Archive for September 2nd, 2020


Consider yourself a member of an interdisciplinary team formed to facilitate the development of a telehealth program at a local hospital. Work in small groups to research current guides, obstacles, and best practices related to the four components of the B.E.L.T. framework. Reliable and current information can be found online at the Telehealth Resource Centers ( (Links to an external site.)) and the American Telemedicine Association ( (Links to an external site.)).

Once you are assigned to a group by your instructor, you will have until Week 8 to work collectively on creating a group presentation.

Create a 15 to- 20 Slide Presentation (i only have 4 slides)

Prepare a slide presentation to share with members at your local hospital. This should cover the following elements:

A brief overview of the B.E.L.T framework
Current research in telehealth
Best practices in telehealth
Obstacles in telehealth
Make sure that you properly cite any resources used and include a reference slide. (not included in the 20).

Add Presenter’s Notes

Include talking points and details in the notes area for each slide. These notes should document what you would say to an audience about each slide as if you were to present in-person.

As you prepare your presentation, you should follow these guidelines:

Use clear, concise, and complete sentences
Use relevant examples to help explain concepts
Use language intended for a listener as opposed to a reader
Ensure your presentation is cohesive, that it “flows”

I have to do 2 slides on benefits and 2 slides on cons. no specific technology.

The book is attached. use only scholarly sources they must have DOI’s

you can only have up to 4 bullet points per slide

Psychology: Brain Functions

Please use this template for your assignment:  PSY720 Assignment Template Scenario 1.docx

There are two different templates to complete.

The goal of this project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of functional neuroanatomy.

You will be first choose a behavioral scenario (e.g., driving a car). A simple scenario works best for this assignment. Next, you will provide a brief description of each structure/region listed in the table provided. Lastly, you will explain the function of that brain structure/region as it relates to behavior in your scenario.

Obviously, many brain structures are operating simply because the person is conscious and active. Please focus on areas related to your chosen scenario.

Be sure to appropriately give credit to your sources (e.g., APA style citations and references). Note that you may have to use  scholarly sources other than your textbook for descriptions of certain regions.


Scenario: Driving a car

Brain Region

Description of Brain Region

Function of Brain Region in Scenario


The hippocampus is a horseshoe-shaped part in the limbic system, involved in learning and memory (Witter & Amaral, 2004). This region is particularly important for forming new long term memories (Freberg, 2019). 

Needed for remembering where you left your keys, the address of the house you are driving to, and the names of the streets.

Personal Essay



Your first major assignment is to write a personal essay drawn from your own life experiences. A personal essay sometimes called a personal memoir or, simply, a memoir, from the French word for memory is an example of what is sometimes called creative nonfiction.  The story a personal essay tells is the story of a real moment in the authors life. It is based on truth.

A personal essay relates an event in the life of a person as that event appears in the mind of an often older and wiser author. A good example of a personal essay is Annie Dillards Death of a Moth, which you wrote about in your second discussion board post. You can use this essay as a model, but you may go in whatever direction you like. The important thing to remember is that there should be some distance between the person who had the experience and the person who is telling the story today (you in the past, and you, today, reflecting on that experience).

This assignment asks you to compose a personal essay that vividly describes a moment or event in your life and explains implicitly or explicitly why that moment or event is significant for you. Your personal essay should be full of relevant detail that helps the reader to see, feel, hear, smell, and perhaps taste what happened to you.

Some of the things that a personal essay should have would include some, if not all of the following:

A clearly identified event (What happened? Who was involved?)
A clearly described setting (When and where did it happen?)
Vivid descriptive details and vibrant language
A consistent point of view (First person)
A clear point (Why does the story matter?)

WTO Exploration

you will examine and discuss the WTO. To prepare for the discussion, please do the following:

visit the WTO  (Links to an external site.)s official homepage,

watch the WTO videos,


explore resources within the WTO’s YouTube channel  (Links to an external site.)that are of personal interest to you.

There are advocates for and against the WTO.

Based on information you found within the WTO website, the course videos, and your own research, describe your position on the WTO, and explain the rationale for your stance. Post your insights to this discussion forum.

Johnson and Johnson Crisis

Individuals will prepare an eight to ten page paper examining a contemporary
business and governmental regulation issue presented in the press examining issues presented in an article/publication.  Note in your paper how your research is relevant to the course, and why an understanding of the research topic selected is important to your peers. Footnotes & bibliography required.

Johnson and Johnson Crisis is topic
relate this topic to different chapters in the book
Book: Business and Its Environment By: David P. Baron  ISBN: 9780132620550

Any topic (writer’s choice)

choose one do writing assignment
no cover page
one full page  writing

The assignment should be typed, double-spaced 12″ font and at least 1 full page in length. Any information research that you use for the assignment should have the proper citation. The safe Assign likeness percentage should not be more than 40%.
Do not include/copy the case question in your assignment submission

Topic Selection – Edward Jones

The company is Edward Jones and the product is Edward Jones is developing and selling accounting and banking software to neighboring banks.

Prompt: Your short paper should identify and briefly describe the business that you propose to study and describe the government impact that it has faced or would be likely to confront. Make your case for why the business and government impact you select are appropriate subjects for the final project. If your instructor believes that your choice will not provide sufficient material for you to achieve success with the final project, you may have to select a different business and/or government impact. Your macroeconomic evaluation should answer the following prompt: Select a business that has faced, or is facing, governmental action, and analyze the impact of this action on the business.

Topic examples:
The decision of LG Corporation to construct a new corporate headquarters on the Hudson River in New Jersey, in the face of environmental concerns.
The decision of Tesla Motors, Inc. to choose among competing incentive packages from local governments for the construction of the companys new Gigafactory.
The threat of to move its drone research development activities out of the United States unless the Federal Aviation Administration adopts a more favorable regulatory stance.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Topic Selection:
A. Business Profile: Provide a brief profile of the business and the industry it occupies, including the businesss market share and competitors, as well as opportunities and threats facing the business and industry outside of the particular governmental action now facing the business.
B. Governmental Action: Analyze the potential governmental action or political challenge that will affect the business in this particular situation.

CCB & Baselines

Explain how implementation of a CCB could have helped
Explain how the use of baselines by a PM could have helped

Baselines – Can be used for project plans, budgets, timelines, etc. They provide a model for what your expectations are for the project. As the project progressed, you can compare the effort to your baseline. This allows you to determine if the project is on time or budget.

Change Control Board (CCB) – In my experience, these are used on larger projects. Whenever a scope change is recommended, the project team presents these items to the change control board. Dependent on how the change affects the project, the CCB will approve or deny the scope change. This takes the decision process away from the PM (who shouldn’t make the decision anyway) and aligns the change to sponsor requirements. If the scope change falls outsides of the CCB’s powers, they will usually escalate the change to a Sponsor or Executive Steering Committee for approval / denial.

Change Management – Change management covers a numbers of topics and areas. However, my opinion is that change management comes down to one basic concept. Ensuring a project (or any other change) is thought out. Whatever the evolution to be undertaken is, it is accounted for in terms planning. Is there a plan for implementation? Is there a time and date the change will occur? Is there a back-out plan. There are many other items that go into change management, but remember the purpose of change management is to ensure operations are well thought out.

about Dorothea Lange In 1918-1945

A New Vision (1918-1945),
CHAPTER NINE: Social Science, Social Change, and the Camera

Paper with one-two page reflection paper (MLA format) on the photographer period,

Plus at least one photograph by the photographer of that period or from the time period itself.

Talk about Dorothea Lange In 1918-1945

Can Sexuality be Standardized?

Research on sexuality is particularly muddy because researchers cannot agree on definitions for describing hetro and homosexuality. This means every time you pick up an article on sexuality you will need to first determine what the researcher’s definition is before you can appreciate what conclusions are offered.

Many scientific disciplines offer strict definitions for describing, characterizing, and defining things: For example in anatomy an organ is defined as a group of tissues working together; In psychology the Diagnostic Statistical Manual provides a detailed description for every documented mental illness.

Take a stance:

Should the definitions for heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and bi-homosexual be standardized in the field of sexuality research? Can the definitions be standardized? What would your version look like?


Should definitions be variable depending on the nature of the  research; keep in mind this may mean  excluding subjects (that do not fit a given definition), or altering definitions to suit a particular study? Give examples and provide any insight that you can. Why can’t sexuality be standardized to black and white terms?