Archive for November 28th, 2020


You will write a 2-3 page reflection (yes, you can write more than 3 pages) as the final for this course, thus, 20% of your grade in this course depends on the precision, depth, and creativity demonstrated in this paper. Having dived into the study of society and discussed differences across hundreds of variables, the time has come to think about the one variable which is incontrovertible across time and space death.

Every person who has ever lived has had to contend with the facts of existence and no fact is more immutable than all who live will eventually pass away. The existential angst induced by such realizations often follows on the heels of a close friend or loved one passing away. Of course, just because all people pass away doesnt mean they agree on what constitutes a life well lived. It is my hope that all of you will live a life that you can consider to be well-lived whatever that means to you personally.

I think part of living such a life stems from having thought about what we value about ourselves and others, what we are most proud of and ashamed of, and what we hope our legacy will be after we are gone. To facilitate such thinking, I have created this journal exercise based on two thought experiences. All I ask is you sit there and think deeply about each experiment for a few minutes and then commit yourself to writing no less than one page about each one.

Thought Experiment #1:
Imagine that one of your close friends is talking to one of their friends, someone who knows nothing about you and who has never met you before. Having never encountered you before, this friend of your friend has no idea what you look like, what your voice sounds like, how you dress, what your beliefs are etc. How would you WANT your friend to describe you to their friend?

Thought Experiment #2:
Imagine that you lived to be 90 years old and passed away while you were sleeping. One hundred years after you die, a researcher begins writing a biography about your life. What would the researcher need to emphasize for you to feel like the biography did a good job of capturing your life?

Again, please read the thought experiments carefully and think about them for several minutes before starting to write. You need only include one whole page for each experiment, although you are certainly welcome to write as much as you want.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 2
[4 pages]
Jane is 16 years old and has struggled with her weight since she was a child. Her parents are also overweight and do not feel that it is an issue. Jane has been bullied at school due to her weight and she is desperate to lose weight. She has come to you for help.

Describe how you will help Jane using four of the following counseling approaches (Week 12): 
Rogerian counseling
Biopsychosocial Approach
Strength-Based Counseling
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy
Existential Approach.

Make sure you provide examples for each.

Drafting a Literature Review Synthesis of Research Studies

The literature review is an integral component of the DPI Project, as it serves to summarize and synthesize research done in the selected area of study. The body of the literature review to draft in this assignment will be edited and revised over the course of the program to eventually become Chapter 2 of DPI Project. Incorporate instructor feedback from the Introduction to the Literature Review Empirical Research assignment to enhance literature review.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
    APA6 style is required. An abstract is not required.
    This assignment uses a rubric. Please Review the rubric prior to the beginning to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
    Required to submit to TurnItIn
Based upon review 30 selected empirical research articles, identify three to five major themes that relate to project topic and three to five subthemes related to each major theme.
Using those themes and subthemes in conjunction with completed “Research Article Chart,” write a paper that synthesizes the content of 30 selected empirical research studies.
Summarize each major theme and provide a detailed synthesis of its identified subthemes by addressing the following:
1.    Introduce the identified subtheme.
2.    Identify the research questions posed by the applicable studies.
3.    Identify the sample populations used.
4.    Identify the methodology.
5.    Identify the limitations of the studies.
6.    Summarize the conclusion and recommendations for further research.
7.    Synthesize or connect the articles related to the subtheme back to the major theme and overall project.

Should drug testing be mandatory for high school extracurricular activities?

Your assignment is to write an argumentative essay in which you take a position on one of the topics provided above (you cannot be neutral). Your essay must utilize the Classical Argument structure and effectively use each of the rhetorical appeals. In order to convince your audience, you must provide sufficient reasons and evidence for your position. You must give more than your opinionyou must offer logical arguments to support your points.

Your points must be supported by researched evidence from at least four credible sources. You must consider audiences who may support your point of view and those who may oppose your position. It is your responsibility to convince those audiences to side with your claim.

When conducting research, it is important that you do not provide so much research that it drowns your paper.  A good rule of thumb to use is the 80/20 rule–80 percent of your paper should be your ideas and your support, and 20 percent comes from the sources.

Use the following information and the Classical Argument structure note provided in Module 13 to organize your ideas:

1. The paper will have a strong title.

2. Introductory paragraph: The first paragraph of your essay should outline the topic, provide background information necessary to understand your argument, and state your thesis. Your thesis statement is a concise, one-sentence summary of your main point and claim.

3. Body paragraphs: An argument paper’s body comprises three or more paragraphs that explain the reasons why you support your thesis. Each body paragraph should cover a different reason. You must include a topic sentence for every paragraph that clearly and concisely explains why the reader should agree with your position. Body paragraphs are where you back up your claims with examples, research, statistics, studies, and text citations. You must provide commentary explaining how your evidence supports your reason and your claim.

4. Counterarguments: Address opposing points of view and disprove them or explain why you disagree with them. These should be two separate paragraphs.

5. Conclusion:  The concluding paragraph reminds your audience of your claim and summarizes all of the arguments made in your body paragraphs. Do not introduce new facts or more arguments. A good conclusion will appeal to an audience’s emotions.

When complete, your paper will have an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, two counterclaim paragraphs, and a conclusion, for a total of at least seven paragraphs.

Other Details:

The paper will be formatted in APA, including
One-inch margins
Double-spacing (with no extra spaces between paragraphs; set Before and After to zero).
12-point Times New Roman font
A title page with  the title of your paper, your name, the course, and the instructors name (this is separate from the four-page writing requirement)

A header inch from the top of the page with your title and the page number
A centered title on the first page
A reference page including all the (4) sources used in the essay
Paper 4 will be a minimum of four full pages in length (not three pages and some writing on page 4).


to think critically about how you were socialized into your culture. Please describe the process (tell me who were the keys plays, how did they handle deviance, where you born in a class or caste system and have you grown out of the system?) This essay should be about two pages long.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I will send class material ASAP

    Make sure you pay attention to how much each question is worth and your answer should reflect that. 
    I am not looking for you to regurgitate material from the course but rather to see how you can synthesize and apply what you have learned.  I am looking for informed answers and opinions that are well written and that contain examples.
    You are expected to have read the assigned chapters of The Elements of Counseling and The Gift of Therapy as well as the power-point slides and notes from each class session.  All this should be reflected in your answers. I do not want to see generic information and thoughts off the top of your head. I want to see informed answers that are consistent with graduate level work. Responses that are well thought out, comprehensive and go beyond the minimum are more likely to earn a higher grade.
    Please do not write each question again followed by your answer. If you do that, you will have 5% deducted. Simply write the question # followed by your answer.
For each question, you will be assessed using the following criteria:
    You answered the question fully,
    You answered the question accurately,
    You showed evidence of having read all the pertinent course materials,
    You effectively incorporated this information into your answer,
    You gave accurate and appropriate examples,
    You constructed a thoughtful and coherent response,
    You displayed critical thinking and writing skills consistent with graduate level work.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a commentary that addresses your reflections and reactions to the major points and arguments discussed across all three articles. Be sure to include connections between the points of the papers, your personal science and science teaching experiences, and how the content of the papers is influencing your ideas of science teaching. Please refer to the Syllabus for guiding questions and more details about the commentary.

Instructions below.

Instructions below.

There are two parts – part 1 is editing the original essay and part 2 is writing an essay about why you did the revisions and talked about the problems you saw.
-All of it can be the same document just split the revision and the essay so then I know which part is which.


Essay # 3 – Poetry

Please write a 2 page essay (12 times new roman, double spaced) on the poetry of Langston Hughes. As the instructions below highlight, your essay may be focused on 1 or more of the 8 Langston Hughes poems that we have read for the course.

In order to do your essay, you must only rely upon:

your understanding of the poems that we have;

the short video clip on Hughes available in the Unit 3 folder of course content;

Hughes essay The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain;

the professors notes;


*anything that looks, walks, smells, breathes, or laughs like an internet source in the first paragraph or the rest of the essay will lead to immediate failure!!! 

So, here is how you should go about writing your assignment:

Write a paragraph that discusses Langston Hughes poetry in a general way. Talk about what kinds of subjects and themes that his poetry explores.

Choose a poem by Hughes and discuss its theme and how that theme is developed through the use of images and/or sounds. If you want to focus on just one image (metaphor/simile) or one aspect of sound, then that is ok. The important thing is to make sure that you explain how the image/images or sound/sounds are related to the theme, as you have explained it. If you need separate paragraphs for explaining theme, images, and sounds, then use them.

If step 2 has not got you to 2+ pages of writing, then do step 2 over again with another poem. Add a third or more, if you need or want to.

So, ultimately, you need to write an introduction paragraph that talks about topic and theme in Hughes poetry in a general way (step 1). Then you need to discuss theme and its development through image (metaphor/simile) and/or sound in at least one poem. If you need or want to, you should discuss more than one poem!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a summary of four health counseling articles that are posted in the courseSelect any four Health Counseling Articles #
    Once you have finished reading each article, you are to write a summary of the main points of each of these articles. 
    Each summary must accurately capture the main points and concepts discussed in each article. This illustrates your ability to read, comprehend, and pull out the important information.
    Each summary is to be written in your own words. Do not attempt to copy or modify the summary/abstract provided by the authors of the article. I can’t tell if you have learned anything if you do that (not to mention that this is plagiarism).  Also, do not use any quotes in your summary.
    Your summary of each article should be 2 pages long. Everything should be in one file only.  Make sure you provide the info for each article (author, year, title, journal, issue, page numbers etc.) at the top of each summary.  Each summary should capture the essential points of each article and conclude with a statement about what you learned from the article and how it will help you in your future career.