Archive for July 17th, 2020

Analysis and Recommendations Part III: Global Political Trends

Prompt: For this milestone, complete Parts 1 and 2 below:
o Part 1: Worksheet Activity
Using the PESTEL Analysis Worksheet, populate the last three rows: India, Middle East, and France. This is the final time that you are expected to fill out the PESTEL Analysis Worksheet. Filling out these rows will help you visualize global values (such as each countrys cultural and political trends) and will assist you as you work toward completion of your final project.
o Part 2: Composition
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that assesses Nimble Storage, using the PESTEL analysis and Hofstedes four cultural dimensions as a guide.
Business Practice Analysis: In this part of the assessment, you will analyze the current business practices of the organization for how they operate globally. Then you will illustrate the potential benefits and challenges to the organization regarding its adoption of a more geocentric focus.
Recommendations: In this part of the assessment, you will compile a series of recommendations for the leadership of the organization regarding how the organization can adopt a more geocentric focus with its business practices.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. PESTEL Analysis Worksheet
a. Populate the last three rows titled India, Middle East, and France as specified in the prompt.
II. Business Practice Analysis
a. Determine critical success factors for the organization for transitioning from an ethnocentric approach to a geocentric focus and achieving potential gains. What critical success factors must be considered when making such a transition? How do those critical success factors help achieve those potential gains?
b. Analyze global political trends for potential risk events regarding human resource management that the organization might have to consider in the future.
III. Recommendations
a. Recommend strategies for accommodating current and future global political changes that will be managed in the organization. Be sure that
your response addresses previous analysis regarding risk events. You could consider: how should the organization go about operating in an ever- changing political atmosphere?

Should we let robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) take our jobs: automation, as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, is the use of machines and computers that can operate without needing human control (Automation). In fact, one analysis firm, Oxf

Your last major writing assignment of this semester will be your research paper. Please keep in mind that your paper has to be an argumentative paper. This means that you have to formulate an argument that takes a specific stance on a controversial subject that you have chosen from the list I have provided. Unless you talk to me well before the due date of your research paper, I will be going by the assumption that your research paper will be based on the topic that you have written about in your draft of Essay #4.  I would like to emphasize that if you write about a topic that is not from the list on the prompt for Essay #4, your research paper will receive a failing grade.  This argument should be clearly stated in your thesis statement.  The body of your essay should be devoted to bolstering and defending your thesis statement, and the outside sources that you will be using should be strong evidence that supports and defends your argument or thesis statement.

Outside Sources:

Like the other essays, you will be writing an academic essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion, but because this is a research paper, you will need to incorporate several outside sources (books, peer-reviewed journals, websites, etc.) into your paper.  This means that you need to quote or paraphrase certain passages from your sources and write them into your body paragraphs. Your sources will be your evidence that will defend your argument (thesis statement).  As with any paper using outside sources, you will have to cite every source using the MLA (Modern Language Association) format.  I will go into MLA citation in detail during class. In the case of the research paper for this class, you will be required to cite from at least six outside sources. All of your sources can be electronic sources as long as they are credible sources that provide accurate information.  I prefer that you find your sources from the online databases found at Pierces library, but if you have to widen your search, you must make sure that your sources are reliable and trustworthy.  In fact, your web sources should end in either .gov, .edu, or .org.  Furthermore, at least three of your outside sources must be research articles published in peer-reviewed journals. 

You will also be required to make citations in the text of your body paragraphs as well as attach a Works Cited page at the end of your paper. There is one more thing that I want to mention: if you do use a religious text, be sure that it applies to your topic and that your argument does not place a hierarchy of one faith over another.

Your textbook has a lot of information about paraphrasing, using direct quotes, and formulating your Works Cited page.  When it comes to in-text citation, I PREFER direct quotes because there is no confusion about what is an outside quote and what is your own writing.  Paraphrasing is acceptable, but I tend to dislike summarizing outside sources; the delineation between what are outside sources and what are your own words is too hazy and confusion in regards to summarizing.  The rule of thumb regarding in-text citation is ALWAYS cite the source when in doubt.  Any information, detail, or fact taken from an outside needs to be cited.

There is one more important thing to keep in mind.  I do not like long quotes (outside sources).  I consider long quotes to be quotes that are longer than four or five lines.  If you do use long quotes, then you must contextualize and/or explain everything in that quote.  I find that long quotes fill up space rather than help make a convincing argument.

If you have any questions about MLA citation format, you can always check the rules at the library, which has the latest books on MLA formatting. I will always try to help you if you have any questions regarding MLA citation, but the library has information about all kinds of formatting and citation rules.

Rhetorical Strategies:

You will be using outside sources to defend your argument, but you will also have to use certain types of rhetoric in your paper.  You should not assume that your outside sources will be enough to prove your argument.  You need to build rhetorical strategies around your sources.  Listed below are some of the rhetorical issues that you need to address in your essay.


You need to defend your argument with convincing evidence, which will come from your outside sources.  Keep in mind the various types of evidence:

Expert Testimony
Eyewitness Testimony
Numerical Data (statistics, polls, etc.)
Research Data (conclusions made from scientific and academic studies)
Rhetorical Style:

Appeal: you need to figure out what sort of appeal to use in your paper and how you will build this appeal off of the evidence you present. Will you be incorporating a logical or ethical appeal around your sources, or will you use both? How can you form a strong appeal along with your evidence?  I will discourage you from using emotional appeal since it is very hard to pull off in a research paper. Once again, you should focus on logical and ethical appeal only.
Language: even though this is an academic paper where you still have to be somewhat formal, you still have room to incorporate denotative or connotative language. You have to consider whether you want to be specific and precise (denotative) or poetic and ambiguous (connotative).  If you are so inclined, you can use both types of language just as long as your word choice helps support your argument.
Please be aware that you cannot assume that your evidence will speak for you.  You must build a strong appeal (logical or ethical) off of the evidence that you present, and dont forget to incorporate examples of connotative and denotative language.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In 500-750 words, develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise:

1. Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data.
2. Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the extent to which the project objectives are achieved.
3. Describe how the outcomes will be measured and evaluated based on the evidence. Address validity, reliability, and applicability.
4. Describe strategies to take if outcomes do not provide positive results.
5. Describe implications for practice and future research.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment.

Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Case Studies

My case selection: Hatian Revolution (protest) and
1997 Asian financial crisis (economic panic)
[unless you find something more interesting]

Each case study should cover information on:
a) Spectators/Participants 
b) Structural/Material Environmental Conditions
c) Communication Capacities and Information Dissemination
d) Extant Social Conditions/Dynamics

Format: ASA:
a. Introduction
b. Brief Desrption of the Event(s) and how it constitutes an instance of Collective Behavior
c. Summary of Collected Data: This can be accomplished either as an integrated essay format,
or by summarizing the information for each category separately.
d. Analysis of Event: This will involve utilizing the multiple theoretical perspectives explored in
the course [Contagion Theory, Emergent Norm Theory, Value-Added Theory, and
(potentially) the Socio-Cybernetic Model*]. The goal is to highlight what this perspective
tells us about the event, and not necessarily to evaluate a specific theory.


Module 3 – SLP
Find a moral problem in your place of employment. Tell me about it. What really bothers you and why? It need not be actually happening. The moral problem could be a potential problem, no matter how likely. Be creative. If you can’t think of a real problem you will likely face, make one up.

Tell me what your position on the problem is, and what the relevant utilitarian and deontological considerations are. Who is being, or will be, hurt? Who is being, or will be, benefited? Why, overall, do you think your position on the issue is for the greatest good over the long haul? Whose rights are involved? Who has special duties?

Here are some possible topics:

Privacy in employment tests
Privacy in genetic tests
Privacy in e-mailshould your boss be allowed to read your e-mail?
Safety issues
Fair employment practices (e.g., pay, hiring/firing, benefits)
Discrimination on any unfair basis
SLP Assignment Expectations
If you can’t think of anything good, well, ask! I’ll help you find something fun and interesting.

Write a paper of at least 2 pages and upload it by the end of this module.


Module 3 – Case
Case Assignment
Let’s see if we can use what we’ve learned. We don’t have much time, so we are going to go practical.

Should hospitals test pregnant women for drug use without their consent?
Assignment Expectations
Answer this moral question in terms of the utilitarian considerations, who will be helped and who hurt over the long term, and the matters of rights for all involved (e.g., the right to privacy, warrantless search and seizure). Use the basics of utilitarian and deontological reasoning, set out in the background information, in order to make your point.

Write a 3- to 5-page paper and upload it by the end of this module. Use Foubister, V. (2001; see Background page) or click here: Drug tests of non-consenting pregnant women quashed.

Abstract: The Supreme Court has ruled that physicians and other employees of public hospitals cannot perform drug tests on pregnant women without their consent and report the results to the police. The policy for testing pregnant women developed by the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston violates the Fourth Amendment.


Module 3 – SLP
Westward Expansion

After reading the background materials and reviewing the readings Antebellum Western Migration and Indian Removal listed below, answer the following short-answer questions:

What were some of the reasons for moving west and how did early industrialization contribute to westward expansion?
How did Indian Removal affect native nations?
What was Manifest Destiny and what were some ways it destroyed Native American culture?
Antebellum Western Migration
Note: Antebellum is a term used to denote the time-period before the Civil War. Ante is Latin for before and bellum is Latin for war.

Indian Removal

SLP Assignment Expectations
Use concepts from the background readings as well as any academic resources you can find (Wikipedia-type sources are not acceptable). Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and provide a reference page at the end of the paper.

Length: 2 to 3 paragraphs per question, double-spaced, typed using 12-Point Times New Roman font.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Your ability to apply the basic concepts to the questions.
Some in-text references to the background readings (APA formatting not required).
The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references including the background readings.
Upload your paper to the SLP 3 Dropbox when it is completed.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Essays: (at least 300 words each)

A 12 year old boy complains of achy joints usually after soccer practice. He complains of pain upon waking in the morning although pain lessens as he is more active during the day. He has been diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. What is the role of genes in the development of arthritis?
Compare and contrast osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
A 79 year old male presents with a fever. Upon assessment it is noted that he has a large reddened area on his left calf. It is warm and tender to the touch. Compare and contrast the diagnosis of erysipelas and cellulitis. Which is the correct diagnosis? Why?
Sally, a 43 year old female, is at her doctors for a regular checkup. During the exam, the doctor notices white patches inside Sally’s mouth. Sally tells the doctor that she noticed it as well but that it didn’t hurt so she wasn’t concerned. After Sally’s doctor asks a few more question, he finds out that she has been on antibiotics for just over a week. What is the correct diagnosis? What is the cause of these white patches and what treatment plan should be taken? Could Sally have prevented this outbreak?

Budget Development

Due Week 8 and worth 120 points
One of the tasks you face as a manager, especially if your organization makes frequent business transactions, is that of preparing a budget. A budget is a tool used for planning and controlling your financial resources. It is a guideline for your future plan of action, expressed in financial terms within a set period of time. A budget does not have to be complex. However, it should support the strategic plan for the organization. We will need resources to achieve our goals and objectives.
For this assignment, you will focus on the operating budget. An operating budget shows the company’s projected revenue and associated expenses for an upcoming periodusually the next year. An operating budget starts with revenue, and then shows each expense type. This includes variable costs, or the costs that vary with sales, such as the cost of raw materials and production labor. The operating budget includes fixed costs, such as the monthly rent on office space or the monthly payment for a photocopier lease. The budget also includes operating expenses, such as interest on business loans, and the non-cash expense of depreciation. These items enable the company to compute its projected net income and net profit percentage.
Imagine you are the healthcare administrator for an actual non-profit clinic, home health agency, or outpatient surgery center. Your first task is to locate either the strategic plan for that organization or determine its strategic direction through the vision statement, mission/purpose statement, and strategic priorities/goals. You will also need to locate the audited financial statements for the organization.
Using the information from your research, develop a one-year operating budget for the chosen entity, which will include operating revenues and expenses. Include a 12 page document to justify the approach you use in constructing the operating budget with the strategic plan or strategic direction.
Upload the strategic plan or strategic direction and audited financial statements as an attachment or include the web link.
Complete your operating budget using Excel.
Support your work with at least 3 quality references, one being your course textbook.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Develop a budget for a department within a healthcare organization.

Diversity Management an Multiculturalism

Please find an article (from 2020) about diversity management in the news, and prepare a presentation on how sociological and psychological factors affected the story and how things could have gone differently.

Please provide examples that will allow me to able to defend the presentation case.

So in-essence, please find an article and evaluate the sociological and psychological factors affected the decision making, and what alternative decisions could have been made.
Please state which decision was the better one, with evidence to support that claim.