Archive for July 17th, 2020

the adolescent brain

I want you to help me write discussion answer to 3 questions under the video in the photo I uploaded to the additional materials, the instructions are also in that photo

And this is a link to the video

Thank you,

Why a manager should or should not be considered a shareholder

Reply to the attached essay and it should be 300 words and should advance the conversation further by providing new ideas and insights, asking probing questions that get to the heart of critical issues, and share from ones personal and professional experience.  For the purposes of citations, every reply must include 2 references:
– At least 1 scholarly article (attached pdf)
– A relevant business article (any article from a reputable business sourcewebsite, magazine, book, etc.that discusses a relevant business/ethical issue) and;

Remember to provide new ideas, research, and analysis that create a clear dialogue with your classmates ideas.  Go beyond providing basic definitions to topics being discussedthat is information that should have been provided in the original post.  Your reply should not read as just another thread, nor should it merely regurgitate and restate what your classmate has said

The Slippery Slope of Lying

Write an essay that addresses both of the following questions:

What are the processes by which people develop into liars (as described and explained in the reading set)? Based on your explanation of these processes, how could individuals and/or societies be protected from being deceived?

It would be a good idea to do the following:
    Use ideas and facts from the reading set while also relying upon your own logic.  For example, you might agree with or disagree with an author and give your reasoning.  Or, you might choose to emphasize the importance of one idea while diminishing the importance of another, with an explanation of why you are valuing the ideas in this way.
    Make connections between the readings.  Although the authors approaches are different, you will find parallels between them.  For example, you could identify points of agreement and disagreement, or you could point out that they are reaching similar conclusions by different methods or logic. 
    Define and employ key terms that seem to be central to the arguments of your sources and, therefore, to your argument as well. Here are some possible key terms: co-operative behavior; freeloading; centrality of truthfulness; skepticism and determinism; discrepant perspectives; Golden Rule; principle of veracity; and self-harming and other-serving dishonesty vs self-serving and other-harming dishonesty.

The following is REQUIRED.  Essays that dont conform to these requirements will not be graded:
    The length of your essay must be 1,500 words or longer.  This word count does NOT include the following (which are not required): title page; abstract; bibliography/references/works cited.
    Quote and/or paraphrase and work directly with material from all three readings in this reading set. 
    Attribute any material that you summarize, quote, or paraphrase to its source (using the page numbers of the reading set). The context paragraph, above, gives examples of what proper attribution looks like. (We are using MLA style, but you may also use APA style or any other style youre comfortable with.) 
    Your own ideas and thinking are necessary and important, and you cannot pass this evaluation without them.
However, you should base your essay on the information contained in this set of readings, and engage with the arguments contained in the set of readings. Do not give an account of your own life experience; do not use any outside readings (including from the internet); and do not rely on information from courses you have taken. 
    You may only receive assistance with writing your paper from employees of UMass Bostonnot from friends, relatives, or outside tutors. You may not use electronic assistants such as Google Translate or Grammarly.  (You can and should use the spelling- and grammar-checker built into your word processing program, a writers handbook, and a dictionary or thesaurus.) 

June 2020 WPE Portfolio         Question

Colleges of Education and Human Development, Honors, Liberal Arts,
Nursing and Health Sciences, Science and Mathematics, and the School for the Environment
June 2020 Writing Proficiency Evaluation (WPE)
Portfolio Reading Set: The Slippery Slope of Lying
Due by electronic submission May 29-June 3, 2020

Table of Contents
1.    Dol, Daniel. “The Darker Side of Imagination.” The Instruction of Imagination: Language as a Communication Technology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Print.
2.    Bok, Sisela. II. Truthfulness, Deceit, and Trust. Lying: Moral Choice in Private and Public Life. New York: Vintage Books, 1978. Print. 
3.    Garrett, Neil, Stephanie C. Lazzaro, Dan Ariely and Tali Sharot. The brain adapts to dishonesty. Nature Neuroscience. 19, 1727-1732 (2016). Web. 

Articles reprinted with permission Notes: 
    Review the portfolio requirements (modified for the June 2020 WPE only) at this link: Portfolio_Requirements.pdf 
    Your portfolio must contain a challenge essay that is at least 1,500 words (double spaced in 10 or 12 point type) that answers the question above; three course papers as described in the portfolio requirements link above, and an honesty statement. 
    Submission instructions will be emailed to all registered students on May 29, 2020.  Portfolios may be submitted from the time you receive instructions on May 29, 2020 until June 3, 2020 at midnight. 
    Late portfolios will not be accepted.
    The following will not be graded: 
    Challenge essays that are too short
    Portfolios that are incomplete
    Challenge essays with severe attribution problems
    Portfolios that include any paper that employs academic dishonesty or plagiarism     Challenge essays that make use of facts or sources that are not in the reading set
    Challenge essays that fail to use all the required essays in the reading set.
    Plagiarism in a portfolio, whether it is in the new essay or in one of the supporting essays, will be treated in the manner as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, which can be downloaded in PDF form at: The consequences of violating these policies are serious and may include suspension or expulsion. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

* The essay needs to be expanded on to reach a 10 page total.*

General formatting: 1 inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, full pages no space for name or other extraneous details NO COVER PAGE.

This paper focuses on one page for each of the 5 following subjects

1. Oedipus the King [pages 53-92]
2. Everyman and
3. Tartuffe 226-258) / in comparison to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
4. Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, video presentation with Kenneth Branagh, Julie Christie, Derek Jacobi, Kate Winslet, Robin Williams, Charlton Heston, et al.
5. Hamilton, audio presentation

Each single page section has 3 prompts:

1) the intention of the author
2) the intention of the director
3) how you feel the production is or is not relevant to 2020.

For part 1, you will be expected to provide evidence for your arguments cited directly from the play texts, and from whatever scholarship you can find on other plays written by the author or written about the author. For Part 2, you will be expected to provide evidence directly from the films or plays, citing specific images of acting style, costumes, set, etc. Part 3 is open to interpretation.

Strategic Planning

Conduct an in-depth review regarding Strategic Planning.  The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand Strategic Planning.

This paper must be 7-10 pages in length (double-spaced), not counting the title and reference pages. It must include a minimum of 7 scholarly references (journal articles, not less reliable-web sources).

Paper should have an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference section.

Paper should also have appropriate headings and sub-headings in the body of the paper.

Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why.

Note that this is a research paper.  Avoid all first person pronouns and personal opinion. Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count.

Every assignment must include the FCE title page (found in APA/Writing Resources) and a reference list in APA form and style.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand Strategic Planning. You will conduct an in-depth review of the current literature on this topic. This is a library research paper and you must use at least 7 different scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook. Be sure to use published journal articles as your sources, not less-reliable Internet web sites. Reference your paper very carefully and tightly. The literature review paper will be 7-10 double-spaced pages in text length, not including title page, References, or Appendices Paper must be written according to APA style and be carefully referenced. Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count. This must be a professional looking paper to receive full credit. Paper should have an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference section. Paper should also have appropriate headings and subheadings in the body of the paper. Be sure to use the required title page. Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why. Note that this is a research paper. Avoid all first-person pronouns and personal opinion.

Cognitive dissonance theory in consumer behaviour

this is all i need to be written on this paper and please include the references in harvard format.
Research Aim and Rationale
Topic background, with detailed areas of relevance and applications
Literature review showing use of consumer behaviour concepts, theories,
and models in addition to industry and real-life applications
A discussion of the research results, significance, and implications

In a single essay, no more than 750 words in length, please explain why the Robinson College of Business, and the particular program to which you are applying, is best for helping you achieve your short-term and long-term career goals. You should also add

In a single essay, no more than 750 words in length, please explain why the Robinson College of Business, and the particular program to which you are applying, is best for helping you achieve your short-term and long-term career goals. You should also address reasons why you believe you would be good fit for the Robinson College of Business and the program to which you are applying.

Write a dialogic essay, drawing upon Robert Solomon’s True to Our Feelings, based on the continuity of the emotions he discusses.

Write a dialogic essay, drawing upon Robert Solomon’s True to Our Feelings, based on the continuity of the emotions he discusses. The material you gather from a particular emotion, for your dialogue, should be the starting point, while a second emotion, should be the ending point–of your analysis. That is, with the structure and trajectory of your essay, unfold a thesis conceptually, by revealing how the emotion you have selected develops from one point to another. Your analysis should explain the parallels and distinctions between the emotions, in addition to the conceptual transition point.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

If you do observe children you know, please be sure to submit the record log in addition to the transcripts.

You need to observe videos of preschoolers playing for 2.5 hours and keep a running record of what the children are doing while you are watching.

Below is a list of videos you can watch. The ones you watched already will count for .5 hours so you will just need to complete 2 more hours.

Do you have a child who is 3 to 5 years old? You could observe him/her playing for the time if you would like. Classroom Observation&&view=

detail&mid=41BE0B41A98056F98B4741BE0B41A98056F98B47&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=/videos/search?q=Preschool +Classroom+Observation&FORM=VDMHRS

The first is 1.5 hours long and the second will link you with other long videos.

Adult Vocational Development

The value and meaning of work in adulthood. The social roles and meanings associated with workwhat one does for a living or as a professionare among the most complex and important identities associated with individuals in our society

For this journal assignment, reflect on the substance and theoretical foundation of what you have learned this week about social development, specifically in relation to work and work/life integration. Then write a reflective essay that addresses the following:

Reflect on how ones work and related practices fit into stages of development as theorized by Erikson or Maslow.
Discuss how you would advise a younger colleague or client facing decisions in this realm.