Archive for December 3rd, 2020

Position Paper

This essay is a position paper that focuses on the use of power in the Shakespearian play Richard the III.  You will use the concepts explored in your reading of Machiavelli in your text to help form your position.  This essay should be no more than 1200 Words and must include a properly formatted Works Cited page and properly formatted in-text citations.  You should have at least two sources, a copy of the play Richard the III and your texts version of Machiavellis The Prince.  You are free to use other sources, but your source usage and the amount of space they take up in your essay should not exceed 35% of your total essay material.  The remaining portions of your essay should be dedicated to analysis and structuring.

You do not want to try to cover the entire play, nor should you try to cover all of the points offered in Machiavelli in relation to acquiring and maintaining power.  You want to find a very tight focus and give a more nuanced analysis.  I suggest you follow the basic steps below for each major point that you make.

Find one instance of acquiring, using, losing, OR abusing Political Power within the play.
Briefly identify that moment and the dynamics of the powers at play.
Identify some aspect of Machiavellian theory that is either proven or challenged in this moment of power.
Briefly identify that Machiavellian concept.
Explain how that Machiavellian concept is demonstrated in that moment of power within the play.
Explain how this use of Machiavellian concepts is both positive AND negative in relation to Power.  Explore both here.
This should be the bulk of one body paragraph.
Repeat these steps 2-3 times to form a thread of Power and Machiavellian theory throughout your essay.  Each new body paragraph should discuss a new section of the play, but you are free to keep using the same aspect of Machiavellian theory, so long as you are arriving at different observations for each point in the play.
When you have several moments of power discussed in play, you will want to come to some form of conclusion for your reader.  This conclusion should answer the following question By understanding Machiavelli and seeing it demonstrated in Shakespeares Richard the III, and applying this understanding to our contemporary political climate [2020 America], what conclusions might we draw about our own time in relation to Political Power?
This final point of critical thinking will form the bases if your introduction and your conclusion.

You must use proper MLA formatting for all aspects of this essay, and you must properly cite all sources used, or your essay cannot be accepted.
You will be graded on your ability to attach Machiavelli to Shakespeare.
You will be graded on your ability to form conclusion about your own culture based on a careful reading of literature and political theory from the past.
You will be graded on accuracy and precision in your language and writing skills.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeological examples of this process in action to illustrate your answer.

Concepts on humanistic nursing

Discuss what is meant by nursing as a human science and how the philosophy and mission of Lehman College relates to your ideas of nursing as a human science.  (15 points at least one paragraph).

Select one concept that stood out to you this semester. Concepts may include but are not limited to: Humanism, Humanistic Nursing Theory, Call and response, Intersubjectivity, Individuality, Interpersonal relationships, Ethics, principles, codes, rights, responsibility, Professionalism, competence, autonomy, etc. Discuss what this concept means and why it is important to nursing practice and the nursing profession. Discuss how this concept reflects the value and meaning that you hold about your practice of nursing (40 points at least three paragraphs)

Revisit your nursing philosophy and discuss how it has changed (or not changed) since you began this course (20 points at least one paragraph)

Appropriate APA format and references required (10 points)

No errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling (15 points)

This paper should not exceed 3 pages in length


Research paper on Leadership

The focus of the paper will be on the primary course text, Why Great Leaders Don’t Take Yes for an Answer, but will require at least two other outside references. I have attached the main reference to use that summarizes the book. (For additional references Please use references I can pull up.)

Describe the book’s major themes. What are the author’s major points? What major themes of leadership science are incorporated into the text? A key to preparing the text summary is to find a central theme and build around it. 


Discussion post

Part I:

Download the attached Survey document by clicking on this link: Survey  Evaluate your household for the hazardous products listed and report on how you’re doing.  Research and provide a brief report, in your own words, on two of the hazardous chemicals listed on the survey, focusing particular attention on what effects these chemicals have on both human health as well as on the streams, lakes, rivers and bays around where you live.

Then download the Recipes document by clicking on this link: Alternative Recipes

Compare two of the recipes or suggestions listed in the document to the over-the-counter options.  Evaluate each for efficacy, cost and ease of use and explain which you’ll use in the future and why. If you have used or know of other recipes or products that are environmentally friendly, you are encouraged to share those with the class as well.

Part II:

Answer the following question:

Based on your observations and research performed on the Internet, is carbon dioxide a pollutant or a natural resource? You must choose either pollutant or natural resource but you cannot choose both. Be sure to both cite and vet your sources, explaining clearly the credibility of your sources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeological examples of this process in action to illustrate your answer.

World literature

Please read the beginning of the document first.
I need 4 pages in total, so 1600 words.
I want the topic race, gender and class to be included and each answer should relate to one of these topics.
I will upload the documents for each questions.
You need to choose 1 topic for each question, so thats your choice. I dont mind any of them.

REFLECTION: Problems of racism among teenagers, youths and young adults

Your detailed reflection, at least 700 words long, is a space for you to demonstrate critical thinking about your research process and the rhetorical choices you made while completing this project.  It will also reflect on the ways in which your work all semester has informed this final project.

Your reflection should address three main topics:

The specific rhetorical situations of your text. In other words, the audience, purpose, and genre:
First, identify the audience, purpose, and genre of your text(s). Then, describe the specific relationship(s) between the audience, purpose, and genre of your text(s). In other words, why is the genre(s) in which you worked an appropriate choice given your particular purpose and audience? How might another genre have been less effective for achieving your purpose and reaching your audience?
The process of translating your research from Modules 2 and 3 into other genre(s):
What information from your research did you decide to leave out? In what specific ways did you consider your audience and purpose when making this decision?
How did you establish your own credibility in the non-academic genre(s), and in what ways is this similar to/different from establishing credibility in your academic writing?
How did you appeal to your audiences emotions (pathos) and/or use logical appeals (logos)?
What were some differences in the ways you used and cited your sources as compared to earlier assignments in this course? How were these decisions impacted by the differing genres in which you worked? How might these decisions impact your audience and their interactions with the texts?
What design choices did you make as you designed your project? How did the genres in which you were working affect your choices? For example, how did you establish your voice? What visual rhetoric did you use? What choices did you make about structure and organization?
How do you think the decisions you made with regard to design, genre, visual rhetoric, structure, and/or organization impact your audience and their interactions with your text(s)?
The rhetorical nature and potential of research (for this section, consider both your final project and the class as a whole):
After having worked with your research in multiple genres and for various audiences and purposes, what do you now understand about the ways in which research is a rhetorical process shaped by audience, purpose, and genre?
What do you now understand about research as it exists beyond the classroom in non-academic contexts?
What do you now understand about the potential for research to spark meaningful change?
How has the work you completed this semester affected your ideas about/understanding of research?
How has the work you completed this semester affected your ideas about/understanding of writing and rhetoric?

Magecart Group 3

1. How does the group work and how it is organized.
2. Where do the biggest skills stand of this group.What are the most succesful cases till today.
3. Identify the preventive tools that you need to have given the managment aspect, organization and technology of a company that offers products/online services

Social psychology at the movies

Social Psychology Paper: Social Psychology at the movies

Your assignment is to analyze, from a social psychological perspective, the events and behaviors in one of the movies listed below. Warning: Critiquing the film in terms of its art or entertainment value is not part of the assignment doing so will result in a loss of points.

            Choose one of the films listed below. View the film and take notes (two viewings is probably a good idea). After reviewing your class notes and the text, select and apply three (3) social psychological principles or theories that appear to be operating in the behaviors depicted in the movie. You must select non-trivial theories. In other words, you must select theories that have a significant level of complexity in order to allow you to demonstrate your ability to apply complicated ideas to examples (See list below).

            There are several ways to apply theory, principles or research findings. For example, you could select a theory and explain how it predicts the events that were depicted in the movie. You could also explain how a director/screenwriter makes use of the principles in a theory to steer the audience in a particular direction (i.e., liking a character, expecting a particular behavior, etc). Finally, you can describe how two opposing theories differ and explain which one accounts for the behavior depicted in the film. This assignment is meant to be comprehensive so your three theories should come from at least two different chapters in the text.

            Your paper should begin with a brief overview of the movie. Do not waste a lot of paper describing the film – you may assume that I have seen the movie. Two or three sentences should do it. You should then give an introductory paragraph that gives an outline or overview of what you will be doing in the paper. There should be a clear statement of purpose near the beginning of your paper that informs your reader of your intentions in the paper. Your paper should then follow the general outline that you have provided. Choose theories that you know well poor theory explanations & weak applications will lose points. Originality and clear, less than obvious applications of complex principles missed by other students will earn higher scores. This paper should be instructive as well as analytic – after reading it, readers should understand the theory or principle that youve applied as well as how it works in the movie.

For each principle:

a) Introduce the social psychological principle/theory and the scene in which it applies
b) Describe in detail the relevant social psychological principle
c) Briefly describe the relevant scene
d) Explain and analyze how the selected scene conforms to or contradicts the social psychological theory, or research findings you have selected. Be as detailed as possible in your application of the theory. If you leave out important details or supporting evidence from the text it will weaken your score.
Your paper should end with a critical evaluation of how well each theory fit the scene in question and a conclusion about the effectiveness of your applications.

            Your application should be instructive, precise and concise. Clear, specific, and precise wording demonstrates a clear understanding and will result in higher scores. To earn the maximum possible points, your application and analysis must show creativity, originality, and a complete comprehension of the major points and subtleties of principles used. After reading your paper, an uniformed reader should understand the three theories you have selected

Approved movies (you must use one of these movies):

Crash (2004) 2. Million Dollar Baby; 3. A Bronx Tale  4. Hidden Figures  5. Green Book  6. When Harry Met Sally

Approved theories (you must choose three of these theories and only two can be from the same chapter):  Here is a list of theories & principles that are acceptable for use in your paper. Choose any three, but be sure they are not all from the same chapter. 1. Kelleys covariation theory (CH 6) 2. fundamental attribution error including causes covered in class and in the text, (CH 6)3. self-fulfilling prophecy (CH 12) 4. social identity theory (CH 4 &12) 5. contact hypothesis & critical conditions,(CH12) 6. theory of planned behavior (CH 5) 7. dual process model of persuasion (CH 5) 8. cognitive dissonance & methods of reducing it (CH 5) 9. conformity (you must include informational vs normative influence & public vs private analysis in your application) (TBA)10. one of the sequential request techniques (foot-in-the-door, low-balling, thats-not-all, door-in-the-face) with explanation of why it worked (CH 5 & TBA). (CH 10)  14. stereotype-prejudice-discrimination analysis must clearly define and apply all three elements (Ch12)

General Guidelines

Your paper should be word-processed, double spaced, with one-inch margins and essay formatting. Each page should be numbered. Your paper should have a title page, which is the only place where you should indicate your name. The Title page does not count toward your page total!
This is an individual assignment. There should be very little overlap between student papers. Because you are graded on creativity and originality, it is best not to discuss your ideas with classmates. Under no circumstances should you share your paper with another student this is a violation of the school code of ethics.
DIRECT QUOTES ARE NOT ALLOWED. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES SHALL BE USED. I am not interested in your ability to transcribe the words of others. I want to read your thoughts, your ideas, and your ability to paraphrase principles. Put EVERYTHING into your own words.

Your paper should be free from grammatical and spelling errors. It should also be free from slang, colloquialisms, and contractions. Remember to spell check, butt ewe can knot reel-eye on spell check two catch awl of youre missed stakes.
Late penalties. Each twenty-four hour period that a paper is late will result in a 5-percent penalty this includes weekends (I find subtracting late points very unpleasant so please, for my sake, submit your work on time). I will not accept papers more than 5 days late, after 5 days scores automatically become zeros.
A word about A papers:  Generally speaking, an A paper is marked by clarity and originality. It is rich in content and analysis. The application of theories and principles selected is insightful and non-obvious. Every sentence is necessary and relevant to the argument at hand. There is no filler writing. There are no digressions. The title and introduction should capture the readers interest. The transitions between ideas and different theories should be smooth and contribute to the arguments and analysis. The quantity and quality of the analysis is such that a reader should feel significantly educated by the author. The organization of the paper should contribute to its clarity and the overall strength of its arguments.

Here is how the points for the paper will be distributed. (I will use this form to grade your papers)

Area                                                                                    Pts       

Overview and introduction (13 pts)

Introduction & movie summary                    3
Overview & Statement of purpose          10
Theory application and analysis (99 pts)

Principle 1
scene overview                                                    3
principle/theory explanation                    15
theory application/analysis to movie  15
Principle 2
scene overview                                                  3
principle/theory explanation                  15
theory application/analysis to movie  15
III. Principle 3

scene overview                                                3
principle/theory explanation                  15
theory application/analysis to movie 15
Summary and conclusion (20 pts)

evaluation of analysis                                  15
Conclusions/ analysis effectiveness    5
Organization, style, mechanics (18 pts)

Mechanics (Grammar, etc)                        5
Transitions & flow                                        3
III.  Clarity                                                                  10

Spelling (-1pt per word)                          -_______             

                                                      Total =                              /150