Culture and Diversity

Introduction Section:

Statement of the Issue:

In simple terms, describe the issue. Give background information on the nature of the issue. Describe the various HRD implications in your chosen topic. Devise questions that can be used to solve the issue.


Briefly state your intended outcomes and how you will measure success.  Relate these to the concepts, policies, or laws that apply to the topic that should be reviewed and considered before rendering a decision

Significance of the Research:

Briefly identify the various stakeholders,  what are the implications of this research?

Review of Literature Section:

Review five strong, peer-reviewed journal articles that contain quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methodologies. You may use no more than two articles from the Reading Room, but keep in mind some of those sources may not meet this requirement. Write briefs for each article and state how the findings relate to the solution of the business issue.

Conclusion Section:

Sum all findings and give an overall conclusion for your review.

This paper should include:

Title page (Does not count toward paper length)
Review of the Literature
References (Does not count paper length)

Double-spaced, APA 7th Ed. format
An abstract is not required
The quality and content of this paper is more important than the form, but please make an effort to adhere to the APA style guide throughout the paper.
This is an academic research paper and should be largely free of grammatical, spelling, and syntax errors.
Direct quotes should be kept to a minimum except when absolutely necessary.
This literature review should include a minimum of 7 peer-reviewed, research-based articles

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