Archive for January 12th, 2021

International Human Resources Management

Define strategic international human resource management (IHRM). What role does IHRM play in the expansion of a company to a host country? What key components must an IHRM plan contain?
Describe an ideal international career. Is it in the private sector, government, or nongovernmental organization (NGO)? What industry? What area (e.g., production, sales, HR, etc.)? What is attractive about this career? How has this impacted your future career choice?

Use at least 2 credible sources…

Assumptions and Contingency Planning

A short paper based on the mobile application idea for Old Chicago Pizza and Taproom. The app enables rewards members to use a unique identifier to recruit new members and receive rewards like points and free beer and food for their efforts. Sorry this is last minute, but I just do not have time to do the research. Thank you!


The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal, and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

Please include 1 intext citation and 1 reference

Dont have one, Please help

Discussion Question:

With significant oversupply of hospital beds in the United States, what is the rationale for taxpayer support of the separate and costly hospital system of the Department of Veterans Affairs?

* You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. APA 7th edition format.

Women in the military

Women have served in the military since the American Revolutionary War. In a 7-page paper, describe the experience of women in the military and how it has changed over time. Discuss some of the difficulties experienced previously and those still being experienced today. Based upon the course materials reviewed, include each of the following areas.
    Describe the experience of women in the military.
    Describe the reason that women first began joining the military.
    Examine the difficulties experienced by women in the military.
    Discuss the perceived pros and cons of women in the military.
Include the minimum formatting standards identified below.
Format the 7-page paper in APA style; the minimum page count includes the required APA formatted title page, abstract, and reference page. Include references to a minimum of two (2) scholarly sources in the paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In each module, the textbook readings provide an opportunity to make connections between theoretical concepts of ethics and real-world events in the news. When individuals encounter current moral dilemmas, inevitably each will approach the issues with their own perceptions and biases. Understanding how individual views fit in with various world views provides an opportunity for each of us to understand ourselves better. In these activities, you will use critical thinking skills to expand your knowledge regarding current moral and ethical issues in the world.

Each activity is a current news research activity focusing on understanding values, morals, and ethics. We will use the discussion forum as our platform; however, Current Events activities do not follow the discussion activity guidelines. The Current Events activity occurs in Modules 1 – 9. You are required to contribute to at least four of the nine modules. Although you are only required to contribute a post in four of the modules, do not procrastinate. You may not post the same contribution as another student, so it is best to start looking for material early in the module.

Where applicable, properly document your citations and references (according to the current APA standard), and ensure your submission is plagiarism-free. Review the evaluation rubric for information about grading details.

If you elect to skip this assignment for the module week, a zero will be entered into the gradebook. After all nine module weeks, the gradebook will automatically ignore these zeros when calculating your grade in this category. Please keep this information in mind when you check your grade throughout the course.


Using one of the news websites from the provided list, search for a current news story that demonstrates a moral or ethical dilemma. Your current news selection must be within the last 90 days. Examine the news story. Be sure to reflect and consider all aspects and viewpoints the author provides.

In your initial post, state the title of the news story and include the link so that others can access the story. Briefly summarize the story and explain the moral or ethical issue/dilemma and how it relates to an ethical theory, principle, and concept or code in the course text. Your response must be at least 200 words and show a clear connection between the news story/event and the course material/ethical theory.

Choose two of your peers’ initial posts and read the summary they provide. Respond with a thoughtful comment relating the article to a point or concept from the course reading material: theory, philosophy, or ethical principle.

Tommy Hilfiger Case Study

Answer the questions concerning the case study..

Mark Twain said, The finest clothing is a persons skin, but, of course, society demands more than this.1 Tommy Hilfiger, a notable international clothing brand, now owned by Phillips-Van Heusen (PVH), exemplifies efforts to respond to these demands. Its 2015 retail sales exceeded $8 billion, with over half coming from abroad. Europe, to which it began its push in 1997, accounts for the largest portion of international sales, and China is the fastest-growing area. (The opening photo shows one of its stores in Manchester, England.) As the company moved internationally, it learned that applying every U.S. marketing strategy abroad did not work because country markets are very different. Our discussion centers on contrasting Hilfigers U.S. and foreign (mainly European) operations. Product The Hilfiger brands early success was largely due to two men: U.S. designer Tommy Hilfiger and Indian clothing magnate Mohan Murjani. Murjani sought Hilfiger as a designer for a new brand of clothing by offering a line of slightly less preppy and less expensive clothes than those offered by Ralph Lauren to attract a young mass-appeal audience. From the start, Hilfiger clothes have been casual, of good quality, and distinctive enough in color and shape (along with their little red, white, and blue logos) that the public can usually distinguish them from those of competitors. Nevertheless, this is an industry in which product lines must evolve. Maintaining that Fashion brands have to reinvent themselves, just like Madonna does, Hilfiger has gone from preppy to urban and back again. In addition, Hilfiger has encountered some different national preferences. To accommodate European tastes, Hilfiger has added wool sweaters, adjusted to the European partiality for slimmer-looking jeans and smaller shirt logos, and created a line of added-luxury items, such as leather jackets and cashmere sweaters for the Italian market. It has also developed brighter colors for Italy, tartans and plaids for Japan, and sleeker designs for Chile. During the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, Hilfigers U.S. sales fell each year, apparently because its product lines had become faddish (e.g., baggy jeans and large logos on clothing) and no longer compatible with its established image. This led to discounting, compromising on quality, and a resultant lower brand image. Meanwhile, the autonomously operated European division refused to go along with the U.S.s faddish moves, and its sales grew in tandem with U.S. decreases. In response, Hilfiger set up a European design staff that has led to more harmonization in its U.S. and European products, a move more up-market, and a turnaround of its U.S. performance. Pricing Whereas the early U.S. pricing strategy was to sell a shirt for $79 that looks like an $89 shirt, Hilfiger learned that its brand cachet warranted selling a shirt in Europe for $99 that looks like a $150 shirt. For instance, in Germany, its largest European market, men dont mind paying $50 more than the highest-priced Hilfiger shirts in the United States, but they want them in a higher-quality cotton. In addition, European department store margins can be 50 percent to 100 percent higher than those in the United States, thus impacting price differences. Promotion and Branding Hilfigers promotion and branding have been so intertwined that separating them is almost impossible. At the companys inception, there were two primary needs: to convince stores to stock a new brand and to convince customers to want it. Although the first years (1985) ad budget was US$1.4 million, quite small for an unknown brand in a mass consumer market, the ads were aimed strictly at getting Tommy Hilfigers name known. These ads were in leading magazines and newspapers, along with a billboard in New Yorks Times Square. They showed no clothes or models. Instead, they included Hilfigers face, the logo for the clothes, and words describing Hilfiger as being on a par with such well-known designers as Ralph Lauren, Perry Ellis, and Calvin Klein. The bizarre ads resulted in free publicity through newspapers around the world and quips on popular late-night TV shows. The publicity showed an eclectic group of celebritiesBill Clinton, the Prince of Wales, Michael Jackson, Elton John, and Snoop Doggwearing Hilfiger clothes. This fed into the image that Hilfiger clothes had cachet; thus the companys brand was quickly known nationally and internationally. Soon, New York surveys revealed that the public thought of Hilfiger as one of the four or five most important U.S. designers. And the logo-loving public rushed to buy the brand, especially young managers who were eager to be seen in upscale sportswear during the newly popular casual Friday workdays. Despite Hilfigers early publicity in Europe, its acceptance was not as quick as it expected. Because Europeans tend to see France and Italy as the upscale fashion centers and the United States as a trendsetter in jeans, Hilfiger initially encountered some negative reactions to being a U.S. upscale brand. However, Hilfiger has since played up its Americanism, and the perception that the brand and price are a step below the pure luxury brands has successfully helped its European sales find a niche. Hilfiger has used celebrity advertising, such as Sheryl Crow, Jewel, Beyonc, Rafael Nadal, and the husband and wife team of the late David Bowie and supermodel Iman. The company has used delebs (dead celebrities), such as Grace Kelly and James Dean. To help advertise its childrens clothes, Disney artists have drawn Pluto and other Disney characters wearing the line. However, aside from celebrities, Hilfiger learned that the type of models it uses to sell successfully in the United States may not work well in Europe. For example, its models for mens underwear in Europe, including those on point-of-purchase package displays, must be thinner and less muscular than those in the United States. Hilfiger also found that its average European consumer was older than that in the United States, so it dropped the Tommy Jeans name because it sounded too much like a teen product. Advertising has been a cornerstone of Hilfigers success, depending on multimedia campaigns that include indoor and outdoor print placements, digital and social media promotions, and webisodes. Distribution Early on, Hilfiger relied mainly on wholesaling to about 1,800 U.S. department stores, many of which contained stand-alone Hilfiger departments. It has avoided chains considered more low-end, such as JCPenney and Sears, though it does sell its outdated stock to discount chains T.J. Maxx and Marshalls. However, in 2007, Hilfiger gave Macys exclusive rights to sell its sportswear lines. Although Macys has about 800 stores, the move required Hilfiger to pull sales from other department stores, such as Dillards. Distribution is perhaps the biggest difference Hilfiger found when entering Europe. Because of the companys U.S. department stores success, it put an early European emphasis on such department stores as Galeries Lafayette in France and El Corte Ingls in Spain. However, Hilfiger found the European market to be one of fragmentation (sending small amounts to small stores that carry select pieces) as opposed to the U.S. markets concentration (sending a lot to department stores). European operational costs are about three times those in the United States because of this more fragmented retail and wholesale system. Hilfiger has inaugurated large flagship stores in prime locations within large markets, such as in New York City, Paris, and Tokyo. These stores not only make sales, but also demonstrate the variety of Hilfiger merchandise. Non-U.S. stores are decorated to emphasize an American image, while simultaneously connecting the United States to the host country, such as including a poster of a U.S. magazine with the Eiffel Tower on the cover in the Paris store. By locating in prestige areas, Hilfiger promotes an aura of having high-end products, yet its aim is to be a high-margin brand with prices a notch lower than luxury brands. Nevertheless, this concept did not work in London, where Hilfiger closed its Bond Street store a year later. In effect, Hilfiger over-promoted to retailers and under-promoted to final consumers. Thus, too much merchandise was in stores, which forced them to get rid of excess inventory. Further, a cheap lookalike brand called Tommy Sport confused consumers, tarnished Hilfigers image, and forced the company to buy it out. There is an old adage that clothes make the man. Hilfiger, while making and selling clothes, has succeeded in convincing customers that its merchandise will help boost (or make) their positions.

Questions 17-1. The case explains five international marketing orientations. Which one most applies to Tommy Hilfiger? Explain why. 17-2. The case explains five elements in the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, brand, and distribution). In which of these have Tommy Hilfigers operating practices been the most standardized globally? Explain why this has been possible and desirable.

culture and capitalism

Culture and Capitalism


You will have multiple resources to analyze and incorporate in your sociological arguments based on the questions asked in this assignment. First, start by reading the questions. IT would help you to gather your thoughts, make notes as you review the questions. Secondly, watch the clip provided by the link below. Reread the questions, select the country you plan to discuss and complete research on that country, and the US based on the issues in the questions provided below. I have also provided search terms as a guide on what to research.  Remember that I am not grading on your opinion. Your observations can be included in your analysis but you must use the data from the text if relevant, and the data from the research that you completed to provide analysis and answer the questions below.

Consider the following sociologically and respond to the following:

Selecting between Bali, Spain, or Japan do some research on the country of your choice and discuss the work culture in the country and the peoples attitudes towards the work/life balance. In your discussion, compare these cultural attitudes with the cultural attitudes of the US and discuss how they are similar or different. (2.5 points)
What role does Capitalism (an integral part of American culture) play in our shaping our perceptions and ideals about work and play here in the United States? (2.5 points)

Your paper should be 2 pages long using a 12 point font doubled-spaced. You should have an intro, 2 paragraphs and a conclusion.
The 1st paragraph should cover the work/life balance and cultural practices for the US and the country of your choice. The second paragraph will consist of a discussion on how CAPITALISM as a system influences aspects of our culture, particularly when it comes to the work/life balance that many adults struggle with in western culture. Ive provided an article below as a resource with more info on the work/life balance
Citations should be used to avoid plagiarism (MLA or APA)

Helpful research terms: culture of capitalism, work life balance in the US, capitalism, social impacts of capitalism

impact on school

Respond to the following questions
1.How have you positively impacted your school in your time as a student? (250 words max)
2. What challenges have you experienced during your time at the school? What have you done to over come those challenges? (250 words max)
3. What has been your favorite school memory? (100 words max)
4. What does owning your school Class Ring mean to you? Why do you feel most deserving of the Ring Scholarship? (100 words max)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treatment of Depression

Specific paper instructions are attached and name “Final Paper Template”. Paper must be an original work. I will attach 7 of the sources that must be used as well the template that MUST be followed for this paper. Please limit the amount of quotations and use in text citations.

Basic Paper Requirements:
Use a 12 pt Times New Roman Font
Double-space paper
Minimum of 5000 words (about 20 pages)
Paper should contain an introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
Minimum of 12 (12) cited sources
No more than five of the 12 sources may be Internet sources; the other sources should be peer-reveiwed journal articles or books the student reads to conduct his or her research. Please use Google Scholar to find sources.
Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material
All sources must be cited at least once in the paper.