Archive for November 12th, 2020

Informed Consent and Patient care

art and history

Choose a work of art in the world in which you live, defined in whatever way you prefer, and, in no fewer than 750 words, first carefully describe it so as to identify its thematic content and then situate it within the network of social relations and historical conditions you see giving shape to its meaning. Please attach one or more reproductions of the artwork at the end of your essay. (These reproductions do not count in calculating the length of your completed work, however. Respect the required word count indicated in the first paragraph, above.)

Keep in mind that you are NOT being asked to offer your opinion of the work youve chosen to discuss; youre being asked to reason historically from visual evidence.

Be sure the text you turn in is more than a series of observations but an accomplished paper one that begins with an introductory claim, develops through a series of paragraphs with smooth and logical transitions, and concludes in a fashion that accords both with your defining claim and title.

Write a suitable title






Ted Talk Hector Garcia (we train soldiers for war. Let’s train them to come Home)

Choose a TED Talk in which the speaker presents a persuasive thesis on a debatable issue. Your purpose in this assignment is to analyze and evaluate the speaker’s argument, not to simply summarize or to argue for your own position on the speaker’s topic. Your overall judgement of the argument will be stated in your thesis, which will be supported by your analytical explanation of the evidence you gather while answering the questions outlined below.

Introduction (No heading needed for introductions)
What is your purpose for writing?
How will your analysis essay be organized? Indicate the analysis sections in a sentence.
What is the TED speaker’s topic?
What is the speaker’s connection to the topic, and from what angle does the speaker approach the topic?
What is the speaker’s overall perspective or opinion on the argument? Whether it is clearly stated or not, identify what you think is your speaker’s central thesis.
What is your thesis regarding the quality of the speaker’s argument, including your overall judgment of this speaker’s effectiveness?
Rhetorical Situations (This is your most important and detailed section. Consider writing two to three paragraphs. Be sure to explain yourself.)
Who is the speaker’s target audience?
What is the speaker’s purpose? What does the speaker want the audience to do with the information they are presented with?
What is the context of the TED Talk? What historical or current event information is presented (or is missing) to help the audience understand the argument?
What rhetorical appeals (reason, emotion, credibility) does the speaker use to help strengthen the argument?
Evidence (Don’t just summarize the talk. Write at least one solid paragraph with detailed examples as well as explain how the evidence supports the speaker’s argument.)
What types of evidence does the speaker use?
Does the evidence seem credible, timely, and relevant? Why, or why not?
What additional information do you want to know about the topic?
Presentation (In a paragraph, consider both the argument’s structure and the speaker’s actual presentation skills.)
How does the speaker introduce the topic and engage the audience?
Does the speaker conclude the talk in an effective and memorable way?
Does the speaker use good presentation skills while delivering the message? Consider use of images or other visual aids, vocal qualities, use of humor, body language, connection with the audience, and so forth.
Wrap up your reflections on the TED speaker’s presentation.
What is your overall judgment of the argument’s quality and effectiveness based on your answers to the questions above?

Creating a Vector Still Life on Adobe Illustrator

For this Assignment, you will need Adobe Illustrator!!! Assignment Overview What: Every artist through history has tackled the “Still Life” ( This week I’ll show you how to create a stylized version of a still life using the vector object, path, and point tools in Adobe Illustrator. I want you (ideally before class so you can start on your assignment with me) to download a “Still Life” image of your choice ( from I’ll show you how to import your image of choice into Illustrator. From there we’ll trace the photograph, and I’ll show you tools and techniques for working with color, light, shadow, and arranging objects to make a vector version of the still life. From there, your assignment is to complete your image. To complete this assignment, please upload your Adobe Illustrator (.ai) file. This will help me see how you organized your file. Why: The assignment is designed to help you get to grips with Adobe Illustrator, particularly by working with the basic shape tools, alignment, and the concept of moving objects “backward” and “forward”. the screenshot below is an example of (an unfinished) project in the making.

The Assignment: Critically examine how the economics of non-cooperative game theory complements the strategy choice of a company in a competitive game, thus avoiding strategic missteps.

a writer with an MBA or business relative master
Assignment Question:

              The Assignment: Critically examine how the economics of non-cooperative game theory complements the strategy choice of a company in a competitive game, thus avoiding strategic missteps. It is imperative that you use case study and Workshop case research in presenting your arguments.
Assignment Objective:
That part of strategic analysis based on game theory tools looks poised to gain in importance. The key objective is to write a critical essay outlining the overlap between the micro-economics and the game theoretic concepts introduced in this Module. Coupled with the practical case research undertaken by your group during the Workshop or coupled with the research you may have undertaken in support of your individual Workshop Alternate Assignment, the economics of game theory could reshape strategy. So, please do use real case study materials where appropriate.
Hint: The best way to approach the assignment is to imagine that the essay is to be read by senior management. Their concerns may have to do with (i) market entry (ii) product launch (iii) challenges of technology or (iv) prices. So, proceed to analyse the market-as-a-game, identify and filter the competitive threat, assess the action-reaction sequence of events and evaluate your results. And always provide a risk assessment of the likely competitive threats facing a company on choice of strategy.
Remember: You are an MBA consultant. Here is an opportunity to reflect on both the research undertaken by you at the Workshops and on the learning obtained in the preparation of your assignments for this Module. In any consultancy, you must try to impress upon the team. One way to do that is to convince them of the value-added of applying economic concepts and economic reasoning from game theory and transactions cost economics to an evaluation of their company strategy.

Reading Discussion: Hart & Mouw on American Evangelical Christianity

First, based on your reading of the chapters from Hart and Mouw assigned this week, post your carefully considered response to the following prompt:

If you had to identify 3 “ingredients” that were key to the makeup of American evangelical Christianity in the first half of the 20th century (1900-1950), what would they be? (These ingredients might be theological, cultural, political, practical, etc.) List your 3 ingredients, describe them (at least 1 sentence each), and explain why you chose them (at least 2 sentences each). Use specific details from both books.

Then, thoughtfully read and engage at least 2 of your colleagues’ responses with a substantive reply of at least 4 sentences each. Each reply needs to answer this question: Do you agree with the importance of the ingredients your colleague chose? If you do agree, provide additional specific evidence that further supports their choices from the readings. If you do not agree, charitably explain why you differ and support your own view with specific evidence from the readings. In all likelihood, you will agree with some choices and not others.

I am ordering the books that are required, I dont have them yet. If you could just do your best and give me something to turn in it would be greatly appreciated. I will give you a 10 star rating as usual thanks for all your hard work.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The topic for your research paper can be anything pertaining to port security, the security of the maritime transportation system, threats to maritime critical infrastructure (including cyber or piracy) or ways that risk can be quantified within a port. Use the following components in your paper.

Introduction, Research Study Question, and Hypothesis (1-2 pages): This section shall provide an overview of the topic that you are writing about, a concise synopsis of the issues, and why the topic presents an area of study suitable for graduate study. Critical to this section is your hypothesis which should conclude the introduction section.

Literature Review (4-6 pages): All research projects include a literature review to set out for the reader what knowledge exists on the subject under study and helps the researcher develop the research strategy to use in the study. A good literature review is a thoughtful study of what has been written, a summary of the arguments that exist (whether you agree with them or not) and are arranged thematically. The literature review is not an annotated bibliography and should be written in coherent narrative style, grouped by subject area which provides a synthesis of the body of knowledge. At the end of the Lit Review summary, there should still be gaps in the literature that you intend to fill with your research.

Methodology (1-2 pages): This section provides the reader with a description of your research methodology. It is not enough to simply state that you are using “qualitative” methods. I want to know the SPECIFIC type of method employed. Case Study? ACH? etc. If you have any questions regarding this section seek additional reference support from the library. Constructing a solid academically rigorous methodology section will enhance the skills you will need to execute a successful thesis.

Analysis (2-3 pages): This section is not simply a summary of the references you developed nor is it the same as conclusions. In the analysis component of this section you identify how you analyzed the data.

The second part is the finding you got from your analysis of the data. The findings are the facts that you developed, not your interpretation of the facts. These actions are at the very core of graduate level research that interpretation is conducted in the conclusions and recommendations section of the paper. Findings will come from the prior research you examined and your analysis of those prior findings to create new findings for your paper. While there may be some facts that are such that they will stand and translate to your paper, the intent is to create new knowledge, so you will normally analyze the data to create your own findings of what facts that data represents.

Conclusions and Recommendations (2-3 pages): This section is where you give your interpretation of the data. Here you tell the reader what the findings mean. Often the conclusions and recommendations sections will mirror the findings in construct as the researcher tells the reader what that researcher sees as the meaning of that data, their conclusions. Then, drawing on those conclusions, the researcher tells the reader what they believe needs to be done to solve/answer the research question. This section may include recognition of any needs for further research and then finishes with a traditional conclusion to the paper as a whole.

References: This section will contain all references, cited in APA format and alphabetically arranged. Your paper must contain a minimum of 10 reference sources with at least 6 of them being peer-reviewed journals or products of Think Tanks such as RAND, Brookings or Heritage. Entitle this section as “References” following the parenthetical and reference citation format style within APA. You should be compiling sources and adding to them as you gone along throughout the semester. They should be error free!!!

Technical Requirements

Your paper must be at a minimum of 10-12 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used.
A minimum of 10 outside references, 6 of which MUST be peer-reviewed is required.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch this video and answer the question in specific further:

BARBARIANS AT THE GATE-story of ROSS JOHNSON-nabisco takeover

Please demonstrate your knowledge of the video as well as your opinions regarding ethical behavior in the corporate world . Below are some questions to stimulate the conversation.  Write the answers within 250 words.

1.  to the  video what are the key elements of effective corporate governance?
2. Describe what ethical behavior was intriguing to you after watching the video?
3. Discuss what are the key elements of effective corporate governance?

Funds from Bequests, Legacy Gifts and Grants

Please no less than 260 words for the discussion. After reading the chapters and watching the videos, what do you think is the advantage to the donor of a legacy gift? How would you develop a planned giving program for your organization? What ethical considerations would you need to consider about the gifts that people are giving? How could you start to get grant funding into your agency? How would you use the money?  In this Module you will be studying Bequests and Legacy Gifts in Chapter 7 and Seeking Grants from Foundations, Corporations, and Government Agencies in Chapter 10 of the Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits text..