Archive for November 12th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

MINI ESSAY- turn in a typed, MLA, double-spaced rhetorical analysis of a text of your choice. It should have a thesis, and generally follow the guidelines of rhetorical analysis. Rhetorical analysis explains the techniques that writers use to persuade their audience and write an effective essay.  The length is 750-1,000 words. Credit will depend on quality. The maximum credit is 2pts (it makes no difference if these points are applied to a blog or a journal because they are mathematically the same). The essay will need to be formally written, just as any other essay. You will need to upload this essay into Turnitin via Blackboard as well as turning in hard copy. A separate link will be created.

The text of choice has to come from the book “The Broadview Anthology Of Expository Prose” Third edition

Corporate governance and accountability

Read carefully the Assignent requirement file,

analyze the black swan event and create a an opinion that covid is not a blackswan,
analyze a company of your choise that was affected by covid, you can choose what you like,
and create a risk management plan as the one in CRH example.

read the article related to risk management and the one related of creating strong internal culture and internal auditing,

CRH annual report is a good guide for writing example of real world risk management, take in consideration governance report and principle risk and uncertenity report.
The Annual report gives example on different risk area that the business need to analyze from framework the top of board director, risk commeettee, risk champion and business leaders. 3 lines of defense divisional leader,oversight comittee experienced, internal audit.
They understand that they need external expertees , invite the discussion, the debate, training staff , induction and public infomation are all part of their learning organization and strong culture.
Their nterpise function is very strong.

The assignment need to be written with opinions and not copying shortcut from book,
you can integrate the work with other books,

make sure everything is in Harvar reference


Read Chapter 11 in Planning Implementing & Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: a primer
2. Refer back to the program you wrote a rationale for earlier this semester.

3. Describe your product or service (tangible item of service).  What is the “price” for the consumer? “Describe the “place

Describe the size and scope of the health care industry and present evidence that supports your description

Research and provide an abstract of a written study, commentary, news story etc. (article) showing a date published within the past 18 months.

Ensure the article addresses the learning outcomes listed below.
Abstract should not be more than two double spaced typed pages and address how the chosen article provides information specific to the following learning objectives:

Describe the size and scope of the health care industry and present evidence that supports your description.
Abstract will include title page, abstract, copy of the published article (pdf if possible), and link if available. Analysis will have no more than 5% direct quotes.
You must use APA format.

International Business

Your company appears to be taking unfair advantage of the working conditions in an overseas subsidiary in which you work. At the same time, however, your company is providing much-sought-after employment in this developing region[HCM1] . Your conscience is bothered. What should you do? What rights and obligations does your company have in such a situation? There is no page minimum or maximum.

Leadership Essay

Your essay will address these questions:

A. What leadership model, style, or theory best describes you as a leader? Why? Give examples using the terms and concepts in your textbook.

1) Skills Approach

2) Situational Approach

3) Behavioral Approach

4) Trait Approach

5) Path-Goal Approach

B. What are your most distinguishing leadership traits? What traits do you strive to learn to develop?

C. As a follower, what leadership approach do you prefer from your leader?

D. What leadership model or theory best describes how you influence others? Give examples.

E. Based on your self-assessments, your current leadership and motivational skills, and the knowledge you have gained from the course materials, what goals will you set and what plan of action will you implement to improve your (1) leadership and (2) motivation? Include the type of leadership theory or model you intend to implement to achieve your goals.

F. Explain the steps you need to take to complete each of these self-improvement goals?

Paper Format:

A. Title Page – Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number, course name, and date.

B. Introductory Paragraph – Include an introductory paragraph that ends.

C. Font and Spacing – Use Times New Roman 12 font with double spaced lines.

D. Length – Write a 5 to 7 page essay not including the title page and citation page.

E. Reference Page – Include all sources including your textbook on a Reference page

1. Utilize the APA Style for documenting sources. Remember to include at least 2 sources other than your textbooks. Finally, remember Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source. Quotes must be properly cited. Limit quotes to less than 10% of your paper if you must have any.

2. Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade.

Prenatal care access and pregnancy related complications and mortality.

I have a research proposal paper that is based around a PICOT question. the PICOT quesstion is: In pregnant women, (P) does receiving access to prenatal education (I) compared to not receiving prenatal education entirely (C ) increase the risk of pregnancy related complications and mortality (O)? This is a group assignment. I will attach the rubric and tell you which part I am responsible for. The paper does not have a set amount of pages so I put 3 because I felt it was a safe number. I made change to 4. I am responsible for the introduction and the plan. I will also upload some articles already found

The American Renaissance/Romantic Period

1.    Choose any ONE of the works/authors of the American Renaissance or Romantic Period studied in this course and write a literary analysis of the chosen work. The focus of the essay should be three-fold: to discuss the theme of the author/work, the major characteristics of the period that are evident in the work, and major narrative devices the author uses to communicate his or her message. Your essay must have a clearly-defined thesis statement, well-developed paragraph(s), and fitting conclusion.

2.    Discuss Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle as an allegory – that is, as a self-sufficient narrative that nevertheless signifies more than what is said.  You may choose to focus on the entire narrative, or on brief sections or episodes that you consider allegorical.

3.    Compare and/or contrast the way in which Washington Irving, Cullen Bryant, and David Thoreau used nature in their writing.

4.    Choose ONE OR TWO poems by ONE of the following poets: Edgar Allan Poe, William Cullen Bryant, or Phillis Wheatley.  (The poem MUST be one of the assigned readings in your textbook).  Analyze the poem(s) thoroughly, considering aspects such as theme(s), verse form(s), political, cultural, social, economic, religious, literary, and historical background, and the thematic significance of important figures of speech.  Remember to choose an appropriate title and in your introduction an opening sentence and a clear thesis statement that will attract the reader.  After your discussion, be sure to “tie up” your essay with an appropriate conclusion.

5.    Imagine that someone unfamiliar with American Literature has asked you to characterize the writing of the Age of Colonialism, Age of Reason/Revolutionary era, and American Renaissance/Age of Romanticism.  Begin by writing a brief survey (including the major characteristics) of these periods of American Literature, indicating the major writers of each period.  Select ONE writer from each period and write a thumbnail description of the themes and/or characteristics of each writer’s work(s).

6.    Choose one or two characters from either Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown or Herman Melvilles Bartleby the Scrivener and discuss the ways in which each experiences conflict (either with self, other characters, or with the social and/or physical environment); the ways in which each attempts to deal with it, and the relative success or failure of each.  Who receives your deepest sympathy? Why?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read the attached article and answer the following questions.

*Summarizes the research studys purpose.
*Describes the relevance of the publication dates of the citations referenced for the research study.
*Identifies the type of claim the research study makes and explains response.
*Describes the research method used in the research study.
*Describes the research studys data collection method.
*Describes the research studys sample.
*Describes one type of statistical analysis conducted in the research study.
*Describes one limitation from the research study.
*Describes how this research could be used in personal and professional practice.

Putting It All Together…. Again

What is the state of relations between the police and minority communities?
What would you recommend as an applied sociologist to address the issues?

Our topic for this section is Crime. And if you think about it, crime has been a from the earliest days of the discipline, crime has been a topic that’s interested sociologists. And it makes sense. It’s a natural fit, right? For example, mile Durkheim wrote extensively about crime in society. And today, modern sociologists are very interested in crime and the fundamental causes of crime in the nature of the prison system, and also in the relationship between police and the communities they serve. And the latter is something that’s very much in the news in the last couple of years with Black Lives Matter, the problems of and distance between minority communities and law enforcement officers serving in those communities.

And one of the things I think you’ll see from this reading is the sociologists really have a contribution to make in this area. And the first reading, “If a crime is a problem, is community police-community or problem-solving policing the solution?” talks extensively about ways that the police can interact more effectively with the communities they serve. The second reading talks about something called the Terry Stops, the idea of what’s called street policing. The idea that you can really effectively tackle crime at the street level. One of the classic examples people use is an experiment that was done years ago where people parked a car, an old car on the street that appears to be an abandoned car, and they watched to see what would happen, and not much happened until they broke a window in the car, and then the car began to be vandalized. And the idea is that science of breakdown in order in law and order, actually beget more breakdowns, a low order foster crime.

So you combat crime by really being aggressive at the street level. There are some problems with that initial scene in your readings in that it appears that oftentimes police are more aggressive in minority communities in terms of street policing than they are in other communities. So what does it all come to in terms of sociology and sociologist, Well, I would argue that sociologists are uniquely situated to play a role in this, this area? Because the sociological toolkit: theory, sociological research methods, and the sociological imagination, or three things that are essential to understanding the true nature of crime and how to improve relationships between police departments and the communities they serve.

Terry Stops:

Einstein On Racial-Bias, 1946:

Fagan, J., and Geller, A. 2015. Following the Script: Narratives of Suspicion in “Terry” Stops in Street Policing. Preview the document University of Chicago Law Review, 82(1), 51-88