Archive for January 12th, 2021

ch 2b discussion

Reflect on the videos that you have seen and your readings. What do you think about these videos and your practice? What stood out for you? What do you think may be issues for you? Any other thoughts to create a meaningful discussion.

videos link:

video link:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Kim Price-Glynn used participant observation to study the interactions at a strip club.  Throughout her research, she needed to navigate a fine line between working there as an employee and being subjected to the same kind of sexism that female cocktail waitresses encountered at the strip club, and responding in ways that felt true to herself as a researcher and as a person.

Give a specific example of a choice that Price-Glynn made in the course of her research that you feel helped her protect herself or her values.

Do you think this choice compromised (damaged) her research? Why or why not?

doon’t have one, please HELP

Discussion Question:

For many years, hospital accreditation bodies assumed that if the structural criteria were met, that is, that the physical plant, the qualifications of the staff, and the necessary equipment were in place, the quality of the services would automatically be acceptable. Subsequently, accreditation groups decided that they had also better look at the medical records to see how the services were being provided. They assumed that, if the necessary structure was in place, and the required services were delivered as prescribed, the quality of care would be acceptable. Now, these same accrediting groups find it necessary to look at the outcomes of care as well.

Describe “structure, process, and outcome” in the assessment of the quality of medical care, and provide examples of each dimension.

How are the three dimensions related?

Can these relationships be trusted to assure the quality of care in the complex, high-tech world of modern medicine? If not, why?

* research the answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. *

Unified Modeling Language Diagrams

You have been asked to be the project manager for the development of an information technology (IT) project. The system to be developed will allow a large company to coordinate and maintain records of the professional development of its employees. The company has over 30,000 employees who are located in four sites: Florida, Colorado, Illinois, and Texas. The system needs to allow employees to locate and schedule professional development activities that are relevant to their positions. Sophisticated search capabilities are required, and the ability to add scheduled events to the employees calendars is desired. The system needs to support social networking to allow employees to determine who is attending conferences and events. This will promote fostering relationships and ensure coverage of conferences that are considered of high importance.

Once an activity has been completed, employees will use the system to submit the documentation. The system should support notifications to management personnel whenever their direct reports have submitted documentation. The system should also notify employees if their deadline to complete professional-development requirements is approaching and is not yet satisfied.

For Section 4 of your project, include 2 architectural views illustrating your solution. The 2 views should be from the 4+1 Architectural View Model (Logical View, Development, Process, or Physical). The view can be a Use Case, Sequence, Activity, Deployment, Communication, or State Chart.

Note: There must be enough detail for the design to be handed off to an implementation team.

Virtual Team Management & Success

You will write a term paper on Virtual Team Management & Success that covers all the sections covered in the class. Your paper must be in-depth and address the main areas of class outcomes that include:

-Building High performance Virtual teams
Profiles of Virtual team success
Differentiators of great teams (RAMP model)
Virtual team launch kit
-Leading virtual teams
How to lead virtual team
Team accelerating factors
Facilitating high impact Virtual team meetings
Six lessons for successful Virtual teams

The paper is due at the end of week 8 and must be APA compliant. The paper should be at least 5 pages excluding cover page and references section. The paper should be prepared in Microsoft Word and uploaded to the Week 8 Paper.

Virtual Team Management & Success

You will write a term paper on Virtual Team Management & Success that covers all the sections covered in the class. Your paper must be in-depth and address the main areas of class outcomes that include:

-Building High performance Virtual teams
Profiles of Virtual team success
Differentiators of great teams (RAMP model)
Virtual team launch kit
-Leading virtual teams
How to lead virtual team
Team accelerating factors
Facilitating high impact Virtual team meetings
Six lessons for successful Virtual teams

The paper is due at the end of week 8 and must be APA compliant. The paper should be at least 5 pages excluding cover page and references section. The paper should be prepared in Microsoft Word and uploaded to the Week 8 Paper.

Scarcity Drives Decisions

I dont need quotes but I do need to discuss a source for the title.The essay is 6 paragraphs. The first paragraph should be a intro with a thesis stating three topics. stated as the last sentence. The next three paragraphs should be body paragraphs and each paragraph needs a topic sentence. The topic sentence is taken from the thesis from the first paragraph. The fifth paragraph is a counter argument paragraph. The last paraphrase is the conclusion paragraph. Please avoid pronouns! Thanks!! 🙂


Your Research Proposal is a six- to seven-page plan for a new study on your research topic. Incorporate at least four scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles in addition to the course text to support your proposed study.

Include the following sections and content in your paper:

Introduction Introduce the research topic, explain why it is important, and present your research question and/or hypothesis.
Literature Review Summarize the current state of knowledge on your topic by citing the methods and findings of at least two previous research studies. State whether your proposed study is a replication of a previous study or a new approach using methods that have not been used before.
Design Indicate whether your proposed study is qualitative or quantitative in approach. Select one of the research designs you have studied in the course, and indicate whether it is experimental or non-experimental. Evaluate why this design is appropriate for your research topic. Cite the textbook and one other source on research methodology to support your choice.
Participants Identify the sampling strategy you would use to recruit participants for your study. Estimate the number of participants you would need and explain why your sampling method is appropriate for your research approach.
Procedure/Measures Apply the scientific method by describing the steps you would use in carrying out your study. Indicate whether you will use any kind of test, questionnaire, or measurement instrument. Cite the source of any instruments to be used.
Data Analysis Describe the statistical techniques (if quantitative) or the analysis procedure (if qualitative) you plan to use to analyze the data. Cite at least one source on the chosen analysis technique.
Ethical Issues Analyze the impact of ethical concerns on your proposed study, such as confidentiality, deception, informed consent, potential harm to participants, conflict of interest, IRB approval, etc. Explain how you would address these concerns.
Conclusion Briefly summarize the major points of your research plan and reiterate why your proposed study is needed.

Explain the distinction between Benthams and Mills formulations of utilitarianism.

This assignment consists of a single short essay question. The main intent of this question is to ensure that you have a sound grasp of the fundamentals of the material presented in this unit. Im not so concerned with whether you agree with a particular author or not. The quality of your answer is based on your exposition of the competing positions, your comparative analysis of those positions, and, lastly, your argument in support of the position you defend.
the short essay question is not designed to be a research question. There is no requirement to get material from external sources such as other authors, or reference websites, who have summarized or criticized, the authors you are dealing with. In effect, including such material defeats your purpose in completing your essay because you are essentially telling me what some other person thought about the material you should be explaining and assessing. If you make reference to sources external to the course readings it will be detrimental to your mark. In some cases, I may ask you to re-work and submit your assignment. The point of your essay is to formulate the course material and develop your critical response. You can do this by working with the course material and developing your own ideas about the issue. The essay is simply your opportunity to set that out in paper.

Short Essay Question: (100 marks)
Making reference to our course readings, provide a concise formulation of Utilitarianism. In particular, explain the distinction between Benthams and Mills formulations of it.

Making reference to the course readings, provide a concise formulation of Kants deontological ethics. In particular, explain the role of the Categorical Imperative in Kantian ethics.

In light of the criticisms offered of both accounts from the course readings, which account is more plausible? Provide an argument in support of your conclusion.

Assigned reading
The assigned readings should be read in the following order:
Teleological Theories Ethical Egoism
1.    Plato, excerpts from Republic, Book II.
2.    Rand, Ayn. 1964. Excerpts from The virtue of selfishness, 16-17, 31-34. New York: The New American Library.
Available in your readings package
3.    Medlin, Brian. 1957. Ultimate principles and ethical egoism. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 35: 111-118.
Available in your readings package
Teleological Theories Utilitarianism
4.    Bentham, Jeremy. 1894. The collected works of Jeremy Bentham: An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation, ed. J. H. Burns, 11-16, 38-41. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Available in your readings package
5.    John Stuart Mill. What utilitarianism is, Chapter 2, from Utilitarianism.
6.    Williams, Bernard. 1973.  A critique of utilitarianism. In Utilitarianism: For and against, ed. J. J. C. Smart and Bernard Williams, 77-118.  London: Cambridge University Press. Listed under Unit 4 reading in course site.
Deontological Theories Kantian Ethics
7.    Immanuel Kant, excerpts from Foundations of the metaphysics of morals.
8.    Taylor, Richard. 1984. Kantian morality. In Good and evil: A new direction, 102-115. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
Available in your readings package
9.    Rachels, James. 1998. Introduction. In Ethical Theory I: The question of objectivity, ed. James Rachels, 1-18. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Based on tips, forms, fallacies & especially on the principles, what currently illegal drugs (if any) should the government legalize, under what circumstances & why?

The paper should follow the structure of the file “ABC set”, which mean you do not need the introduction and conclusion, must have 6 ABC set in the paper, you can use the quotes of the file, and see more information of the file “0 ABC Set Instructions”