Archive for November 12th, 2020

Disussion board

Since the beginning of the Human Genome Project, funds were set aside at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund research on the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) that would be raised by the work of this program.  Examples of the kinds of ELSI topics to address range from issues about privacy, workplace discrimination, consent processes, and conflicts of interests in genomic research, to genomic testing of minors.  What do you know about GINA?  Do you know who Henrietta Lacks is or have you heard about HeLa cells and her contribution to genetic research?

Jesse Gelsinger and Dr. Wilson are 2 other individuals who together made another impact on genetics research.  Jesse had a rare metabolic disorder called ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) that prevents the body from breaking down ammonia.  Jesse had a fairly mild variant of this genetic condition and with special diet and medication was able to lead a relatively normal life.  He volunteered (he was 18 at the time) to participate in clinical trial of a new gene therapy treatment at the University of Pennsylvania in 1999 and died as a result of his participation.  Find out more about this tragic case and its impact on the field of gene therapy and how it raised a number of ethical issues related to informed consent and financial conflicts of interest.

I think a good place to start looking for ELSI topics that might interest you is

Alternatively, you can google ELSI (or a portion thereof) genetics issues or some other terms to see what comes up. (Theres a Personal Genetics Education Project at that might inspire some thoughts.) (Theres even a Global Genomics Nursing Alliance- Check it out at:

See whats in the research literature about a specific issue such as cloning or how CRSPR is being used to benefit society at large vs. individual patients.

Heres an opportunity to view a recording from June 24, 2020 through the National Institute of Nursing Research specific to Genomics. The link below provides the agenda and has a link to watch the videocast. Check it out at

You can watch the whole 5 hours and 13 minute recording or maybe just a session or two. How intriguing is this session title? Lovesick: How Couples’ Relationships Influence Health. Many of the sessions are led by nurses.

Want to find out more about direct to consumer genetic testing and its ethical implications especially in regards to police access to the data to solve criminal cases?

There are plenty of learning opportunities that you can engage in this week. What I want you to do with the information that you discover about an ELSI topic that interests you is to then share it within your small group discussions.

Course Student Learning Outcome #6: Describe ethical, legal, cultural, social, and policy implications of genetics/genomics on the publics health.

Heres what to do.

Contemplate what aspect of the Course Student Learning Outcome you want to investigate and share.
Explore some of the resources Ive provided in this section as well as the Weekly Additional Resources posted within the course content.
Delve into more detail with further investigation of credible sources relating the ELSI to genetics and health.
In order to share the information (that has citations and references) with your peers create a presentation- it can be as simple as a document, a video, a powerpoint or prezi presentation. Be as creative as your school time allows.
Make sure youre explicit in explaining how the information links to ethics, legal, or social aspects of genetics and what it entails for personal or public health. In other words, how are you meeting the student learning outcome?
Do ask if you have any questions or concerns.

Want to see the grading rubric? Click HERE

Module 1

In paragraph form, share your thoughts on the following:

What do you think it means to be an Early Childhood Educator? How would you describe it? What do they do? What are their responsibilities? Why is it important?
What does an early childhood educator teach children?

Public Health Campaign on Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer

1) Why have you selected this public health problem? Discuss the magnitude of the problem (including mortality and morbidity). Make sure to include references in this section. Use the APA format.
2) Who is the target group for the campaign? Why did you select this group?


M5 Written Assignment
Answering each assigned question in 2 to 3 complete, and well written paragraphs is a requirement.This will give your professor a clear view of the concepts, facts, and themes that you are understanding and what you still need to work on.

You are required to answer each written assignment questions in several (2- 3 or more), well-written, thoughtful paragraphs, IN YOUR OWN WORDS_(new window) If you find it especially difficult to rephrase technical and scientific material, you are not alone. Ask your professor for help.

The questions in the written assignments were purposely created to encourage you to think, make connections, and apply what you have learned. Most of the answers will not be found word for word in the text or the commentaries. This is deliberate – to help you learn to think through and interpret new information. Do your best with them and ask for help if you find yourself stumped or spending unreasonable or unprofitable amounts of time on them. There is very little if anything to be gained educationally from spending inordinate or inappropriate amounts of time on one question or another. Ask your instructor a question any time you find yourself frustrated, panicked, or overwhelmed.

Answering assigned questions in 2 to 3 complete, well written paragraphs will give your instructor a clear view of the concepts, facts, and themes that you are understanding and what you still need to work on. Please review the college’s policy on academic integrity_(new window) and let us know if you have any questions.

Please don’t hesitate to ask a question (click below) about these questions. You may want to read these questions before reading commentaries and the text, as well as afterwards, to highlight what is considered important and what we hope for you to take away.

Question 1 (5 points)

Many people think of bone as static or unchanging. In reality, bone tissue is constantly being remodeled.

a. Explain what bone is composed of and which cells break down and replace bone tissue.
b. Explain why bone remodeling is important, both on a daily basis and also throughout our early development.
c. Discuss problems associated with bone remodeling that may arise as we age.

Question 2 (5 points)

Name three (3) functions of the skin. For each function, describe the structures in the skin that contribute to that function.

Question 3 (5 points)

Name the three (3) types of muscle tissue. What characteristics are common to all three types? What are some unique aspects of each type?

Question 4 (5 points)

Curare is a plant-based poison that blocks acetylcholine receptors. Based on your understanding of muscle function, explain how paralysis results when an animal is shot with an arrow dipped in curare. Why does curare paralyze skeletal muscles without affecting contraction of the heart?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

To complete this particular assignment, each student will need to select a specific offender. The selected offender can be a current or historical figure. The more information you have on the offender, the better your assignment will be. Each student will research the background of the selected offender and apply a criminological theory to explain the subjects criminality. Based on the chosen criminological theory, you will then develop two crime prevention, control, or treatment efforts that could be applied to the offender and others similarly situated. Students research and theoretical applications will be submitted as a paper in the appropriate folder on Blackboard. Each student will later make/give a brief presentation to the class through Zoom. This assignment constitutes 20% of your final grade.

Course Project Guidelinesrequired 
Your Course Project must be typewritten, using 1 line spacing, between 5-10 pages in length plus references/bibliography. Alternatively, you may prepare a video as your course project, provided that it satisfies the requirements set out in this syllabus and also accompanied by the text version. Every paper must have a cover page and formatted/referenced according to the American Psychological Association Writing Guidelines. Ensure that your work conforms to proper use of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. All Course Projects will be submitted through the appropriate Turnitin link available on Blackboard. Be advised that this program provides information on unlisted sources, and similarity scores (double submission) among other features of the system. That means you must list all sources used, and check your work properly before final submission. Feel free to use the Turnitin for Self-check link on Blackboard. 
Your paper (or video) should do a good job of integrating materials from relevant sources. Also, this Paper must be newnot merely a version of some previously written Paper and not a Paper written for another class. (Trying to do that may result in getting an F.)
The similarity index for your Course Project and each Reflection Assignment must not exceed10%.

Sport Marketing Best Practices Report

HSES 486: Sport Marketing
Sport Marketing Best Practices Report (100 points)
Due: November 12, 2020
Directions and Grading Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze the marketing practices of 3 sport
organizations (different sports, different levels, at least one male/female sport), in an assigned
area. Students will write a 4-page (minimum) report where they compare and contrast the best
practices of each organization, while focusing on one specific marketing area. The different
marketing areas that students may select from include, but are not limited to, ticketing/pricing,
sponsorship, digital marketing/social media, branding, or public/community relations. The idea
for this assignment is to encourage students to explore the different marketing practices that
organizations utilize as they attempt to enhance customer engagement, generate revenue, or
increase awareness for their brand. To receive full credit, students should also incorporate at least
six sources into their paper.
Content/Organization of Thought (75 points total; 25 points per organization)
Excellent: Clearly states and supports main and supporting ideas for all three
organizations. Illustrates ideas and applies ideas for each point. All ideas seem connected
and express a coherent proposition.
Meets Expectations: Makes clear statement of position and uses many illustrations. Ideas
largely relate to the main idea; points are mostly consistent with the main idea.
Satisfactory: Uses clear main idea but does not support or illustrate clearly. Some ideas
seem to relate to the main idea while others do not.
Needs Improvement: Has some good examples or illustrations of those points but fails to
state the main idea or support that idea coherently.
Insufficient: No clear idea and/or few supporting examples. Those that are there do not
seem to be cohesive.
Visual Organization (15 points)
Excellent: Clear introduction, clear transition, logical flow of content, creative content,
Meets Expectations: Good introduction, transitions are clear, sound flow of content,
creativity is exhibited.
Satisfactory: Okay introduction, some transition, content is acceptable.
Needs Improvement: Lack of introduction, few transitions, content is lacking.
Insufficient: Lack of insight, no direction, poor/no transition, lack of creativity, lack
assigned components
Mechanics (10 points)
Excellent: Text has proper spelling, standard grammar usage; any citations are in APA
Meets Expectations: Text has few errors in spelling and/or standard grammar usage; any
citations are in APA format.
Satisfactory: Text has an acceptable amount of errors whereby meaning can still be
reasonably discerned and citations can be referenced.

iii. What are the size, growth rate, and national and regional trends in each of your three
organizations market segments?
iv. Is the size of each market segment sufficiently large or important to warrant a unique
marketing mix?
v. Are market segments measurable and accessible to distribution and communication
vi. What are the evolving needs and satisfactions being sought by target markets?
vii. What benefits does the organization offer to each segment? How do these benefits
compare with benefits offered by competitors?
viii. Is the firm positioning itself with a unique product? Is the product needed?
**Writing style suggestions for successful marketing plans include the following:
Use a direct, professional writing style.
Use 3
rd person throughout the plan
All information needs to be cited
Use appropriate business terms without jargon.
Use present and future tenses with active voice.
Be positive and specific to convey potential success.
Avoid superlatives (terrific or wonderful) or vague generalities.
Use numbers for impact, justifying projections with reasonable quantitative assumptions, where possible.
Use visuals where appropriate. Photos, illustrations, graphs, and charts enable massive amounts of
information to be presented succinctly. These do not count towards your 4-page minimum, so adjust
Use 12-point Times New Roman font throughout.

Country Research Report Part 2

Country to rearch: Japan

Country Research Paper Part 1: paper attached for reference purposes

Course Book:Helen Deresky (2017). International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases (9e).  ISBN: 978-0-134-37604-2. Publisher: Pearson Higher Education; Copyright 2017

Reseach Report Part 2 Instructions:

Part 2 of the Country Research Project requires you to do some more work that includes creating a Strategic Management Process  for a business initiative.  Remember you originally completed Part 1 of the Country Research Project not knowing the type of initiative your organization wanted to pursue.  Given how well Part 1 was completed the organization has entrusted you to determine the type of business the organization should pursue based on your extensive research of the country you selected.   

First you will need to determine what type of business you believe the organization should pursue based on your research in Part 1 of the Country Research Project.  Remember, you have a lot of flexibility.  Just make sure you explain your reasoning for selecting the type of business you believe is the best alternative and specifically discuss what factors from your previous research helped you make this decision. 

Next, you will create a Strategic Management Process using Exhibit 6-1 (the strategic management Process) to guide the work you need to complete for the business idea you decided to pursue.

Lastly, discuss how technology and  personal and organizational values will effect you International management endeavors based on the Strategic Management Process you created.
Your submission should be in word document format.  You need to use APA format.  All diagrams should be in the Appendix section after your references.  References need to be provided of course and they should be in APA format as well.

Technical Object Description

This assignment asks that you select a technical object and write a description of its looks, features, and functions. In completing this assignment, you will learn how to define and describe a technical object to someone who has little knowledge with it.

When selecting a technical object there are some objects that are not allowed for this assignment. These included: smartphones, pocket calculators, video game console or controllers, and fitness trackers due to the internet having easily available technical specifications of these items. Moreover, the four objects from the Subjective/Objective Language discussion are also not eligible for this assignment. You are not to copy/paste and cite someone else’s technical specifications of an object. That is not the point of this assignment. Rather, you are to conduct the measurements yourself and conduct light research.  If you chose to work with one of the objects that is now allowed, ten (10) points will be deducted from your final grade on the assignment.

Assignment Guidelines:
You will choose your own topic (with exception of the not allowed technical objects listed in the previous section) for this assignment. The subject of your description must be a technical object (e.g., clock radio, digital thermostat, Roomba, CPAP machine, blender, food processor, etc). Because you must accurately describe an object in at least 500 words, do not pick something too simple such as a paper clip. Choose a topic that is complex but manageable. Once you have identified a technical object, research it. Take time to learn about what the parts are called, and how the parts work. This might require you to read background information or otherwise inform yourself about the topic.

Audience and Content Requirements:
Your primary audience would be someone who has little experience with the object that you are describing (e.g., if you select a food processor, then you need to imagine an audience of people who have little experience with the object, perhaps novice cooks).

Regardless of the object, your final paper should be at least 500 words; you must include ALL of the following contents in your description (given in order of how the content should appear in your paper):

Introduction (DO NOT label the introduction “introduction” per APA guidelines)
Orient your audience by providing a one-sentence definition of the object (first sentence)
Preview its various parts (2-3 sentences)
Discuss its uses and functions (1-2 sentences)
Preview the content of your description (1 sentence)
Detailed Description of the Object
Describe each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principles(s) of operation, function, and relation other parts (2-3 paragraphs)
Use the present tense
When introducing a new concept or term, you do need to provide a brief definition for a non-technical audience, e.g.:
“The bezel, or outer ring connecting to the lugs, allows the wearer to set a different time zone”
You will notice in this sentence the definition for the term “bezel” is a subordinate clause and is not its own separate sentence. You can also use parenthesis for definitions in the same sentence.
Re-state the major use(s) and function(s) of the object to solicit the audience’s support or awareness of the object
Document Design and Illustrations
Give careful thought to illustrations and design elements:

Use headings and sub-headings throughout the document. Mark the body and conclusion of your document with headings (again, do not mark the introduction per APA guidelines). Use sub-headings to indicate the beginning of each part/component of the object you are describing.
Do not write large chunks of text without headings and sub-headings
Single-space the text
You must include at least two illustrations.
You may create your own, use illustrations from other sources or adapt illustrations from other sources.
Make sure you provide source information for all illustrations immediately below each illustration using APA guidelines (see lesson 2.4 for more information).
Apply as many of the four basic design principles as possible (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity) to enhance the reader’s orientation and understanding of the document. Design your document for consistency (grid patterns, margins, justification, white space, indentation, font style and size). Review pages 128-131 in the course textbook.
Use serif and sans-serif typefaces for the header and body;
Use up to two complementary colors;
Place like content in proximity to each other; and,
Make sure all of the elements have alignment.
Keep in mind that your purpose is to describe the object yourself, not rely upon external sources to do the work for you. (Inclusion of cited manufacture specifications will result in a 20-point deduction).
Using one of the objects that is now allowed will result in 10-point deduction.
Minimum word requirement: 500 words (Failure to meet the minimum word count will result in a 5-point deduction)
Make sure to include URLs for citations, as needed (Failure to include working URLs will result in a 5-point deduction)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need a business research paper wrote for me. I have a hypothesis : Work Sample Testing Improves Success of the Selection Process. It is not a normal research paper as it is not written in paragraphs. It is broke down in an outline and done that way. I will attach that below. There is not data collection that needs to be done. All data will be all fictional in a way to prove the hypothesis. I can add the outline below along with an example of how an A+ paper is written.

Early Childhood Education from birth to first grade

You have been put in charge of designing an educational program for children from disadvantaged families, many of whom have experienced neglect, abuse and/or trauma as very young children.

A) Choose two of Eriksons ‘psychosocial’ stages that relate to child development (or two of the first five stages), describe the main features of these stages, and discuss ways that negative experiences such as these can influence a childs social/emotional development at each of the stages you have chosen. B) Of the two stages you have chosen, at which do you think it will be more difficult to address the childs social and emotional needs (or put another way, help them to resolve their inner conflict positively)? Why? C) What features would you include in a program designed to support the emotional needs of children from backgrounds such as these?

Each question should be around 150 words and only use sources provided by me.