Archive for August 27th, 2020


This review will be on a documentary video about flooding that you watch at home. I want your personal opinion of the video. Use the knowledge that you have gained from your studies about hurricanes to construct a reasonable critique (pro or con is fine) of the video. Any documentary is fine as long as it is compatible with the theme of hurricanes and is at least 30 minutes long. Reviews should consist of between 750 and 1000 words. You can watch documentaries on television, Netflix, YouTube, websites, or any other source that you can find. Feel free to be as creative as you like. Reviews will be submitted via the “Assignment” section (formally Dropbox) of BlazeVIEW. Read the movie review guidelines that are posted in the Class Documents section in the Content area in BlazeVIEW. Late reviews will be docked 10 points.

All movie reviews must include the following information at the top of the review:

1.  The name of documentary (first 6 reviews)
2.  Medium used to view film (History Channel, DVD rental, Netflix, YouTube)
3.  Approximate length of film
4.  Classmates who watched with you (this is absolutely OK, feel free to organize viewing parties)
5.  Your star ranking for the film (out of a total possible 5 stars)

Models and Defensive Mechanisms

CSSS 5140 Week Discussion #1: IoT Affect Business Strategy and Security (1 page)

Why IOT Security Is So Critical PDF (See attached file)

Explain how the IoT affects business strategy and security.


– Two references.
–      APA Format


CSSS 5140 Week 3 Discussion #2: BYOD affect business strategy and security (2 pages)

10 BYOD mobile device management suites you need to know (See attached file)
Wearables are everywhere, but are they part of BYOD?

Explain how Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) affects business strategy and security.

– Two references.
–      APA Format
CSSS 5140 Week 3 Assignment 1: Video Synopsis (2 pages)

The accelerating power of technology (Ray Kurzwell)



Instructions: After reviewing the video answer the following questions in two to four strong paragraphs using APA format:

1.  What are the major points, strengths, and weaknesses?
2.  How could the information be applied in Cyber Strategic Operations?

Provide two references.
CSSS 5120 Week 3 Discussion #1: This Week in Cybersecurity (2 pages)

Each week, we will have a “This Week in Cybersecurity” discussion that focuses on developing issues in Cybersecurity. This discussion will provide you the opportunity to stay ‘attuned’ to current Cybersecurity issues in the news and share at least one event, activity, or development with the class. For example, if a major cyber-attack on a nation-state or major company (i.e., North Korea attack on Sony) were to occur, this would be the type of story to share.


Find a Cybersecurity-related current event, activity, or development on to write and share with your colleagues. In your discussion post, briefly summarize the event and reflect on its significance to support your topical input.

Questions to address in a two-pages paper might include:
    How does the event relate to issues addressed in class?
    How might similar situations be mitigated?
    What is the broader impact of the event (e.g., nationally, globally, etc.)

Include a link to the story or a citation so that others may read the story.
CSSS 5120 Week 3 Discussion #2: Water Management Systems (1 page)

Anomaly Detection In Water Management System
Seven Elements (Word Doc)
Applying the cybersecurity elements outlined in Week 2 to the water management systems across the United States, which of the seven elements (See Attached Word Doc) are most impactful as being central to enabling or supporting cyber attacks on this key aspect of our CI? Why?
–      APA Format
–      2 References


This review will be on a documentary video about huricanes that you watch at home. I want your personal opinion of the video. Use the knowledge that you have gained from your studies about hurricanes to construct a reasonable critique (pro or con is fine) of the video. Any documentary is fine as long as it is compatible with the theme of hurricanes and is at least 30 minutes long. Reviews should consist of between 750 and 1000 words. You can watch documentaries on television, Netflix, YouTube, websites, or any other source that you can find. Feel free to be as creative as you like. Reviews will be submitted via the “Assignment” section (formally Dropbox) of BlazeVIEW. Read the movie review guidelines that are posted in the Class Documents section in the Content area in BlazeVIEW. Late reviews will be docked 10 points.

All movie reviews must include the following information at the top of the review:

1.  The name of documentary (first 6 reviews)
2.  Medium used to view film (History Channel, DVD rental, Netflix, YouTube)
3.  Approximate length of film
4.  Classmates who watched with you (this is absolutely OK, feel free to organize viewing parties)
5.  Your star ranking for the film (out of a total possible 5 stars)

case study analysis

Read the assigned case study and answer the following questions in your individual case study analysis:
    Describe the main problem presented in this case in a short paragraph (150-200 words)
    What are some of the critical questions proposed by this article? (minimum 3)
    Based on the arguments from this case and class materials, conduct a SWOT analysis of the company’s decision to implement CRM (use table & bullet points). Interpret your findings from SWOT analysis in short paragraph form.
    Provide recommendations for the company (minimum 250 words)
Use headings/subheadings, paragraphs (structured text is preferred over essays)

Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior

For this assignment, you will create a summary and critique of a scholarly article related to the Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior and a health related subject that you are interested in.

1. Locate a scholarly article related to the Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior.

        One way to begin is to use Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) and type in the Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior and the subject area you are interested in.  For example, you could search for Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior and cardiovascular fitness or Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior and diabetes in Hispanic women.  Be sure to use the quotations marks when searching.

Avoid articles that are meta-analyses, literature reviews, dissertations, or editorials


        Title of the article
        LINK to the full text of the original article

        Brief (1 paragraph) introduction pertaining to why you chose the article and/or subject area.

        Summary overview of article including:

            Scope or purpose (i.e., what are the research questions?)
            Descriptive summary of the research methods, results, and conclusions

        Critique – critical evaluation of the work including justification for:

            Limitations of the study
            Author(s) credentials

        Analysis theory application (this section carries the most weight for scoring!)

            Explain how the theory is related to or applies to the topic of the study by  describing how each construct of the theory is used in the study
            List the theory construct, then explain how it was applied in the study
            Note that the study may not have use all of the theory constructs


Choose a current issue/trend topic from the following list:
-Technology in health care
-Collective bargaining
-The impaired nurse
-The global nurse workforce
-Mentoring and coaching in nursing
-The trimodal model of 21st-century effective nurse leaders

Create a 7 PAGE paper in APA format including a minimum of 4 to 5 references. Explain how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funds to support your issue or trend. Include the following elements in your paper: share why you chose the specific topic, the current relevance of material, how it is integrated into clinical practice, and how the information is used in clinical setting.

Dolphin sound production

research paper (5-10 pages): topic of choice with the following rubric:
style: consistently follow a standard research style,
e.g. MLA,  (Links to an external site.)APA, Chicago, etc.;
content: well written and clear, the information is correct
and accurate, and includes at least two scientific sources (citations

Examine the main causes of transition/revolution/state collapse from authoritarianism in Tunisia.

(you are largely looking at the factors which promoted the change away from and collapse of the former regime).

Main factors:
(Write about these two factors only do not include any other factors).

1-    Civil society – how it promoted the change

2-    political parties  – how it promoted the change
(Political systems and institutions?)

this may be useful
and the end notes are many references may be useful as well

Biblical Discipleship

All assignments must be at least 5 pages (BOdy needed only for 5 pages)
NOT including the cover page and table of contents, and must be in current Turabian format.

For this assignment, you will give a detailed description of how disciples are made in the context of a healthy church and a Christian community. Give an overview of the body of Christ and discuss what the model of your church is based upon the TAHO chart (found in the Reading & Study of Module/Week 4). Assess your church or ministry based on the healthy church assessment and identify the strong and weak areas with suggestions on how to improve. Detail the role and importance of the local church, pastor, saints, and spiritual gifts in Gods plan for being and making disciples, using Scripture and other scholarly sources to support your arguments.

-attached a sample paper of Assignment
-TAHO chart attached
-Healthy Church Assessment


Number each question in paper

A 75-year-old woman G5P5 presents for an annual exam and reports having a fullness in the
vaginal area. The symptom is more noticeable when she is standing for a long period of time. She does not complain of urinary or fecal incontinence. She has no other urinary or gastrointestinal symptoms. There has been no vaginal bleeding. Her past medical history is significant for well-controlled hypertension and chronic bronchitis. She has never had surgery.

Pelvic exam reveals normal appearing external genitalia except for generalized atrophic changes. The vagina and cervix are without lesions. A cystocele and rectocele are noted. The cervix descends to the introitus with the patient in an upright position. Uterus is normal size. Right and left ovaries are not palpable. No rectal masses are noted. Rectal sphincter tone is slightly decreased. The patient prefers non-surgical treatment.

CC: I feel fullness in my groin area”.


1. What increases this patients risk for pelvic organ prolapse?

2. What are the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse?

3. What are the different types of pelvic organ prolapse?

4. What is the role of vaginal estrogen in patients with pelvic relaxation?

5. When is surgery indicated?

6. What are nonsurgical treatments?