Archive for August 27th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Complete the following Case Studies :

Mexican case study #2
Puerto Rican case study #2

Write a APA essay addressing the questions in the above case studies. Use clearly labeled headings for each question. Be sure to use two scholarly sources. Case studies are attached.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Complete the following Case Studies :

Mexican case study #2
Puerto Rican case study #2

Write a APA essay addressing the questions in the above case studies. Use clearly labeled headings for each question. Be sure to use two scholarly sources. Case studies are attached.

The Rise of Professional Administration of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

Rapid enrollment growth on college and university campuses contributed to development and
expansion of professionalized administrators and services. These student affairs and
enrollment management officers are typically charged with attracting, retaining, and supporting
students from pre-enrollment to degree completion.
Through a table, you will analyze how institutions organize core student matriculation services
and enrollment management functions. You will prepare a one-page executive summary
proposing new services and enrollment management functions based on your analysis.
Course Objective
Compare and contrast administrative models employed in post-secondary educational
settings for organizing and managing student matriculation and support services.
1) Save and print the Module 2 Analysis PDF.
2) Create a paper in a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times
New Roman font. Follow APA (6th edition) format for the paper, title page, references page,
and in-text citations.
3) Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
4) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.
Step 1. Research
Access online institutional organizational charts for one college or university from each of the
following types: public community college, private or religious liberal arts college or university,
regional public/state college or university, and private research university.
Step 2. Tabulate
Through a table, analyze how these institutions organize core student matriculation services
and enrollment management functions (including, but not limited to, admissions, orientation,
advising, registrar, and financial aid). Consider using Excel pivot tables to create graphics for
Step 4 (see the Learning Objects page for a guide).
Step 3. Assess
Assess the identified functions and methods and annotate those in the table that align with
evidence-based best practices.
Step 4. Propose
Prepare a one-page executive summary proposing new services and enrollment managemen

The Rise of Professional Administration of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

Rapid enrollment growth on college and university campuses contributed to development and
expansion of professionalized administrators and services. These student affairs and
enrollment management officers are typically charged with attracting, retaining, and supporting
students from pre-enrollment to degree completion.
Through a table, you will analyze how institutions organize core student matriculation services
and enrollment management functions. You will prepare a one-page executive summary
proposing new services and enrollment management functions based on your analysis.
Course Objective
Compare and contrast administrative models employed in post-secondary educational
settings for organizing and managing student matriculation and support services.
1) Save and print the Module 2 Analysis PDF.
2) Create a paper in a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times
New Roman font. Follow APA (6th edition) format for the paper, title page, references page,
and in-text citations.
3) Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
4) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.
Step 1. Research
Access online institutional organizational charts for one college or university from each of the
following types: public community college, private or religious liberal arts college or university,
regional public/state college or university, and private research university.
Step 2. Tabulate
Through a table, analyze how these institutions organize core student matriculation services
and enrollment management functions (including, but not limited to, admissions, orientation,
advising, registrar, and financial aid). Consider using Excel pivot tables to create graphics for
Step 4 (see the Learning Objects page for a guide).
Step 3. Assess
Assess the identified functions and methods and annotate those in the table that align with
evidence-based best practices.
Step 4. Propose
Prepare a one-page executive summary proposing new services and enrollment managemen

Free exercise clause (of 1st Amendment)

Free exercise clause (of 1st Amendment)

Political Science Research Paper Forum

The purpose of this forum is for you to begin work on your research paper.  In this forum, share the resources you have retrieved briefly discuss the references you feel are most appropriate for your paper.

Grading Rubric
3 References: 30 points (10 points per reference)

Research Paper Topic
Identify your topic, 3 scholarly resources (peer-reviewed journal articles) on your topic.  Be sure to list all references in APA style format. 

Social stratification and consumption. From a critical analysis of Marx and Weber to class identification through taste of consumption

I have a paper of 3000 thousand words but it is really bad and I need someone to fix it/ rewrite it. Basically the course is called culture and identity in a globalised Europe and the final paper should be on one of the core topics discussed throughout these months: culture, identity, globalisation, modernity. Its mostly philosophy and sociology and it can be either kept at a theoretical level or applying a theory into empirical examples. I chose in my first sit to talk about the relation between consumption and social stratification relying on Bourdieus ideas in his book distinctions. By doing so I would like to first introduce Marx and Webers idea on class stratification, leading the discussion towards an analysis of the relation between culture, consumption and social class segregation. Our current society is defined and driven by consumption, wherein big corporates and powerful businesses dominate the small ones. Moreover, there can be a tangible example here by comparing different extents of consumption and cultural capital to the privileged nature of higher educational systems. The high-ranking class can afford the best education while the low class are barely left with the chance to dream about college. I provide even my course manual with further instructions, weekly tasks and reading materials. Below you can find attached my paper, course manual and evaluation on my first sit by my tutor. I need this exam to graduate so Id really appreciate your help! ( I even added a sample paper of last year that you can take inspiration from)

Social stratification and consumption. From a critical analysis of Marx and Weber to class identification through taste of consumption

I have a paper of 3000 thousand words but it is really bad and I need someone to fix it/ rewrite it. Basically the course is called culture and identity in a globalised Europe and the final paper should be on one of the core topics discussed throughout these months: culture, identity, globalisation, modernity. Its mostly philosophy and sociology and it can be either kept at a theoretical level or applying a theory into empirical examples. I chose in my first sit to talk about the relation between consumption and social stratification relying on Bourdieus ideas in his book distinctions. By doing so I would like to first introduce Marx and Webers idea on class stratification, leading the discussion towards an analysis of the relation between culture, consumption and social class segregation. Our current society is defined and driven by consumption, wherein big corporates and powerful businesses dominate the small ones. Moreover, there can be a tangible example here by comparing different extents of consumption and cultural capital to the privileged nature of higher educational systems. The high-ranking class can afford the best education while the low class are barely left with the chance to dream about college. I provide even my course manual with further instructions, weekly tasks and reading materials. Below you can find attached my paper, course manual and evaluation on my first sit by my tutor. I need this exam to graduate so Id really appreciate your help! ( I even added a sample paper of last year that you can take inspiration from)

Lesson 1 (epidemiology)

Answer the following questions:

Read the article on the Zika virus (“Zika arrived in Florida 3 months before detection, study says”).  Write an essay that describes the key concepts of epidemiology.  For each of the following key concepts explain the concept AND identify the concept as it relates to the article on Zika.
Population Focus
Control of Health Problem
Describe the historical events listed below.  Discuss how learning about past historical epidemiologic events help solve current and future disease outbreaks.
Bubonic plague epidemics
John Snows Cholera Study
Development of smallpox vaccine and eradication of small pox
1918 influenza pandemic
Identification of smoking as a cause of cancer

The assignment must answer all sections.
Include references in APA format.
This assignment will be checked for plagiarism by SafeAssign. It must have less than a 20% match in order to be graded.
Submit assignment through Blackboard as a word document.
Scoring Rubric (100 Points)

Explanation and Identification of Key concepts for the Zika Article (50 points)
Historical Events (40 points)
Reference in APA format for both articles (10 points)

Describe how does health disparities affect (THIS IS MY TOPIC THAT THE PAPER IS REGARDING.Increase the percentage of children aged 19 to 35 months who receive the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella and pneumococcal conjugat

Using the concepts of health literacy and health disparities, you will develop a 2-3 page (not including title and reference page) APA style paper using the following criteria:

A title page in APA format including a running head, title, your name, institution and date.
An introductory paragraph describing the topic and issue to include a thesis statement at the end.
Describe how does health disparities affect (THIS IS MY TOPIC THAT THE PAPER IS REGARDING.Increase the percentage of children aged 19 to 35 months who receive the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)t .
Discuss three nursing and interdisciplinary health care strategies to minimize the impact of the disparities you identified in criteria three.
Determine three education strategies as a patient educator that will improve your patients health literacy.  These strategies can be utilized to effectively communicate to patients and families to enhance comprehension of information received.
A closing paragraph that summarizes your paper.
A reference page formatted in APA.  Ensure to use at least two scholarly sources dated within the past five years.  You must use the course textbook and the HP2020 website.

Issues Analysis Paper: Health Literacy and Disparities Grading Rubric-6-19-2019
Issues Analysis Paper: Health Literacy and Disparities Grading Rubric-6-19-2019
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle Page and Reference Page
a. Include running header
b. Include name
c. Include dates
d. Include institution
e. APA format
5.0 pts
Less than two APA errors
3.0 pts
Two-four APA errors
0.0 pts
Greater than four APA errors.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Closing
a. Introduction paragraph describing healthy topic objective and issue
b. Thesis statement at end of introductory paragraph
c. Closing paragraph summarizing key points of paper
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Missing one criteria.
0.0 pts
Missing two or greater criteria.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRole of Health Disparities
Describe in 1-2 paragraphs the role health disparities affect the Healthy People 2020 topic choice and objective
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Description minimal in nature.
0.0 pts
Failed to address criteria.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDisparity Minimization
Describe a minimum of three efforts to minimize the effects of the disparities provided in the Role of Health Disparities.
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Provided less than three efforts.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective Communication
Describe three efforts that can be utilized to effectively communicate to patients and families to ensure comprehension of information provided.
5.0 pts
Met all criteria.
3.0 pts
Provided less than three efforts.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 25.0

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Complete the following Case Studies :

Mexican case study #2
Puerto Rican case study #2

Write a 3-4 page APA essay addressing the questions in the above case studies. Use clearly labeled headings for each question. Be sure to use two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

I have attached the case studies as a word document