Archive for November 29th, 2020

2020 US Presidential Election

Assignment Breakdown:

The past 2020 US Presidential election was unique in a number of ways.  In a 3-4 page essay, you are to discuss three key areas…

A) Describe a minimum of three ways this race deviated from previous elections.  You would be wise to reference PROCESS (how the election was run), BEHAVIOR (how the candidates and those around them acted/ responded),  OUTCOME (how the result unfolded), MEDIA COVERAGE (how the press reported the campaign, election and outcome), and any other area you find interesting.

B) Explore how the outgoing administration’s baseless accusations of “voter fraud” may undermine public confidence in the result.  What are the short and long term consequences?

C) How does the emphasis on SOCIAL MEDIA as a key way the public consumes information effect our ability as a society to have a shared sense of reality?  Is the trend of sharing memes and news articles dangerous?  Why or why not?

Please reference a MINIMUM of THREE NEWS ARTICLES, BOOKS, or other CREDIBLE SOURCES in your analysis.  Your essay must be 3 to 4 pages, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced and include a reference page done in APA7 format.

El Mozote Massacre

The El Mozote Massacre took place in El Salvador on December 11th and 12th, 1981, when the Salvadoran army killed more than eight hundred civiliansvirtually all of the inhabitants of the village of El Mozote, including babies and children. The massacre was one of the worst of abuses of the civil war and took place in the village that had been widely understood locally to be neutral in the conflictoccasionally selling supplies to guerrillas but not supporting recruitment. The New York Times article reproduced here was the first account of the massacre to be published in the international media. Its author, the journalist Raymond Bonner, had been smuggled to visit the site by guerrilla leaders roughly a month after the massacre occurred. The article immediately attracted controversy. The Salvadorian army and government denied the report and the Reagan Administration accused Bonnera former captain in the Marines and a Stanford JDof bias and exaggeration. Conservative media accused the New York Times of seeking to influence an upcoming Congressional hearing on US involvement in the Salvadoran civil war, and Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed accusing Bonner of being overly credulous in his reporting. Bonner was recalled to New York and subsequently left the Times. Yet forensic excavations carried out by Argentine investigators following the Salvadoran Peace Accords of 1992 confirmed Bonners report that hundreds of civilians have been killed at El Mozote; and in 1993 a detailed article on the massacre and its subsequent cover-up was published by Mark Danner in the New Yorker (later to be expanded into a 1994 book) that upheld the veracity of Bonners original account. In 2011 the Salvadorian government officially apologized for the massacre.

Read the attached documents and answer the following questions:
1. What are the main allegations laid out in Boners account in the New York Times?
2. What sources does Bonner use to substantiate his account? How reliable are these sources?

Management Information Systems

System acquisition is a complicated concept with many different pros and cons to consider. It is important to understand the benefits of both buying a system and building a system and then the different options that are available for each of those routes.

In your opinion, what should upper-level management understand about the differences between purchasing an IS vs building an IS? These are generally some of the most expensive purchases a company will make, but oftentimes the person who makes the final decision has very little knowledge on the actual functions of the systems they are buying.  Is this something that should be changed, or is it acceptable to rely IT & IS support personnel for all the information related to these purchases?

Peer and Family Influence on Self-esteem

Imagine you have been asked to speak to a group of parents about promoting self-esteem in school-age children. You need to research the topic and prepare a visually appealing PowerPoint slideshow to accompany your presentation. Your PowerPoint slideshow will need to:

Have a title slide.
Contain 5-10 content slides that include Speaker Notes which provide supporting details to use when elaborating on the slide contents.
Address the following questions:

How does level of self-esteem typically change during middle childhood? What factors contribute to this change?
What are some influences on school-age children’s self-esteem?
Does very high self-esteem always have positive effects on children’s adjustment? Why or why not?
What are the typical consequences of low self-esteem?
What are some other strategies that parents and teachers can use to promote children’s self-esteem? What behaviors should adults avoid, and why?
Be written using proper spelling/grammar.
Cite at least 3 academic references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide.