Archive for November 12th, 2020

Louis Armstrong

Final Installment (50 points): Your paper as a whole, should be a study of your choice musicians life, and their relevance to, and impact on the music world. Any parallels you can make that point to connections your musicians has to social issues from their time, especially those we are still struggling with, would be very important to bring up. Here is how you should build your paper:

Title and Name – Don’t forget these! They’re important!!
Introduction – The paper should begin with an introduction describing the person you chose, why you chose him/her, and stating your specific thesis (in bold print).

Body of Paper – Use your Installment #2 as a guideline and begin by elaborate on the analysis you have already provided. If you follow that format, and continue to elaborate, you will naturally build the body of your paper. The body of the paper will also consist of background research on the music and culture pertaining to your chosen individual.

Conclusion – The paper should end with a conclusion that revisits the original thesis, highlights what you learned through your research about the person you chose, and how the experience has impacted or altered your views about jazz, culture, and the world around you. The conclusion should be mostly in your own words, and it should revisit the original thesis, highlight what you learned as a result of your research and interview, and describe in detail how the experience has affected your opinions or views of jazz and how it relates to the world around you.

Bibliography – You must include a bibliography, showing that you used a variety of resources with at least 4 articles, books, and encyclopedias.  You must include at least one of each of those.  A good resource to start with is Oxford Music Online (

By university standards, this paper is supposed to be a minimum of 2,500 words minimum (not counting the bibliography), double spaced, in a common 12-point font. I, however am a firm believer in content, so as long as this is a well-researched, well-written paper, that shows that you learned as much as possible about your topic, then I believe that anywhere between 1,500-2,500 words is acceptable.  So don’t feel obligated to meet that 2,500 quota. Content is the most important! If you paper is thin and it is obvious you did not put in any effort, your grade on paper will be marked down substantially.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose a social, environmental, or political issue that is persistent (whether or not you have been personally affected by it). This is an issue that must be able to be approached analytically and critically, as you will be arguing for a specific solution to it.

Write an introduction that introduces your topic, problem, and thesis. The thesis should contain what youre going to be arguing throughout the paper.

Select at least five academic sources to support your thesis. You may use additional credible sources that dont necessarily count as academic, such as documentaries or news articles, but remember to use caution about fake information.

Determine who your audience is and then use rhetoric appropriately to convince them of your solution. That means there must be clear uses of ethos, pathos, and  logos throughout.

Your paper should not only include evidence and support for your argument, but it should also acknowledge counter arguments and reasoning as to why these counter arguments are invalid (logical fallacies, etc.).

Questions you should answer throughout your paper include: Why do you believe [insert here] is a problem? What is your proposed solution? Not only why is it a good idea but why is it the best idea? Why do some people believe theres not an issue? Why do some people believe that your solution isnt the best? Why are they wrong?

By the conclusion, it should be evident not only why there is a problem in what youve addressed, but why others should care about it and why your proposed solution is the best option.

Reasearch Paper

7 to 9 pages Typically 250 words per page
MLA format with Work Cited page
Objective Research Paper
Create an objective paper that represents a subject of interest.  Voice is typically in third person and is an honest representation of what you learn.  An objective essay does not include personal interpretation.  
You must use at least outside 6 sources, and only four of them may be online or Internet-based sources.  You must also have a Works Cited page, and the entire paper must be adequately and appropriately documented in the MLA style.
Your outline must be included in your paper.

Compare and/or contrast Socialism versus Capitalism (4-6 paragraph essay)

The Comparison and Contrast essay must be a minimum of four paragraphs but no more than six paragraphs. Additionally, it must be no less than two typed pages. It must be typed and in MLA format. Papers should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Papers must be in third person point of view. In the top left corner (not in the header), you should include your first and last name, my first and last name, the date, ENC 1101 and Formal Essay # 2 or Comparison/Contrast Essay. The title, which should be original, must be centered but NOT italicized, bolded, underlined, in a different font size, or in quotation marks; also, capitalize the first letter of the important words in your title. Insert your last name and page numbers as a header in the top right corner of each additional page. Theres obviously no need to put in my personal information in the essay as I can do that myself. The prompt that i chose is in the title but i included the rest of the prompts given me by my teacher so you can choose the one that seems the easiest to you. Thanks!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the following three essay questions separately.

Each answer should be one to two pages long. 

The goal is to show me that you learned and understood the course material by doing readings. (Attached below)

The paper will be graded and judged by how effective your use of specific references to appropriate readings and the correct use of vocabulary and application of course concepts.

Answer all three questions.

1.  How democratic is our Constitution today? Does our government measure up against an ideal democracy? How does our government measure up against other democratic governments? Is it more democratic? Less democratic? In what ways?

2. What makes a social movement like #BlackLivesMatter more likely to achieve its goals?

3. When do we expect members of Congress to pay attention to the median voter in their district? When should we expect them to pay attention to interest groups? What do these two dynamics tell us about the outcomes we should expect from the American political system?

Scientific method for everyday life

You are to give a detailed description and application showing how you might try to resolve an everyday problem using the scientific method. Think of a broad topic that you are interested in that you believe would make a good topic to study in the social sciences. This assignment should be at least three pages (not including cover page and reference page) that shows how you might try to resolve an everyday problem using the scientific method.
1.A clear description of the steps used in the scientific method. (Ask a question, research existing sources, formulate a hypothesis, design and conduct a study, draw conclusions, report results.)
2. A clear description of an everyday problem that you think you could resolve using the scientific method.
3. A well-formulated research question that identifies the issue you are trying to resolve. The research question should be written in the form of a question.
4.A well-formulated and testable hypothesis that makes a statement about the relationship between two or more variables.
5.A clear description of how you would apply the scientific method to resolve your everyday problem.
6. If you refer to information that you found from another source, be sure to include citations and a reference list in keeping with APA format (6th).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Compare and contrast these regions: what are their main similarities and differences? In your view, what explains these similarities and differences?


Read Haass, pp.143-153; read short articles by Zovatto and Chatzky, McBride and Sergies
Read Daniel Zovatto, The rapidly deteriorating quality of democracy in Latin America, Brookings Institution, February 28, 2020, available at:

Read Andrew Chatzky, James McBride, and Mohammed Aly Sergie, NAFTA and the USMCA: Weighing the Impact of North American Trade, Backgrounder; Council on Foreign Relations, 1 July 2020, available at:


Read Kofi Annan’s speech, “Africa: Too Big to Fail,” 4 September 2015, available at:

Watch The Economist, “The New Scramble for Africa,” 8 March 2019, available at:

Read International Crisis Group, “Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2020,” Africa Briefing No. 151, 7 February 2020, available at:

THE WORLD  (a brief introduction) Richard Haass


Lawrence notes that colonial societies must invent and justify themselves and establish racial hierarchies. Discuss what the author means and why this hierarchy was particularly ironic and problematic in Canada.

question: Lawrence notes that colonial societies must invent and justify themselves and establish racial hierarchies. Discuss what the author means and why this hierarchy was particularly ironic and problematic in Canada.
Answer the following question in essay form in not more than 550 words.

for reference please use textbook –
gender and women’s studies
critical terrain
second edition
edited by margaret hobbs and carla rice
Bonita Lawrence


answer the 4 questions:
1. What is RDD? Describe in detail why it adds advantage.
2. What are the key differences between RDD and DSM?
3. How is RDD abstraction is implemented?
4. Describe how job scheduling is done in Spark.

please read the article, don’t google the answer and copy paste. If you have terms that you can’t understand you can google to understand.

Applying Developmentally Approriate Practices

For this assignment, write a 2-page paper that does the following:

Define Developmentally Appropriate Practice.
Create descriptions of two early education scenarios that do demonstrate the use of Developmentally Appropriate Practice. Explain how the scenarios meet DAP.
Then create two more descriptions of early education scenarios that do not demonstrate Developmentally Appropriate Practice. Explain how the scenarios do not meet DAP.