Archive for November 29th, 2020

Safety Engineering

Using the *** Online Library, locate one or more articles that give detailed information (at least four pages in length) about a fire in either a hotel or a high-rise office building. Your case study should cover the topics listed below.


1. What were the main factors that caused the fire?
2. Were there any design flaws in the building that contributed either to the start of the fire or the growth of the fire in size?
3. Were there issues with the building design that hindered the fire response?
4. How could a thorough hazard analysis, as a part of the Prevention through Design (PtD) process, have helped eliminate hazards in the structure?
5. How could PtD have been used to either prevent the fire from occurring or reduce the severity of the outcome?
6. Explain where PtD should be used in the design process to prevent this type of incident from happening again.

Include a minimum of two outside sources. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines. The case study should be a minimum of three pages in length.

Jeff bezos

research Paper Rubric 2 Pages. Times New Roman. 12 Point Font. Double Spaced. Pick a historical figure who had an impact on American history after 1877. This paper should have the following things in it, how he influenced American history and a short biography of the person. You must use at least five different sources. Sources can include; articles, books, journals, websites, and lectures.  (  I choose JEFF BEZOS ). Please make sure everything must be included 

I need to write a paper about Purgatory (link will be provided). My topic is how I think purgatory and catholicism is motivated by fear. for example, all the souls, demons, fires, pain, misery. These are all examples of things that bring fear to people.

This assignment asks you to form a focused thesis of your choice and carefully support it with a logical argument and evidence from the texts you are analyzing. You will write a 1000-1200 word analysis, supported by relevant quotes from the readings, that advances a thesis argument on the topic of your choice.  The thesis should be built on close readings from and should incorporate readings from at least 2 days in class selected from Oct 5 or later (the Lucretius reading or Later in the semester)

Make sure to craft a thesis that you can support using the texts.  For example, the thesis could be about rhetorical style and writing (for example, exploring how writing style might impact how society is portrayed.  For this type of essay, you could choose two similar styles to make a singular argument about a particular writing style and its effect or two distinct styles to compare).

The topic will be as described above. how purgatory is motivated by fear, and the fear drives people closer to heaven and closer to god. the fear doesn’t only motivate them but it teaches them right from wrong and gives them a fundamental understanding of good and bad. please use quotes and evidence from the text (this essay is all about the text and proving your points through the text).

the link for text is

please matches up page numbers for quotes to the above link

I need to write a paper about Purgatory (link will be provided). My topic is how I think purgatory and catholicism is motivated by fear. for example, all the souls, demons, fires, pain, misery. These are all examples of things that bring fear to people. but all the fear and all experiences push you in the right direction (Morally and ethically)

Autonomic Nervous System & 1 Specific special sense

Your task is the explore the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and one specific special sense (e.g., vision, gustation, equilibrium, olfaction, audition).

– Pick one special sense (vision, audition, gustation, olfaction, equilibrium) and prepare a written report of at least 1000 words answering the following bullet points:

A. What cranial nerve(s) is(are) associated with your chosen special sense?

B. Describe how the anatomy of your chosen special sense organ relates to its physiology.

C. Describe how signal transduction occurs in your chosen special sense organ. Distinguish how it is different from signal transduction in a somatic peripheral sensory nerve.

D. Describe how sensory stimuli from your chosen special sense can trigger autonomic activation. Discuss the downstream effects at the organ and organismal levels.

E. Discuss physiological consequences that can occur as a result of homeostatic imbalances in your chosen special sense organ.


Question 1

Consider the working environment you have chosen to focus on during this program. Identify three to five organizational processes that could benefit from the use of robotics or RPA. (Max. 50 words per process.)

Start writing here:

Question 2

Setting a vision or desired future state is the process of defining the desired pathway for a technologys deployment. Before using robots or RPA in your organization, you will need to identify what you hope to achieve. Using Porters three generic strategies as a reference, describe how robots or RPA will impact cost leadership, differentiation, or focus to give you a competitive edge.

Be sure to outline your desired future state where robots or RPA are used in the organizational processes you discussed in Question 1. (Max. 200 words in total.)

Start writing here:

Question 3

Consider the technical and leadership or managerial requirements of rolling out robots or RPA across the areas you have identified in Question 1. Cover the following questions in your answer:

Who should be involved in implementing the proposed initiative, and what should the scope of their roles be?
Define your own role in the implementation of your proposed initiative and justify why this role is important?
How does the proposed initiative fit in with the business strategy and IT strategy?
What are some technical considerations and requirements for implementation?
(Max. 300 words in total.)

Examining Quantitative and Qualitative Research Studies for Field Practice Implications

Choose two current empirical research studies that address the problem within urban settings (e.g., health disparities, homeless).

Thoroughly compare the research methods and report the findings. Pay attention to statistics used and generalizability. (Articles must be dated 2005 and beyond).

What are the findings?

Are diversity issues, social, economic, and environmental issues addressed?

Any ethical dilemmas presented or implied?

Does the article support social work values and ethics? NASW SOCIAL WORK VALUES AND ETHICS ARE ATTACHED

Is a theoretical framework discussed, and if so, does it fit the client population served at your field internship? YES. FIELD INTERNSHIP IS AT THE OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER FOR BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND USA

Discuss the best practice model (implicit or explicit) in the articles, and whether you would assess and intervene with clients using it?

If a best model is not presented, based on your knowledge of social work conceptual frameworks what would you suggest?

If both articles present a best practice model, which one seems more relevant to guide urban social work practice concerning the problem?

What did you learn about the problem from the statistics presented in the articles?

518 report

This is a group project and its actually really easy. My part will be writing the conclusion. All you need to do will be read through the word doc first. I have upload it and write a conclusion for it. You can write half page of conclusion for the report. For another half page, please summary up your conclusion with recommendation that I can post on the PowerPoint for presentation.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you have to rewrite methods, discussion and recommendation from the example report I have attached.

i will attach my own table that you ll you have to write on. Just rewrite the content in your words and my numbers from the table.

For methods just rewrite in own words but similar.

For discussion, use my table

for recommendation use my table ( has to be exact 5 paragraphs for this one)

comparison of experience to research

This is a critical part of your paper in which you analyze your interviewees experiences in relation to the research that you read about. Essentially what you do here is analyze how your interviewee/the family experiences and adjustments were typical or not typical – similar or different or a combination of the two – based on the results of articles you read (based on what you talked about in section C above). Give examples from the interview to defend your ideas. In this section, do not make the mistake of repeating what you said in section C do not go into an in-depth discussion of the research articles; just make simple reference to them.

C. Analysis (I provide it)

related to American government

Select a topic related to American government, research the topic and write a paper explaining: 1) why you selected the topic; 2) how it relates to the class; and 3) an in-depth analysis of the topic. The analysis should include a discussion of what you learned about the topic, how your research affected your way of thinking and how what you learned will affect your actions in the future. The report should be a maximum of 2000 words and should cite to at least 5 sources.

You will be graded on:

Your topic selection and how well you persuade me that it relates to the class;
The depth and content of your reasoning, logic and analysis;
The clarity of presentation; and
Organization, grammar, spelling, etc.