Archive for January 12th, 2021

Community/Public Health

This assignment is designed to ensure you understand the basics of public health and community health, including the differences yet close relationship between public and community health.

Hot Tip! Insert a Table to work document respond to the Levels of Prevention and examples.

Select a zip code near you to use as the target community in this (Use zip code 90210) and later assignments.
Select the zip code that includes the city government offices (city hall, city library) as well as retail stores, schools, and housing.
This will be your designated community throughout all 5 weeks of this course.
Review at least one Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) report as prepared by the closest non-profit hospital serving the selected community.
Search online for [name of hospital] CHNA. For example, the CHNA for all Kaiser hospitals can be found here:

Select one issue of importance for the community as identified in the CHNA. Use this issue to describe Levels of Prevention in the assignment and to identify possible roles for local community and public health nurses.

In your assignment:
Define public/community health nursing.
Explain current issues faced by community and public health nurses.
Select a community of focus by zip code and identify a health issue of concern for that population.
Define primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention, and
Give examples of each level of prevention as applied to the selected health issue in your identified community.
Describe the nurse’s roles and responsibilities in community and public health nursing. Hot Tip! Use the selected health issue as a focus for describing the nurse’s roles and responsibilities.

Format your assignment as one of the following, including APA citations and references as appropriate:

350- to 525-word paper

Week 1: Performance Improvement Case

Review Chapter 3: “Customer Focus” in our Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence text. Complete all the steps below:

Step 1: Complete Projects, Etc. 6 on page 145 (minimum 1 page)

Gather one or two customer satisfaction surveys or comment cards from local establishments.
Compare them to the samples in Figures 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 (pages 127-129 of the text).
Analyze them as to their ability to lead to actionable information that will help the organization and propose any improvements or re-design you deem appropriate.
Step 2: Affinity Diagram problem (minimum 1 page)

Review the discussion of Affinity Diagrams on pages 111-112 of the text (including Figure 3.4).
Review the hypothetical list of barriers to on-time delivery of medications as determined by a process improvement study.
MGMT570 – Affinity Diagram Problem (DOCX)Preview the document
An Affinity Diagram can be useful for organizing information and identifying natural groupings for quality improvement.
Classify these barriers into 3-5 categories (such as Staff Issues, Process Problems, Procedural Roadblocks, Inadequate Equipment and the like). Develop an Affinity Diagram.
Step 3: Analyzing customer feedback problem. (minimum 2 pages)

Review the discussion about Analyzing and Using Customer Feedback on pages 126-131 of the text.  We will use Problem 7 on page 144 of the text to analyze the results of a customer survey from Versatile Sporting Goods.
Read the description of Versatile given in the problem and look at the 9 attributes in the survey.
Results of the survey are included in the attachment.
Make a line graph of the Friendliness of Employees attribute.
A sample is included in the attachment: MGMT570 – Data for Chapter_3_Problem_7 (XLSX)Preview the document
Be sure to label the axes.
Analyze the data.  What conclusion might you draw?
NOTE: a spreadsheet software program (such as Microsoft EXCEL) will be very useful in preparing this graph.  If you are not familiar with graphing, see the Web site link in the Course Menu or do an Internet search.  There are many good resources available for learning to make graphs.  If you are not comfortable with automated graphs, you may make the graphs by hand.  If all else fails or you get stuck, contact your Instructor for assistance and a tutorial.
Make a column graph of the Knowledge of Products attribute.  Be sure to label the axes.  Analyze the data.  What conclusion might you draw?  In your opinion, was the line graph or the column graph easier to use for analysis?
NOTE: a spreadsheet software program will be useful for this graph as well.

Week 4 Discussion 1 Economics 100

Exploring Monopolies and Oligopolies

Reply to these prompts using the company for which you currently work, a business with which you’re familiar, or a dream business you want to start:

With your selected business in mind, determine if it is competitive, monopolistic competitive, an oligopoly, or pure monopoly. Explain how you drew your conclusion about its market structure.
How does the business/firm in this industry determine the price it will charge for the products or services it sells?

Week 1: Content Disc

Week 1: Content Discussion
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Turn to the Chapter 1 Discussion Questions on pages 38-40 of your Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence text. Respond to one the following questions:

Option 1: Discuss how either good or poor quality affects you personally as a consumer.  For instance, describe a recent experience in which your expectations were met, exceeded, or not met when you purchased goods or services.  Did your experience change your regard for the organization and its product?  How? [Discussion Question 1]
Option 2: Choose a product or service to illustrate how several definitions of quality can apply simultaneously. [Discussion Question 5]
Option 3: Cite some examples from your own experience in which you felt that service quality was truly top-notch, and some in which it was not.  What do you think might be some of the fundamental differences in the infrastructure and management practices of these organizations? [Discussion Question 16]
Click on Reply below to post your initial thread to this discussion by Thursday 11:59PM of this week. Include information from the weekly readings to support your response. You may write an essay of 300-500 words that responds to one of the questions or record a 1-2 minute video in this forum or on YouTube using your APU NetID and password and link the video in this discussion.

Read the Discussion Board posts of at least five other students.  Post a thoughtful reflection of at least 100 words for two other  clicking on Reply below their posts by Saturday 11:59PM of this week. Alternately, you may prepare a 1-minute video response to two other students by inserting a video in this discussion or uploading it to YouTube and post the link in the Discussion Forum. Please respond to those students who provide feedback on your post , as a “back-and-forth” discussion can be fruitful for learning.

To view the grading rubric associated with this discussion, click the Options icon (3 dots) in the top right corner of the page, and select Show Rubric.

Week 1: Faith Integration Discussion

Week 1: Faith Integration Discussion
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Our faith is an integral part of our lives.  This includes both our personal and professional lives.  How does your faith speak into organizational improvement?  From the perspective of your faith why is it important to constantly and consistently improve?

Post a substantive response to the prompt(s) by clicking Reply below by 11:59 PM on Tuesday of this week. Include information from the weekly readings to support your response. Provide a substantive comment to a minimum of one peer by clicking on Reply below fellow student posts by 11:59 PM on Thursday of this week.

The quality of your posting will be assessed, not your viewpoint or beliefs. To view the grading rubric associated with this discussion, click the Options icon (3 dots) in the top right corner of the page, and select Show Rubric.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss present-day environmental problems and identify their roots in Chinas environmental history.

find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic of the lectures, films, and required readings for that week. Write a short paragraph explaining how the article is connected to that weeks them. To receive full points, you must post your current events report (including a link to the news article you selected)

Many news outlets keep online articles behind paywalls, but you can start by looking for articles free of charge on,,,, and

I already uploaded this week’s topic. Video and article, please watch and read, and find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic (video and article)

don’t have one, please HELP


Signature Assignment: Improving Health Care Delivery


Among various stakeholders, the registered nurse is an advocate for patients, their health and the care delivered to them. There is a need to evaluate the health status of vulnerable populations, to assess nursings role in health initiatives, and to find ways that we can help improve health. This presentation enables students to assess the role of organized efforts to influence health care delivery, and the contributions of medical technology, research findings, and societal values on our evolving health care delivery system.

This presentation will examine the role of the nurse as a health professional and leader.

*Choose a high-risk risk population
*Address a health care need for this population
*What resources are provided for this population?
*What are the economic priorities, challenges, and issues for this population?
*What are the major ethical, societal, professional, and legal system-level issues confronting providers, insurers, public policymakers, and organizations regarding the care for this population
*How could nursing intervene or advocate to improve the health care delivery for this population

This PowerPoint (Microsoft Office) or Impress (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides (maximum of 30 slides), including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use the audio recording feature with the presentation software. Use at least four scholarly sources and make certain to review the modules Signature Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. This presentation is worth 400 points for quality content and presentation.

don’t have one, please HELP

Discussion Question:

The wisdom of depending on International Medical School Graduates (IMGs) to fill gaps in physician supply, while US medical schools hold class size constant, is questionable. In addition, the aging of the physician workforce, the decreasing hours worked by both physicians in practice and physicians in residency, and a 20 percent reduction in the effort of the increasing proportion of minority physicians, will result in a significant decrease in the effective supply of physicians. Should the gap be filled by a major substitution of nurse practitioners, physician assistants, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and others, or are they’re alternatives?

You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

don’t have one, please HELP


Complete ALL of the bullet points below:

Definitions of the quality of medical care are no longer left to clinicians who decide for themselves what technical performance constitutes “good care.” What are the other dimensions of quality care and why are they important? What has changed since the days when “doctor knows best?”

*Quality in medical care may be defined as achieving the greatest benefit at the lowest risk. How have the priorities of our health care system and the allocation of resources addressed this goal?

*Contrast the definitions of implicit and explicit criteria in assessing health care quality. How is each type of criterion useful in the quality assessment?

Please submit one APA 7th edition formatted paper between 875 – 1000 words, not including the title and reference page.
The assignment should have a minimum of two (2) scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 875-100 words
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least two (2) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Problem Statement/ Research questions

Write a paper (750 – 1,000 words) in which you articulate a potential problem statement for your dissertation research and pose several potential research questions that could address the problem statement. Include the following in your paper:

A clearly articulated and focused potential problem statement for the dissertation study you might conduct. What is the area of research you intend to explore? ( Social Media and effects on young adults )
What are the key concepts of your focus? What is the context of the problem? Who are the subjects of this research focus?
A research-supported rationale for exploring the problem. What is the need or defined gap as supported by at least four current and relevant sources of research literature?
Four potential research questions that could guide your collection of data in addressing the problem statement. Reflect upon the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the problem statement to gain a broader perspective on the problem statement.
What analytical questions need to be asked related to the data that must be collected to address the defined gap? Articulate these ideas into research questions that focus on the relevant data that needs to be collected.