Archive for December 3rd, 2020

Chapter Review

For your review, you are expected to have read it carefully and digest it first for summarizing the whole chapter briefly (about one page) and then discussing any one of the specific issues, which you would like to focus on, arguing why it is significant and/or why you agree or disagree with it.  Include at least five key sentences (with the quotations and page numbers) from the book

read the instructions

– disciplines: interpersonal communication
– book required: interpersonal communication (ISBN: 978-1260822885)
– two concepts instead of three concept, about 3 pages for each concept, ignore the presentation part in the pdf file.
-concept should choose from chapter 1-5 from the book
– please send one concept first in December 11 that my instructors can give feedback on how to improve the next concept’s submit.

human ecology

Briefly summarize the human ecology topic from your research paper.

Discuss your pre-existing mental model (your opinion or thoughts on the problem or solution prior to your research) and if your mental model has been altered by the presentation of a different perspective based on factual information. The research paper is attached.

Explain the case, identifying the elements that are morally relevant and explaining why they are relevant.

Explain the Foxconn case, identifying the elements that are morally relevant and explaining why they are relevant.
Provide an analysis of the case from two different theoretical perspectives. For example, you might explain how a utilitarian would approach the case versus how a Kantian would approach the case.
Critically evaluate the two perspectives, identifying the strengths and weaknesses.
It is not necessary that you draw a conclusion about which perspective is correct, but you are welcome to do so, especially if in doing so, you demonstrate your understanding of course material.

Cultural Self Analysis

Analysis of the cultural influences on your own life, including
immigration stories, how your family background shaped who you are today. Here, you will explore
your value systems, communication practices, and aspects of personal identity like race, ethnicity,
gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status.


Marketing Myopia Essay
As discussed in the Unit I Lesson, the marketing concept consists of elements that concern market segmentation and how it relates to target markets. Also, recall that promotion is used to reach those target markets.
In this essay, define the marketing concept and summarize its relationship to marketing myopia. Give an example of marketing myopia that you have seen.
Your essay must include an introduction.
You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and one article from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least two sources.
Your essay must be at least three pages in length and double-spacednot counting the title and reference pages.
All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

COVID-19, the lodging industry, hospitality and tourism academia and You

Do in-depth research on COVID-19, the lodging industry and us, using the Internet as well as the library and
anywhere else with reliable information. Students are required to turn in a research paper about COVID-19,
lodging industry, and our community as explained above. Assignment #2 must be at least 6 pages in length
(only text part, not including the cover page and reference pages), a double-spaced, and follow APA style (Time
New Roman font, 12 font size, a double spaced, and page numbers in the bottom middle side).
– Assignment #2 research paper topic summary:
As we all know, the fast-moving and unexplained COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting the hospitality and
tourism industry. This current crisis will irrevocably change our industry, academic engagement, and customer
behaviors. The industry is often forced to weather situations beyond its control, such as natural disasters,
weather changes, global warming, and novel viruses such as SARS-CoV (emerged and spread in 2002 and
2003), MERS-CoV (became epidemic in 2015), NORO Virus (first identified in 1968), and COVID-19
(proliferated in 2019).
Historically, when confronted with uncontrollable circumstances, such as pandemics or natural disasters,
the industry and academia are both pushed to respond drastically; each will alter the course of daily life,
innovate new practices, and quickly respond to shifts in culture. These immediate responses cause drastic
fluctuations within the industry and academia and are, ultimately, unsustainable.
Hospitality and tourism organizations across the industry are struggling. Permanent and temporary
layoffs are inevitable for the survival of many global hospitality and tourism organizations. COVID-19
outbreaks limit travelers mobility and hotels observe occupancy rates and revenue per available room (RevPar)
drop as travelers stay at home. The airline industry is equally impacted with worldwide airline companies
seeing a staggering 100% decline in net bookings. It is clear that uncontrollable factors and events in the world
adversely affect the hospitality and tourism industry and its performance and these are only few examples from
the industrys chaotic situation.
Due to the changed policies and a new normal, customers are also frustrated and frightened so they
have developed a new consumer behavior to which the industry must adapt. It will be the key to success for all
hospitality and tourism organizations to identify early indicators of consumer actions and provide proper service
based on the current customer behaviors.
Also, college students are highly affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. The shelter in place order was
declared in several states and schools are closed until further notice. Usually, breaks and vacations are rejoice
time for students, but this unbounded and forced break make their learning experience unsustainable,
unenjoyable, and chaotic. With the closure of universities, additional services to students, including advising,
housing, testing, health and wellness facilities and services, financial aid, accessibility services, and business
office operations are available virtually, but are limited. The students learning environment rapidly changed
from in-person courses to distance learning. In addition to these changes, many students are going through
financial hardships due to the effect of COVID-19 outbreak. As this challenging time persists, some even face
emotional and psychological issues.
Hospitality and tourism educators need to make necessary changes to their methods, teaching modes,
and strategies during and after a crisis. Ideally, a teacher should be provided with the necessary resources that
are helpful for the altered educational conditions in a timely manner. Despite all these changes, teachers
emotions (such as frustration and fear) should not affect students behaviors and performances, regardless of
their role as equal sufferers in the pandemic. Thus, educators should be provided with equal fiscal and mental
health resources.
It is essential to examine if the hospitality and tourism industry and academia have responded properly
to overcome these challenges. If yes, then now, what are the strategies and solutions developed and adjusted to
prepare the hospitality and tourism community, including the businesses, employees, customers, students, and
faculty to survive before, during and after a crisis? If not, then it is never too late to scrutinize how the
hospitality and tourism community can respond to a crisis, but not be vulnerable to attack of the uncontrollable
factors and events.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the Analytic Exploration you will use one primary discussion, three academic articles, and two public articles. Your thesis should be clear and summarize what the reader is about to read. The total word count should be 1000-1500 words.

The goal this time is to choose a field you’re interested in and researching and developing  on that.

I have chosen accounting, which is housed at the MUMA College of Business here at USF.

One job I chose to pursue with an accounting degree is being a Credit Analyst, and the other I have chosen is being a personal financial advisor.

Paragraph 1 Intro
Paragraphs 2-3 Context on the Conversation
Paragraphs 4-5 Article 1 Summary Analysis
Paragraphs 6-7 Article 2 Summary Analysis
Paragraphs 8-9 Article 3 Summary Analysis
Paragraphs 10-11 Popular and Primary sources
Paragraph 12 Conclusion and Synthesis

Use articles #5, #6, and #9 as 1, 2, and 3 in the paper. Use two others in the paper as the other two.

The sources are listed in the paper I uploaded.

Include citation page. Citations have already been made also in paper I uploaded.

Disability Studies

In four double-spaced pages, please write a summary and reflection of the book and application to your future career.
Page 1 and 2: Provide a summary of the book and include the messages or themes from the author that were most salient for you.
Page 3: Describe an experience or person the author encountered that stood out to you and describe the impact on your personal philosophies and/or future career.
Page 4: Describe how the overall concepts, people, and experiences in the books apply to or connect with your future career.

The 17 pdf files that I provided below are the 17 chapters for the whole book.

Literacy Project Respiration Lab and Report

Read, analyze, and complete the attached files, then create a concise lab report using the following template add the forms to the report and upload to the submission point.

Use the Example Lab as a template assignment.

Title of Experiment Lab


Course Name and Number (all in upper Left-hand corner)




Describe what topics will be covered, and how they correlate to the class lecture curriculum.

Pre Lab: Remember to read the lab before the date of the lab


Introductory paragraph–Briefly introduce each activity.


Briefly review the methodology you are using in the lab for each activity.


What items of lab equipment are being used?


Report your individual and group results.


Discuss the reasons this lab was performed.  What did you learn that associates with the lecture curriculum?  Did the data support the hypothesis? (Many labs will not have a hypothesis though.)

Reference List:  DO NOT PLAGIARISE, ensure that all ideas are placed in your own words.  Cite anything using APA format that is not your own thoughts.  You do not have to cite the textbook or lab book.