Archive for November 28th, 2020

Week 8 Case Study

Case Study:
A 65 year old male presents with a painful left finger unable to bend and is significantly swollen.  He has a history of osteoarthritis.

1. OA is a disease of articular cartilage and subchondial bone in diarthrodial joints.  Explain this.
2. What is the role osteophytes in OA?
3. How do NASAIDS affect  OA?
4. How does weight loss affect OA?

Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Week 7 Case Study

Case Study:
A 19 year old co ed presents with increasing diarrhea and constipation over the last 2 weeks. She has a history of celiac disease.

1. What is the role of immunity and celiac disease?
2. What is the effect of gluten on celiac disease?
3. Describe the pathophysiology of the diarrhea an constipation.

Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

business analysis

Topic: AirBnB our guest (AirBnB listings).  4 slides
Key Question: What makes a listing on AirBnB more effective than others?
Scope: Choose a location in AirBnB that has at least 5-10 similarly sized listings and analyze the listings to determine what might make some more successful than others. You can choose any set of listings to examine that you wish but try to find a group that are similar enough on the big things (size, location, etc.) so you can dig for insights that are more subtle (descriptions, amenities, pictures, choice of adjectives, etc.)

one additional slide that articulates to me your vision and goals for analyzing the problem and providing a good solution
one additional slide that articulates to me your approach to using the slides effectively as a communications tool

Week 10 Assignment 3 HSA 520

Technology Assessment and Government Regulations
You are the senior manager of a large health care organization. The senior management team must select a HIMS for the organization that will encompass several clinical and administrative departments. You will need to create and deliver a PowerPoint presentation that will persuade your CEO to purchase your chosen HIMS. Your presentation also must describe key aspects of HIMS focusing on the electronic medical record, such as implementation, interoperability, productivity, and support challenges. Use the work you did and the feedback you received from the Week 9 discussion when creating your presentation.

Create a 10 slide audio PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes (maximum of 20 minutes) in which you:

Justify to the CIO the need to integrate all clinical and administrative departments into a HIMS in your health care organization.
Select the most significant and current HIE, EHR, HIPAA, and HITECH regulations in your state. Next, determine two ways these regulations could impact the integration of HIMS in your health care organization. Include three potential solutions to address these regulation challenges.
Propose three privacy and security measures to help your organizations health care providers avoid security breaches and data loss, while better allowing them to concentrate on patient care. Next, develop an action plan to protect patient information that complies with HIE, EHR, PHI, and HIPAA legal requirements.
Suggest three key actions to monitor privacy and security violations that may occur after the HIMS implementation in your health care organization. Summarize in one slide your key findings. Narrate each slide, using Kaltura or another device, as if you were actually presenting in front of the audience. For information on how to use Kaltura to record your presentation, please view the Kaltura Help Document [PDF].
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find three recent (within the last five years) quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.Include your references in one slide.
Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide with relevant graphics (such as photographs, graphs, and clip art) to ensure the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Propose a health information management system (HIMS) and a patient information protection plan for a health care organization.

Week 9 Assignment 2 HSA 520

Create 35 PowerPoint slides in which you justify to your organizations chief information officer (CIO) the need to integrate all clinical and administrative departments into a health information management system in your organization. Address the most significant and current health information exchange (HIE), EHR, HIPAA, and HITECH regulations in your state. After creating your slides, audio-record (no more than five minutes) how you would present this information to the CIO. You will use this information and the feedback you receive from your colleagues when completing your final course assignment. For information on how to use Kaltura to record your presentation, please view the Kaltura Help Document [PDF].

Will need you to do the full presentation in two weeks.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I will send Q5 and  class material ASAP

    Make sure you pay attention to how much each question is worth and your answer should reflect that. 
    I am not looking for you to regurgitate material from the course but rather to see how you can synthesize and apply what you have learned.  I am looking for informed answers and opinions that are well written and that contain examples.
    You are expected to have read the assigned chapters of The Elements of Counseling and The Gift of Therapy as well as the power-point slides and notes from each class session.  All this should be reflected in your answers. I do not want to see generic information and thoughts off the top of your head. I want to see informed answers that are consistent with graduate level work. Responses that are well thought out, comprehensive and go beyond the minimum are more likely to earn a higher grade.
    Please do not write each question again followed by your answer. If you do that, you will have 5% deducted. Simply write the question # followed by your answer.
For each question, you will be assessed using the following criteria:
    You answered the question fully,
    You answered the question accurately,
    You showed evidence of having read all the pertinent course materials,
    You effectively incorporated this information into your answer,
    You gave accurate and appropriate examples,
    You constructed a thoughtful and coherent response,
    You displayed critical thinking and writing skills consistent with graduate level work.

Module 4

Johnny and Jessica are 3-year-old twins with different personalities attending a Family Child Care home.

Johnny loves to socialize but gets physical in a negative way (grabs or pinches a child’s cheeks) and the other children prefer not to interact with him.

Jessica is very quiet and prefers to be alone. Jessica loves to read, draw, and lace beads by herself. When other children come around to play with her, Jessica walks away.
Based on the information about the twins:

What would be the first step you would take to help Johnny improve in his social behavior and Jessica increase her social development? (E.g. Meeting with the parents, Observation, or one-on-one discussion with the children)
Please describe in detail, the activity plan you would put in place for the twins. How much time will you spend doing the activity with the twins? (e.g. Description the activities or materials)
Describe how the activities/materials you have chosen will affect Johnny and Jessica’s social/emotional development? (E.g., Bead-lacing in a small group encourages Jessica to share the color of the beads she has and how many she was using.)
What type of assessments would you use to document Johnny and Jessica process? (E.g., Observation assessment, Snapshot, or anecdotal notes)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I will send Q3 and  class material ASAP

    Make sure you pay attention to how much each question is worth and your answer should reflect that. 
    I am not looking for you to regurgitate material from the course but rather to see how you can synthesize and apply what you have learned.  I am looking for informed answers and opinions that are well written and that contain examples.
    You are expected to have read the assigned chapters of The Elements of Counseling and The Gift of Therapy as well as the power-point slides and notes from each class session.  All this should be reflected in your answers. I do not want to see generic information and thoughts off the top of your head. I want to see informed answers that are consistent with graduate level work. Responses that are well thought out, comprehensive and go beyond the minimum are more likely to earn a higher grade.
    Please do not write each question again followed by your answer. If you do that, you will have 5% deducted. Simply write the question # followed by your answer.
For each question, you will be assessed using the following criteria:
    You answered the question fully,
    You answered the question accurately,
    You showed evidence of having read all the pertinent course materials,
    You effectively incorporated this information into your answer,
    You gave accurate and appropriate examples,
    You constructed a thoughtful and coherent response,
    You displayed critical thinking and writing skills consistent with graduate level work.

Analysis of the Korean War: the battle of Inchon

Using concepts of Operational Art & Design, you will write an analytical/research paper on the Korean War (the battle of Inchon).  Instructor will issue the requirements at (1500) hours, (29 Nov 20) and you must turn-in the paper NLT (2359) hours (1 Dec 20).

You will analyze the historical event from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or from other appropriate joint doctrinal publications. You can analyze the entire campaign/operation, a single battle, or a group of battles from the campaign/operation.  Use the following questions to guide your analysis:

How did country Xs military leaders apply operational art during the campaign/operation?
How did country Xs military leaders design the campaign/operation?
How did country Xs military leaders understand the operational environment?
What problems did country Xs military have to solve?
What approaches did country Xs military use to solve the problem and achieve the termination criteria or military end state?
What were the termination criteria and/or military end state?
What were the military objectives?
What effects were established to obtain the military objectives?
What was the adversary/friendly center of gravity and the associated critical factors?
How did country Xs military attack/defend the adversary/friendly center of gravity, directly or indirectly?
What decisive points were established?
What lines of operation/effort were established?
What defeat/stability mechanisms were used?
How did country Xs military apply the concepts of anticipation, operational reach, or culmination?
How were operations arranged?  Did country Xs military consider the arranging factors – simultaneity, depth, timing, or tempo?  Did country Xs military use the arranging tools – phases, branches and sequels, or operational pauses?
Was the campaign/operation design focused on defeating either adversary forces, functions, or a combination of both?
Was the campaign/operation phased?  Did country Xs military consider numbers, sequence, overlap, or transitions?  What phases of the joint operation model were used?

You do not have to address all the guiding questions, but you are expected to integrate the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or other appropriate joint doctrinal publications into your paper.  The majority of the word count must address operational art & design concepts and terms from the perspective of your assigned historical event.  This will ensure you understand the lesson material.  Articles from databases such as ProQuest, EBSCO, Google Scholar, or military schools such as the Army War College are the best types of sources for research and will help ensure you receive a maximum score.  These types of databases will ensure you use scholarly, peer reviewed articles for your research.  Books written about your historical event are also appropriate for your research. 

The paper will be in APA format and have a title page, a reference page, and 2,000 to 2,500 words of content (does not include the cover and reference pages).  You will use Times New Roman, 12-font, and double-spaced.  Do not try to cover everything.  Focus on the factors you consider most important in analyzing your historical event.  You will use a minimum of five resources for your paper.

In the introduction section, ensure you have a purpose statement that includes your major points and briefly describe the historical background of the assigned event.

(THESIS: Failure on the part of the North Korean and Chinese Communist Forces (CCF) to attain
their political objectives of unifying the Korean peninsula was solely due to their inability to apply
operational art and predict future operations).

In the body section of the paper, ensure to include your evidence (in-text citations) and have good transitions between major points.  For the conclusion, ensure to summarize all major points.  Do not include new information in the conclusion.  Finally, ensure you check grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, passive voice and APA format.  See the grading rubric for further guidance.

According to Purdue Owl, an analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience.

Institution Release Statement

Your submission will be scanned against global reference databases for plagiarism.

The origin and evolution of penicillin

I did choose the topic and I already found the primary and secondary sources. so, it will be great if you can use those sources to do my research paper or whatever you can find easier.

And, even if you think this topic is not good for my essay so you can find a new topic and look for primary and secondary sources for that. I can attach the paper guidelines.