Archive for August 27th, 2020

Web Analysis

Please review this article below.
    Write a review applying some of the concepts to the fashion industry.
    Select a theme from the article and use that as your topic for the essay.
    Offer an introduction and a summary
    Conduct additional research and offer at least four additional references and citations.
    Offer references and at least one citation for every reference
    Please use APA formatting
    Please edit your work using ()
    Submit by the last day of the module
    Margins are 1 inch around.
    Do offer a cover page.
    Must be a Microsoft Word document

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Good Business: Why Placing Ethics Before Profit Pays Off at

Stakeholder Theory at

The Benefit Corporation available at

What really motivates people to be honest in business available at

Report on the article and videos above. Each report should be 200 words (800 words total).
An example of how each report should be formatted is the attached pdf file.

The Effect of Corporate Tax Rate changes on UK Employee Earnings and Welfare

I have already completed a dissertation proposal for this topic, so as far as the step of researching the topic is concerned that is essentially sorted; the proposal can be integrated in to the final paper, so in essence, depending on how much of the proposal is implemented into the final paper, 1200-1500 words have already been completed. The word count for this dissertation is 7500 words.

The part of this paper I have found the most challenging is the methodology, as it is an empirical paper. A model needs to be created using Stata to analyze the effect of changing the corporate tax rate in the UK on the salaries and/or wages of employees in the UK, as outlined in the proposal. As such, it would ideal if you have a lot of experience in statistics/creating empirical models, I personally am not the most proficient at using Stata, so if you think the method/model I’ve chosen to use in the proposal methodology is incorrect or could be improved feel free to do so. I’ve included the datasets I wish to analyze, if you think you need to redo the collection of the datasets because I’ve messed it up somehow, please use the FAME database to do so, it is quick and relatively easy to use.

This dissertation is for submission at a UK university, I don’t know if that affects anything but I figured I’d just put that in there.

I’ve already had one extension to the deadline of this paper since I caught the coronavirus in March and was knocked out of action for over month, because of this I really need to be sure I can have this in by the deadline. I cannot afford to have to resit the year.

six stages of interpersonal relationships

Review the six stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage in the textbook
Review interpersonal relationship types and the theories of interpersonal communication in the textbook and in the learning activities.
Think of a relationship from a television show in US or movie that demonstrates the stages of a relationship.
Write a three to five-page paper analyzing that relationship from the contact stage to conclusion.
Your paper should include a discussion of the stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage. Include links to clips or refer to specific episodes or time markers in the show(s) or film(s).

textbook used
DeVito, J. (2020). Essentials of human communication(10th ed.). Pearson.

link to book!/[email protected]:0 (if possible to use)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

research topic relating to Urban Studies or “cities” in some way and can borrow from any of the topics such as “money is constrained by the availbity of resources” or “a sustainability and economic growth, green jobs – environmental value ” You have to offer your research question or argument

Behavioral Analytic Assessment Tools


For this assignment, choose one of the following behavior-analytic assessment tools to review: ABLS, VBMAPP, Skills Curriculum, and PDC.

In narrative form, please research the selected assessment tool and complete the following:

Describe the overall areas that are assessed using this tool and explain the type of conditions under which the use of this tool may be warranted.
Analyze the strengths of the assessment tool.
Analyze the weaknesses of the assessment tool.
Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly or professional resources

Behavioral Analytic Assessment Tools


For this assignment, choose one of the following behavior-analytic assessment tools to review: ABLS, VBMAPP, Skills Curriculum, and PDC.

In narrative form, please research the selected assessment tool and complete the following:

Describe the overall areas that are assessed using this tool and explain the type of conditions under which the use of this tool may be warranted.
Analyze the strengths of the assessment tool.
Analyze the weaknesses of the assessment tool.
Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly or professional resources.

Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: 24 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 34 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.
Refer to the Behavior-Analytic Assessment Tools Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Business strategy

Question 1: Managers have to constantly assess the developments and changes that occur in all six components of the macro-environment: demographic, sociocultural, political/legal, technological, economic, and global. Identify and describe one current environmental change of strategic relevance in any of the six general environment components.

Question 2: Please refer to the Industrial Classification Benchmark and select one specific sector (any supersector, sector, or subsector) that may be impacted by the environmental change you selected for Question 1. Does your identified environmental change represent an opportunity or a threat for your specific sector? Why? (please focus only on a threat or an opportunity for the purposes of this assignment, not both).

Half Slave and Half Free

– Read Bruce Levine’s “Half Slave and Half Free: The Roots of the Civil War.” (Hill and Wang 1992) and answer the prompt. The book is available online(free):

– The essay must have a thesis that responds to the prompt and your thesis must be supported with evidence/examples from the Levine book. Underline your thesis statement in the final draft. The thesis should be in the first or second paragraph of the essay.
– Essay Prompt:
Levine writes, the original project of the Founding Fathersto hold together a society half slave and half freebecame untenable by the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 (Levine 16). What went wrong? According to Levine, what caused the United States to fracture into a Northern Union and a Southern Confederacy in 1861?
– Essay Tips:
When answering the essay prompt, make sure to analyze the economic, social, and cultural transformations in the North and South after the American Revolution that help to explain the causes of Civil War.
Before writing your essay, make sure to review the introduction, where Levine provides a detailed breakdown of the main argument for the entire book.

– Please add in-text citation as well as works cited in MLA format for the book

Behavioral Analytic Tools

For this assignment, choose one of the following behavior-analytic assessment tools to review: ABLS, VBMAPP, Skills Curriculum, and PDC.

In narrative form, please research the selected assessment tool and complete the following:

Describe the overall areas that are assessed using this tool and explain the type of conditions under which the use of this tool may be warranted.
Analyze the strengths of the assessment tool.
Analyze the weaknesses of the assessment tool.
Be sure to support your conclusions with scholarly or professional resources.

Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: 24 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 34 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.