Archive for November 28th, 2020

Universities should allow students and faculty to carry a concealed handgun on campus.

In-text Citations: If you do not give the name of the author or the title of the article in your paper, you must include an in-text citation in parentheses after the cited material. Include a page number if there is one.

Your revised argument essay should be at least 700 words long and include In-text Citations and a Works Cited page at the end for at least 3 sources. The revised argument essay with support is due Nov. 30 at 11:00 PM.

client letter

Choose one of the following articles:

Write a client letter on behalf of your firm, Fabulous Planners, to inform your clients of what they need to be aware of regarding the topic at hand.  You letter should be between 500 and 750 words.  See the sample client letter in Exhibit 2-10 on page 2-23 of the text [attached]

Environmental Development

The reading reflections will consist one-two-page analytical reflections over specific assigned texts of your choosing from five different class meetings. These assignments should develop a critical analytical reflection on a key argument or problem in the text. You do not need to advance an explicit thesis or conclusion in these assignments, and you should not simply summarize the readings, but rather critically explore specific claims or arguments made in the readings.

American Heart Association Web-based Assessment

The web-based healthcare information assessment affords the opportunity to assess healthcare education on the internet. As future professional nurses, it is imperative you provide your clients with appropriate recommendations for credible health information on the internet.

The goal of this assessment is for you to evaluate a website of your choosing (e.g., the American Heart Association or the American Diabetes Association) following the HONcode criteria (Health on the Net) available in this module’s Reading and Resources folder.

For additional details, please refer to the Website Assessment Guid

Recommendations/ Solutions

You will participate in a group project that will analyze and evaluate a retail store and make recommendations for improvement. This project will apply a marketing perspective discussed in class to better understand the retail management.

We chose the Retail Store Michaels the arts and crafts store.

My part is the recommendations/solutions part of the essay. I will provide screenshots.

Assess its performance and position in the marketplace, and prospects for the future
Summarize your suggestions/recommendations on how this retailer can improve the shopping experience for their customers, increase sales, and improve their image etc.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Post whatever content you developed under each area since your basic outline.


Specific Purpose:


        Attention Getter
        Preview of Main Points


        Main Points
        Sub points


        Closing Signal
        Review of Main Points
        Closing Statement

Provide feedback to each peer in the group.


Your draft outline is an expansion of your basic outline. It should include basic elements for the development of your introduction, body, and conclusion.  (Refer to the Outline Guide).
Your outline is a blueprint that helps you to prepare for your speech. Writing an outline helps you to decide what you will say in the introduction, how you will organize the main points and supporting materials in the body, and what you will say in the conclusion. It helps to ensure that you have adequate supporting materials for your main points, that related items are together, and that your ideas flow from one another.
Your final outline needs to be in the format as reflected in the Outline Guide.
Speeches need effective introductions and conclusions.
The main objectives of the introduction are to gain the attention of the audience, reveal the topic and its relevance, establish your credibility, and preview the body of the speech.
The primary function of the conclusion is to signal the end of the speech and reinforce the central idea.
You should have at least two sub-points to support each main point.
Speeches need strong supporting material to bolster your point of view. Specific and credible details are more convincing than unsupported generalizations. Your knowledge alone will not convince the audience.
My topic CBD products.
Topic: CBD Products

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the strategic measures that can be taken to enter the CBD market.

Thesis: The CBD market is an increasingly growing one with many potential healthy products that are gaining market traction.

Main Points:

It is imperative to have a proper financial plan before the commencement of any dealership of CBD products.

There is a need to have a holistic and all-encompassing business plan or strategy to guide CBD products.

There is a fundamental need to have a proper branding and market-entry strategy that will make ones CBD products to be popular among customers.

Final Paper

Feel free to use your imagination in the examples you create, but be sure to answer the questions thoroughly and accurately to the philosophers views. Papers must be 3-5 pages in length (3 page minimum!), double spaced, with no more than five lines of quotes (cite your quotes!!). As always, be sure to back up all claims you make, and stick to the questions!!
Note: Your answers must reflect the relevant issues that we covered regarding these philosophers in the readings and lectures (it is not sufficient to study some tertiary information from an internet source alone—-you must read the material I assigned).
If you have questions or are unsure of what exactly I am asking for in any of these paper options– just ask me to clarify!!

Option #1:
For Hume the Bell Tolls:
One day you wake up to realize you have slept for a hundred years. The world has changed drastically, and in multiple ways: scientists and philosophers have discovered that everything that David Hume claimed about our experience of cause and effect and impressions and ideas is absolutely true, and have adjusted our world (our technology, customs and behavior) accordingly. How does this affect how people interact with each other and the world around them? How does this affect our ideas of science and laws of physics? Would this affect things like religion and other social customs?

Option #2:
Nothings Really Matter to me:
Same as #1, but imagine that in this world you wake up to (after a similar period of sleep) everyone has discovered that everything that George Berkeley claimed about our perception and the existence of the material world is absolutely true, and have adjusted our world (our technology, customs, religion and behavior) accordingly. Would we behave and/or talk any differently about our world and ourselves? What kinds of things would change? 

Article review

For this week’s current event report, you need to find a recent article (published within last 6 months) on any (pick one) of the topics that are covered this week (employment or unemployment issues)

-Submit your report via “Submit” option below.

-The report should have usual two sections:

Section 1: Summary of the issue debated (two paragraphs),

Section 2: Discussion of the issue covered in the article by critically evaluating the author’s point of view and providing details as to why you agree/disagree with the author, relating the topic/debate to materials you had a chance to learn throughout our class (two paragraphs).

Backgound-Target audience

1. Background- The background should focus on sounds like toronto , however you are welcome to mention Heritage toronto to extent that it supports what you have written about SLT.
Describe the target audience for the product as noted [i.e. all potential target audiences in order of priority that must be engaged for the objectives of SLT to be successful].


-Unemployment and unemployment rate has been considered as an important economic indicator for policy makers, as well as general public, and businesses.

Could you discuss why this is the case, covering strengths and shortfalls of a such a measure?

Provide short-links to materials used from web-sites.