Archive for January 12th, 2021

Research Paper on a Developmental Theory

Write a research paper (about 8 pages) with an in-depth exploration of a particular developmental theory in one of the following areas: psychosocial theories, cognitive theories, moral development theories, typological theories, or spiritual development influences. The research paper must include at least 20 bibliographical references (2016-2020), including current articles from relevant Higher Education Journals listed in the Research Resources section below, textbooks and other scholarly, research-based books.
The structure of the paper should be organized to include the following basic elements:
1.    Brief introduction. No more than one or two paragraphs as thesis statement to transition from the broad world of ideas to the topic/issue of the paper, along with its importance. Move to an examination and analysis of the topic as quickly as possible. In addition, APA style requires a Title Page and an Abstract.
2.    Topic discussion with proper subheadings. You should analyze what research says about your topic and organize your ideas into usefully sequenced portions, with meaningful subheadings accurately summarizing each section.
3.    Implications. Devote reasonable space (about two pages toward the end of the paper) to the implications of your exploration for administrators and policy makers. What might practitioners or scholar-practitioners do differently, and why, given your analysis?
4.    Minimum of 20 references (2016-2020) including current articles from relevant Higher Education Journals listed in the Research Resources section below (References should use APA style).
For more information about the theories this is the TEXTBOOK:
Patton, L. D., Renn, K. A., Guido, F. M. & Quaye, S. J. (2016). Student development in college: Theory, research and practice, 3rd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

what is MLA

What is MLA?
In this class we use MLA for documentation. This is a topic everyone should already be familiar with as it was part of Composition I. There is refresher information in this model. After you have looked over that information you are to use this discussion forum to talk about MLA. To open this discussion off answer the questions, When do we use MLA and why do we use it.

Make sure to read over the discussion rubrics that is posted on the home page. Keep in mind that you are to post an initial response and then respond to a peer of your choice. This means you are to post at least twice in the discussion. You are also to post on two separate days and each post must be at least one paragraph long and add to the discussion.  Keep in mind that a paragraph is more than a three sentences. Your first post must be made by

Political Economy of the environment


Essay title – To what extent covid 19 affected democratic society.

You can focus on any area that you find interesting.
I’ve attached the reading regarding covid 19 at it effects on Political Economy, please use some information from it.

This essay has to be referenced by Harward referencing Style.

Personal Development Reflection

Write a four-page paper reflecting on your psychosocial, cognitive and spiritual development during your undergraduate college/university years and the factors that have impacted or are influencing your development during this time, including the following elements:

1.    An application of existing theories to your own development. Discuss the degree to which your experiences match the explanations proposed by relevant developmental theories by identifying parallels you notice between your experience and existing theories and why you believe these exist or not.
2.    Describe the college experiences that most facilitated your development in the psychosocial, cognitive, or spiritual areas of your life, integrating these insights with relevant theory(ies).
3.    Reflect on the positive and negative impacts of the college years on your own development. 

For more information about the theories this is the TEXTBOOK:
Patton, L. D., Renn, K. A., Guido, F. M. & Quaye, S. J. (2016). Student development in college: Theory, research and practice, 3rd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


All questions are supposed to be answered in a thorough and professional manner. The minimum word count for each question is 100 words in the body of the answer (the word minimum means to receive a C). The quality of your answers will determine the grade once you have met the minimum requirements. Remember to use APA formatting when citing any material. If you cite material, add your references at the bottom of the assignment. The word count does not include the reference material. Used the uploaded book to address questions.

Chapter 1:  Read Case Study: Ancol Corp. (page 28)

1. Discuss the consequences of the time clock removal on Ancols effectiveness as an organization using any two of the perspectives of organizational effectiveness.

2. What changes should occur to minimize the likelihood of these problems in the future?

Chapter 2:  Critical Thinking Questions (page 56)

1. A federal government department has high levels of absenteeism among the office staff. The head of office administration argues that employees are misusing the companys sick leave benefits. However, some of the mostly female staff members have explained that family responsibilities interfere with work. Using the MARS model, as well as your knowledge of absenteeism behavior, discuss some of the possible reasons for absenteeism here and how it might be reduced.

2. It has been said that all employees are motivated. Do you agree with this statement?

3. Studies report that heredity has a strong influence on an individuals personality. What are the implications of this influence in organizational settings?

article evaluation—

Article evaluation (DA & Logistic Regression article evaluation) has the purpose to expose to how to write and reports each statistical technique. The evaluation (2 pages) must covered the following issues:
a. Justification for the use of the technique.
b. Evidence of data screening and assumptions tested.
c. Quality of the results presentation with complete information needed to evaluate the result.
d. Discussion of results supported by the information offered.
e. Suggestions for improving the report.
In the attachment, the DA & Logistic Regression article to be evaluated.
For more information this is the TEXTBOOK:
Mertler and Vannatta, (2017). Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods. Six edition. New York: Routledge.

article evaluation–

Article evaluation ( EFA article evaluation) has the purpose to expose to how to write and reports each statistical technique. The evaluation (2 pages) must covered the following issues:
a. Justification for the use of the technique.
b. Evidence of data screening and assumptions tested.
c. Quality of the results presentation with complete information needed to evaluate the result.
d. Discussion of results supported by the information offered.
e. Suggestions for improving the report.
In the attachment, the – EFA article to be evaluated.
For more information this is the TEXTBOOK:
Mertler and Vannatta, (2017). Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods. Six edition. New York: Routledge.

Article evaluation-

Article evaluation (LR & Path Analysis article evaluation) has the purpose to expose to how to write and reports each statistical technique. The evaluation (2 pages) must covered the following issues:
a. Justification for the use of the technique.
b. Evidence of data screening and assumptions tested.
c. Quality of the results presentation with complete information needed to evaluate the result.
d. Discussion of results supported by the information offered.
e. Suggestions for improving the report.
In the attachment, the LR & Path Analysis article to be evaluated.
For more information this is the TEXTBOOK:
Mertler and Vannatta, (2017). Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods. Six edition. New York: Routledge.

This business plan aims to create an app and website for a music festival

same topic as last paper but this is more of a project charter that prepares a plan up until the start of the actual project

I also attached a sample project charter from before so if you could follow the same sort of template that would be great

Week 2 Project-managerial economics-MBA

Please be an expert in Managerial Economics-MBA
Use legitimate sources and references from trusted sources and data bases. Please read Instructions and Rubric carefully!
NOTE: Assignment will be ran through TURNITN before grading

You are the new owner of Vanda-Laye Corporation. You are interested in your company’s cost and revenue relationships as well as its future pricing strategies.

Analyze how the Utility Theory can help you determine pricing as you make changes to the companies pricing strategies.
Evaluate what information is needed to assess the companys cost and revenue relationship.  What does this information tell you about the company?
Explain the impact supply and demand has on the companys pricing strategy.

Submit a 2 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style