Archive for July 17th, 2020

Herbal Supplements

The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, there is a renewal in the use of herbal supplements among American consumers. However, herbal supplements are not for everyone. In fact, some herbal products may cause problems for people treatments for chronic ailments. Because they are not subject to scrutiny by the FDA or other governing agencies, the use of herbal supplements is controversial.
Herbal supplements are products made from plants for use in the treatment and management of certain diseases and medical conditions. Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant derivatives. These products contain only purified ingredients and, unlike herbal supplements, are closely regulated by the FDA. Herbal supplements may contain entire plants or plant parts. Herbal supplements come in all forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid, and can be used in various ways. Please address the followings:

1.    Discuss advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements, including adverse reactions, drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, and specific laboratory issues that may arise from using these products.

2.    Discuss the position of the FDA and other governmental agencies on over the counter herbal supplements.

Support your post with at least 2 evidenced-based guidelines published within the last 5 years


Should schools get rid of grades and replace it with something else?

Have to use Rogerian structure for the argument essay. The focus should be that schools should get rid of grades. Must use the following sources:
Gentry, Jeff. Why Grades Still Matter., 20 Nov. 2018,

Kohn, Alfie. The Case Against Grades . 26 Feb. 2020,

Spencer, Kyle. A New Kind of Classroom: No Grades, No Failing, No Hurry. The New York Times, The New York Times, 11 Aug. 2017,


Module 3 – Case
Assignment Overview
White Mens Democracy

The Revolutionary War was over, the colonies were now a country, the country was growing and expanding at an unbelievable pace. The nation was thriving, and it looked like this experiment in democracy and the notion that all men are created equal was going to work. But how equal was it?

In this third Case, youll be reviewing, researching and writing about the reality of democracy as it was practiced during this time.

Case Assignment
Write a 3 to 4-page essay answering the question:

How and why did social rights expand for white men during the early 19th century and decrease for women and non-whites?

Assignment Expectations
Use concepts from the background readings as well as any academic resources you can find (Wikipedia-type sources are not acceptable). Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and provide a reference page at the end of your paper.

Length: 3 to 4 pages, double-spaced, typed, using 12-Point Times New Roman font.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Your ability to apply the basic concepts to the questions.
Some in-text references to the background readings (APA formatting not required).
The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references including the background readings.
Upload your paper to the Case 3 Dropbox when it is completed.

Read the following pages in Module 3:
Democracy in the Early Republic

The Missouri Crisis
The Rise of Andrew Jackson
Plantation Economy and Politics
Manifest Destiny, Introduction
The Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny

Managing Diversity & Multiculturalism

Description of Assignment: Students will find an article about diversity management in the news (current), and prepare a presentation on how sociological and psychological factors affected the story and how things could have gone differently.  Students must be able to defend their case.  Presentation length = 3 minutes/student.

You’ll need to find an appropriate article for the assignment.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ve provided below the guidance for your final paper.  The format of this paper is slightly different, so please read carefully and email me if you have any questions.

Length: At least 2000 words

At least 8 sources, MLA documented.

Evaluation Paper

For this paper, consider yourself an admissions officer who has to decide which of the two students whose profiles are given below should be accepted to an elite university.  As an admissions officer, you have to write a 2000-word report in which you justify–argue–why you chose one person over the other.  Your argument for choosing one applicant over another must be guided by research you’ve done to support your claims. 

The university you work for has provided you with a few guidelines that articulate the criteria that an admission’s office must use in accepting a student.  Here are the criteria that must be used in evaluating an application:

1) The applicant’s academic performance should NOT be used as the only criterion for admission. Factors that social class and experiences must also be taken into account.  The goal should be determine whether unchosen socioeconomic conditions unfairly helped one applicant and disadvantaged another.

2) The university strives to foster a student population that is diverse culturally, ethically, and socio-economically.

Here are the profiles for the two applicants:

Applicant A: He scored in the 99% on the SATs and six APs.  He interned at a major law firm for the past two summers and he has excellent recommendations from his teachers.  He also volunteered at a food bank during breaks and the director of the food bank has highly recommended him.  He is from the same ethnic group as 45% of the student population and his parents make 320K a year.  His ethnic group makes up 10% of the state’s population. His statement of purpose is full of descriptions of his accomplishments and how he wants to become a lawyer so that he can help those who are struggling.

GPA: 4

Applicant 2:  He scored in the 78% on the SATs and he has not taken any APs.  He played football for his high school, but got injured in his senior year.  He’s worked at his parents’ restaurant since the age of 16.  His GPA is 3.2 and he has good letters of recommendations from his teachers.  His statement of purpose is about how he lost his father when he was 15 and how it devastated his family.  During this period he failed quite a few of his classes and was ready to drop out of school because he needed to help his family.  It’s clear that he wrote his statement of purpose because it has quite a few grammar errors, but is very powerful emotionally.  At one point in his statement of purpose, he says that the entire city he lives in is responsible for the lack of opportunities and the high crime rate in his city.  He even sent a copy of a newspaper article describing a gang fight at his school during which one student died.  He is a member of the the ethnicity that constitutes 2% of the student population, but makes up 40% of the population of the state the university is located in. His family made 54K last year and he qualifies for financial aid.

GPA: 3.2

Here’s the outline you should use as you write this paper:

Introduction:  In the introduction, tell the reader why the university’s criteria for admission are important for the students’ education and for the larger society.  At the end of the introduction, provide a thesis that says something like the following:

Applicant A or B should be admitted because of A and B reasons. 

2) Evaluate Applicant A’s profile by doing some research to find out what role money plays in helping students improve their scores and also take into account the university’s admission goals. Look at the numerous unchosen advantages that this applicant had access to.  Make sure to cite your sources.  Here’s an example of the type of source you should look for:

3) Evaluate Applicant B’s profile by analyzing the disadvantages that he faced in his life and how they possibly prevented him from doing well in school.  Here’s an example of the type of source you should look for:

4) In the last part of your essay, you must make a strong argument for either applicant and you must also show why those who disagree with you are wrong.

What I’ve provided above are the different parts of the essay; you’re free to write as many paragraphs as you’d like, but please make sure to start every paragraph with a topic sentence.

Here’s an example of a paragraph:

Applicant A clearly had a lot of advantages afforded to him due to his parents’ status.  According to research done by X, 95% of students who score in the 98% of the SAT take at least one SAT prep class that costs at least a $1000 dollars.  Poor students such as Applicant 2 do not have the resources to take such classes that teach students how to eliminate answers on the SAT.  In addition, it’s likely that Applicant A’s social status allowed him access to those who were able to find him internships at major companies as research continues to show us: 98% of those who intern during high school come from families that make more than 250K per year. Poor students don’t have the resources…

Make sure to provide a work cited page for the sources used.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this week’s discussion, please click on the following links to access the articles I would like you to read before answering the questions for this week: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Please write a 500-word response in which you answer the following questions.  Your original response is due by midnight this Wednesday and your peer responses are due by midnight next Sunday.

1)  What is the point James Traub is making in his essay titled “Our pursuit of happiness is killing the planet.”

2) What do you think the fact that business is the most popular major today says about how American culture has changed over the last few decades? 

3) If you accept the claim the the goal of a business is to make money and to train workers to think about theirs and their company’s self-interest, then can you see why–even though we the ‘richest’ country on earth–we continue to waste so much food and resources?  Explain.

Search entries or author

Adidas swot

The third component of the critical assignment is for students to submit a  preliminary examination of the chosen organizations Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. Student can choose to complete the assignment on the SWOT documentPreview the document, or students can submit a typed up preliminary section of the final paper, using subheadings and having each section be at least one paragraph. One paragraph minimum for each: S, W, O, and T.

This preliminary examination of SWOT will build the section of the final paper, which is detailed here:

Using information from news articles, company websites, digital library searches, Canvas, Multi-touch book (Chapter 5), etc. analyze the companys internal and external environments as it relates to its strengths & weaknesses (internal), and opportunities & threats (external).

A successful submission will be submitted in APA (Links to an external site.) writing standards, include citations and references, and serve as the foundation for the 3rd part of the final paper. Please use this APA template paperPreview the document to best prepare your writing submission’s required format.

Draft and Analysis TS8535

Draft and Analysis


Further analyze research in system and application security protection mechanisms. Then evaluate best practices in system and application security. Combine your topic definition, literature review, and methodology work into a draft of your project.

Submit an 810 page draft of your project. Your draft should meet the following requirements:

The introduction contains a concise thesis and organizational plan, including only what is necessary to present the thesis and plan of the paper.
The body of the paper relates to the thesis, is adequately developed, and is logically structured.
Primary and secondary sources are integrated only as necessary to develop your argument.
The following elements are included:
An assessment on how the data in your research would be analyzed.
An analysis of which software tools and tests can be used.
An analysis of the benefits and costs of system and application security.
An analysis of emerging research in system and application security protection mechanisms. 
Quotations are properly integrated and concise, relating only what is necessary to make a point.
Evaluative information is presented logically, adhering to APA and course specifications and relating clearly to your thesis or argument.
The conclusion is concise and effectively includes one or more of the following:
Synthesis of information.
Course of action.
Broader implications.
Significance of the study.
Connections to related issues.
Literature is properly cited and referenced in current APA format.
Review the specific documents from your program on research methodology.

Your writing should demonstrate critical-thinking skills, a writing style in which sentences are clear, concise, and direct, and provide a well-supported analysis using appropriately formatted references. Refer to the helpful links in Resources as you prepare your draft. Submit your draft to Smarthinking for writing feedback.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Number of resources: At least 30 current scholarly or professional resources, which you will have accumulated throughout the course.
Length: 810 double-spaced pages of content plus title and reference pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point

Draft and Research Analysis TS8537

Draft and Research Analysis

Note: This assignment is the fourth component of your course project.

Further analyze existing and emerging research in compliance management mechanisms, then evaluate best practices in compliance management. Combine your topic definition, literature review, and methodology work into a draft of your project. See the course project overview for more detailed instructions.

Submit an 810 page draft of your project. Your draft should meet the following requirements:

The introduction contains a thesis and plan of organization.
The introduction is concise, including only what is necessary to present the thesis and plan of the paper.
The body of the paper relates to the thesis, is adequately developed, and is logically structured.
Primary and secondary sources are integrated only as necessary to the development of your argument.
An assessment on how the data in your research would be analyzed is included.
An analysis of what software tools and what tests can be performed is included.
Quotations are properly integrated and concise, relating only what is necessary to make a point.
Evaluative information is presented logically, adhering to APA and course specifications and relating clearly to your thesis or argument.
Conclusion is concise and effectively includes one or more of the following:
Synthesis of information.
Course of action.
Broader implications.
Significance of the study.
Connections to related issues.
Literature is cited in APA format.
Review the specific documents from your program on research methodology.

Your writing should demonstrate critical thinking skills, a writing style in which sentences are clear, concise, and direct, and provide a well-supported analysis using appropriately formatted references.

Submit draft paper to Smarthinking for writing feedback.

For this draft, the instructor will only evaluate whether you attempted to construct a draft that addresses the grading criteria. To learn how the instructor will evaluate your work, refer to the scoring guide.

For writing guidance, see the Resources list for links to Capella’s Writing Center.

Writing Requirements

Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Number of resources: At least 30 current scholarly or professional resources.
Formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA guidelines for style and formatting.
Structure: Include a title page and bibliography.
Length: 8-10 double-spaced pages, excluding the title page and bibliography.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

3-1 Discussion: Wellness in History

In what ways does looking through the history lens enhance your understanding of wellness?
Consider a current event in the news that has a historical counterpart. How does looking through the history lens influence how you perceive both the current and historical events? Please share a news link to your events.
How does analyzing the relationship between history, culture, and wellness have an influence on your discipline of study or chosen profession?