Archive for November 12th, 2020


Hi reymartjan. You finished a paper for me and it was good. However, it was not in 7th Edition APA and I cannot fix it on Word. The references too. Can you please fix? I contacted customer service and they advised me to request you and contact you.

leadership in analysis

Take an objective look at your leadership style by conducting a SWOT analysis.  Create your own personal leadership S.W.O.T. analysis for your job, family or student related activities. Please see the matrix (S.W.O.T example(1).PNGPreview the document) from the week 1 presentation and provide three examples for each quadrant (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). You may use the criteria examples provided if applicable or make up your own.

Also, refer to the Tor article and identify which of the 6 leadership styles best characterize you.  What did you learn about yourself through these self-assessments?  What, if anything, surprised you about the results of your analyses?  How will your findings affect your efforts and success as a data and analytics leader?

Your homework submission should include your completed SWOT analysis and written responses to the above questions.

BP Gulf Oil spill and corporate social responsibility

Explain how the philosophy of Milton Friedman could have played a role in BP managements decision.
Explain how use of the triple bottom line framework theory with CSR could have led BP to make a different decision and avoid the disaster. What would have been the corporate considerations and decision making process?


One of the most pressing early signs of division in this country was in the economic differences between the north and south. the Market Economy in North followed its European counterparts and Industrialized, while the South stayed agrarian and continued to profit from its large scale plantations.  This unit explores the economic development of the New Nation and the Market Revolution that seemed to draw more division between the north and south.


    1. Textbook: Chapter 9 – “Toward a National Economy”

    2. Source Collection for Chapter 9.2: State Laws Govern Slavery

    3. Source Collection for Chapter 9.4: John Marshall – Opinion of the Supreme Court

    4. Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The American Scholar”  Click Here for link  (Links to an external site.)

Based on the readings  answer the following question in 2-3 developed paragraphs. Please answer the question in the “QUIZ” section marked Quiz 9 and save the file as a Word Document of PDF file. Be sure to reference the readings for support.

Many Historians doubt that a market revolution had created a national economic system. Based on the readings did a market revolution take place in the first half of the nineteenth century?