Media Influence

 To write the paper you will answer each of the following three questions separately, and additional insight suggested further below.   Each answer should be 400-500 words long and provide concrete examples to flesh out your ideas.
Your three questions:
* What role does media currently play in your professional, personal, and/or political life? Consider the following as you answer this question: How do you utilize it to influence others, to what ends or purposes? How does it influence your behavior, practice, or understanding of your professional, personal, and/or political life?
* Specify a handful of values that are important to you in your professional, personal and/or political lifehow does the media support and hamper your attempts to live out those values?
* As you look towards the future, 20 years out, what challenges and opportunities do you currently believe media will provide for you professionally, personally, and/or politically?
Additional insight for the paper:
You want to think of the media at this point as a whole language system that uses sounds, images, and printed words and images to package information in time and space to influence others.

You are not required to use any external source or readings, but you can use the book applying communication theory since it has very helpful definitions, theories, etc  that may help.

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