Archive for November 29th, 2020

Misinformation about Vaccines for brain cancer

Each misinformation response should include the following:
1. Source of Misinformation: On a separate page, include a screenshot or description of your chosen misinformation (with working link). ( Im already finish this part in the attached file below)

Start your essay from here.

2. Introduction: The author will identify the specific claims from their misinformation that they will be addressing. They will also detail why it is important to correct this misinformation. Why is this important/worth addressing? Consider providing a bit of historical/statistical, or background information so that a reader with little information on your topic begins to understand its relevance.

3. Search Details: Briefly (in no more than 2-3 sentences) address how and where you searched for information. How many useful articles did you find on your topic? What populations did they study? How many countries were represented in the articles you found?

4. Body: Explore your topic by misinformation claim or research question. There are many ways to order this section, but I should see evidence that an analysis of the literature has been used to support the statements made, and that the assumptions/conclusions are logical.
a. Presentation of evidence:
i. Integration: If sources contradict one another they are dealt with adequately. Multiple sources are compared if available. A simple listing of information is avoided.
ii. The points are internally consistent, (i.e. one point follows from another), plausible and well supported.
iii. References are recent, high quality, and appropriate to the paper topic (research articles, edited books, and some government/organization sources).
iv. Suitability of focus: The problem chosen is focused enough to be covered in the space of the paper, but not too narrow.
v. Organization: Presentation is easy to follow and well organized.
5. Discussion: Acknowledgement of any limitations of the findings are discussed. Also address any uncertainties in the information environment that impact(ed) your knowledge on/ability to address this topic (lack of research, biased data, currency of evidence, etc.). Were there any claims made in your misinformation source that you could not debunk? Why was that?
6. Conclusion: The author summarizes the findings adequately and draws appropriate conclusions. Author identifies future areas of research, and recommended sources readers should explore to find more information on this topic.
7. References: On a separate page, include references for all sources used in your paper. All references must be in APA format.

Ruben/Raskin Primary election

In 2006, longtime Maryland State Senator Ida Ruben was challenged in her pursuit of the Democratic nomination for the Maryland State Senate in the Democratic primary by Jamie Raskin, a political activist and lawyer. Ida and Jamie represented two different generations of Maryland residents and lived in two different adjoining counties. It was a hardfought and sometimes tempestuous battle for the nomination which Jamie eventually won. And, in this overwhelmingly Democratic district, winning the Democratic Party nomination virtually assures victory in the general election. And that’s what happened. So this battle was what really mattered in winning this particular seat.

Find attached the mail materials from both the Ruben and Raskin campaigns.

Please review them and write an analysis of what you see from each campaign, focusing specifically (but not necessarily solely) on the following questions:

What is Ruben’s message as an incumbent seeking renomination as evidenced by her materials?
Does she do an adequate job of presenting her narrative and theme in the context of her mail pieces?
Does her slogan derive from the narrative and theme? Does it work?
How do the visuals (colors, photos, drawings, typeface choices) add or detract from her message(s)?
What is Raskin’s message?
Are his narrative and theme clear? Does his slogan reflect his narrative and theme?
What about Raskin’s visuals? Do they add or detract from his message(s)?
There is, in the middle of the campaign, a battle over allegations made about Ruben’s responsiveness to constituents and Raskin’s status as a “real Democrat.” Pick out the pieces that were mailed in conjunction with that battle for control of the message. Assess each candidate’s approach and level of sophistication and success in raising and responding to negative allegations.

The Presentation

The Presentation
Congratulations. Your project has been staffed and you are about to meet with the team for the first time. Initial impressions are important and youll need visuals for your presentation. Create a slide show (in PowerPoint or similar software) in which you address the following, in this order:

Goals: What the project hopes to accomplish.
Critical Success Factors: Identify at least four different stakeholders; for each, list at least two things that the stakeholder requires in order to deem the project successful.
Acquisition strategy: Should the system be built in house, created by a contractor, purchased off the shelf and customized, or leased as a service? Explain your rationale.
Resources: For in-house development, what people and skills are required and what development life cycle do you recommend? Otherwise, identify three candidate organizations that can deliver the system.
System functions: In a table format, summarize the types of users for the system; the business reason(s) each would use the system; the ways that the system supports each of these needs and how this support differs from the current system.
Connectivity: Provide a diagram that shows how the system will connect to the other information systems and what data flows among them.
Security: List the most serious cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities of the new system. Suggest strategies to address them.
Mobility: Identify the systems capabilities for mobile use. Include a title and summary slide.
Use one slide for each of the preceding eight points.

Include speaker notes or audio narration that explains each slide more fully.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop a business case to convey the value of the information systems solution to an audience of diverse stakeholders.

Misinformation about Ebola

Each misinformation response should include the following:
1. Source of Misinformation: On a separate page, include a screenshot or description of your chosen misinformation (with working link).

2. Introduction: The author will identify the specific claims from their misinformation that they will be addressing. They will also detail why it is important to correct this misinformation. Why is this important/worth addressing? Consider providing a bit of historical/statistical, or background information so that a reader with little information on your topic begins to understand its relevance.

3. Search Details: Briefly (in no more than 2-3 sentences) address how and where you searched for information. How many useful articles did you find on your topic? What populations did they study? How many countries were represented in the articles you found?

4. Body: Explore your topic by misinformation claim or research question. There are many ways to order this section, but I should see evidence that an analysis of the literature has been used to support the statements made, and that the assumptions/conclusions are logical.
a. Presentation of evidence:
i. Integration: If sources contradict one another they are dealt with adequately. Multiple sources are compared if available. A simple listing of information is avoided.
ii. The points are internally consistent, (i.e. one point follows from another), plausible and well supported.
iii. References are recent, high quality, and appropriate to the paper topic (research articles, edited books, and some government/organization sources).
iv. Suitability of focus: The problem chosen is focused enough to be covered in the space of the paper, but not too narrow.
v. Organization: Presentation is easy to follow and well organized.
5. Discussion: Acknowledgement of any limitations of the findings are discussed. Also address any uncertainties in the information environment that impact(ed) your knowledge on/ability to address this topic (lack of research, biased data, currency of evidence, etc.). Were there any claims made in your misinformation source that you could not debunk? Why was that?
6. Conclusion: The author summarizes the findings adequately and draws appropriate conclusions. Author identifies future areas of research, and recommended sources readers should explore to find more information on this topic.
7. References: On a separate page, include references for all sources used in your paper. All references must be in APA format.

Field Experience C: Discipline

**For my field experience assignment I am asked to interview a principle and assistant principal. I havent done the interview but can you pretend you did and in a 250-275 words summarize the pretend interviews and reflect upon professional practices related to legal and ethical discipline for students with disabilities. Discuss the similarities and differences of roles and responsibilities based on your feedback from the interviews. In addition, provide any additional insight the interviewees provided you might not have realized until now. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

***Here are the interview questions you can use to help write the pretend summary ***

* In your role, what types of discipline issues have you found to be the most common with students with disabilities?

* In regards to IDEA, what is your responsibility regarding the discipline components for students identified as receiving special education services?

* How do you play a role with in-school suspension versus out-of-school suspension for students who receive special education services?

* How are you involved in the decision-making process regarding the discipline of students with disabilities?

* What types of data do you collect regarding behavior/discipline issues of students with disabilities? If you do not collect the data, do you review the data to assist with any discipline issues?

* How are special education services provided to students with disabilities who are suspended, if needed? Does your role have responsibilities in determining or providing these services or ensuring these services are met?

* What other additional insight can you offer in the areas of due process, discipline, and student/family rights related to your role and responsibilities?

Issues of cultural differences in work-related aspects of society.

Final Research Paper
Write a research paper that is at least 2000 words, but no more than 2200 words, not including the cover page, abstract and/or references. It must be a double-spaced research paper using Arial or Times Roman 12-point font. It should be one of the topics covered and discussed in this course. The paper should address the issues of cultural differences in work-related aspects of society. The focus should be on countries and/or regions other than the US; however, the comparative analysis between other nations and the US is appropriate. You may also consider Globalization issues, such as the effect of Globalization on a certain professional field or similar comparisons. Choose a topic that is relevant to the course topics and discussions and something that is relevant to your own professional, personal, and academic experiences and interests. This
is the designated assignment for your e-portfolio. The paper must be written and organized according to APA format; particularly, pay attention to citations and references of research sources, and to the correspondence between citations in the text of your essay and references at the end. It is expected that you will be using 10 different
sources (minimum) that will include academic publications, national/international databases, media/news reports, etc. The cover sheet, abstract page, and reference pages do not count as part of the word count. You do need page numbers. Do not exceed the 2200 word limit. One aspect of this assignment is learning how to consolidate and organize your paper, so it stays within the word count limits. It is possible that additional pages will result in point deduction. You must show a word count. It must be saved as a word doc. PDF files will not be accepted.
Research Paper Components:
Cover Page
Abstract Page
Reference Pages
This paper will be submitted to Turn-It-In software in the dropbox. . The Turn-it-In
percentage must be 25% or less which can be seen via your originality report. If you
have a percentage between 25% and 35%, you can receive no higher than a 70%. All
assignments with a higher than 35% will not be accepted and you will receive an F (0
grade) for the assignment.
APA Components of a Typical Research Report
Abstract (2%)
Introduction (10%)
Statement of the problem/purpose of study (10%)
Need of the study/report/objective (Educational Value) (8%)
Literatures (10%)
Findings/Analysis (35%)
Conclusion (5%)
Recommendations (5%)
References (5%)
Overall APA format (10%)
* Note: All research projects must be written in APA style

Field Experience C: Discipline

**For my field experience assignment I am asked to interview a principle and assistant principal. I havent done the interview but can you pretend you did and in a 250-275 words summarize the pretend interviews and reflect upon professional practices related to legal and ethical discipline for students with disabilities. Discuss the similarities and differences of roles and responsibilities based on your feedback from the interviews. In addition, provide any additional insight the interviewees provided you might not have realized until now. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

***Here are the interview questions you can use to help write the pretend summary ***

* In your role, what types of discipline issues have you found to be the most common with students with disabilities?

* In regards to IDEA, what is your responsibility regarding the discipline components for students identified as receiving special education services?

* How do you play a role with in-school suspension versus out-of-school suspension for students who receive special education services?

* How are you involved in the decision-making process regarding the discipline of students with disabilities?

* What types of data do you collect regarding behavior/discipline issues of students with disabilities? If you do not collect the data, do you review the data to assist with any discipline issues?

* How are special education services provided to students with disabilities who are suspended, if needed? Does your role have responsibilities in determining or providing these services or ensuring these services are met?

* What other additional insight can you offer in the areas of due process, discipline, and student/family rights related to your role and responsibilities?

What does globalization mean to you?

Space Between the Dimensions Must show word count 450 to 500 words
Write a paper (450 to 500 words) answering the question below. You must use at least 3
references and it must be grammatically correct. Points will be deducted for grammar and APA
errors. Your references may come from your readings about globalization or from other research
you complete. Two of the three sources must come from outside sources that you researched to
answer the questions. Only one of the sources can be from the class textbooks, lecture notes,
and/or articles on BeachBoard.
What does Globalization mean to you? Globalization is one of the most charged issues of the
day. It is everywhere in public discourse in TV sound bites and slogans on placards, in websites and learned journals, in parliaments, corporate boardrooms and labor meeting halls.
Extreme opponents charge it with impoverishing the world’s poor, enriching the rich and
devastating the environment, while fervent supporters see it as a high-speed elevator to universal
peace and prosperity. So, what did you think?
Note: There is no right or wrong answer; however, this is a critical thinking exercise and it is
important that you are operating at a post-conventional level.
This paper must be (450 to 500 words). The reference list is not included in the word count.
There is a cover page required, but no abstract. You must have a word count. It must be saved
as a word document no pdf.
Please make sure that you submit your responses in a Microsoft Word document to the dropbox.
This paper will be submitted to Turn-It-In software in the dropbox. . The Turn-it-In
percentage must be 25% or less which can be seen via your originality report. If you
have a percentage between 25% and 35%, you can receive no higher than a 70%. All
assignments with a higher than 35% will not be accepted and you will receive an F (0
grade) for the assignment.

What society makes us do

What Society makes us do.  In the three short stories of this unit, society makes individuals do things that they might not have done of their own accord.  What are the three “pressures” that society imposes on mankind and what are the effects of those “pressures.”

1. The Lottery – Shirley Jackson
In this story “accepted tradition” can be unthinkable.  Yet we do this all the time.  And change is difficult.  As Old Man Warner represents the past and the present, and a refusal to do anything different, even if other towns are. While The Lottery is good story for Halloween, it is also a story that makes us think about our own society.  For years, people were told in commercials that smoking was good for us.  Everyone smoked years ago.  To fit in, you smoked.  Then sudden in the the latter part of the twentieth century, studies came out that indicated smoking was not particularly good for us, and suddenly a perception started to change, and it took years, and even now, it is still a way of life for many. Pay close attention to how this even is like a picnic, children are playing, people are laughing.  This is like a July 4th barbeque.  This is fun and a special event.  Pay close attention to the symbols, as the little boy plays with a small rock.  Notice the symbol of the black dot on the lottery paper.  It represents other dark moments in society’s history.
2. The Red Convertible – Louise Erdrich
– The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich is a more recent story, from 1984, but represents issues people have to this day, coming back from war and experience PTSD.  Since mental illness always is less understood than physical illness, people suffering from the results of war or other trauma often go undiagnosed and untreated.  Many do not choose war, but are selected, and experience traumas they deal with for the rest of their lives.  Society often does not deal well with these individuals.  Vietnam war veterans experienced not only a lack of sympathy because of an unpopular war, but they were dealt with poorly.  Things have improved but society still tends to not appreciate those who have served it and suffered.
3. The Story of an Hour – Kate Chopin
-The Story of an Hour is a very short story, and reflects the brevity of time it covers.  It is in some ways reflective of its era.  It was written in 1894, a very different era for women.  Women had their destinies determined for them, there wasn’t much choice in the matter, and since there wasn’t much choice, most women accepted their lot.  This story shows the change in a women’s experience and emotions when she finds out her husband had died.  It’s a wonderful story that works even now in 2020, because it shows us how quickly our perspective can change.

Please do 5 paragraphs. Intro(1), Body(3) and Conclusion(1). Please write a thesis statement and underline it. List the three “pressures” and address them in the three body paragraphs, one paragraph for each “pressure”.

Business entrepreneurship

Please read the attached files.

The topic is :
Discuss the significance of team working in entrepreneurial process. What are the pitfalls in forming entrepreneurial teams?

The introduction opens the discussion and highlights the area that the paper focuses on. It includes a research area(s) and objectives of the paper. The introduction section gives an excellent background information on the topic and its context.

The main part should consider relevant academic literature.

The conclusion should comprise of the most relevant points provided in the paper.

The bibliography should be complete and follows the Harvard style.