Archive for November 28th, 2020

Nursing Informatics

Discuss how nurses have influenced or improved nursing practice, administration, education, or research through informatics. Support your answer with at least two examples from websites or journal articles. Cite sources in the paragraphs and list references on reference page. Please find article under additional materials

6100 W5

Leadership Analysis Report
In this project, you will compare the leadership competencies, choices and actions of one or two real people. You may choose a leader that you know, a leader you have access to, oryou may choose a well-known leader whose leadership you would like to learn more about.Consider individuals who are some ways have made an impact to your organization or community. The people may be from any walk of life (business, the arts, humanities, politics, etc.) or they can be individuals from the next-door communities or organizations. Part of this research included asking key questions about the leader’s background and achievements. And you should give some background on the person you have analyzed, describe why you chose them, and then give an analysis on their leadership traits. Sources for this report should include readings, videos, interviews, and instructor notes from this course, as well as other published, credible sources. 


In order to receive credit, your work must be submitted on time in a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe PDF file format that can be opened and graded. A calendar of approved concerts, writing guidelines, and sample reports are provided located in Course Materials under Modules. Concert reports are to be a minimum of 1,200 words, and your word count MUST be included in the heading with title, date, time, and location of concert. Your written narrative must be ONLY about the music and follow How Concert Reports Are Graded criteria in Course Materials. All reports will be checked for word count as well as content, grammar, and spelling. Reports not meeting word count WILL NOT be graded. Late reports will not be accepted without prior approval of instructor.
Only performances on the APPROVED CONCERT CALENDAR will be accepted without prior approval. Alternate performances must be requested in writing and IN ADVANCE (at least two weeks before due date). A web link of the proposed concert is required for consideration. Requesting an alternate performance does not assure approval. Performance standard is high and must be classical art music in genre. Performances/recitals of K-12 school groups or religious services do not meet criteria and will not be approved. Refer to Course Materials for detailed rules.


Judicael Perroy, guitar: Guest Artist Recital

Discuss reading and remembering skills


1. Discuss in detail the 4 steps of active reading and how you will use it and video information to strengthen your reading and remembering skills. 

2. Provide at least 2 personal examples on how you will apply active reading and remembering strategies.


Sustainability Coca Cola and Pepsi

Sustainability reports are increasingly becoming expected or even required by business organizations. This exercise will give you practice in comparing and evaluating sustainability reports.


Step 1: Go to the Coca-Cola corporate website and click on Sustainability and review the companys most recent Sustainability Report. Determine the six best aspects of the Coca-Cola report.
Step 2: Go to the PepsiCo corporate website and click on Sustainability and review the companys most recent Sustainability Report. Determine the six best aspects of the PepsiCo report.
Step 3: Develop a report comparing and contrasting the two companies Sustainability Report with regard to business ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability.
In your opinion, does Coca-Cola receive a grade of A on their business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability efforts? Grade each company on the three dimensions and give each an overall grade. Justify your grades.

Cite 3 references that are no older than 3 years

Choose anyone you want ! Aged Care Bioethics Cloning Consent Contraception Disability Euthanasia Genetics Healthcare Human Embryos & Gametes Moral Agency & Legal Advocacy Neonatal Ethics Neuroethics Organ Donation Reproductive Technology

5 pages in length (Titles page and bibliography are NOT pages)
You must demonstrate that you have researched the topic in addition to your own thoughts on the issue. Your paper should contain a balanced/fair analysis of both sides of the moral issue.
Format should be MLA / Double Spaced

Project Define-Measure

Document 24: Housekeeping survey
and here are my phase 1 to 3 for the project, so u can understand it clearly
You only need to do phase 4 and 5 for this assignment
Instrution: You were given a survey filled out by 50 housekeeper. This is the survey basing our project. The housekeeping survey in document 24 that is the wrong survey so professor want us to fix it and talk about some mistakes in phase 1 and 2 and i just point out some mistake in phase 1 and 2. Here are what professor provide us in the beginging, so you might understand how to do the phase 4 and 5.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

General Directions for Note Cards: See the format in the attachment below.  Once you have your sources, then you need to start reading them, and as you go through them take notes on note cards.  Because this is an online class, this may be a little awkward, but the curriculum states you need to know how to do note cards, so you will need to download the form and then upload 20 cards with either a quote or a paraphrase from your source material. ONE QUOTE OR ONE PARAPHRASE ON EACH CARD! I would say to use a few of your sources to get your 20 cards, but you don’t have to have cards from all sources YET!  MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE ORGANIZATION AND PLACEMENT OF INFORMATION ON THE CARD THE WAY IT IS ILLUSTRATED IN THE ATTACHMENT BELOW.  Note cards are used to save time when you get to the outline, so you can find specific quotes and information without having to read through all your sources again. In the right corner you choose either for your side or the against side depending on the quote or paraphrase.  The left top corner is for you to decide whether you think you might use the info in your intro., body, or conclusion.


1.    Put ONE quote (long or short) or ONE paraphrase on each card. Reference as needed the MLA Documentation for Quotes and Paraphrasing in the classroom.
2.    Be sure to following the organization and placement of information on the cards as illustrated in the Note Card Template (page 2).
3.    Format of the Front of the Note Card
a.    In the center, record the title and author of the source.
b.    The left top corner is for you to decide whether you think you might use the quote or paraphrase in your introduction, body, or conclusion.
c.    In the right corner you identify if the quote or paraphrase will be used to support your side of the argument or the opposing side.
d.    The bottom right is to record the page number that your information (quote or paraphrase) was located in your source (journal, book, etc.)
e.    On the bottom left is to identify the argument that this quote or paraphrase will address.
4.    Format of the Back of the Note Card
a.    Write the paraphrase or the direct quote that you are taking from the source material.
b.    Include a brief statement of what you will say about this paraphrase or quote.
The Blank Note Card template is an attachment below, so you can type your 20 notes directly on blanks OR print multiple copies (20) and handwrite your notes from your sources. Once you have learned the format for note cards, you will obviously be using regular note cards for your future studies.  (Go to Next Page)

Note; Please use the attached sample Note card out iline

Changing Criterion Design

Changing Criterion Design

This unit has focused on measuring behavior change and graphing behavior data. In this discussion, we narrow our focus to changing criterion design. Read the application of content in the Behavior Modification text on pages 6263. For this discussion, post a substantive response to the following:

Based on the raw data in figure 317, identify the type of design that is presented and provide your visual analysis of the within and between conditions. Remember to use technical language such as trend, level, and variability.
Recommend the action you would take to make this a changing criterion design, including any changes you would make to the treatment or intervention itself.
Include the results you may expect based on your proposed change of treatment.

Her2+ Breast Cancer

. Your paper should include the following information, if possible.

1)    Provide a brief history of the disorder. When was it first diagnosed and by whom?

2)    What are the symptoms?  What do the disease-causing agents do to cause those symptoms?  You must address the biology (physiological, cellular, or molecular) of the disorder.  Failure to do so will result in a significant deduct.

3)    What are the current diagnostic methods used to detect the disorder and how is it treated?  What does the treatment do to the disease-causing agent?  Does early detection affect the treatments applied?  Again, address the biology here.  Exactly how the disease-causing agent is affected by the treatment.


4)    What are the success rates of the treatment or the prognosis for recovery?  .

5)    Is there any cutting edge research in progress that may improve the treatment of the disorder in the future?

6)    Bibliography
You must cite 2-3 sources for this paper.  It is okay to use internet sources as long as the URLs are .edu, .gov, or .org.  If you have to use .com websites, make sure they are legitimate..  Make sure the reader can easily trace the location of your sources should they want to investigate them directly.