Archive for January 19th, 2021

Global warming

[Sian Proctor:] When you are constructing, you need a lot of concrete.  What a lot of people dont realize about concrete is that it actually generates a lot of heat.

[Harry Pritchett, narrator:] When water is added to cement, it causes a chemical reaction that produces heat. ~ from Stargate in the Jungle, Strange Evidence, Science Channel, first aired 6/20/2019.

Write the paragraph to said that why do you agree with these people above and how they are affecting to the environment.

Picture Book Theme Analysis

It is important to explore how literature illuminates life by conducting an inquiry on a topic of diversity in childrens Picture Books. You will be developing your skills in evaluating literature by applying genre-specific evaluation criteria and reading with a critical stance. You will write a 3-4 page paper to analyze your theme and reflect upon how your theme is addressed in the literature. You must provide a Bibliography, which is not included in the page count.

1. Choose 4 Picture Books with a related theme
2. Read and Analyze the Books
3. Write a 3-4 page analysis of the theme.  Answering the following questions:
What is the theme/issue you studied, and what is its importance in society?
What are some possible root causes for the issue you are examining?
How does this issue affect children today?
How can you use these books to approach critical social issues with children?

Potential Themes for exploration include:
Children with disabilities, Sexuality/ LGBT, Foster and Adoption, Social Justice/ Activism, Saving the Environment, Refugee Experiences, Gender (ie: portrayal of boys, strong female characters), Immigration, Poverty, Homelessness, Bullying, Overcoming challenges/risk-taking, Kindness, Handling Grief, Resiliency

Where to Find Free Children’s Literature online:
Apply for an eCard through OC Public Libraries:
(There are also read aloud picture book’s videos on YouTube)

Employee engagement

You have read your assignments on employee engagement and you hypothetically have just completed your first month of clinical training on your new RT job.  Your place of employment is a very large  well known well established medical center .  A month has pasted and you still have not met the Department director and you have definitely noted that most of the therapists do not fit the criteria of engaged employees.  Please provide a creative discussion on what you would like to do, or what you might propose to management, or a group of the RTs  to move the department more towards a team of engaged Respiratory Therapist.

Weeks 3-4 Written Assignment (submit here) Submit as single MS Word document. Title each Part below. The minimum approximate length for both Parts together should be 1500 words Part 1 of 2 (refer to Week 3 Readings in the Lessons for Week 3) Evaluate:

Submit as single MS Word document.

Title each Part below. The minimum approximate length for both Parts together should be 1500 words

Part 1 of 2


What are different kinds of insider threats to our US cyber security?
What mitigation efforts can help address this concern?

Does corruption and cyberinfrastructure have anything in common? What are they and what can be done to help address this concern?

Conclude with a research or policy question for further research.

Part 2 of 2 (refer to Week 4 Readings in the Lessons for Week 4)

1) How does social media assist emergency management. Give examples.
      2) How does social media hinder emergency management. Give examples.
      3) How can emergency management officials help assist with providing relevant and detailed information about public health concerns?

Conclude with a research or policy question.

You must utilize literature and cite properly.
Use APA style. Submit as Microsoft Word document.
Name the single file “EDMG600Weeks3

health policy and the American healthcare system

This week, we are reading about the public health policy process and the organization of the American Healthcare system. Please respond to one of the following prompts:

Did the readings clarify anything in particular for you? In what ways can you apply what you read this week to your actual work? Do you see the “paradox” of excess and deprivation” in your practice?

What are your thoughts on Health at Every Size and how does it differ from the way we normally approach obesity? How do you imagine this approach my affect our healthcare system and overall public health?

Roman Emperor Commodus

You will write a 46-page research-based paper (not counting title page and bibliography) focusing on the portrayal of the Roman Emperor Commodus (and/or the state of the Roman Empire during his reign) in film versus his portrayal by contemporaries and scholars.

In addition to the Gary North review (found in the Reading & Study folder), you must use at least 2 primary sources (such as Cassius Dio) and 4 secondary sources (e.g., monographs, scholarly journal articles, etc.). Be sure to provide a clear thesis statement based on your research.

The paper must be typed, double-spaced, and in current Turabian format (with title page and bibliography).

Journal Entry Week 4

Journal Entry for Class 4 (300-500 words):

1.Ask someone who knows you well to evaluate your social style using the exercise from Class 3 to have them assess your assertiveness and emotional control levels. How did their evaluation compare with your self assessment? For example, did they place you in roughly the same quadrant, did they perceive a big difference in one or both of the factors, etc.? What is your takeaway from this?
2.After reading the article, Harnessing the Science of Persuasion,, choose two of the techniques and give a new example (not from the article) of each. These examples can be drawn from your personal experience or from business cases.

Is it Tech Comm?

Read chapter 1 in Markel’s Technical Communication, 11e


You may have heard the terms “business writing,” “technical writing,” and “professional writing.” These types of writing fall under the domain of technical communication, which is the subject of this course. This activity, “Is it tech comm?” familiarizes you with the concepts and forms of technical communication.

The Society for Technical Communication (STC), the worlds largest and oldest professional organization for technical communicators, defines tech comm as any form of communication that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:

Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations.

Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites.

Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of how technical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distribute that communication.

What to do

1. Use this Adobe Is It Tech Comm worksheet to help you define and analyze examples of technical communication based on the definition from the Society for Technical Communication and Markels Six Characteristics of a Technical Document.