Archive for November 28th, 2020

25 dq2


Wedding & Corsini: Ch. 15

1. Darld Sue, Ph.D., On Multicultural Competence.

2. Ken Hardy, Ph.D., Psychological Residuals from Slavery
3. Sue Johnson, Ph.D., Emotion Focused Therapy

Discussion Post:
Briefly chart the history of Multicultural psychology and explain how Multicultural psychotherapy works. Integrate material from one or more of the video contents in your discussion along with the reading.



Multicultural psychology means developing cultural competency to work with different racial and ethnic groups (Wing Sue, n.d.) Historically, psychologists have been white men of European descent so it makes sense that psychotherapy is based on this particular ethnic group (and gender). However, the United States continues to increase its diversity. According to the 2019 US census, 24% of the population are non-white, but of course, this does not account for the number of individuals who were not counted in the census. With the continuous increase in a multicultural population and the need for mental health services assumed to be no different across populations, psychology has not kept up with the changes. Hence, the development of multicultural psychology. It was developed to meet the needs of individuals from cultures that have not been studied or taken into account in traditional psychotherapy. Additionally, it aims to promote social change by promoting empowerment and focusing on the strengths of differences rather than the weaknesses (Wedding & Corsini, 2014). Much of its origins come from various forms of anthropology and psychology working together, including looking at methods of folk healing (Wedding & Corsini, 2014). Other influences include the study of oppression, colonialism, and social movements (eg. women’s rights movement, LGBTQ movement, etc.)

Wing Sue (n.d.) found frequently in his practice that clients of color may be pathologized for differences in cultural values. One example is that traditional psychology espouses the belief that as children grow, they become more individualized, moving away from the family into their own unit. Deviation from this can be pathologized into immaturity or dependency. However, for most cultural groups outside of European origin, individualism is not a prized value. Instead, the value is placed on family and group belonging and contribution. This is a big divide in psychology which makes it unsurprising that many people of color do not seek out mental health services even when they could be beneficial.

Multicultural psychology emphasizes the three levels of identity: the universal identity (we are all human), individuality (we are all unique), and group identity (race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.) (Wing Sue, n.d.). Individuals are made up of many different contexts that influence their development and growth. Therapists must acknowledge this in order to create a meaningful connection. Therapists also need to be aware of the social context of various ethnic/racial groups, their experiences of oppression in the world, and to be comfortable discussing such matters. Additionally, therapists are expected to become aware of their own worldview, to examine their attitude towards differences in culture, to learn about different worldviews and cultures, and to develop skills necessary to relate and interact with those from other cultures/worldviews (Wedding & Corsini, 2014). A variety of modalities are used in treatment. The primary methodologies appear to involve particular sentiments rather than a prescribed treatment plan. Cultural empathy and knowledge, the ability to be comfortable discuss issues of race/ethnicity/oppression, and leaving assumptions at the door are all necessary.


United States Census Bureau. (2019, July). Quick facts United States. Retrieved from

Wedding, D. & Corsini, R.  (2014). Current psychotherapies (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Wing Sue, D. (n.d.) Watch: Multicultural competence in counseling and psychotherapy . Retrieved from

24 dq respond

Wedding & Corsini: Ch. 15

1. Darld Sue, Ph.D., On Multicultural Competence.

2. Ken Hardy, Ph.D., Psychological Residuals from Slavery
3. Sue Johnson, Ph.D., Emotion Focused Therapy

Discussion Post:
Briefly chart the history of Multicultural psychology and explain how Multicultural psychotherapy works. Integrate material from one or more of the video contents in your discussion along with the reading.



Student respond to the main post

Multicultural Psychology is a form of psychology that focuses specifically on people who are culturally diverse. Advocates for multicultural psychotherapy focus on cultural sensitivity. All of this pertains to support, awareness, respect, and appreciation for cultural diversity.

Since the beginning, early theoretical influences such as psychological anthropology, ethnopsychology, folk healing, and cultural anthropology have contributed to the change in culture and the creation of multiculturalism. All the listed orientations have impacted multiculturalism and enriched cultural and behavioral discourse (Wedding & Corsini, 2014).

As time went on, there were more movements fighting for minority rights called minority-empowerment movements. These movements developed multicultural psychotherapies and marginalized groups were named identity politics, black power, women’s rights, brown power, and LGBT movements. These were the highlighted movements that raised consciousness and brought more empowerment over social inequities.

Another major influence on the movement of multicultural psychotherapies is the model the educate the oppressed. In 1973, Paulo Freire created the term conscientization. It is critical consciousness as a process of personal and social liberation (Wedding & Corsini, 2014). However, multiculturalism covers more than the struggles in culture and consciousness. Multiculturalism covers anything that someone with cultural background could struggle with.

Sue Johnson’s video focuses on couples in a therapy session. Johnson’s therapy format is structured and manualized. This couple was on the brink of divorce and explained how the husband can have softer emotions that are under his stronger emotions. These emotions were foreign territory for the couple and Johnson’s coping mechanisms helped the husband explore the softer side of himself. This method, when used consistently was able to spark hope for the couple.


(Links to an external site.)Sue Johnson, Ph.D., Emotion Focused Therapy

Wedding, D. & Corsini, R. (2014). Current psychotherapies (10th ed.). Belmont, CA:
Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Discussion Board 3


Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you are required to create an initial thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum.
Each thread must be a minimum of 800 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge, biblical principles, and Scripture.. Each post should demonstrate critical insight and evaluation.
If only the minimum word count is met, ensure every word is meaningful and the sentences flow and build the argument. Avoid generic or meaningless statements in the Discussions. Be specific and leverage these opportunities to interact with one another and express your understanding of the discussion at hand.
The assigned reading in the course textbooks will be the central topic of conversation for each Discussions in this class. Specific prompts are provided for each Discussion related to a  specific book.

Read the general instructions for discussions. Additionally, please work to provide insightful initial posts and then interactive and robust responses. Go beyond minimums and use this as a time to dive deeply into this discussion. Provide specifics from the book where appropriate. Present propositional arguments and avoid wordy and meaningless phrases.

Reduplicating the discussion prompts do not count towards the total word count.


Initial Thread:

After reading the book Spiritual Disciples for the Christian Life, post an initial thread to include the follow (use separate bolded section titles or paragraphs to break up the post showing where each point is addressed):

1. Approximately, what percentage of the book was read in preparation for this discussion?

2. Whats Whitneys theme for the book and what verse does he use to establish that theme? He explicitly shares it. Do you agree with his use of this verse in establishing this premise? Why or why not?

3. Whitney argues that Spiritual Disciplines are those practices found in Scripture that promote spiritual growth among believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The key here is that he limits Spiritual Disciplines to those practices found in Scripture. Considering that, he has a chapter on journaling. Do you believe that chapter and his argument there meets his own criteria? Why or why not?

4. Assuming that God uses Spiritual Disciplines to help grow us in godliness, take a moment and pray and reflect upon which discipline God wants you to utilize more faithfully in your life to grow in godliness. How do you specifically and practically plan on being more faithful in the practice of that discipline? Share your plan with us.

5. Find one other definitive statement given in the book with which you strongly agreed or disagreed. Explain and defend from Scripture your strong response in light of that statement.


1.  Gorman, Michael J. Cruciformity: Pauls Narrative Spirituality of the Cross. Eerdmans, 2001. ISBN: 978-0802847959. (Read Chapters11 and 12 )

2,  Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. NavPress, 2014. ISBN: 978-1615216178. ( READ CHAPTERS 8 – 10 ) )


1. Do not apply to the paper unless you have access ro the required textbooks above

Rhetorical Analysis Essay : What If We Stopped Pretending? by Jonathan Franzen

be sure to clearly analyze how rhetorical devices help him to deliver his message to his audience. And what message does the author wants to deliver? (You may want to consider why the author wants to deliver this message to this particular audience, and whether he chooses the best strategies for doing so).

please include Reference on the last page

employment arbitration paper

Please answer the following questions in a cohesive 4-6 page essay (12-point font, double-spaced, standard margins, etc.).  This essay will require research outside of class.

Answer the following as completely as possible:

What is employment arbitration? How is it different than labor arbitration?
Briefly describe the key legal case establishing the legality of arbitrating statutory employment disputes.
Summarize the main debates surrounding employment arbitration.
Is employment arbitration good public policy? How does it affect employees? How does it affect employers? Defend your stance using citations from class and from your own research (academic sources only).

the attachment can be used as one of the references


Summary You will analyze your company as a potential place of employment.  After analyzing the company, you will determine if the company is a good match for your skill set and if you think the company should hire you.  What factors make you think you are a good fit or not?

1. (10 points) Your paper should provide a succinct historical perspective of your company.

2. (15 points) Provide a detailed summary about the Mission, Vision, and General Strategy (use data when appropriate and external sourcing to fortify your paper).  You may consider doing a 5-Forces analysis or any other type of analysis that helps your case (perhaps a SWOT analysis, etc).

3. (15 points) You will first need to pick a particular job within the company that you plan to apply for.  Do a complete review of this type of position. Is it in a growing field? What are the job specifications, minimum requirements, or other job duties that need to be known?

4. (25 points) Next, you will need to analyze yourself.  Based on your CURRENT skillset as a student, what areas do you think you are sufficient and deficient (perhaps an individual SWOT analysis)? How do your personality traits match with the culture of the company? Do you see a perceived fit? How do your motives and company values mesh?

5. (25 points) Based on the above, what is your recommendation on WHY the company should hire you? If you are currently a student, you might detail the training and education youll need to be considered. If you were to get this position, where do you see yourself in 5 years? Where do you think this experience would take you in 10 years?

Grading Rubric for MGMT 3013 Long Paper: Option B

Length and Format Paper must be:
Between 1,200-1,600 words (works cited should be a separate page)
12-point Times New Roman font
1-inch margins
Name located in the header
Proper in-paper citations and works cited (MLA format)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis you did in Week 3, select an area of improvement in the healthcare setting. You will do an RCA for this area this week.

Visit the following link:

-Read the introduction to RCA.
-Read the RCA process.
**Conduct and report an RCA for the area of improvement you selected. Include in your analysis:
–diagram of the clinical or workflow process
–A fishbone diagram of constraints
–The steps for improvement, utilizing the five-whys tool
–Suggested changes for making the improvement

IMC promotional mix on advertising to Hispanic Target market

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) help advertisers attack communication problems from a variety of points of view. This multimedia approach has been applied to communication by many advertising agencies over the past few years. One challenge for IMC planners, however, is the U.S. Hispanic market. Broadly defined, the Hispanic market includes those of Spanish, South American, Mexican, and Caribbean descent. As the number one minority in the United States, Hispanics comprise a market that is diverse with respect to preferences and lifestyles. Many in this market still speak Spanish (or native country dialect) as their primary language.

Investigate the Hispanic market by going to or a favorite search engine. After you have reviewed marketing and advertising efforts toward this target market, propose an IMC promotional mix that you believe would be ideal for carrying a shopping malls message to Hispanics. The basic message would be Come to the MallWere Here to Serve Your Needs. The shopping mall believes that as they attract Hispanics, sales and profits will increase. Discuss your promotional mix plan in your paper.

legal research topic by locating, reading and summarizing a number of key resources.

You will have the opportunity to explore a legal research topic by locating, reading and summarizing a
number of key resources. This assignment is intended to help you develop foundational research,
interpretation and written communication skills.
For your research paper, you will be exploring a current issue in Canadian law. More specifically, you will
explore the history of this issue, present multiple perspectives on it, and conclude with your
recommendations for future research and/or a call to action. The paper needs to be well researched
with a suitable variety of reliable, high quality and properly documented sources. You will need to
reference at least two legal cases, three scholarly articles and any two other sources (textbook,
government/non profit report, etc). The research paper should be approximately 5 to 8 pages of content
(double spaced, 1-inch margin). It should also include a title page and a reference page indicating the
sources (so 7 to 10 pages in total).
Selecting a Research Topic:
You may select the topic for your research assignment. The only requirement is that your topic must
related to a specific LAW or LAWS. This is different than other courses in criminology where you might
write about deviance, criminal behaviours or social reactions to crime in general. In this class, your
research assignment will be about a specific LAW. If you are unsure of your research topic, please let me
know and we can schedule a quick call to discuss some options.
Scholarly article criteria:
Article is published in a peer-reviewed academic journal / book chapter is published in an
edited volume published by a scholarly press.
Article or book chapter relates to your topic.
Note that book reviews are not viable sources for this assignment.
Government or nonprofit organization report criteria:
Report is authored by a government body (a ministry, department, or agency) or report is
authored by a nonprofit / civil society organization.
Report relates to your topic. ( Use this linked library link for research reference for at least 1 and
rest can be based on internet as mentioned above in details)

6100 W6

Leadership Self-Assessment & Personal Leadership Model (What I do as a leader)

Assignment Objectives:

Students will be able to apply leadership theories and models to their personal and professional lives, identifying impact and changes made throughout the course.
Through journal writing, reflection, and application of theory, students will construct their own personal leadership model.
Develop a definition of leadership supported by theories and models presented in class.
Part 1

This is the final project for the class. The leadership reflection paper is designed to provide an opportunity for you to reflect on the leadership concepts covered in this class, to determine their applicability to your current or future career and to determine which leadership concepts you would like develop more expertise in.