
M5 Written Assignment
Answering each assigned question in 2 to 3 complete, and well written paragraphs is a requirement.This will give your professor a clear view of the concepts, facts, and themes that you are understanding and what you still need to work on.

You are required to answer each written assignment questions in several (2- 3 or more), well-written, thoughtful paragraphs, IN YOUR OWN WORDS_(new window) If you find it especially difficult to rephrase technical and scientific material, you are not alone. Ask your professor for help.

The questions in the written assignments were purposely created to encourage you to think, make connections, and apply what you have learned. Most of the answers will not be found word for word in the text or the commentaries. This is deliberate – to help you learn to think through and interpret new information. Do your best with them and ask for help if you find yourself stumped or spending unreasonable or unprofitable amounts of time on them. There is very little if anything to be gained educationally from spending inordinate or inappropriate amounts of time on one question or another. Ask your instructor a question any time you find yourself frustrated, panicked, or overwhelmed.

Answering assigned questions in 2 to 3 complete, well written paragraphs will give your instructor a clear view of the concepts, facts, and themes that you are understanding and what you still need to work on. Please review the college’s policy on academic integrity_(new window) and let us know if you have any questions.

Please don’t hesitate to ask a question (click below) about these questions. You may want to read these questions before reading commentaries and the text, as well as afterwards, to highlight what is considered important and what we hope for you to take away.

Question 1 (5 points)

Many people think of bone as static or unchanging. In reality, bone tissue is constantly being remodeled.

a. Explain what bone is composed of and which cells break down and replace bone tissue.
b. Explain why bone remodeling is important, both on a daily basis and also throughout our early development.
c. Discuss problems associated with bone remodeling that may arise as we age.

Question 2 (5 points)

Name three (3) functions of the skin. For each function, describe the structures in the skin that contribute to that function.

Question 3 (5 points)

Name the three (3) types of muscle tissue. What characteristics are common to all three types? What are some unique aspects of each type?

Question 4 (5 points)

Curare is a plant-based poison that blocks acetylcholine receptors. Based on your understanding of muscle function, explain how paralysis results when an animal is shot with an arrow dipped in curare. Why does curare paralyze skeletal muscles without affecting contraction of the heart?

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