles
4. Human Resources management practices
5. Corporate Responsibility efforts/outcomes
6. Financial outcomes
(So, the companies I choose are Amazon and eBay. I already wrote everything and I wrote more than 8 pages. Now I just need my paper to be checked and revised. Including grammar, APA citations, and also check if I did include everything that needs to be done for the project, etc). Most importantly my conclusion. This project worth 40% that’s why I’m concern a lot for it. Thank you!

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