Archive for July 17th, 2020

HW 6.2 Brochure

HW 6.2 Brochure

Search for news clip related to a community or social movement. Research more information about the community or the social movement. Prepare a brochure about the community or the social movement; include relevant information such as type, characteristic, and structure of community or social movement. Include the community or social movement achievements, if any. Minimum one reference needed

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you are required to read the article entitled . Your review must include the following: Summarize the key points presented in the article. Describe the key elements of a solid emergency response program. Discuss why proper decontamination of victims is important. Discuss your opinion or what you can conclude from the article. Your response must be at least 2 pages

HW 6.1 Definitions

Research the definitions of the following concepts as related to the field of social work. Provide the definition and write two sentences for each one that explains its meaning in context:

Community Function
Community Development
Social Movement
Types of Communities

Concept of involvement (Marketing)

The writing assignment: The concept of involvement is discussed in several chapters of our textbook. 1. Identify the chapters ( Chapter1-Chapter15) in which there is a significant discussion of the concept of involvement. 2. Explain what the concept of involvement contributes to each of these chapters. ( Chapter1-Chapter15) Which key idea(s) in each of these chapters ( Chapter1-Chapter15) is closely related to the concept of involvement? Which example(s) illustrate 3. Discuss what the concept of involvement contributes to the textbook as a whole.

Remember to include in the body of the text the page numbers in our textbook from which youre drawing your responses. There is need to draw on any other source.

Goal: I hope that you will review the most important ideas in the textbook and acquire an appreciation of the textbook as a whole. The textbook aims to summarize Consumer Behavior as a field of study. The early chapters address simple psychological operations and the last few chapters address complex social and cultural phenomena. Write your response with this broad purpose in mind.

Format: Include an introduction and a conclusion. Underline or bold key concepts. Divide your argument into distinct paragraphs. 2-3 pages long, double-spaced.


“A” range grade = The essay sheds light on how important discussions of the concept of involvement in various chapters in the textbook follow one another. As a result, the essay offers an original overview of some key ideas and examples (applications) from the textbook. It is well written and insightful.

“B” range grade = The essay describes how the concept of involvement is discussed in different parts of the textbook. It connects the concept of involvement to some other concepts and key examples (applications), demonstrating a good understanding of the material. The essay is good but lacks originality.

“C” range grade = The essay is a little disjointed. The connections between the different parts of the textbook where involvement is discussed in some length is not explained clearly. The connections between the concept of involvement and other concepts and examples are disjointed.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you are required to read the article entitled HazMat Emergencies: Decontamination and Victim Chain of Survival, by Gunderson, Helikson, and Heffner (2014), and write a review. The article may be found in the Academic Search Complete database in the CSU Online Library. Your review must include the following: Summarize the key points presented in the article. Describe the key elements of a solid emergency response program. Discuss why proper decontamination of victims is important. Discuss your opinion or what you can conclude from the article.


Social Psychology –

Your textbook discusses how different cultures view emotions (for instance, tongue biting is an expression of embarrassment in India, but not in the United States), Think of and describe additional examples from your own life. Think about times that you have traveled to different regions in the United States or to different countries. Try to think of the ways that emotions were expressed differently in different cultures. You might also think about the different groups that you belong to (essentially different mini-cultures), and if there is a unique way of expressing a particular emotion in one of these groups (for example, within your family, within your friend group, within your work environment, etc.) such that non-group members would not know how to interpret the expression.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you are required to read the article entitled HazMat Emergencies: Decontamination and Victim Chain of Survival, by Gunderson, Helikson, and Heffner (2014), and write a review. The article may be found in the Academic Search Complete database in the CSU Online Library. Your review must include the following: Summarize the key points presented in the article. Describe the key elements of a solid emergency response program. Discuss why proper decontamination of victims is important. Discuss your opinion or what you can conclude from the article. Your response must be at least 5 pages

Writing a SWOT analysis about the company of adidas

The third component of the critical assignment is for students to submit a  preliminary examination of the chosen organizations Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. Student can choose to complete the assignment on the SWOT documentPreview the document, or students can submit a typed up preliminary section of the final paper, using subheadings and having each section be at least one paragraph. One paragraph minimum for each: S, W, O, and T.

This preliminary examination of SWOT will build the section of the final paper, which is detailed here:

Using information from news articles, company websites, digital library searches, Canvas, Multi-touch book (Chapter 5), etc. analyze the companys internal and external environments as it relates to its strengths & weaknesses (internal), and opportunities & threats (external).

A successful submission will be submitted in APA (Links to an external site.) writing standards, include citations and references, and serve as the foundation for the 3rd part of the final paper. Please use this APA template paperPreview the document to best prepare your writing submission’s required format.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you are required to read the article entitled HazMat Emergencies: Decontamination and Victim Chain of Survival, by Gunderson, Helikson, and Heffner (2014), and write a review. The article may be found in the Academic Search Complete database in the CSU Online Library. Your review must include the following: Summarize the key points presented in the article. Describe the key elements of a solid emergency response program. Discuss why proper decontamination of victims is important. Discuss your opinion or what you can conclude from the article. Your response must be at least 2 pages

Leaders and managers in the sport industry

When referring to the differences between leadership and management, the late leadership guru, Warren Bennis, said, Managers have their eyes on the bottom line; leaders have their eyes on the horizon and The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing (Bennis, 1989, p. 40).
Within sport organizations, who has the greatest control when it comes to making the decisions? For example, when it comes to a team in the National Basketball League (NBA), is the owner of the team (the leader) in control or the General Manager? When it comes to team issues, how might leaders and managers, as professionals in the sport administration industry, apply the concepts of ethics and management from this week?

Bennis, W. G. (1989). Managing the dream: Leadership in the 21st century.Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2(1), 610.

WRITER: Please Identify a leader (Gary Bettman, NHL Comisioner) and a manager(Matt Millen, Served as the president and CEO of the Detroit Lions from 2001-2008) in the sport industry.Then, state whether you agree or disagree with Benniss interpretation that managers have their eyes on the bottom line; leaders have their eyes on the horizon and the manager does things right; the leader does the right thing. Provide your rationale and support your argument with reference to the leader and the manager you selected.

In formulating your Discussion post, consider the following questions:

How are leaders and managers in the sport industry different?
Who are leaders in the sport industry? What qualities do they embody?
Who are managers in the sport industry? What qualities do they embody?
What ethical dilemmas are faced by sport leaders and managers today? How might each react or respond to those dilemmas similarly or differently?

Please include these references along with your own: