Archive for November 28th, 2020

Business Entity Application Assignment

Business Entity Application Assignment

Fact Pattern:

You just passed the bar and are working at a small firm in Belton, TX when new clients, John and Sue Smith, stroll into your office with the following situation:

After several years of having a vacation condo unit owned by several parties in partnership of sorts, we have now become the sole owners. Its what weve always dreamed of, but by nature of our complete ownership, there may be some legal concerns now. Though we do intend to occupy the unit ourselves quite a bit in our upcoming retirement, we also anticipate that we might need to rent it out in the summertime to help cover some of the operating expenses. In talking with some of the other owners who rent year round, they mentioned the possibility of setting up a business entity to put condo in.

Other than the condo, we really do not have much in the way of assets, thus we would like to keep the costs, as well as the paperwork/hassles at a minimum. We are required to carry substantial insurance on the place given its coastal location and vacation spot. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Do not consider/discuss the LP or the LLP as even a possibility.

Format: This memo (look up general formatting if you dont know) is to be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font. Memos are generally single spaced. The correct length is whatever it takes to adequately explain your recommendation to the client and briefly discuss exactly why you would not recommend the others. I doubt a quality paper will be much less than 1.5 pages


For this forum, find a recent news article (within the past 12 months) that describes the latest developments in a conflict, issue, or other major event in this the Austral or Pacific realm.  Provide a brief summary of the conflict/issue/event that your article describes, and your own analysis of how this issue might affect the realm, and might be resolved

Strategy Formulation & Evaluating Strategic Decisions and Choices

There are two components to this Units application assignment. First, you will be considering adaptive, market entry, and competitive strategic alternatives. Second, you will be constructing a Boston Control Group (BCG) or Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) analysis.

Strategic Alternatives

Now that the situational analyses of the students identified healthcare department has been completed, its time to formulate the strategy. This is to be accomplished by considering strategic alternatives. The student, in Unit 5, has examined the directional strategy of the department by looking at the vision, mission (purpose), core values, and goals. Now, it is time to consider appropriate adaptive strategies, market entry strategies, and competitive strategies. In Unit 7, the student will tackle the implementation strategies, so it is purposely excluded from this assignment. To complete this assignment, the student will need to refer to the documents labeled Decision Logic for Strategic Formulation and Strategic Thinking-Hierarchy of Strategic Decisions and Alternatives, which can be located under the tab Doc Sharing in the course shell.

The Internet provides rich sources for defining the specific strategic alternatives, identifying the pros and cons of each, and under what circumstances would each alternative be considered a viable option. An understanding of each alternative will be necessary as the student formulates the healthcare departments comprehensive strategy.

To complete this assignment, the student will need to download the table from the link below.

Strategic Alternatives TablePreview the document

BCG and SPACE Analyses

Once the strategic alternatives have been identified and decided upon, its equally important that management take time to evaluate these strategic decisions and choices. To accomplish this, there are several techniques that can be utilized (e.g., external/internal  strategy matrix, product life cycle (PLC) analysis, Boston Control Group (BCG) portfolio analysis, extended portfolio matrix analysis, strategic position and action evaluation (SPACE) analysis, and program evaluation). By performing one or more of these analyses, management is able to validate the appropriateness of their strategic decisions.

While evaluating strategic decision and alternatives is an important step in the strategic planning process, if there is a misalignment between the strategic decisions and the outcomes of the evaluation analyses, this doesnt mean management has to go back to the beginning and start again. It simply means that management should take another look at their decision process. For this portion of the application assignment, you are to perform a SPACE or BCG analysis and determine if there is alignment with the strategies you previously formulated.

To aid you in completing your SPACE or BCG analyses, you are encouraged to utilize the many resources available through the Internet and elsewhere. A few Internet resources have been identified and made available to you through the supplemental materials for Unit 6. Since both forms of analysis will involve the use of visual images (the SPACE matrix will have a diagram and the BCG will have a 2 X 2 table), you will need to link the analysis to your initial posting.


From professor:
When I began my research on medical cannabis in the summer of 2008, I was determined to step out beyond my ‘comfort zone’, to challenge my assumptions and initial skepticism about medical cannabis. I have done this by traveling to medical cannabis states and doing all different kinds of research. While my favorite methods include field research and participant-observation, I have done interview, surveys, attended all kinds of meetings, educated myself through ongoing classes (Oaksterdam basic and advanced weekends, all those Patients Out Of Time Meetings), and generally tried to insert myself into this rich and strange world of medical (and now legal) cannabis. This approach has yielded countless insights about my own biases concerning cannabis, how others approach cannabis in different ways than myself, and on a macro level how to approach going forward socially and legally. I feel that if you can approach your project with this sense of openness and fundamental curiosity it will become something you will really enjoy doing.
Here are some examples of things I think could work out well. One of the things we are missing in teaching this class online is watching videos. There are all kinds of interesting videos on cannabis available, from ‘Adam Ruins Everything’ on Netflix to Frontline episodes (The Pot Republic) to Cheech and Chong films. Documentaries to popular culture. Tons of stuff out there! So one thing you could do is to find one or more of these and write up an analysis of it (them). Find something, could be mainstream or obscure, and tell me all about it.
Another idea includes local field research. Have you ever seen (and smelled) a live cannabis plant? If this is something you would like to do you could visit Wash Hydro in Washington DC (2318 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20018, relatively near the Dupont Circle Metro) if you are 21 or older and check it out. The first time I saw live plants was in Amsterdam in 1995–the Hash, Marijuana, and Hemp Museum had a live garden in their cellar.
Part of this project involves questioning yourself and your interests in cannabis. Obviously you were curious enough to take the class; I’ve provided some information, maybe an elementary framework of understanding. What is your next step? What topic is intriguing enough for you to take it further?
The only requirement is that the write up of whatever you do has to be at least 5 full pages–minimum. It may take more–you will decide! This project is wide open–it will be what you make it.

Frontline episode “The Pot Republic”.

Please choose one book from the following books

Don’t summarize the plot. A paper should have a single argument So: job is to think about one of the works we’ve read up to this point, and to come up with an argument about interpreting it. you shouldn’t feel any obligation to “cover” a whole book, to interpret the whole thing. It’s much better to focus on a small aspect: that can be a theme that runs throughout the whole book — say, the function of blushing in The Monk, or metaphors for violence in The Castle of Otranto, or something like that — or it can be a chapter, a scene, even a single page of one of the books.

Gothic Novels: The Castle of Otranto; Vathek;, The Monk (Oxford), ISBN: 9780199535682,
Jekyll & Hyde,
Dorian Gray,
The Yellow wallpaper.

Porter’s Five Forces Model

Pick an organization/company and evaluate it using Porters Five Forces Model.  Im expecting you make a statement (e.g. Threat of substitute products is low/med/high.  This is because ..).  Be sure to address all five forces. After you have done that, analyze the organization/companys strategy in accordance with Porters Three Generic Strategies. Also, analyze how IT is helping/hindering the organization’s viability.  Minimum length of the paper is four pages (double spaced), maximum length is six pages (double spaced).  The paper is intended to be an analytical product similar to something you would submit to your boss.  It doesnt need to have citations or footnotes but it does need to be grammatically correct.  This assignment is worth 10% of your total grade.  You will only have one opportunity to upload this assignment so make it count.  This assignment is due no later than (NLT) 11:59 PM (2359 in military time), 27 November.  The grading is: one point for each of the forces; one point for the strategy; one point for the IT aspect; and 3 points for grammar and presentation.  This is worth 10% of your grade.

Southest Asian Music Listening Response

Listen to one (or more) of the pieces discussed specifically in our lecture (see Lesson 25 Current Trends: Western Ideas, Eastern composers), either from a traditional Southeast Asian ensemble or a contemporary Southeast Asian composer. If you would like to listen to another work by one of these composers, please feel free to locate them on MySpace or YouTube to do so. Indicate clearly the title of the work and name of the composer, and write a two-page response in which you describe some of the features of the work that are unique or interesting to you. Feel free to describe your personal response to the piece as well. It may be useful to describe how the composed piece reflects tradition, or how the tradition itself is unique among world musics (as you understand them). Your assignment should be 600 words in length, double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font with one-inch margins on all sides.


Porter’s Five Forces Model

Pick an organization/company and evaluate it using Porters Five Forces Model.  Im expecting you to make a statement (e.g. Threat of substitute products is low/med/high.  This is because ..).  Be sure to address all five forces. After you have done that, analyze the organization/companys strategy in accordance with Porters Three Generic Strategies. Also, analyze how IT is helping/hindering the organization’s viability.  The minimum length of the paper is four pages (double spaced), the maximum length is six pages (double spaced).  The paper is intended to be an analytical product similar to something you would submit to your boss.  It doesnt need to have citations or footnotes but it does need to be grammatically correct.  This assignment is worth 10% of your total grade.  You will only have one opportunity to upload this assignment so make it count.  This assignment is due no later than (NLT) 11:59 PM (2359 in military time), 27 November.  The grading is one point for each of the forces; one point for the strategy; one point for the IT aspect; and 3 points for grammar and presentation.  This is worth 10% of your grade.

Sociological Perspectives “Film Contagion”

Using the free recording and editing software Audacity, compose a 5- to 7-minute audio recording with speaker notes (a verbatim transcript) in which you present your initial analysis of your previously selected film. This recording will primarily address sections III and IV of your final project. Select one of the major social issues in your film and address the following:

Identify the social phenomena influencing the social issue you selected, substantiating your identification(s) with course readings and an additional article.
Apply an appropriate key theoretical perspective to explain the relationship between the social phenomena and the social issue, detailing the appropriateness of the perspective chosen.
From the theories we have covered thus far in the course, identify one key classical sociological theory and one key contemporary sociological theory that help explain the relationship between the social phenomena and the social issue depicted in the film. Why are these theories appropriate in examining the relationship? What insight do they give into the relationship between the social issue and society?