Archive for November 12th, 2020

Friendly advice for stray dog

English 85
In-class Writing #2
Situation: Your friend is emailing you to get your help and advice. They found a stray dog. The dog is very friendly, and they want to keep it, but they are worried because the dog keeps scratching on its side. The dog has scratched all its fur off in one spot.
What will you tell your friend? Here are links to items you should use as supporting details in your email:


On a Saturday morning in 1930, you are reading a newspaper and having brunch at a local cafe. You come across an op-ed criticizing eugenics. The author insists that social reform and improvement of living conditions are both more humane and effective than eugenics. You disagree. You have read many eugenic studies and you know the ideas and arguments presented by Cesare Lombroso, Henry Goddard, Charles Davenport, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and so on about heredity and eugenics.
Please write a letter to the editor rebutting the op-ed. You must substantiate your points with select examples taken from the course material. (The examples do not have to be limited to the ones mentioned above.) You must take a stance. You can be an advocate of positive eugenics, negative eugenics, or both. Please note, too, that the year is 1930. You do not know what will happen after that year. Compose your essay as would an educated – presumably well-meaning, but arguably misguided – intellectual in 1930. Make your letter as solid, coherent, and persuasive as possible.

Effective writing

Open Microsoft Word.
Type your name at the top of the page.
Consider what you have learned about effective writing in this orientation course.
Write two paragraphs that briefly define effective writing in your own words and identify your writing strengths and weaknesses.
Please make sure this is your original work. For more information on plagiarism and academic integrity, please visit Student Conduct in the catalog.
Name your file and save it on your computer with the naming convention PG160_Last NameFirst Name (remember where you saved it).

The definition of marriage changes by generation and by culture

The definition of marriage changes by generation and by culture. Today, the term
marriage does not necessarily mean only one man and one woman. Some might define
marriage as inclusive of same-sex couples, and still others might define marriage as
allowing for polygamist relationships. How do you define marriage? Your audience is an
English teacher. (Tip: Just because you are providing your definition of marriage does
not mean you use first person. This essay requires the third person point of view.)

Corporate Finance

Case Assignment 1
Assume that you recently graduated and have just reported to work as an investment advisor at the brokerage firm of Balik and Kiefer Inc. One of the firms clients is Michelle DellaTorre, a professional tennis player who has just come to the United States from Chile. DellaTorre is a highly ranked tennis player who would like to start a company to produce and market apparel she designs. She also expects to invest substantial amounts of money through Balik and Kiefer. DellaTorre is very bright, and she would like to understand in general terms what will happen to her money. Your boss has developed the following set of questions you must answer to explain the U.S. financial system to DellaTorre.
1.    Why is corporate finance important to all managers?
2.    Describe the organizational forms a company might have as it evolves from a start-up to a major corporation. List the advantages and disadvantages of each form.
3.    How do corporations go public and continue to grow? What are agency problems? What is corporate governance?
4.    What should be the primary objective of managers?
1.    Do firms have any responsibilities to society at large?
2.    Is stock price maximization good or bad for society?
3.    Should firms behave ethically?
5.    What three aspects of cash flows affect the value of any investment?
6.    What are free cash flows?
7.    What is the weighted average cost of capital?
8.    How do free cash flows and the weighted average cost of capital interact to determine a firms value?
9.    Who are the providers (savers) and users (borrowers) of capital? How is capital transferred between savers and borrowers?
10.    What do we call the cost that a borrower must pay to use debt capital? What two components make up the cost of using equity capital? What are the four most fundamental factors that affect the cost of money, or the general level of interest rates, in the economy?
11.    What are some economic conditions that affect the cost of money?
12.    What are financial securities? Describe some financial instruments.
13.    List some financial institutions.
14.    What are some different types of markets?
15.    Along what two dimensions can we classify trading procedures?
16.    What are the differences between market orders and limit orders?
17.    Explain the differences among dealer-broker networks, alternative trading systems, and registered stock exchanges.
18.    Briefly explain mortgage securitization and how it contributed to the global economic crisis.

Lowell’s Factory Life in the 1800’s

Essay interpreting a primary document related to industrialization
Write a 2-3 page essay that examines the attached letters from Lowell, MA and evaluates them in the context of the early 1800s.

Style and Format
    2-3 pages
    Typed, double spaced, stapled
    12 pt Times New Roman font or equivalent
    1 inch margins
    Your paper must have a title (the wittier the better)
    Name and section # at the top of page 1 or on the title page
Use footnotes or parenthetical citations to cite sources (see syllabus for examples)

The letters attached to the paper assignment are primary sources.  They are letters written by women who worked in the Lowell factories. Susan wrote hers for the Lowell Offering, a newsletter published by the factory owners. For this paper assignment you need to examine the letters and interpret their historical importance. In your essay you need to present a historical argument that connects the information in the letters, or the perspective of the authors to larger historical changes that occurred in the early 1800s. This will require you to do some additional research to understand the broader context of the letters. Keep in mind that historical documents often have a hidden subtext and that the writers do not always mean exactly what they write. Historical documents usually have layers of meaning.

When I read your paper I will primarily be looking for six things:
1. That you understood the historical significance of the letters.
2. That you connected the letters to broader historical changes.
3. That you created your own historical argument.
4. That you conducted research to contextualize the letter.
5. That you cite your sources.
6. That you structured your writing based on the guidelines discussed earlier in the semester.

This paper must follow the introduction, body, conclusion structure

Texas Government

Texas has been a “Red State” for the last twenty-plus years. But in reality, Texas is a “Purple State” that is increasingly turning “Blue”. Will that happen? When will that happen? Why will it happen? Why won’t it happen? What’s involved in a “red” turning “blue”? Is it about political culture changing? Are people changing? What’s the story? Are parties changing? What role do interest groups play? What do you think and why?

What is Internal & External Motivation, Equity/Access Issues, and Team Building Skills

Paragraph 1: This paragraph should identify the definitions of Internal & External Motivation, Equity/Access Issues, and Team Building Skills

Paragraph 2: This paragraph should describe examples of Internal & External Motivation

Paragraph 3: This paragraph should describe examples of Equity/Access Issues

Paragraph 4: This paragraph should describe examples of Team Building Skills

Paragraph 5: This paragraph should discuss how all of the topics (Internal & External Motivation, Equity/Access Issues, and Team Building Skills) affect each other. After reading your resources, you will give your interpretation of what you have read, and tell how each of these topics affect each other.

Paragraph 6: This paragraph should focus on how Internal & External Motivation, Equity/Access Issues, Team Building affect you individually.

Paragraph 7: This paragraph should focus on how Internal & External Motivation, Equity/Access Issues affect Team Building skills in the work environment.

Paragraph 8: This paragraph should be the conclusion paragraph.

Intercultural Education in U.S. Secondary Schools

: between theoretical concepts in the course and practical applications to your future teaching. APA reference In your essay (8-10 double-spaced pages), analyze effective democratic schooling practices based on the framework of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) to prepare all students for the 21st Century.  Your analysis should include learning gleaned from course readings, zoom discussions, and video lesson reflections. Your task is to make connections style is preferred.

    Section I. Revisiting Your Philosophical Orientation
    Cite your sources (e.g., Parkay & Stanford, 2010; Gollnick & Chinn, 2017, and other relevant sources)
At the start of the course, we read the Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education book chapter by Stanford and Parkay (2010). Based on that reading and the results of the chapter inventory survey, you identified your philosophy of education.  Your philosophy reflects your fundamental beliefs and values about how you see the role of: the teacher, students (and their families), curriculum and instruction, classroom management, and a member of the profession.
o    At this point, has your philosophy of teaching shifted and why? To what do you attribute the change(s)? If your philosophy remains intact, explain why.
    Section II. Analyzing Your Professional Teacher Identity
    Cite your sources (e.g., Parkay & Stanford, 2010; Gollnick & Chinn, 2017, and other relevant sources)
o    Professional Identity:
How has your professional identity evolved from a credential student to that of a future teacher, prepared to work with students from diverse backgrounds and experiences?
o    Professional Dispositions:
    How would you model integrity and ethical conduct in your future classroom?
o    Learning Environment:
How would you minimize bias in yourself to create a professional, safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment?

Section III. Envisioning Self as a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Teacher
Cite your sources (e.g., Banks, 2010; Gay, 2010; Gollnick & Chinn, 2017; Parkay & Stanford, 2010; and other relevant sources)
o    Pursuit of Lifelong Learning:
What principles of CRP are you still grappling with and why? How might you continue to build your knowledge and gain expertise in the areas identified?
o    CRP Application:
Which CRP principles most resonate with you and why? How you would apply CRP principles to your future practice to make your subject area more accessible and relevant to students?
o    CRP Leadership & Advocacy:
What can you do to leverage knowledge gained about MCE and CRP practices effectively and efficiently when you start teaching?

Dance scholarship application/ Arts

A)  Detailed summary of  dance experience (background, lessons, performances, etc.).

B) Then answering these 3 questions below.

1. Why should you be considered for Arts Scholarship?
2. What role should the arts play in a high school education?
3. Who has influenced you in your pursuit of the arts?