Archive for November 29th, 2020

racial profiling

M06 Discussion: “Arguing to Convince – Making Your Case”
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Arguing to convince is all about making your case–pitting your argument against another in order to convince your audience to agree with you. For this module’s discussion, you will explore possible thesis statements and counter arguments on your research topic, and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of these arguments.

INITIAL POST (due by mid-module deadline)
1. In one or two sentences, very briefly summarize your research topic, sketching the major problem or issue you intend to focus on.

2. Follow this brief summary with two (2) possible thesis statements for the argument or case you might to answer your research question. Write this in the form of an enthymeme*. In total, you will write two (2) enthymemes: one in support of YOUR view and one in support of an opposing view.

*An enthymeme is a type of argumentative reasoning in which the claim (X) is directly connected to its reasons (Y). In other words, your reasons for making the claim must be relevant to the claim you are making. In this type of thesis statement the claim (X) is a debatable point, and the reasoning (Y) consists of one or more points which both you and your audience will agree upon. In its simplest form an enthymeme might look like this:

                I believe ____X____, because _____Y          .


Weak enythmeme: “I believe I should get an A in ENGL 215, because I tried my hardest.” While you and your audience may agree that you tried your hardest in the course, that alone is unfortunately not enough to earn you a grade of A (and therefore your reason is not relevant to the claim you are making).

Stronger enthymeme: “I believe I should get an A in ENGL 215, because I followed all directions, submitted all work on time and received about a 90 % score on all assignments.” (If you and your audience agree on all of these reasons then you have a high likelihood of convincing your reader that you should receive an A in the course. The implied reason is that these things fulfill the criteria of the course enough to receive an A).

3. Lastly, reflect on the creation of your two possible thesis statements. Comment on all of the following questions:

What do you think are the strengths of each thesis statement you developed? Why?
Which thesis was the hardest to come up with, and which was the easiest? Why?
Which thesis do you think could be supported most effectively in an argument essay? Why?
Which thesis statement do you think would make the most interesting paper to read? What kinds of audiences do you think would be most interested in it? Why?
Which thesis statement would take the most additional research to support? What kinds of information or sources would you need to support it?
Comment on anything else you learned about forming an argument on your topic.

Regional Temperature Variations

Formulate an organized, clearly worded, and succinct initial post that substantively covers all discussion points stated for your chosen topic. Because your initial post will be scored on the degree to which you meet these standards, there is no set minimum word requirement. However, there is a set maximum word requirement confine your initial post to 500 words. Remember that we are all reading each others posts, and one that is succinctly written is more likely to be read and responded to, thus furthering our discussion on that topic.
Include at least one graphic, video, or image that visually adds to some aspect of your post – as they say, pictures are worth 1000 words!

Durkheim Social Solidarity and COVID19

This case study applies Durkheim’s social solidarity theory (as cited through the attached reading) to discussions within the linked podcast regarding COVID19.

Podcast: The Ezra Klein Show- What Social Solidarity Demands of us in a Pandemic 1 hour.

Divorced co parenting and the effect on toddlers behavior in preschool

This assignment is your FINAL Research Proposal

*BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PROPOSAL, if you would like to double check your document for plagiarism and proper citation, you can do so here:

Research Proposal- Plagiarism Check

Your final research proposal will bring together aspects of Labs #5-8. You may restate information from your previous labs, however: I will be checking to make sure you incorporated feedback for each section. This should be an essay format (no bullets) with proper introduction paragraph, sub-headings for organization of each section below, and conclusion paragraph. Use APA formatting and citations throughout your essay, and please include a title page and references list at the end of the document. (Writing style and APA format: 3 pts)

An example of a properly formatted APA-style paper can be found here (Links to an external site.).

Part 1: Introduction and Literature Review- 8 pts
Please use a introductory paragraph to state your research topic of interest and why this is an important area to study.

Next, state what is known in scientific literature about your research topic. In complete sentences, restate what you found in your Annotated Bibliography (Lab #5), answering the following questions for each research article you read . Try to integrate the two articles and summarize them in a way that connects back to your research topic (this literature review should only be one to two paragraphs).

What is the purpose of the studies? What were the authors’ research questions?
What constructs did the authors explore, and how were their variables measured?
Who were the participants?
What were the primary results/findings?
How does this connect to your research question?

Part 2: Research Questions and Hypothesis- 10 pts
Please restate the following information from your Research Ideas and Hypothesis assignment (Lab #6):

What is/are the empirical research question(s) you want to answer?
What are the main constructs that you will examine?
What is your independent variable (or predictor/cause)?
What is your dependent variable (or outcome/effect)?
What is your hypothesis for this research question? How will your two variables be related? What do you expect to find? Why?

Part 3: Sampling for your research study- 10 pts
Answer the following questions pertaining to Sampling for your research study (Lab #7):

Who is the target population you want to generalize your research to?
Who is your accessible population? If they differ from your target population, explain how and why.
Select one of the following sampling methods and indicate how you would use it to obtain a sample for your research question (make sure you keep the target and accessible populations in mind):
Simple Random Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Stratified Random Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Quota Sampling
Purposive Sampling
What is the criteria for inclusion and exclusion from your study?
How will you ensure that your participants are treated ethically? How will you lower their risk of any potential harm?

Part 4: Research Strategy, Measures, and Method- 10 pts
Restate the best Research Strategy you selected to answer your research questions in Week 8 (Lab #8). Indicate how you could design an empirical research study to test your hypothesis and/or answer your research question. Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback! Options from Week 8 included:

Experimental Research Strategy
Quasi/Non-Experimental Research Strategy
Correlational Research Strategy
Descriptive/Survey Research Strategy
*Bonus (if desired, talk to instructor): Qualitative Strategy
Please include the following information regarding your (ONE) chosen research strategy:

_________________________Research Strategy (fill in the name of the Research Strategy you have chosen)
Provide a description detailing:
How can this research strategy can be used to answer your research question? Describe the specific procedure you would use for employing this research strategy.
How would you operationally define your independent and dependent variables for this research strategy? How would you measure them? (Direct observation of behavior, survey, interview, etc)? List an example item for your measurement or assessment. Discuss how you could score/scale the variable, and how to interpret the scoring.
Example: My independent variable is family homelessness/high mobility. I will measure this via parent/guardian survey. An example item from my survey could include “How many times have you been evicted?” The variable will be scored by frequency of evictions, with lower scores indicating less risk for homelessness.
How and when will you collect data? How long do you expect data collection to take?

Part 5: Conclusion – 4 pts
Wrap up your paper by restating your expected results (hypotheses). If your hypotheses were to be  supported, explain how your research might impact both science in general and your population of interest in particular. (How might it be used in the real world?) Explain how your thinking regarding this topic has changed from when you started this project, and how you might use this research in your current or future career.

Lab #5: Annotated Bibliography Assignment
Article One:
Title: Co Parenting Problems with Toddlers Predict Childrens Symptoms of Psychological
Problems at Age 7
Reference: Umemura, T., Christopher, C., Mann, T., Jacobvitz, D., & Hazen, N. (2015). Coparenting Problems with Toddlers Predict Childrens Symptoms of Psychological Problems at Age 7. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 46(6), 981-996. doi:10.1007/s10578-015-0536-0
Summary: This article was about whether or not co parenting issues affected a toddlers risk of developing ODD, ADHD, somatic complaints, or/and affective disorder. This study was done because previous studies done on this topic have shown that problematic co parenting can affect a child. According to this article, it is true that unstable co parenting can negatively affect a toddler and their behavioral development. It is important to be aware of this if you are in a co parenting situation.
What did you learn from the article that you did not previously know related to your research topic? This research article validated my thoughts on how unstable co parenting arrangements can affect young children negatively. I learned that it can cause children in the future to develop ADHD and ODD.
How has it changed how you think about your research question and the significance of your research topic? This made me realize even more, the importance of my topic. Co parenting can be really tough on a child if not done right. I am learning more and more why that is.
Article Two:
Title: Parental Reports of Coparenting and Observed Coparenting Behavior During The Toddler
Reference: Mchale, J. P., Kuersten-Hogan, R., Lauretti, A., & Rasmussen, J. L. (2000). Parental reports of coparenting and observed coparenting behavior during the toddler period. Journal of Family Psychology, 14(2), 220-236. doi:10.1037/0893-3200.14.2.220
Summary: This article talked about the importance of the toddler years, which is why this article is focused on that age group. Interparental antagonism and family cohesion have been the major areas previously studied in toddlerhood. This study was about and showed the importance of both the father and the mother’s role and the family dynamic as a whole in the young child’s life.
What did you learn from the article that you did not previously know related to your research topic? I learned about the different aspects a mother and a father can bring to a child’s life and how important each role really is in a child’s development.
How has it changed how you think about your research question and the significance of your research topic? It showed me how important a healthy parental relationship is in a child’s life.

Lab #6: Research Ideas and Hypothesis
My research topic is the effect of co parenting on toddlers. The reason why I
chose this topic is because I am currently working at a daycare and I am curious to see if co parenting affects the toddlers behavior. The empirical research question is does unstable co parenting affect toddlers behavior in preschool? I will look at the child’s behavior patterns at the preschool as well as looking to see if the child is in a co parenting situation. The independent variable would be unstable co parenting and the dependent variable is the child’s behavior at school. I think that unstable co parenting could cause stress and an unstable environment for a child which could affect the child’s behavior at school. If a child is going back and forth between two homes or if the coparenting relationship is unhealthy then that could provide instability in a child’s life.
If a child is in an unstable co parenting environment for the last year then the child will display more behavior in their preschool classroom. The longer a child is an unstable co parenting environment, child behavior problems in the classroom will increase. There is a big chance that I will have multiple children in my future classroom that are in co parenting situations. If I know a child is in a co parenting environment and is struggling with behavioral issues in the classroom then I will be able to make the connection that the child may be in an unhealthy environment and act on it. Maybe talk to the parents or get others involved. My goal is to make differences in children’s lives and this will help me achieve that.

Lab #7: Sample and Measures
Part one:
My research topic is the effect of co parenting on toddlers and their classroom behavior. The reason why I chose this topic is because I am currently working at a daycare and I am curious to see if co parenting affects the toddlers behavior. By co parenting I mean parents that are separated/divorced, I want to see if there is a difference between a toddler and their behavior who has divorced parents and a toddler whose parents are together. This study is designed to assess the hypothesis that co parenting (divorced/separated parents) can affect toddlers development and behavior in their classroom. The empirical research question is does unstable co parenting affect toddlers behavior in preschool? I will look at the child’s behavior patterns at the preschool as well as looking to see if the child is in a co parenting situation. The independent variable would be unstable co parenting (divorced parents) and the dependent variable is the child’s behavior at school. I think that unstable co parenting could cause stress and an unstable environment for a child which could affect the child’s behavior at school. If a child is going back and forth between two homes or if the coparenting relationship is unhealthy then that could provide instability in a child’s life. If a child is in an unstable co parenting environment for the last year then the child will display more behavior in their preschool classroom. The Independent variable and dependent variable works as a cause-effect relationship. Where the independent variable is the cause and the dependent variable is the effect. Unstable co-parenting is the cause and toddler behavior in the classroom is the effect. So, the cause of unstable co-parenting can be misunderstandings between spouses, and sometimes work and home relations also intervene leading to conflicts. While the effect on a toddler exhibits more bad behavior and social results than their friends, for example, grade maintenance, school drop-out rates, and lower grown-up instructive fulfillment. The longer a child is an unstable co parenting environment, child behavior problems in the classroom will increase. There is a big chance that I will have multiple children in my future classroom that are in co parenting situations. If I know a child is in a co parenting environment and is struggling with behavioral issues in the classroom then I will be able to make the connection that the child may be in an unhealthy environment and act on it.
Maybe talk to the parents or get others involved. My goal is to make differences in children’s lives and this will help me achieve that.
Part Two:
My target population is All Preschool Children in The United States and my accessible population is Preschool Students in Benton County. The reason why my accessible population differs from my target population is because it would be nearly impossible for me to look at every preschool student in The United States, and since I live in Corvallis, it would be more realistic for me to observe children in Benton County. My ideal sample size would be 24 preschool students. This wouldn’t be too overwhelming for me to observe, and it would also give me pretty accurate results. I will be able to make a reliable conclusion based on my findings. The three sampling methods I would use are: Simple Random Sampling, for this I would number all the preschoolers in Benton County and put I would be the numbers in a number processor and have it give me 50 numbers, those 50 numbers would be my sample. The next sampling method I may use is Stratified Random Sampling. For this I would split all the preschoolers into two groups, the first group being students with divorced, co parenting parents, and the second group being students that have parents who are still together. I would number up each student from each group and put them into a number generator. I would want 12 students from group A and 12 from group B, then I would invite them to be in my sample. Lastly, I could use Systematic Sampling, I would number all the preschoolers and every fifth student I would choose to be in my sample. Out of these three sampling procedures, I would pick Stratified Random Sampling because I would have an even amount of preschoolers for each group which would ensure representativeness and reliability in my sample. I would ask the schools in Benton County for a list of preschoolers, and I would probably need to send out an email to all the parents/guardians for consent. The only criteria I can think of for my study is that the preschooler must be enrolled in the preschool to be able to participate in this study. I will not need a control group for my study. The relevant unit of analysis for sampling in my research study are the preschoolers (students/individuals). I will make sure this research study is ethical by getting consent from the preschoolers parents/guardians and by doing no harm to the children, I will strictly be observing. Hopefully my study will take 3 months. I will have a different clip board for each group (group

A- divorced parents, group B- parents that are still together). I will take notes on each student twice every week. I will then use a plot graph to see my data/results.

Lab #8: Research Designs
Part one:
Research Question: Does unstable co parenting affect toddlers behavior in preschool?
By unstable I mean divorced parents with an unhealthy relationship (upset, arguing when they see each other, etc.).
Part Two:
1. Descriptive/Survey Research Strategy- I would put out a survey to see if the child’s parents are divorced or not and if the child has behavior problems at school. The independent variable being the co parenting relationship and the dependent variable being the child’s behavior. If my hypothesis is correct, the results would be that an unstable co parenting relationship does affect a child’s behavior at school.
2. Correlational Research Strategy- This strategy would find the relationship between the two variables. Independent variable being the unstable coparenting relationship and the dependent variable being the toddler’s behavior. I would observe the child’s behavior and once I am done I would use a plot graph to see my results. I would expect the results to be negative if my hypothesis is correct.
3. Experimental Research Strategy- Cause and effect relationship between the two variables. I would have to manipulate one of the variables and the other variable would be controlled.
Part Three:
I think the Correlational Research Strategy would be best because I would be able to see the relationship between the two variables and determine if it is positive or negative, which is my ultimate goal.

Police ethics and deviance

1.Students may choose their own topic for the term paper, as long as it is a topic relating to LAW ENFORCEMENT and is discussed in depth within the textbook (while corrections and courts are briefly discussed in the book, they are not law enforcement). 

2.This paper is to have an introduction, body and conclusion.

3. Must have at least one citation.

4.References and citations are to be in APA format.  If you have questions concerning APA, please refer to the APA manual on the TU library home page or contact the instructor for assistance.

5.Paper is to be 3 to 5 pages, double-spaced (at least 900 words, not including

the cover page and reference page.

6.Proper grammar and spelling are required.

7.Paper must contain a reference list of sources used.

8.Students can select a topic of their choice.  Besides using your textbook as a source, you must also use two other additional outside sources for your paper.  For example, you may use the internet, academic journal databases, books, encyclopedias, videos, newspapers, etc.

9.Papers must be placed in the Term Paper link in Canvas.

10.        note:  Do not use is not a credible source

11.Do not write in the first person or second person perspective.  Must be written in

          Third person.

Surviving COVID during the holidays

You will develop a treatment or a task group that is designed to meet in person by using the following guidelines:
1. In paragraph format, describe
a. Your groups purpose
b. How you will recruit participants
c. Provide a sample of your recruitment tool
d. Describe how you will address the potential influence of culture, ethnicity,
gender, poverty, power, etc.
e. The venue for your group meetings
f. Facilitation style and what makes that style effective vs. ineffective.
2. Identify 5 skills that are effective and describe their efficacy. Also describe 3 skills that if used ineffectively would negatively impact the group.
3. Process recording. Divide your paper into three columns.
a. In the left column, type a sample transcript of the introduction, middle or
closing segment of the group dialogue.
b. In the middle column, next to the dialogue, label in BOLD TYPE the skill
that you would demonstrate, e.g. Questioning (based on the skills you
described in question 2).
c. In the third column, describe any challenges that might occur. In other
words, how do you anticipate the individual(s) will respond? How would
you respond?
4. In regular paragraph format, provide an analysis of the overall efficacy of this type
of group. You MUST cite peer reviewed sources to satisfactorily respond to this question.

What society makes us do

What Society makes us do.  In the three short stories of this unit, society makes individuals do things that they might not have done of their own accord.  What are the three “pressures” that society imposes on mankind and what are the effects of those “pressures.”

1. The Lottery – Shirley Jackson
In this story “accepted tradition” can be unthinkable.  Yet we do this all the time.  And change is difficult.  As Old Man Warner represents the past and the present, and a refusal to do anything different, even if other towns are. While The Lottery is good story for Halloween, it is also a story that makes us think about our own society.  For years, people were told in commercials that smoking was good for us.  Everyone smoked years ago.  To fit in, you smoked.  Then sudden in the the latter part of the twentieth century, studies came out that indicated smoking was not particularly good for us, and suddenly a perception started to change, and it took years, and even now, it is still a way of life for many. Pay close attention to how this even is like a picnic, children are playing, people are laughing.  This is like a July 4th barbeque.  This is fun and a special event.  Pay close attention to the symbols, as the little boy plays with a small rock.  Notice the symbol of the black dot on the lottery paper.  It represents other dark moments in society’s history.
2. The Red Convertible – Louise Erdrich
– The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich is a more recent story, from 1984, but represents issues people have to this day, coming back from war and experience PTSD.  Since mental illness always is less understood than physical illness, people suffering from the results of war or other trauma often go undiagnosed and untreated.  Many do not choose war, but are selected, and experience traumas they deal with for the rest of their lives.  Society often does not deal well with these individuals.  Vietnam war veterans experienced not only a lack of sympathy because of an unpopular war, but they were dealt with poorly.  Things have improved but society still tends to not appreciate those who have served it and suffered.
3. The Story of an Hour – Kate Chopin
-The Story of an Hour is a very short story, and reflects the brevity of time it covers.  It is in some ways reflective of its era.  It was written in 1894, a very different era for women.  Women had their destinies determined for them, there wasn’t much choice in the matter, and since there wasn’t much choice, most women accepted their lot.  This story shows the change in a women’s experience and emotions when she finds out her husband had died.  It’s a wonderful story that works even now in 2020, because it shows us how quickly our perspective can change.

Please do 5 paragraphs. Intro(1), Body(3) and Conclusion(1). Please write a thesis statement and underline it. List the three “pressures” and address them in the three body paragraphs, one paragraph for each “pressure”.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Also need the bibliography

GREEK AND ROMAN CULTURE Final Paper Prompt Arguably, the main difference between Socrates and the early Church Fathers was reflected in an attitude of heterodoxy versus an attitude of orthodoxy. For your final essay, describe how these attitudes of heterodoxy and orthodoxy were exhibited in the readings that we covered during this semester. How did Socrates and his fellow Athenians display a heterodox approach to encountering reality? How did the early development of the Catholic church display an orthodox approach to reality? What were the motivations behind these approaches? In which ways were Socrates and his fellow philosophers open-minded, and in which ways were the early Church Fathers and Roman emperors increasingly close-minded? Your source material for composing this essay should be both Hughes and Freemans texts. You are welcome and encouraged to conduct research beyond the material presented in this course, but you are not required to do so.

Co Parenting and its effect on toddlers and their behavior in school

This assignment is your FINAL Research Proposal

*BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PROPOSAL, if you would like to double check your document for plagiarism and proper citation, you can do so here:

Research Proposal- Plagiarism Check

Your final research proposal will bring together aspects of Labs #5-8. You may restate information from your previous labs, however: I will be checking to make sure you incorporated feedback for each section. This should be an essay format (no bullets) with proper introduction paragraph, sub-headings for organization of each section below, and conclusion paragraph. Use APA formatting and citations throughout your essay, and please include a title page and references list at the end of the document. (Writing style and APA format: 3 pts)

An example of a properly formatted APA-style paper can be found here (Links to an external site.).

Part 1: Introduction and Literature Review- 8 pts
Please use a introductory paragraph to state your research topic of interest and why this is an important area to study.

Next, state what is known in scientific literature about your research topic. In complete sentences, restate what you found in your Annotated Bibliography (Lab #5), answering the following questions for each research article you read . Try to integrate the two articles and summarize them in a way that connects back to your research topic (this literature review should only be one to two paragraphs).

What is the purpose of the studies? What were the authors’ research questions?
What constructs did the authors explore, and how were their variables measured?
Who were the participants?
What were the primary results/findings?
How does this connect to your research question?

Part 2: Research Questions and Hypothesis- 10 pts
Please restate the following information from your Research Ideas and Hypothesis assignment (Lab #6):

What is/are the empirical research question(s) you want to answer?
What are the main constructs that you will examine?
What is your independent variable (or predictor/cause)?
What is your dependent variable (or outcome/effect)?
What is your hypothesis for this research question? How will your two variables be related? What do you expect to find? Why?

Part 3: Sampling for your research study- 10 pts
Answer the following questions pertaining to Sampling for your research study (Lab #7):

Who is the target population you want to generalize your research to?
Who is your accessible population? If they differ from your target population, explain how and why.
Select one of the following sampling methods and indicate how you would use it to obtain a sample for your research question (make sure you keep the target and accessible populations in mind):
Simple Random Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Stratified Random Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Quota Sampling
Purposive Sampling
What is the criteria for inclusion and exclusion from your study?
How will you ensure that your participants are treated ethically? How will you lower their risk of any potential harm?

Part 4: Research Strategy, Measures, and Method- 10 pts
Restate the best Research Strategy you selected to answer your research questions in Week 8 (Lab #8). Indicate how you could design an empirical research study to test your hypothesis and/or answer your research question. Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback! Options from Week 8 included:

Experimental Research Strategy
Quasi/Non-Experimental Research Strategy
Correlational Research Strategy
Descriptive/Survey Research Strategy
*Bonus (if desired, talk to instructor): Qualitative Strategy
Please include the following information regarding your (ONE) chosen research strategy:

_________________________Research Strategy (fill in the name of the Research Strategy you have chosen)
Provide a description detailing:
How can this research strategy can be used to answer your research question? Describe the specific procedure you would use for employing this research strategy.
How would you operationally define your independent and dependent variables for this research strategy? How would you measure them? (Direct observation of behavior, survey, interview, etc)? List an example item for your measurement or assessment. Discuss how you could score/scale the variable, and how to interpret the scoring.
Example: My independent variable is family homelessness/high mobility. I will measure this via parent/guardian survey. An example item from my survey could include “How many times have you been evicted?” The variable will be scored by frequency of evictions, with lower scores indicating less risk for homelessness.
How and when will you collect data? How long do you expect data collection to take?

Part 5: Conclusion – 4 pts
Wrap up your paper by restating your expected results (hypotheses). If your hypotheses were to be  supported, explain how your research might impact both science in general and your population of interest in particular. (How might it be used in the real world?) Explain how your thinking regarding this topic has changed from when you started this project, and how you might use this research in your current or future career.

I have attached my labs that we are supposed to reference below.

My topic is: The effect of unstable coparenting on a toddlers behavior in the classroom. By unstable I mean divorced parents that do not get along each other.


The final part of the paper will be to reflect on what you learned about interviewing, research, and consulting as a result of this term project. Be sure to include information about what you think went right about your approach to the project, as well as what you would do differently if you were to do this same type of project in the future.