Archive for January 24th, 2021

Personhood chart and Case study on Moral Status


Part One: What It Means to Be Human

Based on the topic study material, complete the “Personhood Chart” about personhood, human dignity, and moral status according to the Christian worldview and another worldview.

Part Two: Case Study on Moral Status

Based on the topic study material, write an analysis and answer questions: (Moral Status theories are located in the reading for the week as well as in the power point in the announcements).

Which Moral Status theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain.
How does the theory influence each of their recommendation for action?
What theory do you agree with? How would that theory influence your recommendation for action?
How will the concepts of personhood, human dignity, and moral status inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

Submit both Part One and Part Two at the same time in LoudCloud on the same document supplied below.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

No first or second person in APA writing or per GCU writing guide. Write in third person or in no person as a research style paper. Regardless of style guide (APA, GCU Style, or MLA), first and second person are not allowed. This means do not use I, Me, My, You, Your, Us, We, or Our/Ours.

Mandatory Writing template for this paper is attached. Do not alter this template, simply add to it. Remember you are responsible for making sure what you add also meets APA formatting.

How does the Novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” reflect the reality of The Victorian epoch?

In determining the grade for the paper, I will consider form (mechanics, grammar), content, documentation, and process. Each will affect the final grade for the paper.

Research papers will have a body of seven to ten (7-10) pages. The paper must also have an outline, and Works Cited page. (These pages are NOT considered as part of the body page count.) You will find a sample research paper, including a sample Works Cited page at the Purdue OWL website. Their website also offers information about outlining; be sure to click through the three subsections regarding outlining. The order of pages in the paper is the outline, body of the paper,  then the works cited page. These are all to be saved and sent to me as one document.
The final Works Cited page will contain seven to eight (7-8) sources, academic, peer reviewed, Journal Articles. The sources will be derived from appropriate books, periodicals, etc., to denote a variety of sources used; you are expected to begin your research with the CTC library’s online databases. Each of the sources used in the Works Cited must be used at least once in the research paper.
Cliffs Notes, Pink Monkey, Magill’s Surveys, Barron Notes, Schmoop, Sparknotes, Masterplots, Monarch Notes, eNotes, Gradesaver, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Prezis, essays from paper mills, Wikipedia, and all other similar sources are NOT appropriate.  Avoid the use of internet sources, .org/.com/net., encyclopedias, wiki, dictionaries, freshman text books,  college papers, blogs and restrict use of  government text to a single source, because too large to use for all sources
An Annotated Bibliography contains three times the number of sources listed in Works Cited, 16-21 sources. You are to follow the MLA 8th edition format and documentation as described at the Purdue OWL site.
Use direct quotations sparingly (no more than 25% of the paper).
Be sure the topic is sufficiently limited.
All words should be spelled correctly and errors in sentence structure eliminated.
The level of diction should be formal (no slang, contractions, jargon, or technical terms without definition).
The paper should be well written and scholarly.
All borrowed information must be noted whether quoted or paraphrased.

Reflection Paper 1

You will read numerous texts throughout your journey in this course. This can often become just another task amidst everything else in your life. The desire is for you to practically connect your readings to your specific field of chaplaincy (HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY). You will reflect upon your readings each week and discuss your thoughts in relationship to their descriptive nature (ministry definition) and the prescriptive nature (ministry application).
You will write a reflection of your weekly reading that is divided into two sections: Description (ministry definition) and Prescription (ministry application).
    Minimum of 400 words
    Turabian Format

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the TurnItIn plagiarism tool.


1. Crick, Robert. Outside the Gates: The Need for, Theology, History, and Practice of Chaplaincy Ministries. Oviedo: Higherlife Development Services, 2011. ISBN:9781935245575. (READ CHAPTER 2 ).

2. Milton, Michael A. Silent No More: A Biblical Call for the Church to Speak to State and Culture. Clinton: Tanglewood Publishing 2013. ISBN: 9780985289713.( READ CHAPTER 2 )


1. The Paper is very urgent, it is a reflection Paper, and only writers that has access to the two required textbooks above should apply please. Thanks.

2. I need a Title page

The difference between men and women population in Saudi Arabia

I would like you to use the attached webpage link to write about the difference between the men and women population in Saudi Arabia and explain why Saudi women population is higher than the men population. I want you also to compare the difference population between men and women in Saudi Arabia with other Asian countries such as Malaysia, India, united Arab Emirates and United Kingdom as well.

U can find the women and men population rate/numbers in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the link below. Plz copy it and paste it in the search tool bar. (Let me know if it didn’t open).


Produce a memo regarding a new small teams manager orientation program. Your supervisor wants you to indicate specific skills new managers will need to be aware of to successfully manage and lead their new teams. You then need to explain how the orientation program will be set up to address different learning styles so the new managers will successfully learn to lead and manage their work teams.
Write a minimum 350-word business memo (see the reading area for an example) to your supervisor in which you address the following:

Explain the skills these new managers of small teams will need to effectively manage and lead their small teams. Be sure to note specific differences between managing skills and leading skills.
Explain how you will ensure that the different learning styles are addressed in the training session so the new managers will successfully learn to lead and manage their work teams.

Answer ALL the following; How Antennas Work. The purpose of an antenna in a radio transmitter is to launch the radio waves into space. In a receiver, the idea is to pick up as much of the transmitter’s power as possible and supply it to the tuner. The s

Answer ALL the following;

How Antennas Work.
The purpose of an antenna in a radio transmitter is to launch the radio waves into space. In a receiver, the idea is to pick up as much of the transmitter’s power as possible and supply it to the tuner. The size of a radio antenna is directly related to the frequency of the signal that the antenna is trying to transmit or receive. List the different types of antennas and their applications. Using images of these antennas to help with their descriptions.


It is important to understand that threats to your company’s information assets are present 24/7 and that there is never a time when a threat is not present. Take a look at the following categories of threats. You are in charge of a team that must deal with the below lists of threats. What prevention methods will your team implement to handle the threats? Briefly but thoroughly explain the reasons for your decisions.

1. Acts of human error
2. Software threats
3. Deviations in services
4. Hardware failures or errors
5. Software failures or errors

And finally,

Attacks, Exploits and Vulnerabilities.
An attack is the act that takes advantage of a vulnerability to compromise an asset, thus resulting in a loss. It is accompanied by a threat-agent that denies, damages or steals an organizations information or physical asset. A vulnerability is an identified weakness in a system, where controls are not present, or not effective or have become obsolete. Below you will find a list of attacks, threat agents and vulnerabilities. Pick five (5) of the below methods. Explain the method in detail and provide suggested prevention controls. For example, if malicious code were on the list below I would first explain the topic and then as suggested controls I would state: The obvious controls are good vulnerability management (e.g., installing patches on a regular basis), up-to-date antivirus, anti-spyware, etc., but there are also policy and awareness controls that guide users behavior (e.g., dont click on links in email, etc). Make sure that your answers are detailed and well supported. You must use a minimum of three outside sources.

Hoaxes with an attached virus
Back doors
Password attacks
Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDos) attacks
Man-in-the-middle (MITM)
Timing attack

American Military History P2

Review the video posts as seen below and Complete the PowerPoint assignment.
Minimum # of slides is 10, max # of slides is 15.

Video links covering the material for the PowerPoint assignment in order…


Respond to two peers

Response matches prompt. The discussion response is concise and written in clear language. Response is a minimum of 200 words. There is evidence of integration between this post and the other students post (NOTE: You must specifically mention something in the post to which you are responding). Response has a least 1 citation which is correctly cited in APA format

Discussion response is written using full sentences, professional language, and a respectful tone. Constructive criticism is offered in response to others posts.


This assignment will consist of a quantitative article critique with a focus on the methods, statistics, analysis and interpretation.  It will be important to analyze and evaluate the article not just summarize – for example it is not enough to say the sample size was adequate.  You should state the sample size and state why you know it was adequate.  Do NOT cut/paste from the article- this is YOUR interpretation and analysis of the article.  If you use another source to substantiate your comment, then reference the source.  Do not include quotes in the critique.
Write your critique directly into the rubric. Do not do it in paragraph form.

World News

* Share with the class a piece of non-US or not only US-related news (social, economic, cultural, environmental, or political) in a couple of sentences and cite the news sources.

* Comment on your own news using what you learned from this course.

(The comments on your own news must be at least 100 words.)