Archive for January 12th, 2021



Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of one intervention that you have identified to address your public health problem, and consider how the intervention could be used to improve the lives of people in the selected community. Summarize the theoretical basis for the intervention in terms of social and behavioral aspects of behavior change and the ecological model. What are the program inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes (logic model)? Discuss what types of methods you could use to evaluate the program logic model.

Week 2 Discussion- managerial economics-MBA

Please be an expert in Managerial Economics-MBA
Use legitimate sources and references from trusted sources and data bases. Please read Instructions and Rubric carefully!
NOTE: Assignment will be ran through TURNITN before grading

Many factors affect the demand for a product, which is a concern for management and the decision-making process. To correctly assess the demand for their products, managers must determine the effect of all relevant variables. Select a particular industry or product and define the following variables:

Inferior versus normal goods
Substitution and income effects
Derived demand
Changes in real and projected incomes
Discuss how these variables can affect the demand for your product or industry and what methods could be used to estimate the effect of these variables. Justify your answer.

Submission Details

Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 single-spaced pages (500 words) in length.
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format. The excessive use of quotes will directly impact performance since this indicates a lack of comprehension and shows that you may not have mastered the concepts.

Leadership and Professional Image

Please see the attached paper named toberesubmittedtom.  There are 2 sections (SECTION A7a. and A7b) that need to be added and 1 section (SECTION A8)that need a few added sentences to make it competent and 1 section (SECTION A5) that needs a short cost benefit analysis added.

Please read the graded Performance Assessment for what is missing or incorrect.

I have also attached the original directions.

anatomy & Physiology


: Trace a red cell blood from the right pollex capillary bed through the body, and return to the right pollex. Imagine a red cell has a cameraperson and a
news anchor (you) onboard, and you are reporting on this unique journey. You begin your journey in the distal capillary bed of the right pollex, where your cell
has just become deoxygenated and CO2 loaded. Relate to your audience what you are seeing. Include major vascularization, the heart, pulmonary circulation,
and return to major vascularization. Include the chemical events at the pO2 to pCO2 exchange in the lung and in the capillary.
Do not forget carbonic anhydrase
and chloride shift. Remember to cite all sources. You may present a hand drawing.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Anatomy: Provide a detailed description of the anatomy of the circulatory system.
A. Capillary Bed: Describe the capillary bed and right pollex, using proper terminology.
B. Vascularization: Describe the major vascularization, using proper terminology.
C. Organs: Describe the heart and pulmonary structures, using proper terminology.
II. Chemical Events: Provide a detailed description of the chemical events.
A. Deoxygenation and CO2 Loading: Explain the pO2 to pCO2 exchange.
B. Shift: Describe carbonic anhydrase and chloride shift.

Managerial economics-MBA

lease be an expert in Managerial Economics-MBA
Use legitimate sources and references from trusted sources and data bases. Please read Instructions and Rubric carefully!
NOTE: Assignment will be ran through TURNITN before grading

For your course project, you will conduct a course-long comprehensive analysis of select operations for the Vanda-Laye Corporation. Through Weeks 1, 3, and 5, you will conduct an analysis of given situations for the company and use that analysis in the decision-making process.

Course Project Scenario
You are an economist for the Vanda-Laye Corporation, which produces and distributes outdoor cooking supplies. The company has come under new ownership and management and will be undergoing changes in its product lines and operating structure. As an economist, your responsibilities include examining the market factors that affect success or failure of a product, including the supply and demand for the product, market conditions, and the behavior of competitors with similar products.

Your supervisor, Jorge, has assigned you the task of evaluating a new product. The new product, oven mittens, has several competitors in the marketplace, but your company will be using a new patented material that provides protection from heat and maintains a great deal of flexibility.

Analyze the goals of the company.  What is an operating structure and how can changes affect a company?
Evaluate what information is needed to assess the market factors that will make this product a success of failure.
Explain the basic supply and demand aspects that will make the product a success or failure.
Submission Details:
Submit a 2-3 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In each module, the textbook readings provide an opportunity to make connections between theoretical concepts of ethics and real-world events in the news. When individuals encounter current moral dilemmas, inevitably each will approach the issues with their own perceptions and biases. Understanding how individual views fit in with various world views provides an opportunity for each of us to understand ourselves better. In these activities, you will use critical thinking skills to expand your knowledge regarding current moral and ethical issues in the world.

Each activity is a current news research activity focusing on understanding values, morals, and ethics. We will use the discussion forum as our platform; however, Current Events activities do not follow the discussion activity guidelines. The Current Events activity occurs in Modules 1 – 9. You are required to contribute to at least four of the nine modules. Although you are only required to contribute a post in four of the modules, do not procrastinate. You may not post the same contribution as another student, so it is best to start looking for material early in the module.

Where applicable, properly document your citations and references (according to the current APA standard), and ensure your submission is plagiarism-free. Review the evaluation rubric for information about grading details.

If you elect to skip this assignment for the module week, a zero will be entered into the gradebook. After all nine module weeks, the gradebook will automatically ignore these zeros when calculating your grade in this category. Please keep this information in mind when you check your grade throughout the course.


Using one of the news websites from the provided list, search for a current news story that demonstrates a moral or ethical dilemma. Your current news selection must be within the last 90 days. Examine the news story. Be sure to reflect and consider all aspects and viewpoints the author provides.

In your initial post, state the title of the news story and include the link so that others can access the story. Briefly summarize the story and explain the moral or ethical issue/dilemma and how it relates to an ethical theory, principle, and concept or code in the course text. Your response must be at least 200 words and show a clear connection between the news story/event and the course material/ethical theory.

Choose two of your peers’ initial posts and read the summary they provide. Respond with a thoughtful comment relating the article to a point or concept from the course reading material: theory, philosophy, or ethical principle.

Literary Analysis of The Five People You Meet in Heaven by by Mitch Albom

Step 1: Read the book via link:

Step 2: As youre reading, gather textual evidence as this will be used in the essay.
– Identify common themes, repetition, and patterns
– categorize elements, tone, and narrative style
-highlight characterization, setting, and foreshadowing
– label character types, symbols, and metaphors

Step 3: Pick a topic for the main literary element, the essay will be based upon one of these topics:
– characters
– themes
– literary devices
– setting
– narrative

Brainstorm and outline which topic will work best for the essay. Include different aspects on the topic.

Important: Please make a relevant thesis statement that relates to modern day issues and concepts. Please consider this focus when writing the essay:

As the journey of life unfolds, young adults consider the many paths that they might forge and explore. Along the path are turning points and transitions that result in growth and transformation, new and altered roles, and different responsibilities (personal, family, academic, career, social). Adults, as they mature and age, confront the complexities of changing identities and expectations. The opportunities and obstacles encountered shape the realization of the present and the achievements of the future with dreams fulfilled, dreams deferred, and dreams denied.

No plagiarism, grammar errors, etc. Please use proper punctuation and sentence structure. This essay needs to be strong in all areas. thanks

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Before completing this assignment, it is essential that you read “Module 7 – Overview: Team Project” and “Module 7 – Team Project Best Practices.” Team Project Part 1 Instructions The Team Project Part 1 submission will include three components: the team’s chosen topic, the team’s agreed-upon timeline for completion, and the team jobs. Topic – Select one of the topics from the six options listed under “Module 7 – Overview: Team Project.” Explain why your team agreed to work on this particular topic over the other options. Timeline – Once your team decides on a topic, it is time to figure out the most logical and effective way to present your ideas cohesively. To help you save time, organize your thoughts, and get better results, create a team timeline. This will provide your group with a roadmap for success on your report. After reading the “Module 7 – Overview: Team Project” and understanding the major milestones for the Team Project, what is your team’s agreed-upon timeline for completing this project? How often will you communicate? Will you contribute every other day? At least twice a week? In your timeline, be sure to include your scheduled team meetings and how your team plans to communicate with one another. Team Jobs – After deciding upon a team timeline, decide upon each individual teammate’s job. Team jobs include who is responsible for completing each portion of the Team Project. Review the Technical Requirements of the Team Project as outlined in “Module 7 – Overview: Team Project.” Each team member should be responsible for roughly the same amount of work in completing the project. For more information on assigning team jobs, please see “Module 7 – Team Project Best Practices.” Team jobs should include one Team Leader, the person responsible for submitting the Team Project Part 1 and the Team Project Part 3 on behalf of the entire group. Submission Instructions The Team Project Part 1 will be submitted by the Team Leader on behalf of the entire group. To submit, use a standard file type (DOC or DOCX) and name the file with the module number and title of the assignment (e.g., M7_TeamProjectPart1). The Team Leader should be sure that all of the team members’ names are clearly listed on a title page. Next Steps Continue using the Group Discussion Forum to work on your Team Project. Next week, each individual teammate will submit a draft of his or her portion of the Team Project.

In what way and to what effect do the poems “This is Not a Small Voice” and “A Litany for Survival” convey theme through literary elements?

Respond to the following prompt in a well-developed paragraph.

In what way and to what effect do the poems “This is Not a Small Voice” and “A Litany for Survival” convey theme through literary elements? Consider each author’s choices to develop the reader’s understanding of theme, and which elements they used (imagery, figurative language, structure, etc.). Use evidence from both poems to support your response.

Rubric: Your analysis must include:

– Clear answer to the prompt which identifies at least two poems and their theme (5 points)

– Indetification of literary elements used in both poems (5 points)

– Explanation of how literary elements connect to theme (5 points)

– Clear and relevant evidence from both poems (5 points)

Leukemia in Children

Write the questions and answer them in a word document. This is a research proposal.

For the topic, please create a research focus question. The answer to this question will be explained in detail in your 10 pages research paper.
Under the research question, please elaborate on exactly what it is you hope to learn through your research on this topic by responding to the following questions:
1. What puzzle or problem initiated your thinking about X?
2. Template: Many people think X, but I am going to argue Y.
    a.  Before reading my paper, my readers will think X.
    b. After reading my paper, my readers will think Y.
3. The purpose of my paper is…
4. My paper will address the following question:
Current Knowledge
5. Hypothesis: What do you think your answer will be.
Provide your rationale
6.My one-sentence summary answer to this question is this (my working thesis statement:
7. A tentative title for my paper is:
8.  My research will use one of the following methodologies: