Archive for December 3rd, 2020


Write a paper of at least 2,000 words [Garamond 12 or TNR 12; spacing 1.5; margins: 1.5]. You can choose any of the following topics:
Topic One. The Ethics of Abortion. Use as primary sources the two essays discussed in class (Thomson and Marquis). Explain as carefully as you can the nature of abortion as an ethical problem. Describe Thomson and Marquis views and explain how they differ and how they may, to some extent, overlap. Examine possible objections to each view. Present your own view on the issue backing it up with solid reasons/arguments.

1) Title of the Paper (as informative as possible of what the reader will find when reading your essay);
2) Introduction (half a page max.; explain, as clear as possible, the thesis you will be defending);
3) Development of your Argument(s) (main portion of your paper; roughly 75-80% of the total length);
4) Conclusion (a clearly laid-out concluding paragraph presenting a brief retrospective evaluation of what your paper has accomplished).



Project# 3. The chairwoman of Really Big Company, Deborah Holly, is concerned about the use of emojis. Write a 600- word memo to Ms. Holly recommending an emoji ban and explaining why emojis should not be used in corporate communications. You must show at least two examples of emojis which might be misunderstood, and explain your recommended-implementation policy. In researching the topic you must show consequences of the misunderstandings, or the studies/articles explaining the problems and include sourcing as part of a grammatical sentence, not as an academic-essay citation. Also include the link to the article/ study near the reference to the article/study. Do not include a citation page. Ms. Holly knows what emojis are dont waste space explaining them.  You must use the memo format THAT I ATTACH TO THIS.
For example I want you to use exact word to word for the conclude with part.

Performance Lawn Equipment


In reviewing the PLE data, Elizabeth Burke noticed that defects received from suppliers have decreased (worksheet Defects After Delivery). Upon investigation, she learned that in 2010, PLE experienced some quality problems due to an increasing number of defects in materials received from suppliers.

The company instituted an initiative in August 2011 to work with suppliers to reduce these defects, to more closely coordinate deliveries, and to improve materials quality through reengineering supplier production policies. Elizabeth noted that the program appeared to reverse an increasing trend in defects; she would like to predict what might have happened had the supplier initiative not been implemented and how the number of defects might further be reduced in the near future.

In meeting with PLEs human resources director, Elizabeth also discovered a concern about the high rate of turnover in its field service staff. Senior managers have suggested that the department look closer at its recruiting policies, particularly to try to identify the characteristics of individuals that lead to greater retention. However, in a recent staff meeting, HR managers could not agree on these characteristics.

Some argued that years of education and grade point averages were good predictors. Others argued that hiring more mature applicants would lead to greater retention. To study these factors, the staff agreed to conduct a statistical study to determine the effect that years of education, college grade point average, and age when hired have on retention. A sample of 40 field service engineers hired 10 years ago was selected to determine the influence of these variables on how long each individual stayed with the company. Data are compiled in the Employee Retention worksheet.

Finally, as part of its efforts to remain competitive, PLE tries to keep up with the latest in production technology. This is especially important in the highly competitive lawn-mower line, where competitors can gain a real advantage if they develop more cost-effective means of production. The lawn-mower division therefore spends a great deal of effort in testing new technology. When new production technology is introduced, firms often experience learning, resulting in a gradual decrease in the time required to produce successive units. Generally, the rate of improvement declines until the production time levels off. One example is the production of a new design for lawn-mower engines. To determine the time required to produce these engines, PLE produced 50 units on its production line; test results are given on the worksheet Engines in the database. Because PLE is continually developing new technology, understanding the rate of learning can be useful in estimating future production costs without having to run extensive prototype trials, and Elizabeth would like a better handle on this.


Use techniques of regression analysis to assist her in evaluating the data in these three worksheets and reaching useful conclusions.

Summarize your work in a formal report with all appropriate results and analyses.


An important part of planning manufacturing capacity is having a good forecast of sales. Elizabeth Burke is interested in forecasting sales of mowers and tractors in each marketing region as well as industry sales to assess future changes in market share.

She also wants to forecast future increases in production costs. Develop forecasting models for these data and prepare a report of your results with appropriate charts and output from Excel.
An important aspect of business analytics is good communication. Summarize your findings and write up your answers to this case formally in a well-written report as if you were a consultant to Ms. Burke


– Data to be used is attached as excel files, ONLY USE THIS DATA TO WRITE UP REPORT!
– A structure of the Consulting Report is attached, THIS TEMPLATE MUST BE FOLLOWED!
– Background of the case is also attached!

Performance Lawn Equipment


In reviewing the PLE data, Elizabeth Burke noticed that defects received from suppliers have decreased (worksheet Defects After Delivery). Upon investigation, she learned that in 2010, PLE experienced some quality problems due to an increasing number of defects in materials received from suppliers.

The company instituted an initiative in August 2011 to work with suppliers to reduce these defects, to more closely coordinate deliveries, and to improve materials quality through reengineering supplier production policies. Elizabeth noted that the program appeared to reverse an increasing trend in defects; she would like to predict what might have happened had the supplier initiative not been implemented and how the number of defects might further be reduced in the near future.

In meeting with PLEs human resources director, Elizabeth also discovered a concern about the high rate of turnover in its field service staff. Senior managers have suggested that the department look closer at its recruiting policies, particularly to try to identify the characteristics of individuals that lead to greater retention. However, in a recent staff meeting, HR managers could not agree on these characteristics.

Some argued that years of education and grade point averages were good predictors. Others argued that hiring more mature applicants would lead to greater retention. To study these factors, the staff agreed to conduct a statistical study to determine the effect that years of education, college grade point average, and age when hired have on retention. A sample of 40 field service engineers hired 10 years ago was selected to determine the influence of these variables on how long each individual stayed with the company. Data are compiled in the Employee Retention worksheet.

Finally, as part of its efforts to remain competitive, PLE tries to keep up with the latest in production technology. This is especially important in the highly competitive lawn-mower line, where competitors can gain a real advantage if they develop more cost-effective means of production. The lawn-mower division therefore spends a great deal of effort in testing new technology. When new production technology is introduced, firms often experience learning, resulting in a gradual decrease in the time required to produce successive units. Generally, the rate of improvement declines until the production time levels off. One example is the production of a new design for lawn-mower engines. To determine the time required to produce these engines, PLE produced 50 units on its production line; test results are given on the worksheet Engines in the database. Because PLE is continually developing new technology, understanding the rate of learning can be useful in estimating future production costs without having to run extensive prototype trials, and Elizabeth would like a better handle on this.


Use techniques of regression analysis to assist her in evaluating the data in these three worksheets and reaching useful conclusions.

Summarize your work in a formal report with all appropriate results and analyses.


An important part of planning manufacturing capacity is having a good forecast of sales. Elizabeth Burke is interested in forecasting sales of mowers and tractors in each marketing region as well as industry sales to assess future changes in market share.

She also wants to forecast future increases in production costs. Develop forecasting models for these data and prepare a report of your results with appropriate charts and output from Excel.
An important aspect of business analytics is good communication. Summarize your findings and write up your answers to this case formally in a well-written report as if you were a consultant to Ms. Burke


– Data to be used is attached as excel files, ONLY USE THIS DATA TO WRITE UP REPORT!
– A structure of the Data Analysis Report is attached as PDF and MUST BE FOLLOWED!
– Background of the case is also attached!

Urban Planning Cover Letter

Please make it clear and passionate

– I am applying to new job as Urban Planner for higher role.
I will paste my current resume without personal information please use this as reference
– I will also paste job Description please align with my current experience

—— Job Desription

Reviews and makes recommendations on City codes or policy changes as appropriate and based on experience with daily operations and planning.
Prepares draft code language as directed and conducts public hearings before the Planning Board and City Council applicable to such updates.
Prepares for and conducts presentations before various boards and commissions regarding project proposals and code amendments.
Maintains specific pages of the City’s website and updates/revises as necessary and conducts updates of the City Community Development Code and Comprehensive Plan as necessary.
Communicates regularly with the public, including owners of private property as well as project applicants such as: architects, developers, surveyors, biologists and geotechnical engineers.
Communicates via phone, email and in person at the public service counter and at various meetings.
Participates on assigned committees; attends associated meetings and provides necessary support and information.

Ethical Issues in Research

As you develop a research proposal, you must consider the ethical issues related to it.

Determine the ethical considerations related to the research question you developed in Week 1.

Consider the seven main principles of ethical research introduced in this week’s learning activity, Research Ethics Guidance:
Social and clinical value
Scientific validity
Fair subject selection
Favorable risk-benefit ratio
Independent review
Informed consent
Respect for potential and enrolled subjects

Summarize the ethical issues related to your topic in one of the following formats:
825-word paper

Cite at least one peer-reviewed and one evidence-based resource in APA format.

Submit your assignment.

Some publicly traded companies have made embarrassing marketing missteps in recent years and have had to pull advertising or apologize publicly for the errors in marketing, Tweets, Facebook postings, and so forth. Write an essay about how you would aim to

Some publicly traded companies have made embarrassing marketing missteps in recent years and have had to pull advertising or apologize publicly for the errors in marketing, Tweets, Facebook postings, and so forth. Write an essay about how you would aim to prevent these errors. Cite specific examples of the errors and state whether you think the action the company took was effective to restore the corporate reputation. You must provide at least two separate marketing errors. Multiple errors in one advertisement/marketing campaign count only as one marketing error. 

Master’s Thesis Title: The role of foreign in water supply in Dhaka (Methodology with results for Master’s thesis)

* Writer should be familiar with SDG and STATA software.* Font size should be 12 * No data collection table and image will be included in these 25 pages. I can provide WDI data. * I emphasize the model, analysis, explanation, and results and these must be included in these 15 pages. * If my emphasized requirements have been completed in less than 15 pages, then references and sources about methods and other writings can be included * I prefer the ‘Fixed Effect Regression Model’ (if there is any other better option, writer can discuss with me) * Data analysis should be done in STATA software. * I have 3 research questions in my methodology and I want this Progressive delivery question by question within the whole deadline *Writer must be consulted with me regularly.

World History Final Exam

For this take-home exam you will write a long-answer response to one prompt from each of the sections below (four responses total). Responses must be focused, specific, well-written, and demonstrate a complex command of the relevant historical issues.

Some ground rules for the responses:

1. Each response should be at least 250 words, with the total length being 4-8 pages.

2. Exams not turned in by the time listed will not be accepted. There are no exceptions to this rule. If the dropbox closes and you have not submitted anything then you will receive a zero.

3. I want to know where your information is coming from so please provide at least informal citations in your answers. These citations should let me know if the source of your information was from Globalyceum (and which reading from there), lecture, or film. A simple parenthetical citation will be fine

4. Submissions must be in the proper file format. That means that your final must be in Word, .rtf, or PDF formats or it will not be accepted.

5. Plagiarism is unacceptable. These need to be in your own words and if I determine that any of the material you submit is not your own and is not properly cited I will give you a zero. Your submission will be compared to an online database through a service called Vericite that will give you an originality score. Make sure that your originality score is below 20%.

6. Related to (5), I am not testing you on your ability to use Wikipedia. DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES. The prompts are based on material covered throughout this semester so the materials you have will be sufficient in helping you craft your responses.

7. This is not a group project. These should be worked on individually.

8. Do not over-generalize. Use strong historical examples to back up your arguments. Responses that only offer generalizations without reference to historical situations will not receive good grades. Make strong statements that can be backed up with solid historical evidence. If you have no evidence to back up one of your statements then you should not make that statement.

Unit 1 Questions (Choose One):

1. While slavery wasn’t new in 1500, the Atlantic slave trade established one of the most enduring and disturbing legacies of the early modern era. What factors drove this trade? Who benefited from it? What social costs did it entail? Your response to each question should acknowledge that the trade impacted West Africa, the Western Hemisphere, and Europe.

2. Why was the Columbian Exchange so transformative? Use three of the following regions to demonstrate the transformations brought on by the Exchange: the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Be specific.

Unit 2 Questions (Choose One):

3. By 1800 a few Western European societies had emerged as among the most powerful in the world. What were some of the most significant changes that Western Europe had experienced between 1500 and 1800? To what extent were those changes the basis for the rise in power?

4. What were the most significant economic, social, political, and demographic effects of the industrial revolution on the world? This response must acknowledge that these effects played out globally and not just in Europe.

Unit 3 Questions (Choose One):

5. Describe the economic, political, and ideological forces that drove Western imperialism from the latter half of the 19th century? In discussing these forces be sure to use real historical examples.

6. Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, Persia, and the Ottoman Empire to the reality of Western power in the 19th century.

Unit 4 Questions (Choose One):

7. The 20th century was the bloodiest period in human history. Technology certainly played a part in this, but ideology was also significant. How does understanding the rise of imperialism, nationalism, and racism in the 19thcentury help explain the disasters of the 20th century? Think not just of the World Wars, but of some of the other major crises of the century.

8. The contemporary world is defined by interconnectedness. Ideas, capital, culture, and people have an unprecedented ability to spread around the world at incredible speed. With specific reference to the readings and film from Week 16, make the case for why the incredible power of globalization has both positive and negative impacts on our world.


A major component of the grade in this grade is the company research paper.  The analytical paper will involve the assessment of a real-life organization.  The company analysis paper should consist of the following parts:

1. General overview and introduction to the company this section should provide a summary of the organization, including a brief history, a discussion of overall performance, type of industry, and other general information about the organization, such as:  what products/product lines does the company sell, in what geographic markets does the company sell, to what extent does the company have international production or customer service operations in other parts of the world, how many employees does the company have in the U.S. and in other parts of the world, and so on.  Finally, this section should include a brief financial performance overview of the company.

2. Strategic assessment of the company.  This section should include an analysis of the strategic (exogenous) environment and associated strategies of the company.  Most importantly, this section should provide an overview of the market structure, primarily focusing on the main competitors of the company, both domestically and internationally.  This section should also document the companys overall strategic direction.  Where is the company planning to move going forward?  Does it use strategic alliances in conducting its business?  Has the company made any strategic mistakes with regard to its business strategies?

3. Identification if new (or revised) strategic approaches that the company should take that would improve performance and/or resolve strategic problems that the company is facing.  The paper should reach conclusions as to what new business strategic directions should be pursed in the future based on environmental and competitive factors.

The paper should approximately 10 to 12 double-spaced typewritten pages in length.  5-7 Cited Sources MLA style formatting.