Archive for July 17th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a capstone project.

Throughout this semester, you have worked on developing a change proposal and project using the Plan-Do-Study-Act model. You have identified an nursing issue that you feel is significant in your area of interest, and you feel a change is needed.

For this paper, you will utilize what you have learned in the Group Discussions and Assignments, and put them in a format that may help you to convince your co-workers that a change is needed and can be effective.

An abstract is not required, however all other rules of APA format will be adhered to.

Warning!  The template provided is not in APA format.  Each heading has the “Level of heading” identified.  You will be responsible for including all listed headings in your paper and placing them in the proper APA format.  The level requirements are available on page 62 of the APA Manual, 6th edition.  Please note that the APA manual states there is not a heading for the introduction section (pg 63).

Analysis of Direct Costs

In order to complete this assignment, refer to the scenario from Assignment 1, as well as to the scenarios and readings from previous weeks.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Predict the main costs (e.g., labor cost, material cost) associated with the production of VectorCals drone navigation system. Provide a rationale for the response.
Compare and contrast the direct and indirect costs associated with the drone navigation system that both your company and VectorCal would assume. Predict whether or not your company could easily control these costs and thus reduce production expenses. Justify the response.
Compare your company with VectorCal relative to the price of acquisition, semi-variable costs, and allocated direct and indirect costs of the drone navigation system. Justify the response.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Strategic Plan

From the perspective of an executive with the firm, your supervisor has tasked you with creating a strategic plan to grow the business over the next three years using this Strategic Plan Template. THE COMPANY IS TARGET. I HAVE ATTACHED PREVIOUS RESEARCH PAPERS FOR YOU TO UTILIZE PERTAINING TO THIS TOPIC.

Your strategic plan must be future-oriented and must
*Describe the company, the companys history and its 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion).
*Examine the companys mission statement and assess its impact on the organizations activities.
*Explain the current situation of the organization in the market (industry, market, and general environment analysis).
*Add your SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of your chosen company here. Evaluate areas that offer opportunities for
*Choose three or four areas from your SWOT analysis and assess why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan
*Summarize the results of your Environmental Scan and Porters 5 Forces.
*Evaluate the degree to which they aid in conceptualizing the companys competitive position in its marketplace.
*Assess the companys international performance in light of Cultural Barriers, Monetary Exchange Rates, and Political Instability.
*Assess the financial performance and condition of the
Operational budget: Research and assess the companys operational budget.
*Assess the performance in terms of key performance indicators.
*In your analysis, be sure to include profitability ratios relevant to your analysis.
    Debt to Equity ratio
    Debt to Assets ratio
*Based on the data, evaluate the overall current financial condition of the company.
*Support your analysis by referring to the company data
*Create a three year end trend analysis
*Assess how your Operational Budget analysis affects your three-year strategic plan.
Recommend an organizational structure in terms of the organizational design
*Assess the impact of the strategic plan on the organizational culture.
*Strategic Goals: Create measurable core strategic goals for each of the three to four areas addressed from the SWOT analysis, addressing any contingencies associated with the strategies you are recommending and prioritizing them according to ease of achievement and time to completion.
*Recommend marketing positions and opportunities for growth in your strategic plan
*Add specific language to the strategic plan that addresses the companys Corporate Social Responsibility
*Explain your plan to measure the success of your strategic plan

Natural Hazards Unnatural Disasters

From the readings: Natural Hazards, Unnatural Disasters book

– Discuss Hazard Clustering including how do hazards ‘cluster’ and what are the impacts?

– Discuss how  disasters impact the economy and growth?

– Discuss individual preparedness including are individuals adequately self-sufficient and concerned for their own welfare and safety?

– Discuss how governments can help individuals and society overall?

– What is the role of insurance? Is insurance sustainable in an environment of increasing risk?

– How are cities inherently hazardous?

– How would your perspective of disaster change if a disaster similar to those described happened to you?

Must use 8-10 resources


2.    i. Define and provide one example for each of these four types of data:


ii.    Add an example of an appropriate way to display each type of data. (These can be figures that are drawn by hand and a photo or scan inserted here, or produced in an appropriate programme such as Excel, Powerpoint or Photoshop and inserted here.)

iii.    How do the terms categorical data and continuous data link to the four types of data defined in part i. above?

Intent Letter for Graduates Program of Curriculum & Instruction

The statement of purpose just has to describe your professional goals and the reasons for which your are pursuing this particular degree at Florida International University.

Here is more information regarding the program:
Our comprehensive master’s program prepares teachers for the changing demands of the field, and to meet the needs of the growing minorities of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The online Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction: Curriculum Development Specialization provides you with the foundation to become a better educator and leader in your school and/or district. You develop a keen understanding of the trends and issues in curriculum development and instruction, along with research-based methods to improve student achievement. You’ll emerge from our program with an advanced degree that will enhance your job opportunities and increase your knowledge and skills to be a better teacher for your students.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

According to your readings, biological weapons can easily be disbursed through numerous methods to impact livestock, crops, and processed foods that may effectively randomly infect all humans coming in contact with them. Regardless of the reason for the use of such weapons, how can a terrorist organization or country at war with another country justify the use of such weapons? What are the ethical and moral implications here? Should those organizations or countries be held liable for such actions? If so, what sanctions could be levied against other countries or international organizations?

Your response should be at least 300 words in length.


In the News

Select one merger (4-6) to focus on for this assignment.
Given the merger is complete, create the Perspectives portion of a Balanced Score Card for this newly merged organization. The mandatory subsections to include are customer, internal business process, and learning/growing. To get the full view, students are encouraged to include the financial subsection, but this is not required. The Perspective Balanced Scorecard details are covered on pages 77 through 84. If the student does not know what a Balanced Score Card is, they should review page 76.
Be sure not to overcomplicate this submission. Submit a document that contains an intro (covering the merger in focus) and each required perspective is impacted by the merger: customer, internal business process, and learning/growing. Then, include a short closing. Use sub-headers to organize the writing.
READ the recommended section from chapter 4 of the course textbook.
View In The News Assignment RubricPreview the document

at least two references to substantiate the responses provided. One of the references must be the course textbook. Remember references should be accompanied by their corresponding citations in the body of the writing. When inserting references and their corresponding citations, students should follow APA format. Here is  a link to a sample APA paper, but note the APA  cover page or abstract is not required for this assignment:

Journal IV

You are a risk mitigation analyst for a medical research facility that has been instructed to study the effects and availability of biological threats to the U.S. infrastructure. This means that your facility will house given amounts of every known biological threat. This is going to be a new facility, which means the design and security for the facility depends heavily on your analysis.

What should you do as part of your assessment for probable risks? What can you do to ensure your facility will not be a target for terrorists, and how can you incorporate technology to protect your employees and the public from any form of intrusion or biological contamination?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Assessment 3

According to your textbook, ammonia is one primary ingredient included in fertilizers for agricultural products throughout the United States as well as globally. Various fertilizers may be mixed with other chemicals to create a high explosive such as the one used against the Oklahoma Federal Building. How are those chemicals used to create a weapons of mass destruction, and how is access controlled by the federal government to diminish the probability of such attacks in the future?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.