Archive for November 12th, 2020

r-strategy and K-strategy within organizations

This course is related to organizational theory

Please review the textbook pages provided and then answer the follow prompt:

Explain the difference between r-strategy and K-strategy in regards to organizations. What kind of organizations do follow an r-strategy?

You may use one other source.

Op-ed Writing:How the social media influences people in United States think about COVID 19 in China.

This is an evidence-based argument based on your opinion on a specific topic.
You may, therefore, use I and me, and a relevant personal anecdote that connects you, your experience, and/or expertise to the argument.
Paragraphs in opinion pieces do not tend to be as long as in full-length essays, so find a way to split longer graphs into two.
Remember to briefly and respectfully acknowledge the primary counterargument, make concessions where possible, and then respectfully refute it.
Take time with your conclusion. The most memorable conclusions leave readers both thinking and feeling. (They do not merely restate a thesis.)

I am a Chinese International student who is taking online class in China. Many of my friends in the United States do not understand why China can control COVID 19. But the United States, which values law and reason, cannot control it.

Thesis: The COVID 19 outbreak in China, compared with the United States, why can it be quickly controlled. How the social media influences people in United States think about COVID 19 in China.

Here is a website about Op-eds essay

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I am a theater kid and the 2 shows Ive been in are Funhouse Macbeth and You Cant Take It With You Im also a choir kid who is interested in the medical field. I am african American and I am a female who is possibly going to be the first person in her family to go and finish college

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Inventory and Supply Chain Design Problems
After reading Chapters 9 and 12 in Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains and the article by Mageto, Prinsloo, and Rose, solve the problems posed in Question 5 from page 370 in Chapter 9 and Question 9 on page 504 in Chapter 12 and post your answers. Discuss how to assist the SME firms make better outsourcing decisions in the article.

Please provide references


For the final project this week, you will assess the recent acquisitions of GE. Use print and online sources to collect information on GE’s recent acquisitions. Be sure to check the reliability of your sources and demonstrate good information literacy.

Begin your paper by identifying two of GE’s recent acquisitions and summarizing the key details of each.

Next, address the following two topics with respect to each acquisition:

    Which of the reasons (if any) for acquisitions discussed in this weeks readings was used as the logic by GE in justifying the acquisition? Explain your answer and support it with research, rationale, and appropriate examples.
    Which of the sources of integration difficulties discussed in this weeks readings seem to be of concern in this acquisition? Explain your answer and support it with research, rationale, and appropriate examples.

Finally, summarize two or three important take-aways from your research into GEs acquisitions. In essence, what did you learn and what strategic development and implementation lessons might you apply?

Submission Details:

    Present your analysis as a report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
    Support your responses with examples.  Cite any sources in APA format.


Acquisitions, Mergers, and Restructuring

For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.

Respond to the following questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings.

This discussion assignment has three parts. You should use brief headings to separate your post into the three sections.

In the first section, do some research to identify an organization that has recently experienced acquisition, merger, or restructuring as discussed in the course materials. Briefly describe the action (e.g., acquisition, merger, restructuring) including an evaluation of why it occurred and the outcome (e.g., is it working? Is it accomplishing what was expected?). This first section only needs to be one or two paragraphs.

For the second section, select one of the following bullet point topics. If someone has already posted on one of the bullet points, select another one until all the bullet points are used so that we can discuss several different relevant topics. Once all the bullet points have been addressed, then you may begin to reuse the bullet points with the expectation that varied responses continue. The second section of your post only needs to be one or two paragraphs.

    -Of the many reasons discussed in your readings for making acquisitions, the rationale that may be the strongest is that acquisitions allow firms to capture new capabilities. From among the other reasons for making an acquisition listed in the readings, choose the one that you think provides the strongest rationale for making an acquisition. Defend your choice with research and provide appropriate examples.
  – Similar to the previous bullet point, choose a reason for making an acquisition that you think provides the weakest rationale. Defend your choice with research and provide appropriate examples.
  – As noted in the course lecture, mergers and acquisitions are similar strategic moves. Evaluate some of the reasons that an organization might choose one option (merger or acquisition) over the other. Defend your reasons with research and provide appropriate examples.
  – Evaluate when restructuring can be seen as a positive business strategic move. In your response, be sure to analyze how shareholder value is created through restructuring. Defend your reasons with research and provide appropriate examples.

The final section or paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

Human anatomy

“Short answer”
1) MS versus MS versus MS (Mitral stenosis, Multiple sclerosis, Musculoskeletal system)
2) EEG versus EKG/ECG (electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram)

What do these abbreviations stand for? (I put answer for you)

If disease or conditions, tell me what it is, cause(s), symptoms, and prognosis (likely course of the disease). Compare/contrast these terms.

If procedure/test, tell me what it is, what does it test/look for, and difference and or similarities between them. Compare and contrast.

Add extra information about the diseases/conditions or test which you find interesting.

Use proper sentence structure, punctuation and no misspelled words.

Thank you!


Topic:  Review the theory of interaction ritual chains. How do our emotions contribute to the
maintenance of society, according to this theory?

Word count: 450-500

Use the following source: Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives, 3rd ed., by David E. Rohall, Melissa A. Milkie, & Jeffrey W. Lucas


attached is the case study reading. Please read it first.

attached is also the directions for the paper. Please use APA format and include in-text citations for 3 different sources. When doing in-text citation please use direct quotes with quotations around it and then cite within the paper.

use the same headings as stated in the table on the instructions page.
and answer the four questions within the paper

Essay about novel Beautiful Darkness

I (worth 40 pts: 20 pts each)

How does fiction tell the truth more accurately than nonfiction? Explore.
How does Christian mythology figure into Warhorse, and why is it so integral to the story?

II (worth 60 pts)

Write an essay with an argument, supporting paragraphs, quotations, and citations where appropriate.

As a unique work Beautiful Darkness explores brutalityand the breakdown of civilityin multiple ways. Create an argument from this vantage point.