Archive for January 12th, 2021

US health care or health insurance industry

ECONOMICS Research Project Due January 14 (200 points)
A minimum of a 8-10 page paper, not including citations page, on US health care or health insurance industry. You may focus on the economics of the health care industry, economic impact of the governmental policy on the health care industry or related industries such as pharmaceuticals or nursing homes, etc. (must be closely related).
You should discuss the following in the economic context:
Market Structure specifically how does market structure impact business decisions?
Production Decision how much to produce? How does profit maximization play a role?
Evolution of a Competitive Market how has the marketplace evolved over time?
Impact of Governmental Regulation
o Historic and current policy (Affordable Care Act, ACA or Obamacare) o What is currently being discussed for legislation? What is TrumpCare? o What impacts will this have on the economy as a whole?
Make sure to cite the sources for the projections, such as Congressional Budget Office, Health and Human Services, etc.
o Debate on the issue: merits and weaknesses of each side. Present both sides in the economic context!
Application to our Microeconomics classes if applicable:
o Supply and Demand
o Governmental Policy
o Strategic Behavior
o Your own position and its economic defense o Market Structure
o Asymmetric Information
o Adverse selection and Moral Hazard
If you would like to discuss the economic impact of COVID-19 on individual industries, such as oil, travel, hospitality, education, etc., instead of the traditional health care history and market as outlined in the original assignment, it would be perfectly acceptable. Keep in mind; you would need to discuss the economic effects of the disease. The DETERMINANTS are especially important in this context, and you need to discuss how they affected the markets and whether the determinants shifted the demand or supply curves.
If you discuss the economic stimulus (either fiscal or monetary), you must present the merits and weaknesses of each side and present both sides in the economic context!
Keep in mind the focus of this paper should be the economic impacts of healthcare or COVID. You need to demonstrate that you are able to APPLY the concepts covered in the class. I do not want a summary of articles or other peoples work. You need to show you know how to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate in an economic context.

Cheating: If you are caught cheating you will be receive a zero on the assignment and may be reported to the administration to face disciplinary action. Cheating includes plagiarism.
To get started, watch the following videos: up to time marker 4:59 or more.

Listen the following Podcast: .

You need to cite at least four (4) sources besides these and the textbook.
For more current articles and discussion, many of the major print publications, like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Forbes, The Economist, Time, etc., have devoted topics with links to other source. Governmental agencies, like (Health and Human Services), (Congressional Budget Office), (Council of Economic Advisors), etc., for statistics, projections and analysis could also be very useful. If you use Wikipedia, you MUST go to the primary sources.
This assignment must be typed in MSWord and uploaded in BlackBoard. Use MLA format. You need to submit a citation page. I am hoping to pique some interest in you and these issues that will stay in the headlines for years to come. COVIDs historic economic and social impact will spawn numerous chapters in textbooks and whole books will be written about this (terrible) year.
Its wide-open. Have fun with it.


Performance Measurement

What are traffic and float?
Why are they important to Company A?
What types of solutions or improvements would have been implemented for the Retailer B under a traditional logistics orientation to process improvement?
From a Supply Chain Management standpoint what types of solutions would be found to add value to Retailer B?

Ethical Issues

Can you identify and comment on personal experiences where some activity fell outside the “mission” of what you were doing. It might be that you and your colleagues took some action and realized after the fact that the action fell outside the mission. On the other hand, you might have been planning to do something and someone in leadership said no because it fell outside the mission.

b. If Enron had a lengthy code of ethics, which it did, exactly what happened to ruin their reputation?

c. Share your thoughts on the below link on the “World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2020”. Are you surprised by the list?

Commercial, IDIQ, and MAS Contracting

Commercial, IDIQ, and MAS Contracting
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Read the assigned brief for this week, IDEA International, Inc. v. United States and ICATT Consulting Inc. (pp. 159-164).

Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding. Also, ensure that you address any questions within the notes and questions section of the case.

Information on conducting case briefs can be found at (Links to an external site.)

Constructive Changes

Select one of the cases from week 3’s case file in the course room. Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Information in briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding.

Information on conducting case briefs can be found at

Risk Analysis

Find either a YouTube video or URL that addresses managing risks endemic to the service industry.  Choose from food services, banking, insurance, dental or medical services, child care services, or any other service of interest to you.  Try to find something your fellow students have not already posted.  Summarize what you learned and provide a hyperlink in your posting that allows your fellow students to access this resource directly from your posting.

Value Engineering

Value Engineering
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Select one of the cases from week 2’s case file in the course room. Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Information in briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding.

Information on conducting case briefs can be found at

Information Technology

Attention is one of the six cognition processes. When attention is applied to a design, the goal is to make it easier for the end user to quickly locate where he or she should type information on the computer or mobile device screen. Compare and contrast how the Google search engine and the Microsoft Bing search engine employ the attention cognition process. Provide your opinion as to which search engine better employs the attention cognition process and explain why.

Sealed Bids and Competitive Proposals

Sealed Bids and Competitive Proposals
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Read the assigned brief for this week, McClure Electrical Constructors, Inc. v. John H. Dalton, Sec of the Navy (pp. 76-80).

Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding. Also, ensure that you address any questions within the notes and questions section of the case.

Evolution of Human Resources Management


Review the videos by Leroux, Ulrich and Welch in this Unit.  Notice the similarities or differences in how they view the function of Human Resource Management.  Comment on that in your discussion board as you look at the evolution of the field of HR. 

Using academic data,  research the evolution of the 1950s Personnel Department to the current HRM Department and expand on the importance of the HRM department in the 21st century.  In your opinion, what forces influenced the change we have seen?

Describe your experiences with your company’s HRM department? Does your HRM Department respond quickly to queries, is visible in the company and engages with employees?  If you havent had any HRM experience, explain what a typical HRM Department should do.

Please cite your academic source(s) by using the APA format with in-text citations (whenever you paraphrase information from a source) and with APA references.  Make sure your research is from valid academic sources.