Career Development of Professional women returning to the workforce

Your report should include:
o A description of the target group and their needs which might include: language, lack of skills, cultural isolation, qualifications, sponsors and networks, experience, organisational resistance, lack of organisational flexibility (jobs, time, etc.)
o Are you targeting a particular industry or sector?
o Is the strategy one to be implemented by an organisation, government or NGO, or a combination;
o Provide a brief overview of the types of strategies that are required for the career development of this group. Select one strategy to discuss in detail that you believe will address one or more of the issues identified from your research.
o Rationale for the chosen strategy drawing on research, both academic and organisational material. What are the factors that are needed to ensure that your strategy is effective? What are the risks or barriers to success?
o Outline how this strategy might be implemented – steps that you would recommend. o Provide one example of an organisation that is using this strategy with success.

The report is to be written as an organisational document with wide distribution and a diverse audience, not as a formal academic essay. However, your project should be informed by both a review of relevant academic (research, refereed articles, books, etc.) and professional literature (organisational reports, government policies, media articles, audio visual resources). The presentation: format, language and organisation, needs to be informative and persuasive.

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