Archive for January 12th, 2021

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the following passage from The Manifesto:

Does it require deep intuition to comprehend that mans ideas, views, and conception, in one word, mans consciousness, changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence, in his social relations and in his social life?  What else does the history of ideas prove than that intellectual production changes its character in proportion as material production is changed? The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.

After studying the above passage, write a ONE-PAGE response when addressing the following intellectual problem:

If ones social class shapes ones consciousnessi.e.: ones self-awareness and understanding about the worldwhat must be done, or better, what must happen, to ensure that the working class can think differently from the ruling class to start a revolution? In other words, if the ruling class dictates how people think, how then can workers think about revolution if they–the workers–can only contemplate ideas put into their heads by the ruling class?

NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. only cite The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (attached below)

Applied Psychology and Changing Demographics

The laws and regulations on hiring and managing talent are dynamic and impact todays practice. Practices that might have been acceptable two decades ago could likely be prohibited under todays federal hiring practices. Research a case law for discrimination then write a two- to four-page analysis addressing the points listed below. Use the APA writing style and a minimum of two scholarly and/or credible sources in addition to the text. In your analysis,

Identify the case.
Explain the specific discrimination.
Summarize the case issue, findings, and outcome.
Explain how the findings from the case are applied to todays practices.

Additional sources:

Coyolxauhqui: The Healing Journey of a Chicana Lesbian Deaf

I am hosting webinar series about my thesis research. I’ve attached my thesis and a document for you to fill out to summarize, develop talking points and discussion questions that will help me to prepare my speech through Zoom via online. Each series will last an hour… 30 minutes of my presentation and 30 minutes of discussion. Please be sure to include stories as an example, so that will help me to elaborate during the webinar.

don’t have one, please HELP


Professional Development Assignments:

*Public health efforts and those of private medicine complement each other and together serve the spectrum of health service needs of American society. Why, then, has their relationship been so contentious?

*he Institute of Medicine report of 1999 cites two major studies that establish medical errors as one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. Should the federal government take the necessary steps to monitor the status of this high-risk situation, as it does with other epidemics, or should the government continue to trust the providers of health care to deal forthrightly with the problem?

*Analyze why legislative attempts to address only one of the trio of rising costs, lack of universal access, or variable quality of health care only worsens the remaining two.

Please submit one APA formatted paper between 1000 – 1500 words, not including the title and reference page.

The assignment should have a minimum of two (2) scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.

Assignment Expectations
Length: 1000-1500 words
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least two (2) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will choose two military conflicts (large or small, declared or undeclared) (from the list attached below as a PDF and should be mentioned in the attached readings as well)  in which the United States has been engaged and answer a series of questions about that conflict. You will make an argument about whether it was a constitutionally legitimate use of force.

1. Make an argument (in one paragraph) about what enables a constitutionally, legally, politically legitimate use of force in the American Constitutional System. (You may consider moral or ethical arguments, but they must be answered in addition to the legal/political/constitutional question).

2. Choose TWO incidents in which the federal government of the United States has used force against foreign citizens or nations. Find one case that exemplifies the way you think the system should work, and one case that exemplifies the way you think the system should not work. (The PDF below should be used to find the two incidents)

3. For each case, research the basic legal and political history of the incident. Your research must include (but should not be limited to)
a. at least two presidential primary source documents (public statements, messages to Congress) ( ),
b. two primary source congressional documents (authorizations, appropriations, hearing transcripts, votes, speeches) ( ). Court decisions are also acceptable if appropriate.
c. Analyze the politics of each case. In no more than one page per incident, explain why the constitutional processes work, while you argue each use of force was legitimate or illegitimate.

note: you don’t need to use all of the attached sources, only what is necessary.

please only use the primary sources attached. no secondary/outside sources allowed.

Immigration Assignment

#1.Assignment : Read and answer the questions for each file on each assignment posted separately under each day listed day3,day 4,day,5,day 6 . You will find below on file attached.
#2.Look up the websites listed below
#3.Make references to each question below post a list of references of where your info was found website and section (subsection ) listed.

should all fit into1document no more than 4pages.

Here are the websites for research purposes :


IRB Practice and Procedures –


IRP Act –

IRP Regulations –

IAD Rules –

RAD Rules –

economic assignment Discussion and article

Through the use of the text choose four)

Define Micro/Macro Economics (p. 4)
List the four scarce resources (p. 8).
Explain the cost involved when you make the choice to create more robots & the cost involved when you create more pizza in the pizza & robots table. (p. 9) Also, explain the economic rationale behind the law of increasing costs. (p.9)
Draw the production possibility curve & explain the points inside, on, & outside the curve (p. 10 & 12).
List & explain the economic systems (p. 26)
Explain three of the characteristics of the market system  (p.27)
List & explain the five fundamental questions (p. 31)
Explain the concept of the Invisible hand, it’s 3 virtues, who created it, when & in what book. (p. 34)

Why would it be better to live in Presentville or Futureville p. 13 based on your choice of consumer or capital goods? Explain two reasons for the choice you made.
In which Village are consumer goods more attractive & what is the future growth impact? Explain two reasons for the choice you made.
On page 479, what is the GDP, unemployment, and inflation for 2018?

Research Paper

Informatics Solution Proposal: General Solution

Assignment Content

Determine a category of informatics or technology that can solve the clinical or administrative issue you identified in Week 2. (Please note administrative issue was identified in week 2 utilizing the home health setting.)

Compose a summary of the benefits of selecting a product from this category of technology or informatics system:

o    Identify a category of informatics or technology solution that may be appropriate for the identified workplace. Select a category of solution but not a specific product.
o    Provide a rationale for why this category of solution may help address the clinical or administrative problem.
o    Describe regulatory, legal, or ethical issues this category of solution may cause or resolve.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

o    350- to 525-word paper

Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources, and develop an APA-formatted reference page.

Through the use of the text choose four

Through the use of the text choose four)

Define Micro/Macro Economics (p. 4)
List the four scarce resources (p. 8).
Explain the cost involved when you make the choice to create more robots & the cost involved when you create more pizza in the pizza & robots table. (p. 9) Also, explain the economic rationale behind the law of increasing costs. (p.9)
Draw the production possibility curve & explain the points inside, on, & outside the curve (p. 10 & 12).
List & explain the economic systems (p. 26)
Explain three of the characteristics of the market system  (p.27)
List & explain the five fundamental questions (p. 31)
Explain the concept of the Invisible hand, it’s 3 virtues, who created it, when & in what book. (p. 34)

doon’t have one, please HELP

Discussion Question:

It is unfortunate that it requires a threat, epidemic, or pandemic to halt the demise of organized public health and restore an effective public health structure. Why does public health have so much difficulty maintaining governmental support of its central role in maintaining the health and well-being of the American people?

*You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.