Archive for November 28th, 2020

Plan and Report Delivery of Care Innovations in Health Care

You are the manager of a nursing department. A new chief executive officer (CEO) has taken over the top leadership position and is requiring every nurse manager to develop at least one innovative strategy to promote quality patient care. Utilizing the nursing process as your guide, you will formulate a plan for an innovation in patient care delivery for an entire nursing department or unit. You are charged with the responsibility of developing a comprehensive and complete plan that addresses all technology services in your nursing department or unit.

For this assignment, prepare a report of 35 pages that describes the plan for innovation in patient care delivery in the nursing department or unit. It should include all of the following:

Title page
Introduction: This should explain what the paper is about, including the purpose of your report.
Assessment: Identify the area, service, or product requiring innovation. Describe how you will approach an inventory of technology for your nursing department or unit and how you will prioritize your findings.
Diagnosis: Diagnose (identify) problems, and discuss how and why innovation is needed.
Plan: Provide your suggestions and recommendations for action. You may wish to include the following:
Examine the literature surrounding and supporting your area of innovation.
Recommend the strategies and processes needed to effectively complete this innovation in the organization while protecting patient safety and quality of care.
Outline the steps that are needed to put the innovation into practice.
Evaluation: Suggests 23 questions that will measure the innovations effectiveness.
Conclusion: Summarize your report.
Citations and references: Use at least 23 current (from within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed journals, and cite them in APA format.

Plan and Report Delivery of Care Innovations in Health Care

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource, in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Based on your health care innovation selected in your discussion from Unit 3, address the following:

Discuss how you would plan to implement this innovation into your clinical setting.
Select a change theory that you would use to develop this plan.
What method of evaluation would you use for this innovation implementation?

Effectiveness of Innovations in Health Care

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

You want to create your own health care innovation that will be very effective in your clinical area. Knowing that there are two main types of innovations, you want to choose the type of innovation that will be most effective. Address the following:

Identify a health care delivery issue for which there have already been research and development-based innovations and customer-based innovations.
Related to that health care delivery issue, research and cite the following:
At least 1 research and development-based innovation
At least 1 customer-based innovation
For that health care delivery issue, complete the following:
Explain which innovation you believe was most effective (research and development-based or customer-based).
Support your decision with evidence using at least 2 current (from within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed journals. 

50 dq 2 resp

Given the readings from this week, how would you approach working with a patient that has prediabetes? What types of interventions would you implement? How would you partner with them in creating their goals? What types of obstacles might you face? How would you ideally work with the healthcare team?


Clara Hoodes
Nov 27, 2020 at 12:16 PM
According to Taylor (2018), diabetes is considered a common chronic illness affecting over 9 % of the U.S. population. Health complications associated with diabetes can be life-threatening and also costly with costs in the U.S. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (as cited by Taylor, 2018) (CDC) totaling $245 billion annually. Health complications associated with diabetes include blindness, stroke, kidney failure, circulatory complications, and nerve damage. Interestingly, type II or non-insulin dependent (Taylor, 2018, p. 279) is becoming more prevalent affecting adults as well as adolescents and children, also becoming harder to treat as the disease is found to progress at a more rapid pace. Health implications associated with diabetes can include heart disease as waste builds up in the patients blood as a result of the thickening of the artery. Diabetes is also found to have psychosocial effects such as psychological distress and cognitive impairment such as to the patients memory. According to Taylor (2018), psychosocial factors found to be involved in the development of diabetes can include those relating to lifestyle, personality such as low conscientiousness, and depression.

Regarding interventions, management of diabetes can require that patients make lifestyle changes in areas of diet and physical activity. Having the necessary information about glucose utilization/metabolic control is also important in cases where the individual does not have, for example, access to this kind of information. Cognitive-behavioral interventions are found to be effective for improving patients adherence to their regimens including monitoring of blood sugar levels and self-care among type II diabetics (Taylor, 2018).

According to Johnson and Marrero (2016), the biomedical model might not be the most appropriate model or approach for working with patients as it fails to consider, for example, contextual issues that are very much related such as social and economic factors, and also prevention. Where more recent models of care such as ecological models focus on preventative aspects more so than older models.

According to the CDC (as cited by Johnson & Marrero, 2016), prediabetes is an important condition affecting millions of people in the U.S. to consider in relation to prevention and the development of type II diabetes. Research shows that behavioral interventions can be an effective technique for lowering patients risk of developing type II diabetes at the prediabetic stage, however, where some physicians do not have the training necessary for implementation. Johnson and Marrero (2016) explain that the role of the psychologist is important in view of this lack of expertise where psychologists are needed to help provide this kind of expertise among health care teams and also in areas of research, and with communities on the basis of patient-centered integrated care.


Johnson, S.B., & Marrero, D. (2016). Innovations in healthcare delivery and policy: Implications for the role of the psychologist in preventing and treating diabetes. American Psychologist, 71(7), 628-637. doi:10.1037/a0040439

Taylor, S. (2018). Health psychology (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Genetic enhancements/repair

Biomedical Ethics Final Paper Prompts and Instructions

In your final paper, you should:

Be able to identify and explain multiple arguments, ones that reach different conclusions about the same topic or ones that use different reasons to reach the same conclusion.

Be able to identify at least one way in which the arguments have been/can be critiqued, and any possible reply the authors might have to the objections.

Defend an objection to an argument, or defend a particular reply to an objection.

.You should have a title page with a title, your name, our class, and a word count, and also a works cited page. I will be checking for plagiarism.

Choose one of the questions below for your final paper topic. You are required to read and write about the articles mentioned under the question. For each article, you should provide a clear exposition of the relevant arguments (as you did in papers I and II). If the articles reach opposing or different conclusions, explain in what ways they disagree and what conclusions they reach. If the articles reach the same conclusion but use different reasoning, make sure to clarify how they use different arguments.

Is genetic repair/treatment morally okay? What about enhancement?

Is Gene Therapy a Form of Eugenics? by John Harris

Genetic Enhancement by Walter Glannon

Future Planning

The future of Healing Hands Hospital is looking bright thanks to the work of the task force. Mr. Magone is excited about the information you have presented about the changes in payment structures, competitors, and potential to merge; successful preparation for an accreditation visit; and emerging technologies. With these in mind, he has asked you to put together a brief paper summarizing a short-term plan for the hospital.

In 23 pages, not including title or reference pages, complete the following:

Describe 3 goals for changing the organization in terms of either payment structure, technology, potential mergers, or quality improvement.
Discuss the staffing needs to meet the change goals.
Explain the overall impact of the change goals on the future of Healing Hands Hospital.

a. What restrictions are there on the gathering and use of consumer data? Summarize restrictions in major markets such as:

a. What restrictions are there on the gathering and use of consumer data? Summarize restrictions in major markets such as:
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation in Europe
The regulator environment is a lengthy, complex and detailed subject on its own and a very detailed analysis is thus not expected here. Provide a high-level view with a summary table to show what the main areas are that are covered by the regulator the regimes as mentioned and the major differences among them.

B)Describe the current state of consumer data protection and privacy in the US [not just California].
In the current state of the United States, there has been an increase in public and political scrutiny about American data privacy since they lack federal data privacy legislation. Instead of data protection legislation, there are various laws implicated at the state and federal levels to guide the protection of personal data for each individual in the USA (Green, 2020). Recently, there are more than 25 states that have bills and drafts due to a significant increase in data privacy as an impact of the congressional hearings of Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder)adddddddddd. Several individuals, like George Soros, who exactly he is argue about the dangers caused by IT monopolies; they earn profits by exploiting their environment and consumers due to the lack of proper regulations (Kanfer, 2017). Due to the harmful and irreversible impacts of the giant social media platforms, various countries have embraced the aspect of setting rules and regulations of consumer protection.

Please see Appendix – Complete Guide to Privacy Laws in the US
Privacy law in the US
Consumer Data protection

50 da1 respond


Given the readings from this week, how would you approach working with a patient that has prediabetes? What types of interventions would you implement? How would you partner with them in creating their goals? What types of obstacles might you face? How would you ideally work with the healthcare team?


Prediabetes is a condition that more than 86 million Americans have (Johnson & Marrero, 2016), and one that can benefit from a biopsychosocial approach to healthcare (Hunter, 2016). Self-management, dietary intervention, and lifestyle change are important aspects of aiding individuals both diagnosed with prediabetes and aiding the management of type two diabetes (T2D) diagnoses (Taylor, 2018). Programs that aid in managing diabetes use important personal reasons to help motivate individuals in making serious commitments to their lifestyle and keep them open and willing to add home-based and ongoing self-monitoring for the betterment of their health (Venditti, 2016). Evidence supports that behavioral interventions have a ripple effect that aids in the widespread improvement of individuals physical, psychological, social outcomes, as well as their quality of life. Individualized intensive well-designed behavioral lifestyle interventions are the most effective for long-term cost-effective treatment of prediabetes (Hunter, 2016).

When working with a client who is struggling with a prediabetes or T2D diagnosis, the first thing I would want to do is examine the way individuals view their diagnosis and how they feel their psychological wellbeing is interconnected to their diagnoses. Some individuals experience a sense of denial, especially in relation to their psychological symptoms (Johnson & Marrero, 2016). Thus, it would be important to assess the individuals levels of denial and understanding of the psychological effects that prediabetes can have. Psychoeducation would be important through the first phases of treatment then it would be necessary to evaluate the aspects of the individuals lives that may benefit from behavioral adjustments. The next step would include implementing the behavioral adjustments discussed with the client. This would allow the client to make their own choices while also being guided by a professional that can monitor both the psychological and physical wellbeing of the client. Self-monitoring and self-management would be skills needed to be taught to ensure that the client can independently manage their disease and know when they need additional interventions or to speak with a medical professional.


Hunter, C. M. (2016). Understanding diabetes and the role of psychology in its prevention and treatment. American Psychologist, 71(7), 515525.

Johnson, S. B. & Marrero, D. (2016). Innovations in healthcare delivery and policy: Implications for the role of the psychologist in preventing and treating diabetes, American Psychologist, 71(7), 628-637.

Taylor, S. (2018). Health psychology (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Venditti, E. M. (2016). Behavior change to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes: Psychology in action, American Psychologist, 71(7), 602-613.

Industry Trends

12 pages, not including a title or reference page
One of the areas of concern to Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital is the integration and adoption of information technology and systems that would be needed if the hospital consolidated with a large health system or added more outpatient services or expanded into telemedicine. As a member of the Task Force support team, you have been asked to research and discuss current and future advances and issues related to information technology in healthcare. This may include integration concerns with the Healing Hands Hospitals current electronic health record system (EHRs), new models of decision support systems, and telemedicine with wearable tracking and smartphone linked devices.

Include the following information in your paper:

Identify 1 major technological trend (such as data analytics, decision support systems, telemedicine, or tracking devices) in health care that could be adopted by Healing Hands Hospital. 
Discuss the pros and cons of adopting this technology.

Engaging with Community

Engaging with Community
Community-engaged research requires one to BE in the community. With COVID 19, that is going to be a challenge. Nevertheless, we can be with the community remotely through engaging in conversation aided by technology-phone callor zoom. If COVID-19is relevant to how community is coping, by all means engage with the realities of this moment. For this assignment, consider how you can engage with a chosen community of your choice for between60 to 90 minutes. Community can be any group of participants you care and are curious about, either in your research or in your life. For example, you may be working on a research project with particular stakeholders in a school or program. You may be an active parent volunteer at your childs school, interacting with other parent volunteers. The goal of this assignment is to learn how to suspend judgement and assumptions and attune ourselves to the stories/voices/concerns of community stakeholders. Engage one or two participants (or however many you wish, perhaps in the form of a focus group discussion)in dialogue about a community issue that is of interest to you. This could very well be related to the wicked problem you are investigating/researching. Record the conversation (ask for permission beforehand) with audio or video (if you use zoom that would be fairly easy). Write a 5 page analytical essay on your experience to be turned in one week after your conversation. Keep to this deadline, as with time, your insights tend to fade, compromising the rigor of your analysis of the conversation. In the 5 page reflection, you should devote at least a page to a page and a half to framing the issue the conversation focused on. In other words, frame the problem-space for the reader before delving into unpacking your conversation. Your conversation should raise questions for you to continue pondering.