Archive for November 29th, 2020

Any area of psychology (your choice but preferably social cognition)

I’m going to add the exact instructions.

This 5-page (do not exceed 5 pages of text) paper will be about an area of psychology of your choosing. You must have at least four different (as in not all from the internet) references, outside of your textbook. These can be books, peer reviewed journals, personal interviews, legitimate internet sites, etc. Wikipedia is not acceptable. The paper must discuss your topic from a theoretical, empirical, and authoritative framework. As such, your opinion is NOT important and should not be considered appropriate for this assignment. Your paper is to be written at a college level using APA formatting. This means it should be typed, double spaced, and free from grammatical errors (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.). Include title and reference pages. Do NOT include an abstract or running head). As previously stated, your paper MUST be a full 5 pages and NO MORE), double spaced (before you submit it). Your research should cover the following:

1) historical perspective

2) theoretical concepts

3) practical application

4) any other interesting tidbits

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO WRITE THE PAPER YOURSELF USING THE INFORMATION YOU GATHERED FROM RELIABLE AND APPROPRIATE REFERENCE MATERIALS. AGAIN, CITE ALL SOURCES THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PAPER. You must have at least 5 different resources and only two of them can come from internet websites that are NOT peer-reviewed. You must use peer-reviewed journal articles for the majority of your references.

CONTENT WILL BE CHECKED FOR PLAGIARISM THROUGH VERICITE, SO DO NOT JUST COPY AND PASTE from your sources. IF VERICITE INDICATES THAT YOUR PAPER IS MORE THAN 10% COPIED, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN F (ZERO POINTS) ON THE ASSIGNMENT (with no exceptions ie 11% score will be zero points). Keep in mind that if it sounds copied, then it probably is. As well, you may NOT submit a paper that you wrote for another class; it will come up as plagiarized. Do not procrastinate and wait until the last minute. Problems should be addressed to me immediately. More information will be posted to the Canvas resource site as the due date approaches.

To clarify, points will be deducted for any of the following, including but not limited to:

a. submitting a paper you turned in for another class

b. not following APA format and citing ALL sources throughout the paper

c. numerous grammatical errors

d. plagiarism (see VERICITE scoring information above)

e. not fully explaining theoretical concepts or providing real world examples (application)

f. going over the 5 full pages limit (not including title page, references)

g. submitting less than 5 full pages (not including title page, references)

h. no references

i. references all come from basic internet sites, not peer reviewed journals and articles

Due: November 29, 2020 11:00pm

Dulce et Decorum Est, 1917

Read the online source Ive provided. Your comments in the Source Analysis should be mainly analytical rather than descriptive.  This means you need to focus on explaining the historical developments that are presented, as opposed to simply repeating what happened or what was stated in the documents.

Criminal Justice

In your own words, via a Reaction Paper (Maximum 3 Paragraphs), and per the Video, explain how GIS usage has directly impacted the concept of combating crime, essentially in any jurisdiction.

Video URL: 

extracting information primarily from minutes 34:27 to 43:30 from former Police Commissioner McCarthy, please write a One page Single spaced with Normal margins- Reaction Paper, based on the information you interpreted from him

2 case study.

FOR EACH in which you will includeThe methods and strategies you would use in order to perform the initial assessment.
Which diagnoses would you consider?
What is your case formulation? That is more comprehensive than just the diagnosis. For example lets say you are considering Major Depression as a Diagnosis. Your case formulation may be something like this: this patient has suffered significant recent loses in his life, and in the context of possible biological vulnerabilities (ie; history of maternal depression) and limited psychological resources he has developed a depressive condition. In the case formulation you may also include possible interpersonal, psychoanalytic or existential dynamics if you consider them important.
What is your treatment plan?
What else would you have liked to know about this patient, which was not given to you in the case scenario, and you think it may have been very useful in order to reach a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan? your assessment, diagnosis and treatment recommendation.EXAMPLE:

First topic:  Methods and Strategies: This means the types of assessments or procedure you would use to get information on the patient.

For example: Interview patient, review record, etc.

Second Topic: Diagnosis:  Here you will put your primary diagnosis for example:

For Example: Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

In addition, I would like you to add any other Diagnoses to consider:

Panic Disorder, Simple Phobia, etc.

Third Topic:  Case Formulation: (I want two or three sentences at most).

For Example:  The patients anxiety is present in multiple settings and situations, following a period of intense stress. This anxiety has significantly impacted her social and professional functioning, leading her to seek help.

Fourth Topic:  Treatment Plan:  Here I want you to list the types of treatment or interventions you would recommend (try to be as specific as possible). Make sure the treatment you recommend are treatments that typically are used for the diagnosis you gave to your patient. In other words, think about it and just dont throw everything in there:

  Example:      a. Relaxation Training

Insight-oriented Therapy
Fifth Topic:  What Else I would like to know: Here you will add any other information you would like to know about your patient, which may help you to formulate a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


Medical history
Drug screen.
Interview family members
  page, I would like for you to expand on the topics above, telling me for example how you arrived to the diagnosis and what other diagnoses you would consider and why; what is your treatment plan and reasons for it, what else you would like to do or know and/or or any other aspect you think is important for me to know. You may also discuss any particular interpersonal or intra-psychic dynamics pertaining to any of these two cases. Please no more than 4 or 5 paragraphs.


Read the Hewlett-Packard Company: Network Printer Design for Universality Case Study in the Simchi-Levi et al. text. Submit a thread of 500700 words and respond to each of the 5 end-of-case discussion questions. Each question must be answered thoroughly and responses must be supported by the concepts introduced in the reading/study materials. Provide a brief description of the concepts and the significance of the concepts to practice in general, as well as what problems might be resolved through successful implementation of the concepts. Support your thread by citing at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles. Your thread must be in current APA format and must include a reference list, and each question/answer must be delineated under an APA heading.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    For the purposes of this assignment, one is to assume that you are a Junior Consultant with an international company that provides SCM advisory services.  Also, this company has a policy on written documents that requires everyone to use the MLA format for internal communications.  Your Managing Consultant is J. Bottomley.

Assignment Details

    For this assignment, you are to write a 1,000 (maximum) word memo in MLA format (both paper layout and referencing) in the field of supply chain management to:

1.take a difference position on a point mentioned in the video and support your different position with facts and analysis,

2.make a different conclusion than presented in the video and support your position with facts and analysis, OR identify and explain a country’s trade future (e.g. India, Indonesia, France) that is not in the video and support your point of view with facts and analysis.

The video can be found at:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Solectron: From Contract Manufacturer to Global Supply Chain Integrator Case Study in the Simchi-Levi et al. text. Submit a response to each of the end-of-case discussion questions. Each question must be answered thoroughly, and responses must be supported by the concepts introduced in the reading/study materials. Each question/answer must be delineated under a heading in current APA format. Include a title page and reference page also in current APA format. Incorporate a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources with at least 1 source per question.

boy bands versus girl bands and the gender roles surrounding them

This is a research paper about the gendered musical discourses of boy bands and girl bands and the gendering their music itself. I submitted a proposal (I have attached it here) already about what the paper will be about and I also attached the tentative bibliography and the professor’s document on advice for writing the paper.

Stepparent-Stepchild Communication Accommodation from the stepchilds perspective

Hi, I already have the outline of the research proposal filled, and I put down with the materials. I also have all the articles needed in Pdf. The topic is “Stepparent-Stepchild Communication Accommodation from the stepchilds perspective” and please follow all the instructions below and use the outline format.

Thank You!

empirical reasoning

As the text points out, causal reasoning is used in clinical studies. As a professional in the health field, you will undoubtedly be referring to cause/effect studies for the rest of your professional life. In this discussion, you are asked to expand and deepen your understanding of clinical studies.

In 1999, a study on the causes of myopia appeared in the prestigious journal Nature (Quinn). The study received wide-spread publicity in leading newspapers, such as the New York Times, and on television outlets, such as CBS and CNN. Within a year, another article in Nature followed up the 1999 study (Zadnik et al., 2000). The studies had dramatically different findings.

Initial Post Instructions
Using what you have learned from the text, as well as any other sources you may find useful (including the website in the Required Resources), analyze and evaluate the methodology of both studies and how methodology affected the differences in how the studies were reported.

Reportage of both studies can be found with an Internet search using all of the following terms: <Philadelphia myopia night lights>.