Archive for December 3rd, 2020

final 1

Part 1 of your Final            Due Friday, December 18th by midnight

A  4-5 page paper from any articles of your choosing from the player’s tribune. You will pick a topic from the following and use the article (s) to illustrate the topic.

100-150 Word Summary (B1) on Insiders Guide to Academic Writing


Requirements for An Insiders Guide to Academic Writing (IGAW)

Summary 1B

See permanent files for sample summary.

Required Directions:

Follow MLA format Header, Heading and Title
For your IGAW Summary,  read:
Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting from Sources

Pages 94 -97 (top)           

Write 100-150 word summary of the pages indicated.
Use formal English only.
Complete sentences
3rd person only NO:  I, You, We, or any of their forms.
No contractions
No citations
No Works Cited
Write only 1 paragraph.
Restrict the use of examples.  This is to explain the information.
Do not write just the headers, picture captions, graphs, or charts.
Summarize the information to demonstrate understanding of the content.
All information is presented in ONE organized paragraph.
Your first sentence must follow this format: 
The authors of the textbook, An Insiders Guide to Academic Writing, address the area of  [insert content information ] on pages [put page numbers here].

Following your topic sentence above, structure the rest of the paragraph as:
Separate sentences summarizing the main points of the presentation.
Be certain to end the paragraph with a summary sentence.
After you have written your summary, post it.
Summaries may be graded as follows:
100-90 followed all directions, looks almost like finished work
89-80 followed most directions but still needs work
79-70 followed some directions and needs major work
69-60 followed few directions or lacks length, fails
55-15 did not follow directions or only a token effort, fails
10-0 submitted wrong document, did different assignment, did not submit as specified, or did not submit

Marketing and Finances

The Career choice is Director of Player Personnel.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
III. Marketing: In this section, you will examine marketing strategies used within the sports industry and how your chosen career supports them.
A. Describe marketing strategies and activities within the sports industry that an individual in this career would be involved in. For example, is this
career involved in social media? Live drafts? Community outreach?
B. Explain how this career supports these marketing strategies in navigating industry trends. For instance, how would the career you chose to support
strategies surrounding the trend toward mobile technologies?
C. Explain the impact this career has on attracting new spectators, investors, and talent.
IV. Finances: In this section, you will discuss the financial principles and business practices used specifically in the sports industry.
A. Describe finance-related business practices and principles that are used within the sports industry. Consider questions like the following: How
are ticket prices and salaries set? How are sponsors and naming rights acquired?
B. Explain how these finance-related business practices and principles have impacted profitability within the sports industry.
C. Explain which particular business practices and principles you would be involved in with your chosen career.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,
one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

RLGN 360 Forum 4 (Module 8)

Discussion Board Forum 4,  It must also meet the required word count of 250500 words

Note: For the forums using the Coley book (Forum 4 and Forum 8), please make sure to include clear support from this textbook in your thread and your replies. In specific, please include at least 2 direct quotes from the Coley text, including page numbers.

1) What does the word metacognition mean? Can you think of an example that you can share from your own personal experience?

2) It seems that a popular approach to sermon or teaching preparation is to complete this task alone. One way to combat creating ones presentations or sermons is a vacuum is to prepare with a team. What are some benefits of developing sermons or teaching presentations with a team or group? What are some potential downsides to a team approach to sermon or teaching preparation?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Critical Thinking/Engagement Assignment #1

You must attempt all questions.

Part 1. (25 points)

Go the following website:

Were your results surprising? Why or why not?
How do your results impact the way you understand race?
Do you think there is a specific or narrow expectation for how people of a race are assumed to look? What happens when a person who identifies with a group strays from this visual representation?
What experiences do you infer the people being sorted have encountered as a result of false assumptions regarding race?
Did this activity influence you to affirm or reject the notion of race? Why or why not?
What does this tell you about the rigid constraints people are assumed to fit in racially?
Do you think others could benefit from this activity? Why or why not?   
Part 2. (10 points)

Go to the following website:

Identify the major racial groups and their composition according to the United States population in Census 2010. How do you understand the term Hispanic. How does this compare with African American/Black/Negro as a racial construct?
Part 3. (15 points)

Go to this document with ReadSpeaker docReader. According to the 2010 census 308.7 million people resided in the United States on April 1, 2010, an increase of 27.3 million people, or 9.7 percent, between 2000 and 2010.

The vast majority of the growth in the population came from increases from which groups/populations?
Identify which population is numerically and proportionally the largest major race and ethnic group in the United States, and which population is also growing at the slowest rate.
Speculate on what changes you think will occur in census racial categories over the next fifty years, keeping in mind that census categories always reflect the prevailing notions of race and result from an intensely political process.

Country Research Report Part 3

Country to rearch: Japan

Country Research Paper Part 1: paper attached for reference purposes

Course Book:Helen Deresky (2017). International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases (9e).  ISBN: 978-0-134-37604-2. Publisher: Pearson Higher Education; Copyright 2017

Country Research Report Parts 1 & 2 are attached (contextual purposes)

Reseach Report Part 3 Instructions:

This is the Final Part of the Country Research Project.  After completing the Parts 1 and 2 of the Country Research Project it is time for you to present to leadership about your findings as it relates to the country you chose.  You need to create a PowerPoint Presentation with 10  slides (Doesn’t include the Title Slide or the Reference Slides) that explains to leadership what you feel needs to be considered as it relates to International management for the Country you chose.  In your slides, please make sure you incorporate the following:

-How it is to work with the different cultural backgrounds in the country

-How will international managers need to manage organizations, processes and people in the country you selected

-Understanding what you know about multinational organizations how will international managers utilize technology to gain a competitive advantage

-What will an international manager need to understand about ethical principles, personal and organizational values and socially responsible practices while working in the country you selected

Though you need to incorporate these 4 concepts, you can add other concepts as well.  All concepts we reviewed to date, in this course, can be used as well.

economic impact of covid-19

In this term paper, you will pick one developing country and examine 1) the economic effect of
the virus on various sectors 2) economic measures (fiscal and monetary policy) that the
government of the country is taking to prevent the economy from falling into deep recession 3)
the possible effects of those measures and the challenges that the country faces (such as lack of
fiscal space etc.) 4) your take on how to handle the crisis and how to best address the tradeoff
between lives and livelihoods.

The case of Jim Peterson

The Case of Jim Peterson

All students should complete the following case study from Taylor and Whittaker (2009) for this module. The case study is provided in PDF format within the module.  Open the document, read the case study and answer the questions at the end.  This case study must be cut and pasted into the submissions box on the Assignments page.  Those students who have difficulty with this may attach their work within the assignments page.

Two references are required for the case study; one reference must be from your textbook Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society (Gollnick & Chinn, 2017). The other reference can also be from your textbook or an internet source.  The name of the reference and the specific page number or exact web page must be inserted immediately following the case response to illustrate how this information supports the answer.  You cannot reference the case study itself.

An example of how to cite your textbook (Gollnick & Chinn, 2017, pg. #).

info sec

from the yahoo article discuss the following:

What breach did you select?
What is the background of the attack?
Was the breach detected right away?
How much time (approximately) went by before the breach was discovered and reported?
Did the victim organization determine the extent of the breach? If so, explain.
What was the response? (Think about the various types of response and comment Political/Diplomatic/Legal, Technical, Corporate).

Finally, when considering response and recovery, it can be important to understand how to address security flaws. Cryptography is important but can be difficult to implement. There are also ways to bypass authentication. Select two flaws from the article below and discuss how to avoid them. Do you have any recommendations regarding the attack you selected?


Our personal and community health is a complex interaction of behavioral, genetic, environmental, social, and medical factors.  Developing knowledge about these factors and applying this knowledge to make recommendations for improving health and guiding public policy are quite challenging tasks. In your paper you are to:

Select one article to analyze from the New York Times that richly describes an issue related to personal and community health that is the subject of one of our chapters from our textbook.
You are to write a two page, typed, double-spaced, twelve-point font size analysis of this article.  In your analysis, include the main descriptions of the issues impacting personal and/or community health provided in the article, what data the author provides, how the information provided in the article relates to two concepts and/or research studies cited for that topic from the chapter that you chose from our textbook, what further information you would want to know or what additional research is needed about that topic.  You may also include in your paper how the topic relates to your own experience, other readings, and our discussions in class.  Your response should be well written in an essay format with an introduction and a conclusion.
Please include a cover page with your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title for your paper.
PLEASE INCLUDE A LINK TO THE ARTICLE ON WHICH YOUR PAPER IS BASED.  Be sure that you save a copy for yourself of your paper before you submit it.
In the body of your essay, it is not necessary to cite any references but if you know how to cite references in APA style, please do so.
Reference Page:  This page must be written in APA style.  Use the link provided below as a guide.  This reference page must consist of sources that you have used.  Sources such as webmd, Wikipedia, Psychology Today and online sources without an author cited are not acceptable.  Be sure to cite the article that you are using from The New York Times and the textbook on your reference page.