Archive for November 29th, 2020

Presentation 2: Regional Christianity

As with the first presentation, this second presentation will involve creating a set of at least 8 slides and then recording a 4- to 5-minute video/audio narration of those slides.  Points will be deducted for going beyond 5 minutes, so carefully craft your presentation to feature the important highlights.  You will be using Canvas Studio (Links to an external site.).

Unlike your first, this presentation will be on a modern region of the world and the growth/decline of Christianity in that region (see below). This second presentation must include the following as separate components:

An introduction to the current state of Christianity in the region (minority/majority status, growth/decline, unique characteristics/factors, etc.)
A survey of the growth or decline of Christianity in the region from 1970 to the present (and projected to 2020)
Your assessment of the positive and negative aspects of the Christian presence in the region
Helpful and relevant maps, images, and quotations from the following sources should be included throughout the presentation slides. Don’t pack your slides with content (that’s distracting); rather, carefully select what is most applicable and enhances your narration. Be sure to cite your sources on the slide you use them on, and include a Works Cited page at the end of the presentation.

Global Christianity A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population (Links to an external site.)
Center for the Study of Global Christianity (Links to an external site.)
International Bulletin of Missionary Research (Links to an external site.)
Christianity in its Global Context, 1970-2020Preview the document
For this presentation, select 1 of the regions below by posting its title in the discussion. A maximum of 5 students may select any single region, so post your selection early. Wait for the instructor to reply to your post with approval before beginning your research.

Africa (NO choices left.  Choose another region.)
Asia (4 spots left for choice)
Europe (1 spot left for choice)
Latin America (1 spot left for choice)
Northern America (2 spots left for choice)
Oceania (5 spots left for choice)
When your selection has been approved, or you have selected and been approved for an alternate region, begin your research by using the study report Christianity in its Global Context, 1970-2020Preview the document and Noll’s book (even if you need to read ahead a bit). You must make significant use of this study report (and at least reference Noll’s book) as you prepare your presentation, but you will need to use a few additional sources as well, which you will need to find on your own. Use reliable internet resources, a few of which are linked above.
-Above is the description of the instructions from week 3 pick any region you want for the assignment.
-Additional links are below for the assignment

Identify Scenario, Diagnose, and Rationale Diagnosis

Joanne, age 32, is involved with the first man that really counts in her life. As the couple has become more intimate, Joanne has started to have flashbacks about an uncle who touched her sexually when she was only eight years old. She is distressed to find out that she is shutting down feelings about her boyfriend and distancing herself from him. Although she has been sexual with other men, she says she cant stand to let herself be sexual with someone she lves and trusts. She startles easily and reports a general increase in anxiety. She is very angry that she has to deal with the feelings about the incidents with her uncle that happened so long ago. She says that she thought she had gotten beyond all that.

Jack graduated from high school and got a job working in a video store. After
working for about 6 months Jack began to hear voices that told him he was no
good. He also began to believe that his boss was planting small video cameras in
the returned tapes to catch him making mistakes. Jack became increasingly
agitated at work, particularly during busy times, and began “talking strangely” to
customers. For example one customer asked for a tape to be reserved and Jack
indicated that that tape may not be available because it had “surveillance photos
of him that were being reviewed by the CIA”. After about a year Jack quit his job
one night, yelling at his boss that he couldn’t take the constant abuse of being
watched by all the TV screens in the store and even in his own home.

You must create a diagnosis and treatment plan for your two selected case studies

3. Your diagnosis and treatment must be fact based and utilize scholarly sources. (You can add your opinion but please ensure that you have fact based sources to back that up.)

4. You must incorporate any perspectives or theories you have learned through out the semester. (Ex: discussing how parental attachment might be affecting your client). We have covered many topics through out the semester so be sure to include some of them!

5. Must 3 or more scholarly sources (this includes the book)

6. Must be written in APA format

7. Minimum page length is 3 pages (this does not include your cover page, refence pages and abstract page).

Acceptable Formats for Assignments for writing assignments:

1. Work should be typed in .doc or .docx only

2. Typed and double spaced using 12 pt Times New Roman Font

3. Black type (no colors) on white background,

4. Standard 1″ borders (top, bottom, right, left).

5. First page with name, date, etc identifying information is not considered in page count.

6. Citations should be in full APA format.

Qualitative Research

I need my 8 pages based ONLY on the literature review section of my paper that I have uploaded (Bid4Papers Qualitative Research).  Upon your revising the Bid4Papers Qualitative Research paper, I want the writer to see that I only have two pages in the LITERATURE REVIEW SECTION (my professor wants more; and so, I need writer to continue from where I left off – IT is highlighted WRITER CONTINUES HERE (on page 7) of the research paper and focuses the eight pages on the LITERATURE REVIEW SECTION.  Please use the attached/uploaded references to add in text citations as you furnish the finished (8 pages)

Literature Review (10 pages):
This step is to review the current state of research on the topic entertained in your thesis/project. Information provided in this chapter, (differs from the general background information provided in chapter I), in that, it is designed to provide your readers with prior research relate to the goals and objectives/research questions you seek to answer.
As such, information described in this section should provide an extensive overview of varying viewpoints surrounding your research goals/questions, (organized by topic specific ideas), thus, orienting the reader in the discourse of the field. Keep in mind, however, that at this stage of the thesis writing your goal is simply to present these varying viewpoints, not to be critical of them.
In writing information needed in this Chapter, ensure your description is detailed enough, thus, providing your readers with the backdrop to, and/or reasons for, conducting your research/project.
For example: if your project is designed to focus on the high drop-out rates of special education students at the high school level, culminating in an in-depth plan/recommendations school systems can use to enhance their retention and graduation rates, your literature review should start by providing an overview of the drop-out rate of special education students at the high school level, thus, identifying the importance of your project, followed by an in-depth description of variables a variety of researchers say influence this drop-out rate, in addition to factors that enhance their retention and graduation rates. This information can then be infused in the plan/recommendations you would tell your school district to use.

qualitative coding interview questions

Return to the Developing Research Questions assignment from Module/Week 3. With interview transcripts in hand,

create a code book for interviews.

Begin in small groups, look at the ways people coded their respective interviews.
See if there is agreement on major and minor codes.

Discuss the different kinds of stories each coding scheme might tell.

Cut and sort by major and minor codes looking for patterns, relationships, further categorizations.

Make note of analytical findings. Hold onto these clumps of coded data for a future exercise.

Watch The music of Miles Davis Jazz Concert on youtube

Watch the youtube jazz concert. This should be an exercise in creative writing and students should attempt to explain in their own words how the music makes them feel and describe in detail anything striking or unexpected about the overall atmosphere of the concert. The performers
How many took part?
Were there any soloists? What kind of ensembles performed? (Ex. String Quartet, Choir, Band) Was there a conductor?
3. The music
What specific pieces were performed? Identify by composer and title.
Was the music primarily instrumental or vocal or a combination?
Were there a variety of styles and genres represented?
What musical eras were represented? (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th-Century, Contemporary)
4. The performance
What was your opinion of the performance(s)? (Provide details for each major work on the program).
If there was a conductor: Did he/she have a strong connection with the musicians? Did the gestures seem to have musical meaning?
If there was a soloist: Did he/she communicate well with the other musicians? How was the solo performance?
If chamber music: How did the individuals play together as a group?
5. Personal observations
What impressed you most about the concert?
What did you like the least? Why?
Can you relate elements of the concert to music you listened to before the start of this course?

Effect of sports participation on self-esteem

I will include a pdf of the essay instructions. Number 2 on the instructions is the main focus. For the essay, please start with the effects of sports participation on self-esteem during young childhood then transition to adolescence and then end with adulthood. Make connections with self-perception, body image, self confidence, social support, etc. For the cover page, I will upload how I want it to look. I want the running header on the left top corner of the paper’s topic and page number on every page. Everything is 12 font, times new roman, double spaced. I need 100% originality essay. I need at least 9 sources and articles no later than 15 years ago.


Assignment OverviewUnit 4 – Classroom Workshop Participation
Deliverable Length: Substantive participation in and contributions to class discussions.
Assignment Details

Due to the large aging population in America, age discrimination is on the rise. At your company, the Board of Directors needs to cut costs, and one way to do this is by letting the older employees go and hiring graduates fresh out of college. As the head of the human resource department, you have been directed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to give a persuasive speech to the board of directors on why they should retain many of the older employees. Your intention is to mount a responsible argument that is both legally and socially in support of retaining the older employees.

For this assignment, complete the following:

Write a draft of your speech to the board. You need to address a minimum of 3 positive reasons why it is in the best interest of the company to retain the aging employees
Prepare your post as if it were a speech, beginning with Dear members of the board, I am here today to address
Be sure to support your main points with a minimum of 2 credible sources, and provide correct citations in APA format.

Beyonce and the empire of feminist debate surrounding her

I have attached the rubric, the tool kit, and the articles which need to be cited in the paper. This is about Beyonce and how people say shes not feminist because she exploits her body but she is actually really feminist because she does what she wants and doesn’t let people tell her no.


minimum 4500 words (calculated by excluding executive summary, table of contents, references, and appendices/tables/figures), single-spaced paper with executive summary, table of contents, at least 15 accompanying references, figures, and tables, with all parts well-integrated in the form of a thorough, compelling story. The grade depends upon the thoroughness of your analysis, the number and quality of references, your ability to articulate thought with clarity and proper grammar, and the degree to which you follow the APA style guide, as well as the quality of analysis and effectiveness of application of the tools and concepts of strategy when examining and explaining your chosen company and industry.

The Political & Economical Relation between the US & Saudi Arabia

I want to write a paper for my master thesis
I am Saudi, so please take it in consideration and try to be objective
Please provide it with official sources “Books, Researches, etc”
Do not use hard English
The aim of the research is to define the type of the liberal relation, is it political, economic, strategically, .etc?
Here is the Abstract
The Relation between United States of America and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a historical relation. The bilateral relation started officially, when King Abdulaziz “the founder of Saudi Arabia” met with the American president “Franklin Roosevelt” on the board of the USS Quincy in the Suez Canal in 1945. Since the beginning, Saudi Arabia depends on the US  in importing weapons and developing defensive systems. On the other hand, Washington used to depends on Riyadh in importing Oil and Chemicals. As the years went on, the relationship got stronger. Saudi Arabia was established in 1932, and the country has been ruled by seven kings. In the same period , United States has been headed up  by 14 different Presidents. Some experts argue that the relations between the two countries driven by economic interests, other argue that it is driven by political interests. The world has changed a lot since the start of the bilateral relationship between Saudi Arabia and United States, so it is not that easy to determine the main driven of this relation. Today, United States of America is the biggest oil producer in the world. As for Saudi Arabia, it is no longer depends only on United States to arm itself. Saudi Arabia imports arms from the US, Russia, China, and other countries, and it has also started to manufacture some weapons locally. Middle East has changed a lot, so it is not that simple to determine the main interest of the alliance.

The Structure of my research:
-Historical Background of the relation
-Saudi Political System and decision Making
-American Political System and decision Making
-The importance of KSA to USA
-The importance of USA to  KSA
-Saudi American common interests
-Defence Agreement
-American Forces in Saudi Arabia
-Foundation of ARAMCO
-Cold war and Soviet containment
    -First conflict in 1936
    -9-11 Attacks
    -Khashoggy Assassination
    -Perodollar Power
    -Allegation of founding terroisms
    -Yemen War
-American presidents since 1989 until today “The Bilteral relation in their era”:
    -George H W Bush 1989-1993
    -Bill Clinton 1993-2001
    -George W Bush 2001-2009
    -Barack Obama 2009-2016
    -Donal Trump 2016-2020
  -Jo Biden
-Political Intersts
-Economic Intersts
-Stratgical Intersts
-Analyzing + Point of View + Conclusion

Please try your bests