Archive for November 12th, 2020

The Plan

The Plan (2nd part of 1st paper)
Read the Scenario for Assignments in Weeks 3, 6, and 10.

Write a paper in which you address the following:

Part 1: Training Method and Justification
For each of the trainings, you will do the following:

Describe the training and delivery method.
Describe the assessment method for each training.
Justify your choice of delivery method and training.
Use as much concrete data as possible, including the following:
Time to develop the training or to implement a COTS training product.
Cost of the training method (cost to develop or purchase, as well as incidental costs, such as the need for additional equipment, software, or space).
Cost of assessment.
Cost of employee time in training.
Include adult learning theory in your justification.
Note: Feel free to use a different training method and assessment method for each training.

Part 2: Assess Training Effectiveness
Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of each training.

Justify your evaluations with both cost information as well as adult learning theory.
Use least three quality references from the past two years, no more than one of which you have used previously.

Include as much real-world information as possible on the COTS products and other products as they pertain to your proposal.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Develop training and delivery methods and assessments for the organization.

Research topic based Biochemistry

The topic must be on a current biochemical event/problem/disease relevant to Biochemistry. You must write a brief outline of your proposed topic.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
How Organelles and Enzymes may be related to diseases
Biologics and their Developments
Enzymes and Inhibitors
Reproduction and Malfunction
Genetic Variations
Genetic Engineering and its Application
Stem cell research
Effects of tropical deforestation on environment
A parasitic disease
Example of an ecological/environmental problem (for example, global warming, give science behind it) and what is being done to solve or reduce impact (you can also give your own suggestions as long as it is scientifically sound!
The report will contain:
1. A Title of the topic,
2. Introduction. Give us the background of this topic. Pretend that this is the first time any of us have heard about it. Give definitions of terms you will be mentioning, some basic theories (if applicable),
3. The problem. What is the topic you are talking about? What is the impact on humans? Earth?
4. Research that is available. If you are talking about a disease, what studies are being conducted? If you are talking about an environmental issue, what studies have been done to solve the problem if there is conflicting studies/research out there, which is great! Mention both and talk about the strengths and weaknesses of each.
5. Your commentary. Youve told us what research/studies have been done, but what do you think? Youve chosen this topic for a reason (hopefully because it is of interest to you). Is something missing in current thinking? Are some theories flawed? Give your opinion, but make sure you tie the report in together. Give a basis for why you think what you think.
6. Conclusion. Give recommendations. What is the future fate of your topic?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the following questions:

Discuss the validity of an assessment in relation to student expectations and an instructor’s assessment of prior learning of their students.
Respond to at least one of your classmates. Explain how you could apply at least two of the design decisions described in the chapter to address the points about the validity and prior knowledge in your classmate’s answer.
Support your answers with at least one quality reference.

Discuss at least two ways you can develop moderation practices for assessments in your workplace or adult learning environment. If you work or study in a place that already has moderation practices, describe them and their effectiveness.
Respond to at least one of your classmates. Address how the moderation practices described in their answer can be used to develop accountability and improvement priorities.
Support your answers with at least one quality resource.

Comparing the Adoption and Implementation of Virtualization Versus Physical Server Infrastructure

Based on your research, write a 3 page APA format paper that compares the adoption and implementation of virtualization versus physical server infrastructure. The paper should also discuss the costs and support considerations of the two technologies. This paper is to be written for the executive leadership of the company, in an effort to persuade them to invest in virtualization as a cost-effective option toward managing the enterprise network.

IPv4 and IPv6 Implementations of DNS

The World Wide Web would be impossible to navigate without the addressing provided by the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is also an important addressing method for LANs. Research the differences between the IPv4 and IPv6 implementations of DNS and compare those differences. What are the advantages of IPv6 DNS and how will these advantages change the way that networks use DNS?

Based on your research, write a 3 page paper in APA format that analyzes the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 implementations of DNS. Contrast and compare these differences. Discuss any advantages of using IPv6 DNS as compared to IPv4 DNS and discuss how those advantages may change the way that networks use DNS.


Write a 3 page report comparing the communication strategies of the Facebook pages of two of the following companies:

McDonald’s, Burger King
J C Penney, Kohl’s
Dunkin’ Donuts, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Pepsi Max, Coca-Cola Zero
Target, Wal-Mart
Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Suggested Format:

This week you will write a compare and contrast report. Your paper should discuss each of the companies and then discuss their similarities and differences. When looking at each company’s Facebook page, use the same criteria to evaluate each of them, which will assist with the compare and contrast evaluation. Your paper should have at least 3 pages of body text plus the title page and reference page.

Include the following sections:

Title Page
Discuss the first company
Discuss the second company
Compare and contrast the two companies

early educaiton math

For this assignment, you will select an appropriate math standard for an age/grade (preschool-3rd grade) that addresses data analysis and probability. Then, you will summarize three activities that can be used to support students’ development in this area. You will NOT be writing lesson plans; rather, the focus will be on the selection and application of quality activities and materials to support overall mathematical thinking, reasoning, and achievement for the young learner.

Review the Data Analysis Activity Rubric (Links to an external site.) to guide your assignment preparation.

Use the following steps to complete this assignment:

Step 1: Identify the targeted audience (age/grade).

Step 2: Select a relevant math standard for the selected age/grade using the appropriate Learning Standards (i.e., Early Learning Standards, AZ Math Standard). Include the fully articulated standard at the top of the document.

Step 3: Review ideas for appropriate activities included in the textbook and lesson materials. Then, based on the course readings/viewings, you will select three aligned activities; one using a virtual manipulative, one using a hands-on manipulative, and one including a math-based read aloud.

Step 4: For each activity, you will include the following information:

On the top of the document, succinctly state a title of the activity, the type of activity (virtual, hands-on, or read-aloud), targeted grade/age and the selected learning standard.
Compose a 1-2 paragraph summary describing the activity, the rationale for selection, and the connection to evidence-based findings supporting the use of the instructional strategies, activities, and/or materials for the targeted learner.
Inclusion of a photograph that reflects the activity. The picture should illustrate your hands-on engagement with the activity.
Your final submission will include three pages all saved as one Word doc, including all three activities that address the same targeted math standard.
Step 5: Submit assignment as one document. Please save as no more than 200×200 pixels and low resolution to comply with file size specifications.

Please submit the assignment by 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) on the date specified in the course schedule. Before you do, self-evaluate your assignment and verify that you have carefully prepared the components of the assignment according to the Data Analysis Activity Rubric (Links to an external site.). Once finalized, submit your assignment.

Tips for your standards selection and inclusion

Please remember to refer to the Early Learning Standards for activities designed for the pre-k and younger students. When utilizing the AZ Mathematical Content Standards (K-8), remember that they are organized by grade level and then by domains (clusters of standards that address big ideas and support connections of topics across the grades), clusters (groups of related standards inside domains), and the standards (what students should know, understand, and be able to do). Domains are intended to convey coherent groupings of content. All domains are bold and centered. Clusters are groups of related standards. Cluster headings are bolded. Standards define what students should know, understand, and be able to do. Standards are numbered. The standard you select should be written in the proper format and include the specific verbiage, such as: 3.NF.A Understand fractions as numbers. The Learning Standards page (ECD Program Resources) will provide additional information and examples. Please also remember to be cognizant of the Math Standards of Practice that you will include in your activity.

Tips for your virtual manipulatives activity

Recall from the lesson readings, virtual manipulatives represent concrete manipulatives but can be manipulated digitally. As defined by Moyer-Packenham and Bolyard (2016), “Today, virtual manipulatives are presented on computer screens, on touch screens of all sizes (e.g., tablets, phones, white boards), as holographs, and via a variety of different viewing and manipulation devices.” Manipulation can occur via a “mouse, stylus, fingers, lasers,” and other modalities in years to come (Abstract section). Hence, the updated definition of a virtual manipulative is “an interactive technology-enabled visual representation of a dynamic mathematical object, including all of the programmable features that allow it to be manipulated, that presents opportunities for constructing mathematical knowledge.” This revision implies that “a virtual manipulative may: (a) appear in many different technology-enabled environments; (b) be created in any programming language; and (c) be delivered by any technology-enabled device.”

Tips for your hands-on manipulatives activity

This is a great opportunity to make and take actual hands-on manipulatives that you will be able to use to support teaching and learning. If, for example, you are doing addition sentences up to a sum of 10 and you want to make some festive ghost and jack-o-lantern lima beans to use to create a tangible number sentence, you would get a bag of lima beans, lay them out on newspaper or a drop cloth, spray paint one side of all the beans orange, let them dry, then spray the other side white. Add jack-o-lantern faces on the orange side, ghost eyes and mouth on the white side, then the students each get ten beans to toss, creating a number sentence of how many pumpkins plus how many ghosts equal the sum of 10. Viola!

Topic Related to Ethics and Healthcare/Medical Science

I need a great topic and a paper that will emphasize the different theories of Medical Ethics, i.e  utilitarianism, deontology,virtue and principalism. Also the medical ethical principles i.e non maleficence,benifecence,autonomy,justice,confidentiality and truth-telling (abortion and euthanasia cant be used, and excluded)

The Foundations of Sustainability

Please answer the following questions using the attached textbook:


Write a definition of the first law and the second law of thermodynamics.

What are some of the ecological conditions that are necessary for human life to continue on Earth?


What is the design concept of cradle to grave? Explain how that concept relates to construction.

What is the design concept of cradle to cradle? Explain how that concept relates to construction.


Write a couple of ideas describing how you might be able to take the 2030 challenge into the work you do.

Call your electric company and ask them if they are investing in any renewable resources to provide energy, or are they relying only on coal. Write their response.

Think about what you would need to do to live within your energy means. Write out some actions that you can take right now. Write a plan for actions you can take within the next five years.


What are the differences in the design process between a conventional and sustainable building process?

In what ways (and to whom) can the conventional approach to the building be more expensive than the sustainable approach?

What is an integrated design charrette, and who should attend?

What is a carbon footprint? What does that mean, and what is your carbon footprint?


What are the differences in the design process between a conventional and sustainable building process?

The new wisdom in building design is to include building occupants in the design process. Why is that important?

What is the whole system? Give an example.

Why must every participant in a design charrette be willing to learn and to think in terms of whole systems?

What do you think the relationship is between the formal and informal economy in Peru?

ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS: “Your reflection paper should discuss one or two aspects of Peruvian Street Lives: Culture, Power and Economy among Market Women of Cuzco.Your paper should be 2-3 pages (4 max) where you reflect on the points made during the virtual lecture and/or your discussion group. Your paper should be well developed witha solid introduction of your point(s), two to three supporting paragraphs and a strong conclusion. Please be sure to double-space your paper and use 1” margins.

Some specific ideas for topics are provided below. These and others can all be found in the study questions included in the folder.

What do you think the relationship is between the formal and informal economy in Peru?”

Must fit the page limit under times new roman font size 12. Textbook is “Peruvian Street Lives” by Linda J. Seligmann.